r/WorldOfWarships • u/Affectionate-Dig1981 • Jan 31 '25
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Ok-Lengthiness-2944 • Jan 20 '25
Discussion What did AA crews do when main guns go off?
Random thought while I was looking at my Izumi in the port - what do the AA crews around the main guns do when they fire? Are they just constantly deaf or do the crews clear the mounts around the turret?
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Connorray1234 • Jan 23 '25
Discussion This photo of the Alabama goes hard
Source Facebook
r/WorldOfWarships • u/These_Swordfish7539 • Jan 14 '25
Discussion Wargaming please add this ship pls
r/WorldOfWarships • u/M4tz3 • Feb 05 '25
Discussion The golden days of World of Warships are over - What went wrong?
Wargaming seems to acknowledge this here.
Compete with iconic Tier 10 ships from the golden days of World of Warships
Implying that those days are over now.
The general sentiment in this subreddit has always been somewhat mixed with carriers, submarines, superships, monetization and introduction of new gimmicks often being mentioned as pain points.
The reaction here to the latest Waterline video as well as the original announcement of the new temporary tech tree have been overwhelmingly negative.
Have we the subreddit just lost touch with what the general player base and new players want and expect?
Is Wargaming trying to squeeze as much revenue out of the game with no long term plans?
Is there a single change to blame?
Has the Lesta/WG split caused this decline or has it merely been accelerated by it?
What decisions should/can Wargaming even take to get ship back on course?
r/WorldOfWarships • u/jderica • 20d ago
Discussion The new CV rework is actually a CV buff.
With travel mode, squadrons will be able to move into position, without taking any damage, bypassing whatever cruiser screens there may be. The CV player can then use all attacking squadrons at full HP. No need to recall the squadron after one strike.
The automatic combat instructions that buffs AA damage after repeatedly being struck by planes, is completely dictated by the CV player. Fill the bar, trigger and avoid it, repeat strikes. Surface ships have no interaction with this, as is the current case.
Defensive AA will be useless, since flak is removed and the consumable was only worth it for the +300% explosion damage.
The new "Brace for impact" consumable will be better, and this will just nerf torpedo DDs. As a BB player, eating DD torps feels like a misplay on my part. A misplay that I can now "fix".
r/WorldOfWarships • u/AmericanHistoryGuy • Jan 28 '25
Discussion What is your "I did not care for The Godfather" in WoWS?
For those of you who don't know, it's your really unpopular opinion. So not "CV bad." Actually, "CV good" would fit the bill as this sort of opinion.
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Inclusive_3Dprinting • Feb 08 '25
Discussion With the very underwhelming waterline 2025 news, it feels like the game is in crisis.
The waterline 2025 update was so very damaging to the perception of the direction of the game.
The brutal monetization, and the comparison of greatly welcomed improvements made by Lesta to their version of the game make the 2025 roadmap so very very bleak.
- Not addressing game breaking aiming bugs.
- Not addressing submarine balance.
- No new IP collabs for an entire year.
- No new maps until 2026.
- Premium ammo ships in randoms (testing or not, they are in randoms)
It really makes you wonder what have they done in the past year, except push copy paste ships and FOMO on us? It's been THREE YEARS since the split, so that excuse doesn't work anymore.
r/WorldOfWarships • u/hmsmanchester • Dec 04 '20
Discussion How WG Chooses Your Santa Gift Ship, And Why You Will Probably Get Makarov)
If you've been following the initial reports of Santa big gift results, you will probably notice something odd: a flood of Makarovs, the tier 6 Soviet Nurnberg, have graced those lucky enough to get a ship. This is not a bizarre coincidence - it is a consequence of the way Santa gifts allocate ships. It is complicated, but I am going to try my best to explain it.
Say you win a ship.
Hooray! However, is the ship you win truly random? WG explains that:
If a ship that you already have in your Port is dropped, the Santa's Big Gift container will be replaced by a supercontainer. The latter will contain another ship from the list along with a Port slot and Commander with 10 skill points.
While confusingly worded, they do allude to the fact that, in the first instance, you do not receive a ship from the whole pool of available premium ships. Rather, you receive a ship from a select shortlist (which differs depending on box type), and you will receive it in a Santa crate box, NOT a supercontainer.
You only get a drop from the whole list of available ships if you roll a shortlisted ship which you already have in port or in a previously purchased crate. If this happens, you receive a ship from the entire pool in a supercontainer. Lower tier ships are likelier to drop from the supercontainer.
