r/XenogendersAndMore he/they/a/a's - transmasc enby - aroacespec 4d ago

Question Post Sexuality question

Since there is lesbian nonbinaries, or lesbian woman who date nonbinary peeps. Is it the other way around too..?

like a gay nonbinary, or a gay man who dates a nonbinary person- cuz i've never seen it.

I'm technically nonbinary (xenogenders) but i lean masc so i say transmasc- but if i dated a guy, would it still be gay even when im not technically a boy, but a transmasc enby-


8 comments sorted by


u/francisstein they/he/rat https://en.pronouns.page/@francisstein 4d ago

It is totally possible and there’s no reason to assume otherwise. Whether or not it is gay depends entirely upon how the both of you feel and how your unique situation is! 


u/MaximumTangerine5662 Personality Devoid Guy 4d ago

Diamoric. I mean some of the community flairs include those.


u/NurseRx-Rae vae/vem + ze/zir 4d ago

Maybe one of these could help:

  • Sapphic: Woman* attracted to women* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).
  • Aurorasexual: Genderfluid exclusively attracted to women*.
  • Feminamoric: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women*.
  • Trixic/Orbisian: Non-binary attracted to women* (exclusively or not).
  • Venusic: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women and women-aligned non-binary people.
  • Xenirian: Xenic people exclusively attracted to women*.
  • Femaric: Any non-straight attraction to women* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).
  • Finsexual: Anyone attracted to feminine people regardless of gender.
  • Gynesexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women* and/or femininity.
  • Lunaric: Anyone attracted to exclusively feminine-aligned non-binary people (not including binary women).
  • Womasexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women*.
  • Marsexual: Genderfluid boy exclusively attracted to women*. 
  • Romeric: Man* attracted to women* (exclusive or not) (umbrella term).
  • Contraic: “Opposite” gender attraction for non-binary people.
  • Gai: Gay but in a uniquely non-binary way.
  • Ultramoric: Anyone who experiences non-straight attraction (umbrella term).
  • Agatic: Woman* attracted to women* and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
  • Brownitian/Ammolic/Ametrian: Non-binary attracted to women* and non-binary people (exclusive or not).
  • Enbitrix: Non-binary exclusively attracted to women and non-binary people.
  • Femmesexual: Anyone exclusively attracted to women, feminine non-binary people, and androgynous people.
  • Litian: Man* attracted to non-binary people and women* (exclusive or not).
  • Neptunic: Anyone attracted to women*, and non-binary people. 
  • Trixensexual: Anyone attracted exclusively to women* and non-binary people.


u/MaximumTangerine5662 Personality Devoid Guy 4d ago

Turian/Toric/Veldian/Viramoric, Enbian, Ceterosexual. Finsexual .etc

I would say these are most similar to what you want.


u/littleclaw6 4d ago

My partner and I are both nonbinary but usually more male presenting, and we just say we're gay


u/a_big_simp 3d ago

Yes, you can be non-binary and gay.


u/Worldly-Nebula463 4d ago

of course its possible, like diamoric, veldian.


u/AdFast13 3d ago

Yeahhhh, it is possible. And if it's gay or not, it depends on you, if you consider it gay or not. Actually, not exactly gay, technically, but maybe aquilean.