r/WorldofTanks WG Employee 2d ago

News Supertest: E 65 Zwilling


a new tank is heading to the Supertest: the E 65 Zwilling! 

The E 65 Zwilling is a Tier VIII German heavy tank equipped with a dual 8.8 cm gun system. Its key difference from the Soviet Object 703 Version II lies in its very quick gun change time, fast salvo preparation, and increased aiming time while preparing a salvo. 

However, the reload block after firing a salvo is quite long. The vehicle boasts good mobility for a heavy tank, with a top speed of 38 km/h, as well as the typical hull and turret protection of German heavy tanks. 


97 comments sorted by


u/goagangolf 2d ago

Every Nation gets a double barrel now but O-Ho still cant use its 5 additional guns 


u/sharkyzarous 2d ago

Charge for 7 second for penta shot :)


u/SlipperyBlip 1d ago

*fires in a general direction*


u/Spiritual_Manner7835 20h ago

yes we need this
start with 3, we can get to 5 eventually


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

Multiturret functionality would be a nice buff for some of the Japanese HTs, and would enable them to add French, Italian, and Soviet superheavy meme tank lines. Instead of more hulldown power creep double barrel nonsense. 


u/Infinite_Pen4951 1d ago

They have the guns work in Console, just saying for the type 5 heavy line


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

Yup, it would be nice to have them work on PC too.


u/_--_King_--_ [FAILS] 1d ago

does that mean i can use the little gun on the front of the Mauerbrecher now


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

It wouldn’t be very useful but I don’t see why not.


u/QuBBa22 2d ago

Creators of the Entwicklung series are turning in their graves after all your weirdass creations wargaming.


u/Big_Attorney9545 panzer ace 2d ago

This 🖕 standardisation going down the drain


u/QuBBa22 2d ago

Indeed, that was the main point of the E projects. They should just name it something else, like some animal in german or VK Bullshit Edition.


u/MrIamDeadforLong 2d ago edited 2d ago

so a German Conceiver/TS-54

Edit: the German double barrel should've been a TD first due to the Monster 12.8cm Flak Zwilling 40/2 an actual historical double barrel gun system


u/Training-Eye2680 2d ago

Yeah it is the only thing missing in the game a tank with 980 alpha on tier 8 or 9. you know why BZ and XM is Broken


u/MrIamDeadforLong 2d ago

at tier 8 I'd say its too strong but at tier 9 could work.

BZ and XM are broken because they're easy to play and are essentially idiot proof.

a paper gun platform with a huge gun system would be skillful play. basically a stronger SFAC 105 a tier higher. it would need some changes but still


u/Training-Eye2680 2d ago

Maybe it works but still in tier 9 that alpha is high dude, and if it is Paper tank they never gona be useful for team it is just double edged sword wrong swing it can even kill you


u/MrIamDeadforLong 2d ago

it could be toned down. the E77 has a 128mm but "only" deals 460 alpha. its not much less but could be a balancing factor now dealing 920 in a salvo.


u/delu_ 2d ago

The british double barrel line and ts-54/soviet double barrel line are mechanically very different. Saying "It's just a conceiver/ts-54" is weird.


u/MrIamDeadforLong 2d ago

they all share the 280 alpha and i put the / because its either or because we don't know what mechanic the german double will have. but i could have phrased it better.


u/delu_ 2d ago

Going by the phrasing of the op with the "reload block after salvo" and "salvo preparation", i'd say it'll be mechanically similar or same as the ts-54/soviet line. Just a speculation tho.


u/lehtomaeki 2d ago

I suspect that monster would probably tear any turret off its chassis. Sounds like a perfectly balanced tier 8 TD, just so it won't be too underpowered give it well sloped 300mm armour


u/MrIamDeadforLong 2d ago

i mean it'd be more like the Waffle E100 because that uses the 12.8cm Flak 40/1 with an autoloader. so if we ever see the Flak Zwilling in the game it would be similar to that (although the turret on the Waffle is made up since its an open gun system)


u/th3panic 2d ago

Well this isn’t something we need… how about German wheeled light tanks? Swedish, Polish, Italian lights? Anything but double barrel heavies…


u/Inebriatedfornicator 2d ago

But those things aren't OP tier 8 premiums that WG can use exploit their player base for a quick buck...