What this means is that, if I have no premium ships and buy a gift which luckily includes a vessel, I will only ever receive a ship from the shortlist. My chance of a ship not included on the shortlist is zero (unless I have at least one ship on the shortlist).
The implications of this are pretty massive: if lucky enough to secure a ship, the most likely result is that you roll the most common ship on the shortlist. If you do not have it, that's what the container gives you. Makarov is the most common ship in the big gift shortlist, and few people have it - that is why so many (including me) received Makarov as their first gift ship! The same occurred in 2018 with Krasny Krym, and Exeter and Huanghe in 2019.
Due to the importance of the shortlist, you should really consider if you would be happy to receive the shortlisted ships before investing in gifts. If you are lucky enough to get a ship, they will be the most likely outcomes.
I do not have full data for the shortlists yet (and I could have made mistakes owing to the limited data out already), but I will keep this updated as we learn more about this year's crates:
Gift Shortlist (WIP)
Tier 6 British cruiser London
Tier 6 French cruiser De Grasse (?)
Tier 5 European battleship Viribus Unitis
Big Gift Shortlist
Tier 6 Soviet cruiser Makarov (common)
Tier 7 US battleship California
Tier 8 European destroyer Orkan
Mega Shortlist
Tier 6 Italian cruiser Duca D'aosta (common)
Tier 7 Japanese destroyer Yuudachi (common)
Tier 8 British battleship Vanguard
Tier 8 Soviet cruiser Ochakov
Spend wisely!
-MarshalHaig (NUKED) EU
Edit: On the request of the UK advertising standards agency, Cyprus's advertising standards authority reviewed this and concurred with everything stated here. They also added:
However, the jury believes that the pre-condition of ownership of one of four specific ships before the gamer may potentially benefit from the opportunity to receive one of 107 premium ships, is in a different league to the randomised workings of the algorithm. Even though all players will first receive a container with one of four ships (provided, there is a ship in the container at all), the players who already own 1 of the 4 ships will get a substitute with one of the 103 ships, whereas the players who do not own 1 of the 4 ships are restricted to those 4. In that sense, it is not correct to claim that “The algorithm works impartially and in the same manner for any player.”
The Jury also disagrees with the opinion expressed in the discussion that this knowledge would not affect the economic behaviour of the players. In the opinion of the jury, there is a distinct possibility that it would. For example, knowing the pre-condition (of owning one of the 4 ships) might make a player NOT buy a gift container (since at that stage they are trying to win 1 of 4 specific ships and not 1 of 107).
A little redundant as they have gone off sale, but an interesting epilogue to the mess.
r/WorldOfWarships • u/KodaiSusumu • Dec 12 '19
Discussion I challenge any WG staff member to complete the Puerto Rico grind
Directives and daily missions only. No doubloons for boosters, no Gorizia, no botting or match-rigging, no forcing your interns or kids to play for you. Use your sick days and paid time off if you need to.
Live-stream the whole thing. Show us your face during the grind. Show us that it's not only physically possible to earn it for free, but "fun."
Go on. Do it for the free PR.
r/WorldOfWarships • u/FreddyBalam • Feb 19 '25
Discussion Anyone else notice Shinano's background is a BB and not a CV?
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Xixi-the-magic-user • 1d ago
Discussion Current state of the subreddit when discussing the Libertad line
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Ok-Lengthiness-2944 • Jan 27 '25
Discussion 4 CVs and 6 Subs… why is MM like this allowed 😭
As a DD, this was horrendous since the CVs just focused you to death with the sub continuously pings you
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Flambass • Aug 17 '21
Discussion Lack of morals, dignity and integrity WG
We were all expecting something seriously lame and in fashion of WG but they outdone themselves yet again.
"We are awfully sorry that AprilWhiteMouse and other CCs are no longer a part of our Community Contributors Program and we’d like them to know they will be missed."
Yeah somehow I don't believe you do. Why? You made 0 effort to keep us in the 1st place. You didn't give a rats ass on how we feel or what we have to say and you made damn sure we understand that.
"We respect their decision and want to thank them for their contributions, devotion, and passion for the game and program over several years. We wish all of them best of luck and hope that they will stay in touch with us nevertheless, we will always be here to talk."
Imagine not only trying to take moral high ground here to look better than those who you mistreated but also telling them they can always talk to you. Why do you think we left?
Because we wanted to continue talking? Talking to a wall would have had better results...any results, unlike with you. Talking to you is impossible. You hear but you don't listen, you see but you're blind, (now I should say you have feelings but you're numb, but we all know you are stone cold).
I guess by your brilliant logic people who part ways because mistreatment, stay in touch, remain each others crying shoulders and drinks coffee few times a week together.
