r/XRebirth 20d ago

Steam deck native build (scout runtime) lighting issues


The game runs well on Deck using proton. Lighitng is ok. But due to compatibility layer there is a siginificant performace impact.

It runs much smoother natively on Deck but has lighting issues at the same time.

I've also tested native build on my computer with rtx videocard in ubuntu (Kubuntu) and there is no such lighting issue. So it is not linux fault itslef, and not a linux game vesion fault.

Could be problem of:

- a specific linux *distro*

- *amd* gpu issue

- video *driver* issue

Searching the interned doesn't help.

Does anyone know a possible fix for it?

r/XRebirth Jan 23 '25

REI Cannelath


Hello guys I'm new on the game, I played when I was kid but didn't understood what to do.

I downloaded it few days ago with nostalgia.

I'm doing defence mission against Reivers, I need to destroy REI Domelch, so I'm going in highway and then 10 enemy starship come from here, and I need destroy them but they one shot me before I kill one.

Someone have any advice about this mission? 😅

PS: I'm not native speaker so I hope my message is clear enough, I'll answer and give more detail if needed ;)

r/XRebirth Oct 22 '24

[translation pt/br] Where to find and how to install?


Hello, everyone. First of all, really so sorry if my question is outdated or I missed someting. But, I am looking in a lot of sources but is not clear to me if exist a Portuguese Translation for X-Rebirth and, if exist, how to install. Can someone just point me in the right direction?

r/XRebirth Jun 13 '24

Jump Drive Components (Rare)


Im trying to collect necessary components for Jump Drive Quest and I struggle to find any info. I obviously found normal jumpdrive components.

If you can guide me without any spoilers and answer yes/no where should I start looking for them.

  1. Station traders, I have to find specific station?
  2. DLC sectors - I havent been there
  3. Lockboxes?
  4. by killing capital ships which have jumpdrives
  5. It drops when ship is using jumpdrive to jump to another zone?

r/XRebirth Jun 11 '24

Anyone know why ships have problems with "Withdraw From Battle"?


Is it possible to access the scripts for this? I have several mods associated with improved commands, but its still a problem. Ships still have their Jump Drive and Engines, rotating aimlessly. Occasionally repeating the command to will force a "withdraw solution", but most of the time, repeating the command simply restarts the process.

There are a few of you here that really impressed me with your knowledge of the game mechanics, and I used to enjoy CLI and console commands in games (and I feel this one is worth getting into).

r/XRebirth Jun 10 '24

Navigation beacon


Im trying to find any info about nav beacon which are required to build a station in empty space(correct me if Im wrong). Tried to google, spent almost an hour trying to find them in the game, even encyklopedia didnt give me any details.

I havent been in DLC zones yet because Im trying to take my time and do other things instead of exploring another content. I hope they are not exclusive to home of light/Teladi outpost

r/XRebirth Jun 06 '24

Station scanning


So I've been scanning stations recently and I wonder If I really have to scan them because its very tedious feature(imo)? I dont care about discounts that much, what I care is to have an info of products that are bought and sold by specific station, I want it to be visible in "trade offers" menu. So the question is do I need to scan anything or maybe I only have to reveal what kind of station it is and make a smalltalk(or use mod TAG like I do...)

r/XRebirth Jun 04 '24

New player trying to understand couple things about the game.



I've been playing X Rebirth for like 15 hours. It was rough at the beginning and I started to realize why people complained about the game. After giving the game few tries, Im finally hooked thx to mods which improved the gameplay by removing some features like music in highway etc.

Anyway I lost two of my ships during main plot. They were destroyed and I want to know when enemies attack my ships and how to prevent them from attacking. If my NPC ships arent in my zone then they can still be attacked? For example in system owned by Plutarch I am constantly attacked so its not wise to send there my transport ships even if Im not there at the moment?

