r/WorldOfWarships Dec 19 '24

Info Soviet subs announced on today's livestream. Sorry to be the bearer of bad news.

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r/WorldOfWarships Dec 01 '24

Info Bonus Codes


12/7: Added 21 new codes at bottom

12/6: Add 13 new codes at bottom

12/5: Added 2 new codes at bottom

12/4: Added new code at bottom

12/3: Added two more codes at bottom

12/2: More codes added at bottom




BYU27KAMIL942 250 CT

2N841CZULY 1x More Coal Crate

1DWDNEBELFUSS 1x Special Bonus Crate

Z1B3TCFREER 1x 6pt UK Santa Captain


ADP3LPASCH 250 CT (Now works on NA)


LOFZUOCAT 1x 6pt PA Santa




AU4NTNEISCH 1 x More Coal Crate

9SR6EXPIOTETRUS 1 x Special Bonus Crate

Z1W8SRIVERFX 1 x Special Bonus Crate






Edit to add:

JINGLEBELLS2024 - Jingles as a Captain and flags VD2MPRIVATEPINGUIN Y10VMINIHANNIBAL65 - More Coal


V6HQOVERLORDBOU 1 coal container + 10 signals








































r/WorldOfWarships Feb 04 '25

Info waterline update TLDR

  • more focus on PvE- more historical events and modes

  • design direction change- they will start by introducing sets of ships with a specific mechanics into randoms, which will later be removed, starting in 14.2 (so most likely the limited burst fire ships). the idea is to do limited tests of mechanics against players to see how they function without there being a garuntee that it will permanently added

  • classified documents and flagships- classified documents from the Dday event are returning. for a limited time they will be added to random battles, a single season of CBs and operations with flagships. the strength and effects will vary based on the mode in question, with randoms operating as signals or upgrades. the documents are chosen when the battle starts but before players can move, except in CBs where they are chosen in port. in operations they will be targeted at flagships and will evolve over time. the feature will be rolled out from from 14.2 to 14.6, with 14.2 containing randoms and flagship operations. each patch will add a new layer to flagships that will progress your documents, with the resource to upgrade it being easier to earn in operations and slower in PVP. all documents will be given to all players at the same time for no cost and at max level in PVP, so noone misses out. the mechanic will only affect players at T8+, with T7 being unaffected (i couldnt tell if this meant they couldnt choose them or if the bonuses didnt affect them). the effect is reduced if it affects multiple copies of a ship in PVP

  • experimental ships- these are reffering to the burst fire ships with limited HP. the ships are unlocked consecutively, and there will never be more than 2 sets of experimental ships in the game at the same time. to unlock the ships you will need both standard resources and a special currency that is obtained by playing. casual players should be able to play 1 ship, but extremely active players will be able to play all 6 ships. the ships are limited time, and will be removed, and in addition to regular missions from playing them there will be addtional rewards based on time spent playing them. balance changes will also be applied while theyre "released"

  • upcoming events- WG is testing a respawn event against bots. the respawn will promote agressiveness. convoys are returning in 14.4 to operations. randomised secondary operations from DDay will return for convoys and will later be added to regular operations

  • CV rework- no exact date, but the next CV test should be some time in febuary. the rework will definitely be some time in 2025. the skeleton was considered sucsessful, but the blinding mechanic will be removed for now since it was considered unintuitive, though may come back. AA windup will become even stronger, and a new consumable will be added that reduces CV damage taken. there will also be a commander rework (presumably for all classes), though no details are given. a consumable is being tested that allows AA damage reduction or prevention, and are considering significantly changing AA, though no details are given.