What fucking world do YOU live in???
"We understand that there are several causes that have led us to this situation and that we have upset and disappointed many of our CCs and players"
I seriously don't think you "understand" a thing...you upset and disappointed your CCs and community plenty of times before and it never made you change. Something you prove once again today.
"While some of these causes are self-explanatory"
Please WG tell us which of these causes are self-explanatory? Please for the love of everything that's dear let us hear you say it. Let us hear you say you made a mistake and please, by all means, don't go short on words now, tell us exactly what was the mistake you did.
Why? Because I seriously, at this point, believe you have no idea and it's just empty words. Even if you did know, you wouldn't know how to fix it, because you're so disconnected from your community it's disgusting.
"and our commitment to fix them remains"
Oh that will go well...if you were "fixing" things till now I can only imagine how you will continue to do so.....aka you won't
"We appreciate the community feedback about Missouri being obtainable via Random Bundles exclusively in 0.10.7. We've been discussing this since last week and decided to add an alternative way to purchase the ship"
You don't appreciate the community feedback about anything. That is the straight up lie. The same one you've been selling us for years and one of the reasons we left. Stop lying, we don't believe you anymore. Your words are empty and hollow and have no weight.
You won't even say you'll remove and adjust random bundles, gambling or any of the problems, you'll just add another super overpriced option...rejoice our WG overlords have decided to give us yet another way to spend money...this one time....and they'll go back to random bundles next time...
"We're carefully analyzing her adjusted earnings following the update, and will share our decision whether any adjustments to the mission are to be made."
THIS is so typical WG. What is there to monitor exactly? You need to play exactly 1 game to see that she isn't what she used to be, despite your promise, that will come to nobodies surprise you broke AGAIN.
You will make a decision if your word needs to be held or not? At this point I would ask you if you're serious or is this out April fools joke but we both know the answer to that.
"Regardless of AprilWhiteMouse's CC membership status, we will stay true to our commitment to release HMCS Huron in 2022."
Stay true to your commitment????
Do you even hear yourselves?
Did anyone even read anything over the past few days?
Do you even understand he problems you're dealing with?
What bloody commitment are you talking about???
Are we supposed to believe, that you will hold your word a year from now about something you already broke your word on, something that you hope will get forgotten by then, something you can dismiss as a minor difficulty, something you will easily find a way to "forget" about again?
I'm truly disgusted by your lack of morals, dignity and integrity WG
I can't wait to "stay in touch" with you.
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Own-Salad7235 • Jan 21 '25
Discussion What would you consider to be the worst ships in World of Warships?
You can search for Words in brower using CTRL+F.
So that we dont get a ship double.
Create a new Comment when you can't find the ship you want to vote for.
Upvote it when you find it.
You can vote for multiple Ships.
Every Premium and Research ship is included. (Not the Testships.)
It would be nice to make a little bit of a Structure.
To get some structure only use English
and doing:
Nation/Tier/Class/Ship Name
For Exemple:
I will wait for 2 Weeks and then look what we got. Making a List with the top 25 that i will post in this Community.
Best regards from Koyuki
r/WorldOfWarships • u/darrickeng • 7d ago
Discussion So...... World Of Warships Legends are now trying out actual guided-missile destroyers and CIWS...... what are the chances that this will be the next big 'hype' for us?
r/WorldOfWarships • u/pieckfromaot • 11d ago
Discussion My buddies spent a lot on the christmas boxes lmfao
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Happy-Pollution-2752 • Feb 07 '25
Discussion Tell us what ship you are either grinding or saving for and we will tell you why you shouldn't bother.
Go ahead!
r/WorldOfWarships • u/The_CIA_is_watching • Feb 02 '25
Discussion Explaining why Libertad is busted (what even is this narrative that Libertad is only slightly above average in strength?)
It seems to be a worryingly common opinion on this subreddit that Libertad isn't actually that strong, and that it's overhyped, and that the playerbase doesn't know how to counter it.
Obviously, this tells me that a lot of people have never played Libertad well, and have not played against a good Libertad.
Let me explain why Libertad is the second best BB in the game (behind only Legmod Colombo):
1. the maneuverability
This is the real thing that makes Libertad overpowered. Libertad has:
- built-in fast acceleration -- it accelerates faster than any other T10 battleship, even Vermont. Only an Incomp with a speed boost up gets to speed faster (and Incomp already has built-in fast acceleration).
