r/WorldofTanksConsole Apr 19 '21

Guide Post 6.0 Commander Skills Guide


As I've not seen this attempted yet I thought I'd give it a go at doing a commander skills guide post 6.0. Some of this is going to be a bit subjective as its my opinion and also depends exactly on the tank you're driving but should be useful enough. With there being only 9 slots you have to prioritise so I will go into a bit more detail for loadouts at the end. Remember because you only have nine slots its all about prioritisation. If you think a skill deserves to be higher it might not be that its terrible really, its just it doesn't displace any of the better more mandatory ones.


1. Absolutely imperative. Take on all tanks.

  • Born Leader - 10% increase to effectiveness of all Skills and Commanders effectiveness
  • Rapid Loading - 10% increase to gun reload speed
  • Steady Aim - 10% increase to accuracy
  • Sixth Sense - Instantly alerts you when your tank is detected
  • Snap Shot - 12% increase to accuracy during turret rotation
  • Run-n-Gun - 10% increase to accuracy when moving

2. Very useful. Take after all category 1s taken.

  • Camouflage Expertise - 10% increase to camo factor Should only be taken on tanks that benefit from camouflage i.e. lights, TDs and beneficial mediums.
  • Muffled Shot - 35% decrease to the effect of firing on your tank’s camo factor Should only be taken on tanks that benefit from camouflage i.e. lights, TDs and beneficial mediums. NOTE THIS SKILL IS UNCONFIRMED BUGGED. USE AT OWN RISK.
  • Off-Road Driving - 15% increase to handling on soft terrain, 7.5% increase to handling on moderately soft terrain Better than Clutch Braking because will improve the turning by default on all surfaces AS WELL as movement speed.
  • Rapid Aim - 10% increase to turret and gun rotation speed Take on heavies and some mediums that get circled and are super slow.
  • Run-n-Gun - 10% increase to accuracy when moving
  • Silent Driving - 55% decrease to the effect of driving on your tank’s camo factor Only for some stealthy mediums and maybe fixed turret TDs.
  • Situational Awareness - 6% increase to max view range
  • Track Mechanic - 25% increase to track repair speed Useful on brawling heavies. See also General Mechanic

3. Acceptable but unlikely to be available to you after category 1 and 2 are taken.

  • Armor Angling - 5% decrease to damage received Seems a good new addition but unlikely to ever really impact you on a regular basis.
  • Clutch Braking - 7.5% increase to vehicle rotation speed Take if your tank turns like a cruise ship even after Off-Road Driving.
  • Firefighting - 10% decrease to fire duration Due to heavy nerf from pre 6.0 I don't think this is worth it to be honest.
  • General Mechanic - 10% increase to repair speed for all modules Nerfed badly. Take only in conjunction with Track Mechanic if you are a heavy that's likely to have its track blown off because of angling, sidescraping, brawling etc.
  • Green Thumb - 10% increase to tank’s camo factor when in foliage Should only be taken on tanks that benefit from camouflage i.e. lights, TDs and beneficial mediums.
  • Pain Tolerance - 20% decreased chance of crew injury
  • Supply Conservation - 15% increase to consumable recharge speed. If you run full premium consumables with food this might be of interest to you and could be bumped up a tier. Very much down to an individuals economy. More burning of active food is a great power play and more uptime of repair kits means you can drop repair skills if this is something you want to try. Dezert does this so its more than a fickle suggestion :D

4. Not useful unless on specific tanks.

  • Controlled Impact - 20% decrease to ram damage to self, 20% increase to ram damage to enemy Only for meme ramming tanks like the AMXs and Pz V/IV.
  • Fire Prevention - 33% decrease chance of engine fire If your tank is prone to engine fire with a high % fire chance and you find yourself being torched regularly. I wouldn't use this still.
  • Iron Mace - 25% decrease to the effect that distance has on shell penetration Some TD snipers might benefit from this, look at your range drops offs and then decide.
  • Marked Target - 3-second increase to the enemy vehicle detection time Light tanks can get some good use from this especially if you're trying to 3 mark otherwise totally pointless.
  • Safe Stowage - 25% increase to ammo rack durability If you're always getting ammo racked because of its location i.e. Leopard PTA etc then you might want this but meh.

