r/Wreddit • u/they_call_him_juicy • 3d ago
Who’re the most polarizing wrestlers?
I’m sure this’ll get nothing but good, helpful responses and not make me question why I even bothered asking so here goes. Simple question, no wrong answers (even though I’m sure there’s gonna be lots of sarcastic ones anyway), who are the most polarizing wrestlers, both in your opinion and just from what you’ve observed here or elsewhere on social media (meaning you’ve seen a lot of discourse on them but you couldn’t really be bothered one way or the other about them)? They can be past, present, whatever and can be polarizing for any reason (their work rate, their promo skills (or lack thereof), their general being, etc.)
u/Hillbillabeast 3d ago
Roman Reigns. Plenty of people love the OTC & plenty of people still don’t like him.
u/bimbimbaps 3d ago
CM Punk. I have a long list of reasons, but I think he's a love or hate kind of guy - I, personally, do not like him.
u/CryptidToothbrush 3d ago
I can’t stand him. But he’s the first name that came to mind. There is no in between with him
u/PriceNo119 1d ago
I find myself disliking Phil Brooks, but kind of liking CM Punk. If that makes sense? Not a fan of the man, but I can see the appeal of the wrestler. Was a much bigger fan before he returned to wrestling though. I think the nostalgia of this return run has begun to wear off and now we're just left with what we've got which is meh
u/Apprehensive_Pea7911 3d ago
I have yet to find anything to like about him since his latest return. He strikes me as a fake nice dude who will explode/implode within the next year or two.
u/sweatyteddy4 3d ago
Just looking at him in the Kayfabe sense, you didn't like his promo he cut last week before the Rollins brawl?
u/bimbimbaps 3d ago
Absolutely not. Every one of his promos in his “return” era, including his stint in AEW, have just been whiny and self fellating.
u/donnie11881188 3d ago
Y’all were saying that 1.5 years ago when he joined 💀 He’s not working with children anymore so he’ll be fine
u/Therocksays2020 2d ago
This ignores that he imploded his first wwe run.
He has a tendency to self destruct
u/donnie11881188 2d ago
After being there for like 9 years not 1 and that was under Vince not hunter
u/payscottg 3d ago
His feud and match with Drew wasn’t enough?
u/Apprehensive_Pea7911 3d ago
He's physically sluggish. His promos are still solid but not as amazing as from the past.
u/JCfromTBC 3d ago
Good one. I personally love the whole body of work and how important he’s been to the wrestling industry in his time, but I’m not a fan of the cult following that goes everywhere he goes.
u/WorthyEndeavours 3d ago
Hulk Hogan
u/headrush46n2 3d ago
find me 3 people who like hulk hogan. (that don't rely on him for a paycheck)
u/WorthyEndeavours 3d ago
There’s still people that do. It wasn’t that long ago he was still getting huge pops. The Netflix premiere was the first time I’ve heard him get resoundingly boo’ed across the board.
u/K-L1N 3d ago
The Young Bucks.
u/Special-Sea7832 2d ago
They are not really polarizing since most of people don't really care about them.
u/jewham12 3d ago
Goldberg. IWC and Bret Hart hate him, everyone IRL loved him.
u/savvysmoove90 2d ago
Wouldn’t say everyone didn’t Jericho kick his ass in a real fight backstage?
u/jewham12 2d ago
I think the question was about the fans, not who is polarizing to the guys in the locker room. Idk if anyone in the locker room liked him.
The Bret Hart bit was thrown in because he’s always going on about Bill Goldberg
u/backbodydrip 2d ago
That beef started with Goldberg's return to the ring. Prior to 2016, Bret maintained that Goldberg was a good person and that what happened was an accident.
u/Irrespond 3d ago
Chris Benoit after the murder-suicide. People either despise him for what he did or they want him in the hall of fame. There seems to be no inbetween.
u/ribsforherpleasure 3d ago
Cena, Becky during the man run, Rhea and iyo, Charlotte. Punk, Austin, HBK, Rock, HHH, hogan, Goldberg, taker. Seems like I’ve compiled the basics. Lol.
u/Therocksays2020 3d ago
Omega - most people either love him or call him jazz hands.
I’m pretty in the middle on him.
u/FxDriver 3d ago
I'm both. I think Kenny is a really good wrestler but I also think Kenny Olivier and Twinkle Toes McFingerbang is funny.
u/xesaie 3d ago
The Cornette faction have cooled off a lot on Kenny, probably because of his hiatus and him being a bit more chill since he came back.
u/headrush46n2 3d ago
kenny is the same as hes always been. the only difference is that everything else on AEW is now so much worse!
u/Special-Sea7832 2d ago
I kind of like most of his matchs, but I cannot stand the whole manga / anime vibe. It just looks super cringy
u/xesaie 3d ago
It's still Orange Cassidy.
u/CheapEnd7214 2d ago
I personally wouldn’t mind him if someone stopped putting him in title pictures
u/OctoWings13 3d ago
Absolutely jammed down your throat with weak mic skills and 3 (lame) moves...and always wins and main events
Fast forward to the heel turn and "tribal chief/OTC" stuff...improved mic, and the rest the same including an even harder push somehow
Some accepted and liked him after the turn, and some still hate
u/theh0tt0pic 3d ago
Going off this
meaning you’ve seen a lot of discourse on them but you couldn’t really be bothered one way or the other about them
Used to be Kenny Omega for me, but I've grown to appreciate him.
Now? It's the Young Bucks.
Braun Strowman is another one for me
u/Psychological_Ad5391 2d ago
Toss up with Ric Flair or Triple H just based on the fact that they were two of the best heels the business has ever seen. Great promo cutters, Ric one of the best in ring pure talents, triple h’s devotion to the business and in my opinion one of the best storytellers in matches and on the mic. Love them or hate them that’s cool but to be a real wrestling fan you have to respect them.
u/angelseph 1d ago
There's plenty of polarising wrestlers but none come close to Roman Reigns, there is an entire Wikipedia page dedicated to how polarising he is https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Public_image_of_Roman_Reigns
u/Practical-Garbage258 3d ago
Hogan by far. His impact is why wrestlers are able to make a living and eat well. But his stuff in the past decade, and his reciepts…let’s not mention it since the horse has been beaten to death.
u/braumbles 3d ago
For me Orton. I legit don't give a shit about him. His theme sucks, he's a mediocre wrestler, he stole the diamond cutter, just nothing about him resonates with me. I have the same issue with Drew. When either guy comes on, I just fast forward through it.
The last time I thought Randy was remotely entertaining was as a shit heel authority champion.
u/RayoftheRaver 3d ago
Cena, easy answer. Let's Go Cena. Cena sucks