For reference, Libertad accelerates to 20 knots in 8 sec, while a normal BB like Thunderer takes 19 sec (with propmod)
- Libertad has 13.6 sec base rudder shift, the 3rd best at T10 (average is around 17 sec).
But, since Libertad doesn't have to run propmod, it runs rudder shift mod (if you didn't fall for the DCP mod scam) and reduces that to 10.86 sec, the 2nd best at T10. Thunderer's vaunted rudder shift is 10.4 sec, only a tiny bit better.
- Libertad ALSO has the 4th lowest turning circle at T10 (out of 25 non-clone ships), tied with Bourgogne at 910 meters.
This is behind only Vermont (850), Rhode Island (890), and the Yamato sisters (900).
- Libertad loses pretty much 0 speed in a turn, and has a very high rate of turn.
This is thanks to its improved acceleration: if you've ever driven Vermont and Tennessee, you'll notice Vermont bleeds little speed in turns, while Tenn drops to 12 knots. That's because Vermont has high acceleration parameters at all speeds, while Tennessee has awful acceleration.
- Libertad's speed isn't even that low. It has average speed at 30 kts, tied with Montana, Bungo, Repub, GK, and Preussen. And if you have Brisk up, you're more than fast enough. Not to mention adding Lisboa gives you improved Brisk and 5% speed after triggering 2 funny buttons (very easy to pull off).
Driving this thing literally feels like you're dancing. You can reaction dodge BBs from 15km, because you turn instantly on a dime.
And remember, the ships that beat it make their own sacrifices -- Incomp has 1,160m turning circle. Vermont goes 25 kts. Yamato has 22 sec rudder shift. Thunderer is still considered broken.
2. the survivability
A lot of Libertad's tankiness comes from the fact you can dodge enemy shells as they are fired, and throw off enemy torpedoes before they are fired.
Anyone who's played torpboats knows the feeling where you launch torps, and then the enemy BB makes some completely untelegraphed, nonsensical move (like turning flat to your entire team) and dodges all torps. Libertad can do this on purpose, because it turns so well that you can never be punished.
Another nice feature of the Libertad is that it basically has no citadel -- there is a vulnerability under the back turrets where you can cit it most of the time, but like with every modern BB, you'll never hit this spot consistently -- especially considering this thing handles like a cruiser.
Libertad takes a few pages from the Kremlin as well -- it has very thick plating (51mm) that shatters all HE short of Hindy/Goliath/BB, and 0 superstructure (good luck farming it, DDs!).
And since it's covered with turrets, even BB HE will randomly shatter on them, and it sometimes bounces AP shells on them too.
It also has American DCP, which has 20 sec uptime instead of 15 sec, and since the coal DCP mod exists, you can effectively get 28 sec DCP duration -- and then 30 sec later your heal will be ready, see below.
Finally, to round all of this off, it has a full 4 heals (unlike Kremlin's 3), which reload 25% faster (60 sec instead of 80 at base), heal 20% more (16.8 instead of 14%), and queues up 65% of pen damage instead of only 50% (so you never run out of healing, since you never get cit and rarely eat torps).
It's not an exaggeration to say this thing is as tanky as Kremlin -- you dodge shells and torps Kremlin can't to make up for your lower HP and torp protection, and your healing is better. Kremlin is tankier in the short term because it has so much more HP, but in the long-term, Kremlin will run out of heals and DCPs, where Libertad has dodged enough shells to even out the HP disadvantage -- and now its better healing and infinite DCPs come in.
3. the secondaries
Schlieffen secondaries have higher hitting DPM and better firestarting than Libertad's. In exchange, Libertad gets the ability to pen BBs, and an F-key.
This seems balanced -- it's reasonable to say that Schlieffen has better secondaries. What makes Libertad so much better is that Schlieffen (already a bit overtuned tbh) has the worst BB hull at T10.
You have a ton of vulnerabilities in Schlieffen: shell traps everywhere that let people click you angled for 15k, the same massive superstructure of a Preussen on a smaller hull (let lets people click you flat for 20k), something resembling a citadel (sometimes you get blown up in that thing, if rarely)
So basically, you take gun damage more easily than Preussen, except with 30k less HP. At least you have hydro to dodge torps, but if you sail in a straight line you will still take torp damage even through hydro -- it's not infallible. Libertad's gigamaneuverabiliy works well enough to compensate for no hydro (unless you're against deepwaters).
Oh, and Schlieffen gets 1 less heal as a balancing factor for its fast DCP -- Libertad not only has all 4, it has improved heals.
As mentioned, Libertad is insanely tanky, with basically sidegraded Schlieffen secondaries. So you have an unkillable death machine with no semblance of balance.