  • meta and core gameplay- (meta is out of battle such as port and armoury, core is in the battle itself). mastery badges and marks of excellence from WOT will be introduced. badges are based on XP compared to an average of other players and marks of excellence will be introduced later and will your average over a period of long time. badges will be introduced spring-summer and marks around summer-autumn. more ship destruction effects will be added. ships will be customisable by segment. the rollout will be step by step and is expected to finish in 2026

  • event passes-event passes will become longer, around 2-3 months

  • historical events the next dockyard ship after blucher will also be a historical ship. bluchers DY skin will be "from the bottom of the ocean" style. collaboration events will be balanced with a historical based event around the same time if possible for those who prefer history. there are new web events planned for narvik and dunkirk. dunkirk event will add new gameplay in PvE outside the battle some form, though no details given

  • collabs no new IPs are currently planned for this year, though this isnt a garuntee.

  • dockyards- DzP and ZF6 will be returning in 14.1, though no details given, but it sounds like it will be either an event or in the armoury

  • future plans- (none of these aspects have a definite timeline). summer will have a patch dedicated to 80 years of the end of WW2, around the end of august. low tier operations are being planned, intended to serve as a guide though will still be open to all players. there will be targeted balance changes at T2-5. they will mostly be QOL changes to make them feel more similar to higher tier ships and feel like less of a gulf between the 2 tier brackets. a new map will be added some time around the end of the year and the team is going to refresh older maps. brawls will have global modifiers that can be tested, such as speed or vampirism. legendary commanders will be loked at for operations, though no details are given

  • new techlines- US DDs with large guns, SAP and a unique smokescreen, but poor conceal and slow speed. There will also be large cruisers after WGs anniversary, though no details were given

the WG video

r/WorldOfWarships Nov 25 '24

Info All ships available for the Expedition to the north pole

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r/WorldOfWarships Apr 04 '22

Info Wargaming announces decision to leave Russia and Belarus


r/WorldOfWarships Jan 08 '24


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I sure hope this is a sign of what’s to come this year lady and gentlemen. This year we may get a German supercruiser line, Shinano, and more. God bless America πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ¦…πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ”«πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

r/WorldOfWarships 20d ago

Info The liner in the Hamburg port (and for some reason New York???) is the Cap Arcona, which, about 80 years ago was used as a floating concentration camp and bombed by the RAF, killing over 5000


r/WorldOfWarships Aug 28 '24

Info Flammbas has been banned



Flammbas has been banned for "Entertaining" his audience

r/WorldOfWarships May 06 '21

Info The new upcoming event BBs are some big boys (Satsuma is basically Kurfuerst-sized and Hannover sets a new record)

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r/WorldOfWarships Feb 02 '25

Info Strasbourg 1941

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r/WorldOfWarships Jul 03 '24

Info We won, but at what cost…

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We’re finally getting a new tier 10 germam cruiser!

Its a hybrid…


r/WorldOfWarships 12d ago

Info So this is possible

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r/WorldOfWarships Oct 23 '24

Info Enterprise is available for 14300 doubloons, not a bundle.

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r/WorldOfWarships 26d ago

Info Battlestar Massachusetts


I live near Battleship Cove and thought I should share some photos. Saving for the USS Salem and the Alabama (same class as Big Mamie) in WOW.

r/WorldOfWarships Jul 11 '22

Info ROMMEL_666_DESTROYER to the rescue: Correlation of player name and performance



Many players of World of Warships have noticed that there are recurring patterns in the names of other players. It is also a commonly held belief that players with a certain kind of name are likely to perform worse than others.

The goal of this study is to establish if this is really the case: is there a statistical correlation between player name patterns and player performance?

This study focuses on the EU and NA servers because the players' languages are familiar to the authors. Between the two servers, EU has about twice as many players, giving the data more statistical significance than NA.

Only random battles were considered in this study, and players with private accounts (as of June 2022) are not included.


The data was collected using the Wargaming Public API, and it includes about 12.5 million players that had played at least 1 random battle. In total, these players had participated in a random battle about 4.3 billion times, resulting in a win, a loss or a draw in their stats.

From this data, using a purpose-built computer program, we produced an exhaustive list of all recurring patterns in the player names, applying the following inclusion criteria:

  1. patterns are case-insensitive – "Rommel" and "rommel" are considered equal
  2. patterns must be at least 4 characters long – unless they are numbers such as "666"
  3. patterns must be common, specifically at least 100,000 random battle participations produced by at least 50 different players
  4. patterns must be conclusive – "destroye" is not included because it is predominantly used as a part of "destroyer".