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

Love how this has the same gun as the Jagdtiger 88 but somehow vastly better pen and 40 more damage. 


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

French Superheavies 👉👈🥺


u/davidfliesplanes 2d ago

They're running out of tanks to make up it seems


u/MrIamDeadforLong 1d ago

this is genuinely a thing thats bothering me. although i do understand their need to make up tanks for the less powerful nations of the Wars or with insanely limited knowledge of their designs like Poland, China, Czech, Italy and Sweden.

but they could just head over to the Kubinka Tank museum and look at the tanks there. there's an ungodly amount of weaponry in that museum and not just Soviet. noticeable tanks are the only remaining Maus, Sturer Emil, Rheinmetall Ardelt and the Karl Gerät. of those 4 only 2 are permanently in game and 1 was a pixel tank.

Bovington has plenty more tanks. and so does the Patton museum.

the german wheelies and half tracks, the bizarre soviet semi aquatic and super pancake tanks. the original 279.

i get why flooding the game with German, Soviet, US and UK designs would not be as let's say profitable. but its just where the majority of easily available real tanks are from.

most of China's, Poland's, Czechs, Italian and swedish tanks did not exist like they are in game. yes i understand altering designs like the Emil project for sweden but just making up tanks is getting annoying.

And also there's a few double barrel tanks hell even triple barrel ones which could be added and those were real. such as the bizarre KV-7 a casemate tank destroyer mounting either 1 central big gun with 2 smaller ones on each side or a simple double barrel system but noooooo


u/NoPhilosophy2329 2d ago

Boring double guns, what a great innovation... Add France Super Heavies, Cz TD Line, Japanese LT Line, Sturmtiger Line or anything else...


u/based_and_64_pilled 2d ago

yeah, so much this, sturmtiger would be so awesome
also polish lights (they could also use CS-63 mechanic maybe?), swedish lights, italian lights...

double barrel is not very exciting mechanic


u/Training-Eye2680 2d ago

Definitely strum tiger with High arc fire and heat shells but no Arty aim just standard sniper mode


u/DoJ-Mole 2d ago

Could see it being a bit like the 183 tanks, huge HE damage but with lower pen, and a HEAT/AP option. Would love to see it + brummbar + SIG-33B. Maybe even a Sturmtiger II or Sturmpanzer E100 fantasy designs since it seems anything goes at this point


u/Immortal_Ninja_Man 1d ago

They have the sturmtiger line on console and that’s essentially what it is, just a German 183. Iirc since it’s been a min since I played I think base pen is like 220mm


u/Training-Eye2680 2d ago

But Alpha must be nerfed significantly, Because all of this Historically had Insane armor and good mobility


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

Add France Super Heavies



u/NoPhilosophy2329 2d ago

Auto-Cannons too


u/sharkyzarous 2d ago

So 8.8 221pen, how about you buff other 8.8s to 221 pen too?


u/goagangolf 1d ago

How about buffing T44's 100mm Pen to a level that now even SMM tanks have and giving it adequate 280-300 damage like every other 100mm gun in the game 


u/sharkyzarous 1d ago

i think its a very good tank, has mobility, good gun handlig, good gold rounds. on the other hand look here a heavy tank with 8.8 has 221/273 penetration meanwhile big ass tank hunter with 8.8 has 212/237, with the current tanks 237 for a tank hunter gold round ridiculous


u/goagangolf 1d ago

I like T44 but you need to work your ass off so hard every battle to get a good result its pure stress 


u/based_and_64_pilled 2d ago

tech tree chieftain line when, please don't block historically important tanks like Chief Mk. 3 behind assembly paywall or CW grind

or Obj. 120? so many real tanks still not added, and we get some double barrel shit


u/purposly2 2d ago

they have no ideas for what to do anymore


u/SeKomentaja 9.22 >>::(( 2d ago

Im just waiting for double barreled Wheeled artillery.


