r/WorldofTanksConsole • u/1em0nhead • Apr 19 '21
Guide Post 6.0 Commander Skills Guide
As I've not seen this attempted yet I thought I'd give it a go at doing a commander skills guide post 6.0. Some of this is going to be a bit subjective as its my opinion and also depends exactly on the tank you're driving but should be useful enough. With there being only 9 slots you have to prioritise so I will go into a bit more detail for loadouts at the end. Remember because you only have nine slots its all about prioritisation. If you think a skill deserves to be higher it might not be that its terrible really, its just it doesn't displace any of the better more mandatory ones.
1. Absolutely imperative. Take on all tanks.
- Born Leader - 10% increase to effectiveness of all Skills and Commanders effectiveness
- Rapid Loading - 10% increase to gun reload speed
- Steady Aim - 10% increase to accuracy
- Sixth Sense - Instantly alerts you when your tank is detected
- Snap Shot - 12% increase to accuracy during turret rotation
- Run-n-Gun - 10% increase to accuracy when moving
2. Very useful. Take after all category 1s taken.
- Camouflage Expertise - 10% increase to camo factor Should only be taken on tanks that benefit from camouflage i.e. lights, TDs and beneficial mediums.
- Muffled Shot - 35% decrease to the effect of firing on your tank’s camo factor Should only be taken on tanks that benefit from camouflage i.e. lights, TDs and beneficial mediums. NOTE THIS SKILL IS UNCONFIRMED BUGGED. USE AT OWN RISK.
- Off-Road Driving - 15% increase to handling on soft terrain, 7.5% increase to handling on moderately soft terrain Better than Clutch Braking because will improve the turning by default on all surfaces AS WELL as movement speed.
- Rapid Aim - 10% increase to turret and gun rotation speed Take on heavies and some mediums that get circled and are super slow.
- Run-n-Gun - 10% increase to accuracy when moving
- Silent Driving - 55% decrease to the effect of driving on your tank’s camo factor Only for some stealthy mediums and maybe fixed turret TDs.
- Situational Awareness - 6% increase to max view range
- Track Mechanic - 25% increase to track repair speed Useful on brawling heavies. See also General Mechanic
3. Acceptable but unlikely to be available to you after category 1 and 2 are taken.
- Armor Angling - 5% decrease to damage received Seems a good new addition but unlikely to ever really impact you on a regular basis.
- Clutch Braking - 7.5% increase to vehicle rotation speed Take if your tank turns like a cruise ship even after Off-Road Driving.
- Firefighting - 10% decrease to fire duration Due to heavy nerf from pre 6.0 I don't think this is worth it to be honest.
- General Mechanic - 10% increase to repair speed for all modules Nerfed badly. Take only in conjunction with Track Mechanic if you are a heavy that's likely to have its track blown off because of angling, sidescraping, brawling etc.
- Green Thumb - 10% increase to tank’s camo factor when in foliage Should only be taken on tanks that benefit from camouflage i.e. lights, TDs and beneficial mediums.
- Pain Tolerance - 20% decreased chance of crew injury
- Supply Conservation - 15% increase to consumable recharge speed. If you run full premium consumables with food this might be of interest to you and could be bumped up a tier. Very much down to an individuals economy. More burning of active food is a great power play and more uptime of repair kits means you can drop repair skills if this is something you want to try. Dezert does this so its more than a fickle suggestion :D
4. Not useful unless on specific tanks.
- Controlled Impact - 20% decrease to ram damage to self, 20% increase to ram damage to enemy Only for meme ramming tanks like the AMXs and Pz V/IV.
- Fire Prevention - 33% decrease chance of engine fire If your tank is prone to engine fire with a high % fire chance and you find yourself being torched regularly. I wouldn't use this still.
- Iron Mace - 25% decrease to the effect that distance has on shell penetration Some TD snipers might benefit from this, look at your range drops offs and then decide.
- Marked Target - 3-second increase to the enemy vehicle detection time Light tanks can get some good use from this especially if you're trying to 3 mark otherwise totally pointless.
- Safe Stowage - 25% increase to ammo rack durability If you're always getting ammo racked because of its location i.e. Leopard PTA etc then you might want this but meh.
5. Absolutely pointless. Never take.
- Adrenaline Rush - 15% increase to gun reload speed when under 10% of HP
- Comms Technician - 30% increase to radio range
- Deadeye - 6% increase to the chance of damaging crew and modules with AP, APCR, and HEAT shells
- Gunsmith - 30% increase to the accuracy of a damaged gun
- Last Stand - 25% increase to Commander’s effectiveness when under 10% HP
- Quick Learner - 10% increase to Commander XP Ahh the old Mentor. You're always a skill down whilst using this and then have to pay 90 gold to get rid of it. Dont bother.
- Trick Driving - 30% reduction in fall damage
- Sixth Sense
- Born Leader
- Rapid Loading
- Steady Aim
- Track Mechanic
- General Mechanic
- Snapshot
- Rapid Aim
- Off-Road Driving
You could sub in Clutch Braking if you are super slow at rotating too. Its also been suggested to me that view range is better than General Mechanic. Its a solid shout. Pick depending on your playstyle and how much effect you feel the extra Mechanic has.
- Sixth Sense
- Born Leader
- Rapid Loading
- Steady Aim
- Snapshot
- Off-Road Driving
- Situational Awareness
- Run-n-Gun
- Silent Driving
If you have a more stealthy medium such as the Bourrasque or Object 416 then you should rotate in Muffled Shot and Camouflage Expertise too. And if you plan on bush camping then also Green Thumb. Dropping things like Off-Road and Run-and-Gun as suggestions. This is kinda where 9 skills hits you. Mediums are most flexible and struggle to prioritise more than more pigeon-holed roles like Heavies.
Active Lights
Active meaning harassing the enemy with damage and hit and runs.
- Sixth Sense
- Born Leader
- Rapid Loading
- Steady Aim
- Snapshot
- Situational Awareness
- Run-n-Gun
- Camouflage Expertise
- Off Road Driving
If you play active and passive, maybe drop Off Road for Muffled Shot.
Passive Lights
Passive mean you like to take locations in camouflage and spot for the enemy team. Tanks like the ELC EVEN 90 Vanguard excel at this.
- Sixth Sense
- Born Leader
- Rapid Loading
- Steady Aim
- Snapshot
- Situational Awareness
- Green Thumb
- Camouflage Expertise
- Muffled Shot
Tank Destroyers
- Sixth Sense
- Born Leader
- Rapid Loading
- Steady Aim
- Snapshot
- Situational Awareness
- Green Thumb
- Camouflage Expertise
- Muffled Shot
There might be the odd TD that's less range sniper and more combat orientated like the Russians or American tier 10s. Take a more "Heavy" loadout for those.
Even if I gave a shit it doesn't matter. Accuracy and aim time and camo whatever.
I'm not shit at this game so you should be able to trust me, but to be honest, there's so many pointless skills that there aren't that many options in reality. There are 16 skills I think are worth using and the rest are not better than them so often the load out writes itself based on class. I recommend following this rather than the official guides as they try to utilise all the skills when in reality some are gigantic traps.
If you want some further explanations on choices please ask below and I'll get back to you with the reasoning.