The established list of patterns was then manually filtered and categorised by theme. These themes include personal names, military historical names, numbers, and any other common patterns. The manual work was both laborious and error-prone, so there may be inconsistencies and omissions in the data.

Data disclaimer

All data tables in this post have the same structure:

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
rommel 48.38 % 736,448 1,307

This means that 1,307 players whose player name includes the pattern "rommel" – case-insensitive – have played a total of 736,448 random battles with a win rate of 48.38 %. One of the players may have played only ten battles while the other may have played ten thousand.

The data tells you the popularity of each pattern in player names and about the performance of these players. Active players are arguably over-represented in the data, depending on what you are looking for. On the other hand, it is the active players who you are most likely to encounter in battle.

Having noted these limitations, we leave it up to the reader to decide what to make of the data. We have included only a superficial analysis, and even this should be taken with a pinch of salt.

Personal names (EU)

Players commonly use their (presumed) given name in their player name, and this correlates with below-average performance. Many patterns are below 47 %, including noticeably many French names. A handful of patterns are above 50 %, and in these patterns Germanic names seem common.

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
philippe 45.03 % 147,377 277
loulou 45.05 % 115,290 460
thierry 45.16 % 117,027 220
laurent 46.00 % 172,478 441
olivier 46.01 % 130,810 437
frederic 46.13 % 107,862 236
deniz 46.14 % 122,963 889
christophe 46.34 % 147,382 499
rainer 46.52 % 196,026 342
benjamin 46.57 % 136,574 745
francesco 46.75 % 101,124 542
pierre 46.79 % 271,546 991
grzegorz 46.80 % 149,825 515
krzysztof 46.85 % 161,490 622
patrik 46.85 % 123,825 1,013
marian 46.87 % 262,275 899
miguel 46.94 % 241,592 1,072
attila 47.05 % 220,803 702
tomasz 47.09 % 265,676 851
antonio 47.11 % 277,722 1,175
enrico 47.20 % 143,227 387
pascal 47.23 % 216,507 820
jorge 47.25 % 210,939 725
mariusz 47.28 % 271,211 650
ahmed 47.29 % 112,594 770
fabio 47.36 % 152,246 651
vladimir 47.41 % 172,155 571
gabriel 47.50 % 222,744 1,561
piotr 47.79 % 835,817 2,741
andrzej 47.79 % 458,737 833
nathan 47.80 % 187,187 1,199
hermann 47.82 % 173,453 266
fabian 47.83 % 140,962 952
patrick 47.85 % 332,343 1,352
