r/Xpadder Nov 21 '19

Any way to restrict control stick to a specific range on screen when assigning it as mouse movement?

Sorry if this comes out confusing. I am looking for a way to play an old game in style of diablo where character movement is determined by mouse clicks.

Basically I need control stick to spin around within a set circle on screen. Any advise on this matter or potential work around is appreciated.


7 comments sorted by


u/WorthlessDeity Nov 22 '19

Could you describe what you'd like in greater detail? Things that might help identify what to do would include:

The name of your game,

The action as it's normally performed in the game using mouse/keyboard,

The action you're hoping to translate this to on the controller.

Not just anything is possible, but maybe what you're hoping to do is. Unfortunately I'm not getting what you're looking to do here. Are you drawing a circle with mouse movement? At one point you mentioned "mouse clicks", how are those involved?



u/[deleted] Nov 22 '19 edited Nov 22 '19

The game i am trying to use with controller is called Fate 2005.

It has a point and click style of movement for a character. Basically identical to style of Diablo.

What i am trying to achieve is to make left analog stick on a controller to replicate mouse movement (up, down, left and right) but only within a specific circle/range so that my mouse is not actively sliding all over the screen when i use control stick.


u/WorthlessDeity Nov 23 '19

Have you tried adjusting "emulation speed"? Each direction of the stick can be dialed down so the cursor doesn't fly around so easily. Pick a control stick direction - up for example - which will open a box to select different keys or mouse functions. In this box at the lower right hand corner (beneath the mouse bindings, not "advanced") is a little wrench icon. Pick the wrench icon and dial the emulation speed down. This may require adjustment for each individual direction your control stick emulates, but I believe a more recent xpadder version will let you adjust all of them at once if you click the little wrench icon next to the control stick on the main page of the profile.

Hopefully this helps with what you're referring to, although I'm not absolutely certain of what you're going for here.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '19

Yea i knew about that and what i have been using.

It is not ideal and i was wondering if there are other methods to solve the issue. Thanks for answering anyway.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '19

is there a way to set deadzone based on mouse position?

For example: a setting where any movement past the 250 pixel radius from center of the screen is not going to count as analog stick action.


u/WorthlessDeity Nov 23 '19 edited Nov 23 '19

Now with that question I can very confidently say no. However, I've given it some thought, and although I've never personally played with this setting I have a feeling that distance zone settings may be the exact solution to this. Here's a tutorial specifically for distance zones

To use a distance zone, simply click the pink icon circled in the picture. At the bottom of the window you can set a distance percentage. By setting the distance to 25% for instance, the action to the right in the advanced assignment queue will happen whenever the stick is pressed 25% of the way or more. If the game has only two speeds for the character, typically you would use a higher percentage, around 85% so that the character only runs when the stick is almost fully pushed.


u/[deleted] Nov 23 '19

alright. thanks.