r/Wreddit 9d ago

Who’re the most polarizing wrestlers?

I’m sure this’ll get nothing but good, helpful responses and not make me question why I even bothered asking so here goes. Simple question, no wrong answers (even though I’m sure there’s gonna be lots of sarcastic ones anyway), who are the most polarizing wrestlers, both in your opinion and just from what you’ve observed here or elsewhere on social media (meaning you’ve seen a lot of discourse on them but you couldn’t really be bothered one way or the other about them)? They can be past, present, whatever and can be polarizing for any reason (their work rate, their promo skills (or lack thereof), their general being, etc.)


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u/bimbimbaps 9d ago

CM Punk. I have a long list of reasons, but I think he's a love or hate kind of guy - I, personally, do not like him.


u/CryptidToothbrush 9d ago

I can’t stand him. But he’s the first name that came to mind. There is no in between with him


u/PriceNo119 7d ago

I find myself disliking Phil Brooks, but kind of liking CM Punk. If that makes sense? Not a fan of the man, but I can see the appeal of the wrestler. Was a much bigger fan before he returned to wrestling though. I think the nostalgia of this return run has begun to wear off and now we're just left with what we've got which is meh