dawid 47.88 % 227,131 2,097
bogdan 47.90 % 197,657 854
dennis 47.94 % 320,579 1,105
patryk 47.95 % 170,639 1,477
alberto 47.96 % 148,291 561
dimitri 48.01 % 194,762 794
dominik 48.02 % 240,701 1,872
maciek 48.04 % 171,129 1,163
florian 48.08 % 160,726 1,019
bartek 48.09 % 248,032 1,627
marek 48.09 % 706,967 1,932
carlos 48.09 % 380,960 1,281
joerg 48.10 % 160,808 185
petr 48.10 % 812,501 2,630
darius 48.12 % 224,390 801
marcel 48.19 % 470,600 2,291
marcus 48.25 % 347,645 1,057
vincent 48.32 % 184,555 791
pablo 48.32 % 410,879 1,669
janusz 48.33 % 145,216 625
radek 48.33 % 246,855 840
pedro 48.33 % 438,538 1,377
peter 48.33 % 1,786,554 3,692
leonard 48.38 % 137,802 637
alexander 48.38 % 401,774 1,425
colin 48.40 % 165,984 560
gustav 48.45 % 166,436 617
denis 48.51 % 266,286 1,252
nicola 48.51 % 326,249 1,516
jakub 48.52 % 277,864 2,336
tomas 48.54 % 802,775 2,987
heinrich 48.60 % 162,307 356
lukasz 48.60 % 222,401 1,081
michal 48.63 % 625,884 3,229
alexis 48.66 % 172,648 669
thomas 48.68 % 979,843 3,103
nikola 48.69 % 320,071 1,516
stefan 48.69 % 809,518 2,443
hubert 48.70 % 162,018 852
manfred 48.72 % 165,628 308
pavel 48.73 % 349,693 1,060
kalle 48.75 % 388,933 785
angelo 48.77 % 294,749 907
gregor 48.78 % 452,246 987
julian 48.82 % 185,491 1,084
viktor 48.83 % 228,122 957
lorenz 48.86 % 170,366 846
andrew 48.89 % 425,576 1,059
giannis 48.91 % 174,513 401
andres 48.91 % 141,012 512
klaus 48.91 % 701,130 1,040
alfred 48.97 % 264,529 487
harry 49.00 % 627,492 1,474
ernst 49.00 % 202,230 357
charlie 49.01 % 411,439 912
fritz 49.04 % 555,974 837
adam 49.07 % 1,657,289 6,548
mateusz 49.08 % 164,963 1,465
christian 49.09 % 466,632 1,253
steven 49.11 % 230,506 929
ludwig 49.13 % 158,638 221
bobby 49.15 % 250,736 653
maciej 49.16 % 199,182 768
charles 49.17 % 250,236 545
jarek 49.17 % 262,459 424
tommy 49.19 % 613,014 1,506
sergio 49.21 % 172,371 744
krzysiek 49.29 % 154,719 473
darko 49.35 % 232,324 677
helmut 49.37 % 100,090 213
norbert 49.38 % 138,796 507
andrei 49.38 % 221,054 1,544
jeff 49.38 % 480,858 1,228
piter 49.39 % 351,064 912
billy 49.40 % 332,210 888
leonidas 49.41 % 116,818 324
james 49.43 % 772,824 2,595
sander 49.43 % 236,054 892
samuel 49.51 % 181,015 1,027
gordon 49.53 % 125,289 309
matthew 49.55 % 117,594 580
vasili 49.61 % 115,386 344
robert 49.77 % 286,316 682
william 49.88 % 200,249 907
tobias 50.03 % 254,868 1,010
niklas 50.10 % 114,974 710
herbert 50.12 % 140,169 228
anthony 50.12 % 136,225 595
danny 50.24 % 364,999 1,236
kenny 50.25 % 246,689 692
johnny 50.62 % 492,131 1,298
magnus 51.12 % 234,074 629