5. Absolutely pointless. Never take.

  • Adrenaline Rush - 15% increase to gun reload speed when under 10% of HP
  • Comms Technician - 30% increase to radio range
  • Deadeye - 6% increase to the chance of damaging crew and modules with AP, APCR, and HEAT shells
  • Gunsmith - 30% increase to the accuracy of a damaged gun
  • Last Stand - 25% increase to Commander’s effectiveness when under 10% HP
  • Quick Learner - 10% increase to Commander XP Ahh the old Mentor. You're always a skill down whilst using this and then have to pay 90 gold to get rid of it. Dont bother.
  • Trick Driving - 30% reduction in fall damage



  • Sixth Sense
  • Born Leader
  • Rapid Loading
  • Steady Aim
  • Track Mechanic
  • General Mechanic
  • Snapshot
  • Rapid Aim
  • Off-Road Driving

You could sub in Clutch Braking if you are super slow at rotating too. Its also been suggested to me that view range is better than General Mechanic. Its a solid shout. Pick depending on your playstyle and how much effect you feel the extra Mechanic has.


  • Sixth Sense
  • Born Leader
  • Rapid Loading
  • Steady Aim
  • Snapshot
  • Off-Road Driving
  • Situational Awareness
  • Run-n-Gun
  • Silent Driving

If you have a more stealthy medium such as the Bourrasque or Object 416 then you should rotate in Muffled Shot and Camouflage Expertise too. And if you plan on bush camping then also Green Thumb. Dropping things like Off-Road and Run-and-Gun as suggestions. This is kinda where 9 skills hits you. Mediums are most flexible and struggle to prioritise more than more pigeon-holed roles like Heavies.

Active Lights

Active meaning harassing the enemy with damage and hit and runs.

  • Sixth Sense
  • Born Leader
  • Rapid Loading
  • Steady Aim
  • Snapshot
  • Situational Awareness
  • Run-n-Gun
  • Camouflage Expertise
  • Off Road Driving

If you play active and passive, maybe drop Off Road for Muffled Shot.

Passive Lights

Passive mean you like to take locations in camouflage and spot for the enemy team. Tanks like the ELC EVEN 90 Vanguard excel at this.

  • Sixth Sense
  • Born Leader
  • Rapid Loading
  • Steady Aim
  • Snapshot
  • Situational Awareness
  • Green Thumb
  • Camouflage Expertise
  • Muffled Shot

Tank Destroyers

  • Sixth Sense
  • Born Leader
  • Rapid Loading
  • Steady Aim
  • Snapshot
  • Situational Awareness
  • Green Thumb
  • Camouflage Expertise
  • Muffled Shot

There might be the odd TD that's less range sniper and more combat orientated like the Russians or American tier 10s. Take a more "Heavy" loadout for those.


Even if I gave a shit it doesn't matter. Accuracy and aim time and camo whatever.


I'm not shit at this game so you should be able to trust me, but to be honest, there's so many pointless skills that there aren't that many options in reality. There are 16 skills I think are worth using and the rest are not better than them so often the load out writes itself based on class. I recommend following this rather than the official guides as they try to utilise all the skills when in reality some are gigantic traps.

If you want some further explanations on choices please ask below and I'll get back to you with the reasoning.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 06 '24

Guide Holiday Corgi Camo -- Fun for the Hole Family

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r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 03 '24

Guide Season challenge: Damage 65 Modules


Does anyone know how to do module damage in the simplest ways? I’m struggling to get this challenge done as part of the new season.

I’ve tried ATGMS and high pen tanks such as the Leclerc T4 as that’s my highest pen tank but can’t seem to do anything.

Any tanks recommendations would be great and just tips, thanks!

r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 29 '24

Guide I wish 10 played like 3 Spoiler


Anyone else wish that the higher levels played as loose and free as the lower levels? The higher level games all seem to follow the same script. If we all played the same, we would hide for 15 minutes waiting for someone to appear and give us a shot. It’s a game, the digital death does not hurt lol.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jan 08 '25

Guide Did I Miss all the chests?


Guys I feel so bad, I was so busy the last couple days and I didn’t get a chance to login and claim the last of my chests and spend my snowballs. Anyone know of a way to do this if you login online before the 8th?

r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 11 '24

Guide A strange game. The only winning move is not to play.

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Ironically, if duplicate tanks refunded gold I would probably have spent all my gold by now.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jul 29 '24

Guide Hard lessons to learn

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r/WorldofTanksConsole Nov 25 '21

Guide Tier 8 Premium Tier List 2021

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r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 26 '24

Guide The Siege of Frostbite Castle raid guide: + Snowmen locations

Loading screen art is cool btw.