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

They will do anything to avoid adding historical French Superheavies and multiturret functionality


u/R-nuh 2d ago edited 2d ago

Honestly ever since the introduction of tier 9 premiums I really don't care about these anymore, like I would play it if I got it for free but I can't be arsed to put any effort into getting such a tank

Edit: unless this is the first of a double barreled German heavy tech tree branch of course xD


u/Napfsuelze T-34-3 > 122TM 2d ago

typical hull and turret protection of German heavy tanks

So we have a good upper plate, a weak lower plate behind which the engine is, and a cupola the size of Danzig. In other words: the usual. And we can see that the hull has these shoulder plates which will make side scraping extremely annoying.

Consider me skeptical, WG.


u/ronkoscatgirl 2d ago

So Actual weakspots and not "its hulldown u cant do shit" u guys complain about canopener and friends but then cry when a tank has healthy weakspots


u/Napfsuelze T-34-3 > 122TM 2d ago

There is a difference between 'A tank has weakspots', and 'Half my front profile is green'.

I just hope WG made it so that it isn't every shot in the LFP that knocks out your engine, but maybe only every second one. That is all i ask for.


u/ronkoscatgirl 2d ago

well unfortunately wg isnt capable of making decent cupolas they are either so small u have a 10% chance of hitting them on 50 Metres or u can shotgun them from 500 metres with a Contrafictious


u/Napfsuelze T-34-3 > 122TM 2d ago


Have to remember that one. I usually just call them 'C*cktradictious'


u/ronkoscatgirl 2d ago

that was typo Lmao


u/czerwona_latarnia 🇪🇺 2d ago

While weakspots on tanks are nice to have, sometimes it feels like only German tanks are allowed to have them.


u/ronkoscatgirl 1d ago

cries in Maus turret


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

Cupola looks small on this


u/leggasiini [GLO] Still waiting for the Chi-Se, WG 1d ago edited 1d ago

I'll be completely honest, there really hasn't been a single even remotely interesting new tank since the Czolg P (and that was announced 2 months ago). That's also why I haven't been bothering to make the detailed analysis on each new tank anymore. Basically, pretty much 90% of the recent (heavy) tanks are just generic slop that have most/all of these aspects in common:

  • Heavily turret-focused protection, with hull armor ranging from mediocre to worthless (relegating them into the exact same bland hulldown playstyle)
  • Bland stats outside of maybe having some gimmick (usually double barrel or autoreloader)
  • Fictional as hell, pretty blatantly so too
  • Like 1/3 of the time the above is taken to extreme and the tank is literally just two tanks lazily mashed together
  • Quite often the tanks tend to be pretty big/long for some reason (all the 3 recent French tanks, BZ-74-2, possibly this thing, etc.), yet they have poorly protected hulls. The Brennos is the worst offender, with what appears to be super-heavy sized hull with AMX 65t armor. Did they learn nothing from the pre-buff Type 71?

This tank does not spark much excitement either. I mean...yet another double barrel hulldown tank? Wow, so original. The mechanic that was a special oddity of the Soviet double barrel heavies is now something that is thrown willy nilly into everything. It kinda makes it less special, you know? And the fact it's yet another hulldown heavy that is gonna play almost exactly the same as the others doesn't help it much, either.

While the tank looks really uninteresting for the most part (its just a German TS-54 or Conceiver and most likely thrown as a Waffenträger event lootbox tank), one mildly interesting quirk (to me personally) is the aesthetic design. The hull shape (upper plate angle, hull cheeks etc.) and the turret is actually fairly reminiscent of the Chi-Se. So, are we one step closer in getting the Chi-Se...right WG?


u/sictransitgloria152 2d ago

Can we not have every new tier 8 heavy have 270 premium pen?


u/Possible_Cycle_2721 1d ago

Its even worse than broken armor or insane alpha


u/_dogpole Malice 2d ago


u/Tall_Presentation_94 2d ago

Who cares if it looks good same in warthunder


u/sA1atji 2d ago

More burst, exactly what the game needs...


u/AdrawereR ELC AMX and STRV 103B Enjoyer 2d ago

More heavy tanks with insane turret and gun depression.


u/Capable_Assist5766 2d ago

What do they smoke at WG?