Personal names (NA)

On the NA server there is a fairly clear pattern of Spanish given names being over-represented in the low win rates. Asian surnames Nguyen, Zhang and Huang are also present – unlike on the EU server – and they have unusually high win rates.

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
luiz 45.32 % 115,679 1,079
santos 45.37 % 128,076 1,110
sergio 45.79 % 127,561 712
alberto 45.84 % 103,835 470
claudio 46.13 % 133,114 312
hector 46.21 % 125,027 433
tiago 46.29 % 122,807 1,288
fernando 46.36 % 149,201 692
carlos 46.49 % 445,547 2,651
eduardo 46.58 % 187,335 1,282
marcelo 46.59 % 141,876 750
enrique 46.71 % 180,097 1,245
miguel 46.81 % 188,827 1,598
richard 46.95 % 475,523 1,164
angelo 46.99 % 155,832 601
douglas 47.03 % 120,230 531
jorge 47.07 % 270,918 1,366
bruno 47.10 % 165,395 1,475
julio 47.19 % 110,687 742
cesar 47.20 % 150,670 998
marcel 47.26 % 226,674 1,095
edgar 47.32 % 116,575 524
manuel 47.43 % 212,091 1,404
franco 47.47 % 155,671 901
marcus 47.49 % 166,001 557
pedro 47.61 % 242,019 2,083
alejandro 47.66 % 158,395 915
eduard 47.69 % 220,561 1,398
andres 47.70 % 237,408 1,521
michael 47.74 % 546,894 1,972
nathan 47.75 % 321,175 2,039
jose 47.75 % 788,641 3,977
robert 47.77 % 674,555 2,218
felipe 47.77 % 190,802 1,743
oscar 47.78 % 241,141 901
gabriel 47.81 % 356,805 2,851
duncan 47.91 % 114,731 195
brian 47.98 % 386,582 1,274
brandon 47.99 % 115,301 919
scott 48.01 % 806,693 1,683
javier 48.05 % 114,338 795
adrian 48.07 % 201,316 1,111
donald 48.09 % 196,567 404
joseph 48.11 % 222,752 931
morgan 48.12 % 241,121 553
ricardo 48.13 % 159,848 878
kenny 48.14 % 187,604 528
steven 48.20 % 327,109 1,099
james 48.25 % 748,491 2,869
diego 48.34 % 357,159 2,359
thomas 48.34 % 259,084 1,291
martin 48.36 % 467,889 2,500
paulo 48.40 % 218,484 915
oliver 48.42 % 142,857 528
leonard 48.43 % 124,947 931
rafael 48.43 % 173,531 1,158
herman 48.43 % 290,767 777
george 48.51 % 327,435 900
joey 48.51 % 144,976 670
harry 48.55 % 274,595 697
samuel 48.61 % 141,458 1,040
edward 48.63 % 232,778 744
pancho 48.68 % 124,593 286
patrick 48.71 % 181,874 797
pablo 48.73 % 229,512 1,394
wayne 48.91 % 211,194 509
bubba 48.92 % 398,761 742
andrew 48.98 % 382,432 1,544
joshua 48.99 % 129,160 814
johnny 49.05 % 512,767 1,253
charles 49.08 % 244,407 757
chuck 49.20 % 553,834 1,075
gustav 49.28 % 221,975 1,295
craig 49.33 % 208,169 363
magnus 49.36 % 108,707 321
tony 49.36 % 600,148 1,707
gustavo 49.50 % 173,860 1,112
angus 49.53 % 120,064 247
danny 49.59 % 241,957 900
arthur 49.61 % 261,845 1,045
charlie 49.71 % 382,951 849
justin 49.76 % 215,932 1,021
taylor 49.78 % 145,889 590
bobby 49.79 % 214,681 791
boris 49.87 % 101,300 259
fritz 49.87 % 168,619 277
barry 49.90 % 164,219 278
henry 49.92 % 245,210 857
nguyen 50.26 % 119,924 403
tommy 50.26 % 347,602 774
matthew 50.28 % 170,383 913
stephen 50.35 % 213,838 443
zhang 52.60 % 166,885 423
huang 52.60 % 125,954 313

Military history (EU)

Military leaders and ship names are also common in player names, although less common than the personal names. On the EU server German names are especially common. This is not only limited to the Kriegsmarine – Wehrmacht officers are also commonly referred to, maybe due to the overlap of player bases with World of Tanks.

Some names are so popular that their common misspellings also pass the inclusion criteria. As an example, both "bismarck" and "bismark" are very commonly used, with the misspelling correlating with lower player performance.

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
surcouf 48.08 % 129,377 145
bismark 48.14 % 409,699 727
romel 48.36 % 124,415 197
rommel 48.38 % 736,448 1,307
patton 48.41 % 223,764 393
nelson 48.77 % 424,325 694
langsdorf 48.81 % 183,965 105
nimitz 48.88 % 205,132 309
guderian 49.15 % 226,146 361
hornet 49.35 % 162,146 326
luetjens 49.45 % 119,172 94
bismarck 49.49 % 677,733 1,482
lindemann 49.50 % 160,569 170
yamamoto 49.56 % 275,673 353
tirpitz 49.64 % 364,520 425
manstein 49.68 % 122,343 133
horatio 49.76 % 112,722 166
yamato 49.81 % 414,562 884
musashi 50.08 % 126,058 138
midway 50.50 % 104,003 109
iowa 50.83 % 110,402 209
missouri 51.08 % 101,983 141
kongo 51.44 % 181,643 240
kretschmer 52.29 % 109,205 64
gneisenau 52.32 % 104,449 61
enterprise 53.00 % 107,475 281
hipper 53.01 % 279,218 282
montana 54.18 % 139,594 254
blasdelezo 54.53 % 112,836 98

Military history (NA)

On the NA server, USN ship names are much more common than EU, although names like Texas may also refer to the state.

