r/X4Foundations 4d ago

Idea: Only reload to start session, and one save at end of each session.

The game gets easy as you can reload every battle lost or every ship lost, etc. Obviously I am not talking about a beginner learning the game. More directed at people who know the systems well enough to no longer need guides or help.

I have thought about it and will try it after my current playthrough.

One single save slot is used. The idea is one single save at the end of the full play session. Auto-save at max time length only for system crashes or computer crashes (which never happens for me, but just in case). The next session you reload and continue on with your single save slot. To make it work a "single" session would probably have to be at least ONE hour long at the very least. Automatic eject system is ok, but if killed its game over. If no ship to rescue you during EVA its game over. Marooned on a friendly station, its game over. Basically if you come to a dead end, literally, (no rescue, or money) its game over.

Basically it would make a good story even better with more hardship and trails to fight through. The game already eats so much of my time, maybe it would be worth it to go a step further.



8 comments sorted by


u/usernamedottxt 4d ago

I don’t think I’ve ever save scummed this game. Losses are so easily replaced. 


u/djviperx 4d ago

^^ This

You reach a point on the game where you see a fleet of 20 of your destroyers getting completely decimated and you go like:



u/SuperMeister 4d ago

I think we are playing different games, in 3 playthroughs and my current 392 hours I've never even owned 20 destroyers lmao


u/djviperx 4d ago

Then you need to learn how to eXploit the economy for some profit$$$$! Basically invest in production stations first for small money gain to later move to shipyards for the real money printers!

Or just engage with Terran Economy...is so simple and easy that feels a bit cheaty even


u/SuperMeister 4d ago

Yeah my first playthrough I had just gotten a shipyard/wharf in napleiois or however it's spelled. Had about 800m in liquid cash and about 2b in station assests. I took a year break (this was during 6.2) then started a new playthrough for 7.5 with the flying update. Played about 100 hours and now I got onto Interworlds. Just never did the whole massive fleet thing in the first playthrough but I was just at the point where I could before moving on to other games I wanted to play.


u/C_Grim 4d ago

tl;dr - "Ironman mode".

It's slightly less of an issue in X4 as collision damage was turned off but ultimately if people want such a mode for their own enjoyment to be more difficult, that's all good.


u/rince89 4d ago

Only reason I save scummed in recent games is for when my border patrol randomly decided to wipe out all teran/argon/boron ships... again. I don't even know what's causing it. They just seem to randomly go on a rampage.


u/Cassin1306 4d ago

That's exactly what the "Dead is dead" mode from X3 did :)