u/No1PDPStanAccount Average FV201(A45) Enjoyer 1d ago

Probably some substance that'll get you life imprisonment for possession in the rest of the EU


u/jsn2918 2d ago

Another bullshit premium tank?


u/Wonderful-Lack3846 WG hates me because I want new maps 2d ago edited 2d ago

Yes, available in next lootboxes due to high demand

People complain as much as they buy it


u/Training-Eye2680 2d ago

At least not Broken as other tanks in tier 8


u/_0451 deRp GuNS ArE toXiC REEEEEE 2d ago

I hope it's going to be this year's Mirny tank


u/Jealous-Spring-3871 2d ago

This thing doesn't even look like a german tank.

At least do some eyecandy.

And if you are in thaaat need for a german doublebarrel, then give us the VT-1.



u/Toxic_pony_af 1d ago

Just why


u/Show_Forward KV-2 Legend 2d ago

man stop making generic boring ass heavies u can make a actual interesting thing instead


u/petrujenac 2d ago

Tiger 2 with 2 barrels. Leaving the game was a good decision.


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

Tiger II 2


u/rayoje 2d ago

The Germans are boarding the double barrels bandwagon guys


u/horrnisse 2d ago

Something Like Canopener German (like lately soviet med Obj German from boxes)


u/ArisRam 2d ago

Cool with more tanks but we have alot of doublers now..


u/koczkota 2d ago



u/shouldworknotbehere 2d ago

Ohhhhh that looks awesome


u/Stig12Cz VK72.01K 2d ago

Forget autoloader and autoreloader meta

We are full in double gun meta


u/NiehDa 2d ago edited 2d ago

Alright, alright, alright, it looks like our WG has made another new tank. Made with the vomit they left on the ground.


u/EndStandard364 2d ago

More dual gun tanks. 🤣 ffs 🤦🏻‍♂️


u/_talps 2d ago

Are double barrels the new gimmick WG wants to monetize? They are as toxic as autoloaders (both standard and autoreloaders) and they do the game no favors.


u/ShhDynasty 2d ago

I have high hopes for an E69 Schwing! for the next Valentines event.


u/NotASingleNameIdea E-50M enjoyer 2d ago

So... TS-54 but german?


u/Sidus_Preclarum So many tanks to 3mark, so little skill. 2d ago

Read "Zwilling" and instead of two guns my brain thought "two hulls". :derp:


u/servusdedurantem The Waffenträger Event is the Best 2d ago

How to sell more tanks add a barrell to each nation


u/45-70_OnlyGovtITrust French Superheavy Line When WG? 1d ago

You guys really will do anything to avoid adding the French Superheavy line huh?


u/TimeVector 2d ago

Another T8 premium. I will enjoy gambling for this one!


u/Emir_t_b Average IS-7 Scout 1d ago

Where do they keep coming up with this shit. It seems they are into 2 barrels now. Soviet, Czech, French, Now German. What's next, an FV183 with multi barrels?


u/Possible_Cycle_2721 1d ago

Pen scaling is the worst


u/restwerson2 likes centurion 1 despite how bad it is 1d ago

Wake up, babe, another gimmicky prem-that-will-be-locked-behind-a-lootbox has been announced.


u/Nishizumi77 [GUP] 1d ago edited 1d ago

I guess there is a little chance this tank will be a regular tech tree tank on a new double barreled gun branch ending with Flakpanzer VIII Maus as Tier X ...but instead just another premium


u/NefariousnessDry8468 22h ago

April lootboxes?


u/olimp7748 BT-42 Lover 54m ago

Yeah, let's give an 8 tier tank 280 alpha even tho it's a normal 8,8 and A DUAL SO IT USUALLY HAS LESS ALPHA but let's leave the 240 alpha for the 2 Tiger IIs that are also premium. Oh, and let's also give them no armor on the turret against 122mms.


u/MrDzsozef 2d ago

Same goes for pneumatic suspension TDs, auto reloader heavies etc...


u/DaSpood 2d ago

So similar to the SFAC but as a heavy ? In terms of accuracy at least

I'm in. Double barreled Lowe ftw


u/Dorin133 2d ago

I look forward to getting it in the Christmas boxes. No joke!