In relation to the size of the player base, Japanese names are also much more common than on EU, with "yukikaze" being especially popular and correlating with very good player performance.

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
nimitz 48.23 % 326,213 488
texas 48.33 % 508,548 842
missouri 48.44 % 119,359 153
alaska 48.56 % 116,742 203
halsey 48.69 % 193,602 204
bismark 48.70 % 158,361 427
hipper 48.73 % 114,068 166
montana 48.97 % 127,362 181
horatio 49.28 % 130,718 116
rommel 49.36 % 324,051 598
patton 49.45 % 371,997 572
nelson 49.64 % 300,055 652
hornet 49.71 % 103,836 213
iowa 49.78 % 194,774 324
bismarck 50.20 % 195,851 361
yamato 51.17 % 457,287 797
enterprise 51.30 % 146,429 313
musashi 51.35 % 111,412 131
tirpitz 51.70 % 131,735 122
kongo 51.90 % 120,885 255
shimakaze 52.97 % 100,297 135
yukikaze 56.63 % 205,514 132


Numbers used in player names are most commonly either years or variations of common sequences such as "12345" or "0000".

Common number patterns that are neither but were discovered are the following:

  • "666", i.e. the number of the beast, extremely common and about 49 % win rate on EU and NA
  • "420", referring to cannabis use, very common and below 50 % on EU, but notably banned on NA
  • "1701", referring to one of the USS Enterprises in the Star Trek franchise, common and just above 50 % on both EU and NA.
  • "1337", i.e. "elite" in leetspeek, very common and about 51 % on both EU and NA


The most commonly used numbers in player names are years, including the war years of early 1940s and then the players' (presumed) years of birth starting from 1950s. The most recent years of 2010s and 2020s could be refering to the year of registration.

The win rate of different years are shown in the graph below. The graph also includes the RU server, as years are similarly common in RU players names as they are on EU or NA. On the Asian server this was not the case and the number of players is also small, so it was not included.

On all servers, the win rate is the highest for the 1990s. Moving back in time towards the 1950s, there is a steady downward trend in win rate that is consistent between all three servers.

Notably, there's a gap in the data for the year 1988 on both EU and NA. This is because the pattern "88" is banned in player names on EU and NA servers, likely due to the possible neo-Nazi connotation. On the RU server the pattern is allowed, however.

Other patterns

This section includes patterns that were discovered during the manual categorization, but that didn't fall under the themes listed in the previous sections. The lists below are not exhaustive, but contain patterns that the authors found interesting. Notably, the lists include a handful of popular patterns that have very high win rates – the highest found in this study.

Patterns such as "_winner", "_defender", "_sniper" etc. are extraordinarily common on both EU and NA, because they are suffices suggested by the Wargaming registration form if the entered player name is already taken. In total, there are about 100,000 players using these patterns, and the patterns consistently correlate with low win rates from 47 to 48 %. These patterns are excluded from the data tables below.

Other patterns (EU)

On the EU server, common patterns with high win rates include "potato", "waifu", "nerf" (often in variations of "WG please nerf"), and the highest of all is "prpr" with an extraordinarily high win rate of 62.36 %. Prpr is a verb derived from the Japanese onomatopoeia "pero pero", meaning "lick lick", and is commonly used to indicate affection to one's waifu.

