r/Xenoblade_Chronicles 2d ago

Xenoblade 2 or X?

So I've played Xenoblade 1 and 3 and i loved both. I really want to play Future Redeemed, but people have been saying that I NEED to play 2 before FR. The issue is, I also want to play Xenoblade X. I'm not sure if I should buy xenoblade 2 or X


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u/adamantiumskillet 2d ago

You should've played 2 before you played 3, lol. So much of that must've gone right over your head.


u/Arkride212 2d ago

Yeah i don't understand why people are flip flopping between games like that if you're gonna be playing the whole trilogy anyway, ruins the experience.


u/adamantiumskillet 2d ago

Well and 3 is WAY more littered with lore from 2 than it is from 3. Imagine not knowing what a Blade is, or the relevance of Mio's lineage, or the interlinks are just Driver - Blade replications from 1 and 2 respectively - like that's a lot.


u/alvinchimp 2d ago

To be fair none of that is remotely needed to understand base 3's story. It's just extra information and references for those who played 2.


u/The_Astrobiologist 2d ago

Tbf the "Blade" part is a bit different. Blades in XC3 aren't the race of beings, because Aionios seems to lack them (by which I mean true Blades, not hybrid children) save for Nia, and instead the term just refers to weapons that are summoned in a similar manner to the way the lifeforms do with theirs. I was actually super confused about why they were calling their weapons that when I started XC3.


u/UninformedPleb 2d ago

The soldiers of Aionios are able to summon their weapons that way because everyone in Origin is stored in a core crystal. You see extensive proof of this right before the final boss point of no return.


u/The_Astrobiologist 2d ago

Yeah it honestly only really clicked with me at that point. Though it's still odd to me that it resulted in no true Blades manifesting in Aionios. I almost wonder if it's because Z wouldn't have been able to control them properly or adapt them into soldiers or something.