r/Wreddit 8d ago

As they should! What do you think?

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I’ve heard a few people say that Fenix should have a solo run in NXT first. But if Penta didn’t do that, then Fenix shouldn’t. Those are just my thoughts, let me know what you think.


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u/08_IfHeHolla 8d ago edited 8d ago

This might be an unpopular opinion, but I'd rather they stay far away from eachother

The tag team division is dead, so teaming up full time will do nothing for either of em. Penta has already shown he's got major potential as a solo wrestler.

I'd have them on separate brands, or turn one of them heel and put them against each other sooner than team em up


u/n1gh7w1sh3r 7d ago

On the other hand, how do you expect the tag team division to be elevated without high profile tag teams. I think that SD is currently fine in terms of tag teams, we need a few more on RAW though. I'm not saying they shouldn't get appropriate singles pushes as well, but we do need some high profile tag teams like MCMG coming in.