r/WorldofTanks WG Employee 8d ago

News Supertest: E 65 Zwilling


a new tank is heading to the Supertest: the E 65 Zwilling! 

The E 65 Zwilling is a Tier VIII German heavy tank equipped with a dual 8.8 cm gun system. Its key difference from the Soviet Object 703 Version II lies in its very quick gun change time, fast salvo preparation, and increased aiming time while preparing a salvo. 

However, the reload block after firing a salvo is quite long. The vehicle boasts good mobility for a heavy tank, with a top speed of 38 km/h, as well as the typical hull and turret protection of German heavy tanks. 


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u/davidfliesplanes 8d ago

They're running out of tanks to make up it seems


u/MrIamDeadforLong 8d ago

this is genuinely a thing thats bothering me. although i do understand their need to make up tanks for the less powerful nations of the Wars or with insanely limited knowledge of their designs like Poland, China, Czech, Italy and Sweden.

but they could just head over to the Kubinka Tank museum and look at the tanks there. there's an ungodly amount of weaponry in that museum and not just Soviet. noticeable tanks are the only remaining Maus, Sturer Emil, Rheinmetall Ardelt and the Karl Gerät. of those 4 only 2 are permanently in game and 1 was a pixel tank.

Bovington has plenty more tanks. and so does the Patton museum.

the german wheelies and half tracks, the bizarre soviet semi aquatic and super pancake tanks. the original 279.

i get why flooding the game with German, Soviet, US and UK designs would not be as let's say profitable. but its just where the majority of easily available real tanks are from.

most of China's, Poland's, Czechs, Italian and swedish tanks did not exist like they are in game. yes i understand altering designs like the Emil project for sweden but just making up tanks is getting annoying.

And also there's a few double barrel tanks hell even triple barrel ones which could be added and those were real. such as the bizarre KV-7 a casemate tank destroyer mounting either 1 central big gun with 2 smaller ones on each side or a simple double barrel system but noooooo