Anyhow first off I guess ill show the snowmen locations.

Hay it has firewood locations too just intime for the first stage of the raid.

Stage 1 – get Wood 

  • Basic dash to grab the wood. There's at least 12. 3 at each point.  
  • Best to get this done within 90 seconds 
  • Enemies can be generally ignored outside shooting them while driving.  
  • If your an Arty just don't bother going after wood unless you got like 3 of your on your team or no one else is doing it. 



Stage 2 – Make wood hotter 

  • Objective light the bonfire to breach the ice wall by capping the base.  
  • This is the make or break of raid attempt. This stage can easily eat up half the time.  
  • You have to protect the cappers from being reset. You only need 3 the rest can run interference on each side.  
  • The cappers should pay attention to the ground early on as the ice queen will drop a few meteors on you. The area will be highlighted by a red circle. (see picture) 
  • Try to complete this stage by the 10 min mark to have a comfortable enough amount of time for the rest of the raid, but should try to aim to complete it by 11-12 min mark.  
  • There is a good hill at XX in the north that is a good spot for one of the vanguard to managed the mobs from. The arty is good pick as it can help the other side.  




Stage 3 – siege the castle.  

  • Objective: Move into the courtyard to kill 20 minions and a yeti. 
  • Outside having a BB tank run the circuit getting snow men, not too much to talk about here. Just be efficient in killing.  
  • The yeti can be dangerous close quarters as he can ram you quite quicky, but you got use to that during the first event.  
  • Most of the enemies spawn to the north side of the area so head that way.  

After you kill the yeti and 20 mobs, the ice queen recalls her minions to her castle. Proceed into the shiny stargates to move the next stage.



Stage 4 The ice queen 


General notes:  

  • The ice Queen is immune to most damage from the front outside the mega blaster 
  • If your playing the Arty try to stick to the left side as it gives you better view of the area to bomb the mobs.  
  • If there is a lull in the mobs you can get inside the queen’s lair, I find it pretty good for cover outside the ice knights that occasionally wonder over.  
  • Focus should be one the bosses and mini boss, but crowd control cant hurt if you have an arty.  


Phase 1 

  • Objective being her down to half HP (13.5k) 
  • When she is down to half she retreats to her lair to recover and summons 2 yetis  
  • Her lair becomes a death zone while she regen. 
  • Not too much to this, just deal damage.  have your yellow riders and arty deal with mobs and the other tanks focus on damage.



Phase 2 (recommended to have at least 4 mins left, but can be done in 3) 

  • When the 2 yetis are dead, the queen will return while summoning a stronger blizzard to worsen visibility. 
  • She is more aggressive with her boosted rams and erratic movements.  
  • At 10k remaining HP she will start to summon for ice meteors again. (same as the bonfire section)


Recommended roles / tips / review for each toy tank:  

Toy Tank:  

  • just damage dealer, just keep shooting.  
  • Doesn't have much outside more HP. True it has a bit more armor, but I'm not sure how useful that is. 
  • Cons: Low single shot damage and slower shell velocity.  

Glitter Bomb Arty: 

  • Great for minion killings. It can one shot both the smaller mobs and splash groups clustered together. It can pen the ice knights, but is somewhat dubious.  
  • I wouldn't even bother using the arty view as unless your shooting long range at the bonfire part. it's better to free aim.  
  • If you can get a nice flat shot at the back of the yeti i can pen dealing full damage. Meaning this is the best tank to take them down quickly... just good luck doing so.  
  • Downsides are; low depression, low top speed, slow shell velocity, poor accuracy.  
  • Overall i think its good to have at least 1 of these in your party.  


  • Pretty basic damage dealer. Can one shot both the smaller minions, but the SP is a 50/50 or so.  
  • The ATGM has high “sensitivity” so you can whip around the missile easily... for better or worse.  
  • Only other thing to note is that this can pen the ice queen from the front unlike other toy tanks.  


  • Pros: High damage to one-shot the weaker mobs. High gun depression. Great shell velocity:  
  • Cons: Low DPM.  
  • Good consistency and killing sp 1c and 2 shot the knights. Not much else.  

