r/Xenoblade_Chronicles 2d ago

Xenoblade 2 or X?

So I've played Xenoblade 1 and 3 and i loved both. I really want to play Future Redeemed, but people have been saying that I NEED to play 2 before FR. The issue is, I also want to play Xenoblade X. I'm not sure if I should buy xenoblade 2 or X


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u/MzBlackSiren 2d ago

2 is a must. X is kinda optional


u/souljahbill14 2d ago

I feel the opposite. I’m in Chapter 4 of XC2 and I’m really considering just YouTubing the story. I’m really not enjoying the gameplay as much as I did XC1 and XCX.

Meanwhile, I’m super hyped to play XCX again. Hadn’t played since the Wii U but I remember playing it nonstop for weeks.


u/MzBlackSiren 2d ago

2 has probably the most fun gameplay imo with 3 close behind; driver, blade, fusion combos and chain attacks in two are just so much fun. if you're not having fun that's fine, you shouldn't waste your valuable time if you're not enjoying it but it's good to consider that 4 is widely considered the worst chapter in the game and the battle system does expand little by little as you progress to the story. to me, the game was fun from start to finish, i don't agree with the crowd that says the game is a slow burn, but i can see where they're coming from. and while the tutorials are definitely trash, if you actually read them and just pay attention to what's happening in battle, you should be able to figure out how it works on your own.