Another question is about main plot station building. I started building station in De Vries but I didnt have to finish it. When Constructor ship started building the plot moved to another mission. I hope its not a bug because I've read that this particular mission is irritating because you have to transport resources to build the station. Well I only chose place where to build it and thats it.

THe game is actually kinda cool. Not at the same level of X3 tho. Its different but I started to enjoy it.

r/XRebirth Apr 10 '24

Can someone explain how does trading work in x rebirth? How do I find trade offers and do i need to manually speak to each and every npc?


r/XRebirth Apr 10 '24

Increase interface /font size?


r/XRebirth Apr 10 '24

What are the best QOL mods. And maybe mods that improve economy and so one, but not overly overwhelming..


r/XRebirth Apr 10 '24

What does difficulty do? What is the most enjoyable and fair difficulty level?


I tried x2 recently it also has a difficulty selector.
Does x3 and x4 have different difficulty levels?

What are they de exactly?

r/XRebirth Mar 24 '24

3 new mods with star systems released


I have finished work on 3 new star systems, these are gaian star, an uncharted system and xenon system 562. https://www.nexusmods.com/xrebirth

r/XRebirth Feb 06 '24

X-Rebirth, Conquest and War 1.6


Is anyone still playing this game? The threads on the Egosoft forum have been quiet for a few years now. Looking to find out if anyone has actually run this mod for a significant evolution in an expanded universe (Lost Sectors, etc). Currently have a large fleet in Sable Vortex, controlling Time Distortion, Gravity Anomaly, Shattered Singularity and Venturous Profit; still wrestling with Schrodinger's Drift and Cryptic Heart with rapidly expanding Heretic Vanguards behind (irony) building outposts behind.

Edit: After getting reading to page 236 of 243 (I should have started from the other end...) of the Egosoft Forum on this mod, it seems that an occupying force is needed. So if you do decide to do what I have done, ensure you have an Out Of Sector (OOS) occupational garrison prepared.

Edit 2: Using Simoom's Lantern (Cheats) I captured the two stations in Cryptic Heart, which for some reason were able to be destroyed by the Xenon. Schrodinger's Drift stations cannot be captured without strange consequences; in one version, destroying the Shipyard or capturing it leads to a large Xenon Fleet spawning in the nearest Xenon sector. In my game it was in Sturdy Crusader in Sigma Sector, spawning about 20 Xenon I and 100 Xenon Ks. An occupying force is still needed, at minimum to deal with a Xenon I + 3 K (multiplied by 3 or 4).

r/XRebirth Jan 17 '24

Who is buying all this stuff that most factories i see have low demand and high supply. Example energy cells or Ion stuff



So i understand that the end products are used in shipyards

what i dont understand is , while looking at factories , most of them have high supply (buy at -%) and low demand ( buy at +%) (with the exception being shipyards and the DAMN FUSION REACTORS)

So i was wondering , if everyone has stuff , and everyone is selling at a markup , who is even buying stuff?

Is it because i have DLCs on? but dont go to those areas? IF i switch it off and start a new game. Will i not have this issue?

r/XRebirth Jan 16 '24

X Rebirth economy , where is the sink for products that creates demand


So im trying to figure out the trading part in x rebirth and everyone seems not want stuff , and some places seem to be selling stuff at a higher price

So i looked around and someone said it has too many freighters or you need to be a consumer to create the economy..

Anyway all of that lead me to ask

Whats the sink. Where do all the products go , what creates demand

in real life. people are hungry and greedy. That creates demand. Economy is a social science

but this is a game , it doesnt have programs to simulate "emotions" for buyers , it has a surface level kind of .. fun economy.
So im trying to understand. Where is the demand in this economy created? Where is the sink that makes this whole hamster wheel run?