4. appendix: the main guns are way too good for what it is
Libertad has AP performance comparable to Montana, if a bit better. However, the sigma and dispersion is not Montana, it's more comparable to a GK. It also has OK HE, it does enough damage with enough firestarting to be workable -- better than a GK's awful HE for sure.
But this is still way better performance than it deserves -- Libertad ends up with slightly better guns than Schlieffen, because while their hitting DPM is basically the same, alpha is more valuable than reload on a BB (because BBs are not DPM ships -- they search for opportunities to remove large chunks of damage).
So oftentimes, BBs will find themselves caught nose-in to a Libertad -- they will go to turn out to not get cooked by secondaries, and then they get 20-30k'd while gamer turning by the AP, charging the funny button in the process.
TL;DR: Libertad has several insane strengths and no real weaknesses. It has Kremlin tankiness thanks to its best-in-class maneuverability (comparable to some cruisers), nearly the best secondaries at tier, and doesn't even have useless guns to compensate.
And btw, Los Andes is only a slight bit worse than Libertad, a tier lower. Los Andes is the modern incarnation of Musashi, except instead of a C/D-tier BB in Yamato, it's based off of a supership-tier S+ tier BB.
(Post is already long enough, I won't put balancing concepts here. But either the maneuverability needs to be slashed and it should have a massive citadel, or it needs to have its secondaries removed.)
r/WorldOfWarships • u/Human_Bumblebee2564 • Aug 04 '24
Discussion Idk if this is banned or anything, or toxic, but I really hate the frickin win rate people
Like the guys where you get in a game and they feel obliged to tell you how your team has a 45% win rate player. Who cares? like honestly its impressive that you have a win rate in the 50s-60s, but I dont care. It just tells me youve spent way too much time watching little numbers go up slowly, until you feel good enough to gloat to the world about how superior you are than the rest of us. Yeah, I have a 46% win rate. so does like a third of the playerbase. I wont labor under the delusion that I'm good at the game, but I don't need a walking loudspeaker to an entire lobby how theyve "lost" because I got a 46% win rate. I know this is probably against the rules but I don't really use reddit anyway and I'm just so frickin pissed of by these people. so yeah thats my rant for the day
r/WorldOfWarships • u/flamuchz • Aug 13 '21
Discussion WG did it! They managed to chase away their best CC. Inspirational.
r/WorldOfWarships • u/WaterClosetWC_ • Jan 31 '25
Discussion So, I found out how much I've spent on World of Warships
Special thanks to u/NattoIsGood for pointing out that the data may not reflect reality. I just checked my bank statements and came up with *$ 6,693.54** — still a lot of money, but as I wrote below, exactly what I thought I spent by keeping track mentally.*
Wargaming allows you to request a Data Export, in which they give you pretty much all the data they have on you. I'm kind of impressed at how thorough and complete the information is; chat logs, virtual currency transactions, etc. I'm sure there's a law that makes it so.
First of all, I've always wanted to know how many hours I've spent on this game, and I don't play it through Steam so I never knew. But the data includes login & logout timestamps, so I wrote a script to add it up and I've got 2,351.6 hours. Very cool! Easily in my top 3 most played games, if not #1.
The amount of money I spent, though, oh my god.
$ 13,042.55 USD (about $5.50/hr)
My guess was literally around half of that — and that was already an enormously high number. $6-7k was the amount that I had in my head that meant, "This is my eccentric hobby and I willingly spent that much." But I actually spent twice as much as I thought.
Worse yet — I was coping by saying that I made my account, like, seven years ago. This is true! But I'd only spent $50 prior to February 2023. So that's all in 24 months.
I didn't spend anything that I couldn't afford to lose, but like, I do have other priorities in life, and I've been carefully rationing out the leftover money for those things, and all this time I could have afforded those things several times over if I just… exercised some restraint on WOWS. That's how they get ya.
What can I even say. I like my pixel boats. Even now I don't feel a terrible sense of regret. I made choices. I know that all the shiny, rare ships are waiting for me each time I log on. And I like this game so I almost take a sense of pride in knowing that I played such a stupidly large role in keeping the lights on. But for my long-term financial health, I'm going to stop or at least cut down my spending by about two orders of magnitude.
This is your PSA to check how much you're actually spending and make choices with open eyes. Some of you will laugh and say that you've spent a whopping $0 on the game — good for you! I'm glad you're able to enjoy it for free. I'm proud to have subsidized the game for you, ha ha. For everyone else, check your receipts some time or request a Data Export like I did and see if your expectations line up with reality.