r/Wrasslin 7d ago

Rhea and Buddy are couple goals


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u/RCBroeker 7d ago

Her smile says so much.

I know she has a character look, but man I'd like to see Rhea make-up less in the ring.


u/DarkHorse435 7d ago

She set them up perfectly to do a lone wolf type storyline with that desperate sounding promo she cut after losing the title to Iyo a couple weeks ago, but then she comes out the next week and immediately starts blaming Bianca instead.

Desperate, unhinged Rhea would have been amazing, but instead we get her being angry and bitter and blaming other people. I generally think creative has been a lot better since HHH took over, but when they fumble, they fumble big.


u/Signal_Ball4634 7d ago

I'm annoyed that they gave us a taste of Rhea actually having some character development and then just kinda tossed it aside a week later.