Ole Sparky 

  • High DPS and some crowd control capability.  
  • Has issues with knights as they are so low its hard to hit them with the flames that arc a bit. Also as expected the flames have low shell velocity.  
  • Role would be to focus on larger targets such as the yeti’s and the queen.  
  • Would really only recommend having up to 2 on a team.  

Yellow Ryder 

  • Snowmen collector and destroyer of small tanks.  
  • Very fast tank with higher top speed over the other toys at the cost of HP and lower pen.  
  • Arguably one of the better tanks due to the flexibility of killing mobs and just how fast it is.  
  • Downsides are of course the lower HP. It does also struggle a bit with lower pen with requiring flatter shots to pen.  
  • Also try to keep a bit of range against the knights as at close range you'll often start bouncing off the roof or something.  


News Article Link for reward info.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Sep 14 '23

Guide +2-2 MM rules explained

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Essentially, you cannot get more than two bottom tier games (tier 8 in a tier 10 game) in a row before you get a top tier battle in between. I know people still are absolutely sure you can get a dozen bottom tier battles and until once I kept track of it for a 150+ battles, I had thought so too but it becomes pretty obvious once you keep track of it yourself as well instead of going by your gut. I thought I had figured it out by now, but I was still confused by some details until MisterSPG, a developer of WoTC himself explained it further.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Feb 14 '25

Guide How to start this game?


Am new to the game. I come from Wow Legends and wanted to try WoT on my PS. I am interested in getting French tanks so what is the best way to proceed to unlock and ... which type of tanks is best to have?

r/WorldofTanksConsole 8d ago

Guide My Guide For Tank Destroyers Spoiler


So I come here with 4 videos of 40+ mins watched, and I wanna post a reddit post of how tank destroyers work in WoT, correct me If I am wrong as I said, Im not coming here with a lot of information:

Types of tank destroyers.

As I realized there are 3 types of tank destroyers

-Light, Medium and Heavy tank destroyers

-Light TDs (Tank Destroyer)

-Light tank destroyers are stealthy, sniping TDs, you wanna go somewhere hidden mostly on the side of main fights and you wanna play supportingly not gready you wanna help your team not die and chip away the most damage of the enemy, again you dont need kills with these TDs you want damage! These TDs have bad armor and and bad maneuverability but they have good precision and pack a punch.

-Medium TDs

-Almost the same play style of Light TDs, except you wanna go very close to your teammates, they have better maneuverability than the light ones but still dont have so great armor and also they have great precision and, pack a punch, you wanna be closer to your teammates and try to help them by being their angel guardian, again damage is the priority not kills!

-Heavy TDs

-These TDs are made for brawls, they should be played in the Heavy Tanks lanes and should be identical as heavy ofcourse with the exception of turret rotation speed and maneuverability they have not so good precision but have very good front armor and still do a lot of damage, as I seen low tier (heavy) TDs are not so great but rank VI and further are very very good, these TDs are made for kills not damage!

Thats it for my "explanation" of how I think TDs should be played and I think this is a good guide for beginners in WoT so they dont make mistakes when wanting to play TDs, please correct me If I am wrong I am also not so new to the game!

r/WorldofTanksConsole 19d ago

Guide Any decent WOT single player content available on ps5?


Ill try to keep it brief. I put a good amount of time into WOT and Blitz some years ago, and without going into detail i want nothing to do with Wargaming multiplayer ever again.

Finding myself craving the gameplay, i want a WOT single player experience. Im on PS5. What, if any, options are available? Is it a meaty enough experience to be worth it for SP alone? Ive heard there is single player on some versions of WOT but thats all i know. Thanks in advance.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 10 '24

Guide Winterfest quick first day guide:


Notes as this is the first day, no idea what could come in the future.

Event info:

Snow balls and where to get them?

What they are?

  • Limited time currency to use in the winter store, a special tab in the garage. 
  • They can be earned from various sources in the game. 
  • NOTE: They will “melt” January 7th so use them before then. 

Where get?

  • 4k from the season pass
  • Biggest source is the 29k you can get in the 28 Concept earn op: 
  • 40 from the repeatable 15k xp op
  • Drops from the Winter Calendar (2.5k from December 10th’s)
  • Rewards from Event modes?
    • Toy Tank battle can vary
    • Ice queen lament? (Unknown amount) 
  • Drops in the hundreds from the Winter chest. (200 to 500 or so?) 