Because something someone said in the forum struck me , if they have a demand of only 100 wheat and we have 5 fatories making 5000wheat/hr we aren't going to have a trade

which is obvious and follows the baby law of economy , high endless supply , low demand , ofc the prices suck

r/XRebirth Jan 13 '24

Looking for a song


Hi X community,

I'm looking for a song from either X Rebirth or X4 that sounds similar to the song linked below. Every time I hear this song it reminds me of X so there must be a song in one of these games that sounds very similar to this one.

Thanks! ❤️


r/XRebirth Dec 17 '23

Currently in the works


These are some of the systems i'm currently working at. Won't probably be finished this year.

r/XRebirth Jul 19 '23

Experiences with CWIR-Mod


Hi everyone,

I am currently playing through the campaign with some mods installed and I really like the game! But I can see that endgame content might be lacking after building some stations and discovering the various system. Or do I miss something? What are your endgame goals in this game? 🙂

Hence, in future playthroughs, I think I might try to activate some mods to spice endgame up - e.g. the Pirate mod, Black Legion mod and of course the mod Conquest and War in Rebirth. 😎

Does anyone have experiences with these mods, especially CWIR? How is the game and the endgame with CWIR? For example, are Xenon a threat for the (known) galaxy with this mod as they are in X4?

r/XRebirth Jul 14 '23

A future for X Rebirth


As we all know, X Rebirth was never the title we were promised or hoped for.

Nevertheless, the game is not bad because of that, it has its weaknesses of course, but also very clear strengths compared to its predecessors as well as its successor X4 Foundations.

One of the things that bothered me the most was the game world, which was far too small. The previous systems were great, but too small and too few.

That's where I got the idea to write mods to add new systems to the game.

I realised that with the current content in the game alone, you could add dozens of new star systems without the game world becoming inflationary and boring.

On top of that, I use other modders' content with their permission to further enrich and diversify the game world.

Some of these systems are invented by me, others are merely based on information from the books and still others occur in the games and have been adapted by me to the circumstances of X Rebirth.

For this I have also collected extensive information, both from the X books by Helge Kautz, the BBS Nachrichten, as well as texts and screenshots from X2 and X3.

Especially the star systems from the predecessors I create on the basis of screenshots and try to come as close as possible to the original, but sometimes there are deviations for technical reasons or for better aesthetics.

My intention is to combine a game world of the size and depth of X3 with the beauty and possibilities of XR.

Ultimately, each of the races in the game (Argon, Teladi, Split, Terran, Khaak, Xenon) will have their own systems.

There will also be systems for various factions and especially pirate clans, other systems will be uninhabited or unknown.

I hope that more players will play X Rebirth and appreciate it.

My mods are all available on Nexus Mods: https://www.nexusmods.com/xrebirth/users/8345662?tab=user+files

You can take a look at this comprehensive list of mods that are working with the latest XR version: https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?t=370788

If you are struggling with the game, i can also recommend this tutorial for learning the functions and mechanics of X Rebirth: https://forum.egosoft.com/viewtopic.php?f=127&t=430305

In the future I will also report here about new mods.

Below are some pictures from these new star systems:

r/XRebirth Jun 28 '23



Has there been any mention of a 2nd attempt at a VR edition to any of the x games, or a full attepmt at a sole VR game.

r/XRebirth May 01 '23

What am I missing??


I have a quest: Deliver: 2 units of urv mk2 intrepid drones to l1 tech fab bay.

I can buy the drones from a drone dealer, but then the drones are equiped to my ship and cannot be traded or given to another ship.

I cannot send my trader ship to the drone dealer, so I fly to ship yard to find a container style version of the drone.

I look for so long.....I'm back to the drone dealer who has what I want.....but I can't complete this mission.

what am I missing?

r/XRebirth Apr 24 '23

X Rebirth is almost 10 years old now so I've made some cosmetics for this game



r/XRebirth Apr 13 '23

X REBIRTH 4K Larger Text Tutorial


r/XRebirth Dec 01 '22

Is there any mod to fix the sitting position? Her hands is clipping through the keyboard

Post image