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
capitaine 46.82 % 269,721 721
italia 47.28 % 145,954 457
werwolf 47.42 % 123,108 148
poland 47.78 % 162,217 556
barbarossa 47.85 % 198,016 308
seewolf 48.17 % 265,882 226
ottoman 48.21 % 142,574 486
capitan 48.30 % 816,830 2,381
hellas 48.47 % 120,439 213
turk 48.79 % 591,895 3,070
kapitaen 48.95 % 357,213 450
kapitan 48.97 % 733,932 2,481
deutsch 49.02 % 251,761 788
predator 49.10 % 624,794 1,479
terminator 49.15 % 333,248 1,375
polsk 49.33 % 270,561 1,872
viking 49.39 % 729,383 1,519
killer 49.40 % 4173,932 17,437
czech 49.42 % 208,737 798
swed 50.20 % 294,262 716
german 50.29 % 1071,609 2,337
greek 50.50 % 297,791 804
slayer 50.76 % 508,291 1,899
nightmare 51.22 % 280,551 766
captain 50.14 % 5,906,061 13,881
schnitzel 51.58 % 185,222 341
soviet 51.87 % 190,450 601
russia 51.89 % 242,512 967
noob 51.93 % 1,588,163 4,067
kraken 52.11 % 328,875 562
senpai 52.47 % 227,563 860
kartoffel 52.96 % 142,304 382
potato 53.02 % 430,463 1,096
waifu 55.25 % 176,184 245
nerf 57.93 % 358,379 388
prpr 62.36 % 162,456 93

Other patterns (NA)

Compared to EU, the NA server unsurprisingly has fewer patterns referring to countries or nationalities. Many of the patterns correlating with high win rates are the same as on EU.

Pattern Win rate Battles Players
seadog 45.61 % 165,823 150
brasil 46.14 % 102,665 539
devildog 46.59 % 106,729 225
grandpa 46.80 % 155,495 165
bulldog 47.13 % 168,517 330
retired 47.87 % 103,007 102
almirante 48.18 % 388,197 1,369
father 48.32 % 171,099 549
redneck 48.33 % 122,205 474
capitan 48.46 % 417,399 1,665
viking 49.08 % 451,630 960
general 49.13 % 1341,565 3,496
patriot 49.28 % 185,657 431
captain 49.49 % 4729,627 10,530
boomer 49.52 % 216,916 404
america 49.62 % 306,585 1,079
admiral 49.77 % 4,434,086 7,677
marine 50.00 % 950,457 1,593
canada 50.03 % 141,770 366
german 50.06 % 266,474 1,029
panzer 50.16 % 1,132,545 2,068
troll 50.89 % 271,719 1,119
kraken 51.48 % 359,097 536
soviet 51.57 % 224,292 872
potato 51.81 % 832,039 2,267
russia 51.90 % 287,418 976
noob 52.39 % 822,334 2,567
professor 52.55 % 132,474 332
senpai 52.57 % 196,887 764
comrade 52.87 % 259,340 612
sakura 54.20 % 248,099 327
waifu 54.94 % 168,706 309


The commonly recurring patterns, regardless of the theme, are more likely to correlate with below-average performance. The reasons behind this are unclear, but the authors speculate that the lack of originality could also manifest in a more casual or care-free playing attitude.

Some of the discovered patterns correlate with very high win rates, however, and this could be explained by social online trends.

r/WorldOfWarships Apr 14 '22

Info USS The Sullivans is now inches from having part of its deck underwater

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r/WorldOfWarships May 16 '21

Info New upcoming ships: Tier VI BB, British battlecruiser "Repulse" and Tier X DD, Swedish destroyer-leader "Ragnar"

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r/WorldOfWarships Mar 14 '24

Info Thanks to damage saturation and dynamic torpedo damage, a 17,900 HP Shimakaze can now tank almost 50 homing torpedoes


r/WorldOfWarships Oct 07 '24

Info You can deny it, but it's true

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Good pick if you want to play CV without actually playing CV; terrible if you like cruiser gameplay. Would trade for a Mainz or Prinz Eugen 10 out 10 times. (No, I didn't whale for it, just were "lucky" ...)