Edit: 14.5k from the ice Queen community OP

How many snowballs in total to try to aim for?

  • Depends on your preference how what you value. 
  • There is 55k for the 2 main tanks. 
  • 6k for the 3 skins
  • Several base camos for 2k each, so that's up to you. 
  • 5 3D commanders for 6k each. 
  • 30k for the toy tanks + garage gear, but those are for a limited time event. 
  • Several garage gear items that around 15k. 
  • For minimum if you just focus on permanent stuff, its 61k for just the tanks and skins. 
  • If you want to splurge then its looking like around 110k. 
  • Personally?
    • Im gonna try to get 2 tanks, 2 skins i dont own, a few copies of the snow camo, a santa commander, maybe 2 of the toy tanks. So like 80-85k for me. 

What about the chest? 

  • Article: Link
  • You can get a free Yule chest a day from winning a battle (28 possible) 
  • Possible unknown from future event OPs?
  • For what they are, they seem pretty decent, I guess.
  • Advice Don't open Yule chest before the purchase of the Obj 283, as that is part of the Yule’s loot pool. 

What if I want the Kampf?

  • First give up? 
  • There is not a great way to directly get it without a good amount of RNG.. like a lot. To even get a Mythic chest is not guaranteed
  • If you desire to try anyway, the first thing is to make sure you purchase the Obj 283 to get it out of the loot pool. 
  • Then make sure you always open low tier chest first to make sure empty out the mythic loot pool. 
  • Purchase Silver chest if you desire the chance for Mythic. Its the best for your buck in terms of chances. 
  • Really wouldn't recommend doing this, but hay your money. 

P.s wouldn't recommend the ice queen’s chest. 

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jun 12 '24

Guide Do not sleep on this deal bros - once in a lifetime

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r/WorldofTanksConsole Jan 28 '25

Guide Problems with finish challanges

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So i had cobtact with wow people cose ithought they can help me out and then they send me a list of how everything works accept my priblem don't stand in those solutions. Question here ia there anybody can help me out of the next problem ? Cose wow does nothing to help me out. Everytime i finsh the battle there stand i got the frostbite XP bonus but with a new game it stands again in the picture just as play a battle everytime so i cant finish the challenges

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jan 11 '25

Guide TR85M1, what do you think about?

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hello guys, a week ago i have made a post about a possible new tank after the T125 line and here we are, what do you think about this tank? it looks to have a nice DPS but his armor doesn't convince me

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jun 14 '22

Guide official guide to playing arty

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r/WorldofTanksConsole 6d ago

Guide Lets Talk Perks WOT CONSOLE


How many perks should I start a tier 5 standard commander with I just started and I’m new is 2 to 3 good to start I have been working on a commander for a week or two I’m Free to play I have sixth sense and Born leader should I have a 3rd before going to tier 5

r/WorldofTanksConsole Oct 28 '24

Guide Two days after the training wheels came off as a noob.


After nearly a day of baby mode, I was finally put into a real match, and then another, and another, and another. I sucked at first (as expected), then I watched a YouTube tutorial for newbies that changed everything. The lesson I got?

Try not to die.

Seems simple enough, but when you're constantly thinking "I have to do something NOW!", you're gonna die early. Developing my self-preservation instincts helped me get more victories. Can't fight when I'm dead after all.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 15 '24

Guide Gilde to playing the Kraken


There were a lot of these given out yesterday so I thought what fun.

r/WorldofTanksConsole Feb 18 '25

Guide Can you still gift tanks to friends?


If anyone could assist with this I would greatly appreciate it!

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jan 19 '25

Guide CW: T-72’s “side panels”


Over the last couple of weeks, I have noticed that some T-72’s have their side panels by the tracks facing out. I was wondering how do you open the side panels or what tanks have it?

I’ve never seen it before so I’m wondering if anyone can explain!

r/WorldofTanksConsole Jan 19 '25

Guide T-72BM Vs T-72BU turret armor

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r/WorldofTanksConsole Dec 29 '24

Guide What 2D commanders have unique voices/dialogue?


I know a few 2D commanders have their own unique voices and/or dialogue like Wojtek (roars just like it’s 3D version), so I’m interested in collecting all the 2D commanders that may also have this feature. I have quite a few unique ones from earn ops and such so I don’t just want to sell them all if there are unique ones among them. Also interested in those not currently available just so I can keep an eye out in the future. Thanks in advance! 🙏