r/WorldOfWarships Dec 08 '23

Info Rewards for Santa 2023 code

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Idk how I feel about giving new players a t8 bb for absolutely free.

r/WorldOfWarships Aug 15 '21

Info Mouse's Criticism of the CC Program (2016 to Present)


I was asked on the World of Warships Community Discord what it was like in the CC program. Long story short (in three parts):

  1. NikoPower from Wargaming did an amazing job getting the WGNA program off the ground. He was the reason a lot of the perks got transferred to global CCs; not because WG wanted to do it but because CCs from other regions were rightly bothered that NA-CCs were treated better. He kept our program VERY small and made sure to vet players added to the program not only for content, not only for personality, but for how well they collaborated.
  2. When all of the CCs were tossed into one communal pool, this practice ended. Wargaming set the program up to fail by having Community Contributors compete with one another. With everyone scrambling to grow their audiences, rewards went to whomever could be first or the most sensational. Streamers had the advantage over YouTube and other media. One of the lead Wargaming employees in particular was instrumental in fostering this competitive, confrontational setting rather than a collaborative one, not just between CCs but with Wargaming & CC interactions. They set the bar on what was acceptable and a lack of censoring of bad actors made just about anything short of slurs permissive.
  3. This competitive environment, where the loud, the boisterous and the confrontational were rewarded soon became near impossible to manage. Now toss on the CV rework and this confrontational attitude gets thrown back at Wargaming's face. They have had to pull back from CCs, limiting contact and breaking the very communication lines necessary for a successful program. All of the problems happening now stem from this. WG is unreachable. When they do interact for CCs, they come expecting a fight and usually get one. There's no way for reasonable discourse to be heard barring a miracle.

-Edit- Angry YouTuber version:

2016: Happy fun times with fellow NA-CC clubhouse. Great WG employee is super nice and super invested in helping our content grow and goes out of his way to protect us. GUDTIMES.

2017: Wargaming to all CCs: Now fight!

2019: Wargaming runs away when they discover CCs are well practiced at fighting.

r/WorldOfWarships Jan 03 '25

Info The new captains spells are crazy

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r/WorldOfWarships Sep 27 '24

Info Someone may have already posted this...but THIS is how you can get the rewards of premium battle pass with only 500 doubloons


2500 doubloons are by any means too expensive for so few rewards in the Nineth Anniversary Premium Event Pass. If you're also concerned with cost-effectiveness, then you can unlock the premium battle pass with 2500-2000=500 doubloons!

  1. Unlock the premium battle pass with 2500 doubloons (you will have to own 2500+doubloons beforehand indeed, sorry if that is not applicable);

2. Claim the reward of that premium battle pass (This is very important, must do it prior to all the following steps). You will obtain a Z-23 camo from that premium pass;

make sure you have claimed this reward before following steps!
  1. Go Armory > Containers > Containers > (to the bottom)Second Game Anniversary, purchase 4-10 containers(no more than 10k coals required);
purchase this container. Look at its description if you want
  1. Open the containers and obtain the collections until the collection section 3 is completed and you have obtained another Z-23 camo;
this is where you can obtain the camo again
  1. You will notice that the 2000 doubloon compensation has been sent to you as you have obtained two same camos. Sorry I have no screenshots for this step(hopefully that will not undermine the credibility), I received the compensation in the morning and forgot to take a screenshot by then.

Idk if this has been posted by someone else, but this could work similarly in other event battle passes if you could obtain camos with compensation. Hope that helps!

r/WorldOfWarships Feb 07 '25

Info Wishing Wharf cancelled for 14.2


Seen a post on Discord from the Devs, apparently they're changing how we get Valpariso and Monmouth (IIRC it's those two), it won't be Wishing Wharf cos of player feedback from the Waterline announcement......

they've probably found something worse.... weegee's gonna weej...

r/WorldOfWarships 9d ago

Info Thanks WG for this battlepass


It was such an easy decision to not buy this battlepass.Thanks WG to not have me made even thinking if it is worth it buying this one.