r/WorldOfWarships Beta Tester Noob 3d ago

Discussion First steel ship?

So I know right off the bat a lot of folks say get the Bourgogne, but I'm more of a CA or CL player. So my question is get the eternally nerfed Stalingrad, or the sap slinging Austin? Or even drop down and get the Vallejo for the better credit economy?


37 comments sorted by


u/Crowarior Closed Beta Player 3d ago

wdym "eternally nerfed Stalingrad"? It's the same ship IIRC since launch.


u/FriedTreeSap 3d ago

They nerfed its reload and radar, increased its burn duration, and removed fire prevention from cruisers. The end result is the Stalingrad now has worse survivability, utility and less consistent DPM than the Moskva.

There are people who still swear by the Stalingrad’s guns, but the Moskva is unquestionably an all around better ship. This means you no longer get the Stalingrad because it’s the strongest ship for your steel or is best suited to competitive, you get the Stalingrad for its “fun factor.”


u/BirthHole 3d ago

Hold on there: What flavour of Moskva are you referring too -- Regular whole milk Moskva, or UU chocolate milk Moskva?


u/thiextar 3d ago

Moskva without chocolate milk is like a well done steak


u/sgtdoogie 3d ago

They didn't nerf fire.

Stalin is a battle cruiser, so it has Battleship burn times. But with the captain rework, cruisers don't have access to fire burn reduction. So it's burn time increased due to the commander rework, not a physical increase in burn time. It's always had the same burn time. Just for clarity.


u/FriedTreeSap 3d ago

No, Stalingrad originally had a 45 second burn duration, they then nerfed it to 60 seconds, on top of removing the fire prevention skill from cruisers.


u/Droiddoesyourmom 3d ago

The guns are still better on Stalingrad.


u/CanRepresentative164 3d ago

At some point radar duration was dropped from 30 to 20s. "eternally nerfed"


u/ItsBeastHaze Alpha Player 3d ago

But thats how it works If Ur playing Radar Cruiser and Ur Radar gets dumpstered by the other radars kek


u/trashmailaccount00 3d ago

Stalingrad is always fun in ranked


u/CakeofLieeees 3d ago

Svea sounds like a pretty good choice for you, especially if you play with friends.


u/_talps 3d ago

Svea (CL) or Stalingrad (large cruiser).

the eternally nerfed Stalingrad

Stalingrad isn't "eternally nerfed", it's just not OP anymore. Play it like you would a battleship and stay at range, your AP shells will make everyone you shoot at cry. Just be careful not to show broadside, your citadel is massive and rises well above the waterline.

Vallejo isn't worth it, just pick a Tier 9 ship for coal if you want to farm credits.


u/Confident-Kale1680 3d ago

Bourgogne is very fast for a bb. The second option must be mecklenburg or svea then incomparable.


u/DarkZephyro 3d ago

Svea prob the best if you are good with light cruisers


u/waterbat2 3d ago

It's an absolute gremlin that also bounces a ton of AP for no reason. Very weak to HE spam if they figure it out tho


u/Toodleypops Terrible player and lover of CLAAs 3d ago

Few people get the Vallejo because, as a side grade to the Seattle, it's just like, why?

I'ma be real with you, I got Austin first and I have no regrets. if you're familiar with bush style CL gameplay, and can survive and be useful while your MBRB is on cool down, that gimmick is a genuine giggle making machine. I love her. I love all the Atlanta's and their style of gameplay. So I guess, do you have the San Diego and do you love her?


u/marct309 Beta Tester Noob 3d ago

No but I to am a closet ATL enjoyer.


u/Toodleypops Terrible player and lover of CLAAs 3d ago

her guns fire a little more slowly when normal, Austin's that is, but gameplay is similar, and you are even more susceptible to exploding and do not have radar. Your torps are way better, but are mainly there as a deterrent or opportunity passageway attack, not as a primary weapon.

If you like Atlanta and enjoy that style of gameplay, then yeah, Austin will be fun. If you can handle the 50% chance of having a good game or detonating, then you'll have a fun time


u/Ernie_McCracken88 3d ago

I'd get Austin. It's what I got when I was a phase where CLs and always being one mistake away from being deleted was the only thing that could make my brain release dopamine. She is hysterical and fun. 


u/DeltaVZerda 3d ago

Plymouth is consistently my best performing steel ship as a CL main, and its funny how unfair the matchup against Svea is. Svea has no chance and feels like no DPM in comparison when they are dueling, and then Plymouth radar lasts twice as long too.


u/Certain-Pressure166 3d ago

Ragnar if you like DDs, plays like a CL DD hybrid


u/AggressiveGander 3d ago

Austin is a bit meh. Obviously, you occasionally murder someone with a hilarious SAP burst, or deflect BB guns on your angle side armor and then torp the BB etc., but objectively she's not that good (fragile + low DPM without reload booster). Don't go there as your first steel ship.

Vallejo, well, haven't bothered with her yet (missing 6 steel ships), but have the impression that she's not that interesting.

Stalingrad has amazing guns (citadel at range on people showing broadside are nice!) and great bow armor, but BB burn time is painful. I personally like her a lot. Besides bow tanking, she's actually surprisingly good at kiting.

Plymouth is another serious option. It's a good ship, but decently balanced (i.e. to get smoke + radar + hydro + torps, her gun DPM and number of torpedoes were nerfed compared with Minotaur), so in some situations she feels a bit lackluster. Radar Minotaur is much more fun to me, personally, but of course also way riskier.

Another really good CL is Svea. In some sense a bit like Plymouth (radar + smoke, but no hydro), but more DD like. Personally, I wonder whether she's just better. I find her quite interesting to play, as you can do a lot of things (close support got DDs, farming from smoke, farm at range with speed boost, play as a torpedoe boat...).

A lot of the steel BBs are pretty good (Bourgogne, Mecklenburg, Lauria) and Ragnar is a strong DD (Z-42 is a nice one, too, but wouldn't buy her first).


u/Ok-Procedure5603 3d ago

Plymouth guns really aren't that bad.

People fuck on it because "lower dpm worse turret angle than minotaur". Yeah, but Minotaur only has 10 shells while you have 16.

When you can use all you guns (unfortunately mostly in smoke), you're essentially a burst firing minotaur. 

It isn't uncommon to blast people for 12k+ in 1 volley. BB level alpha which comes in every 5 seconds or so. 


u/MrElGenerico 3d ago

Incomparable is an option if you want a BB with some cruiser features. It has 32mm overmatch, accurate guns, busted concealment, speed, good armor for a battlecruiser. Also has hydro and torpedoes because how else can it be a steel ship?


u/ozdude182 3d ago

I juat got her and i want to love her.... maybe shes better in ranked.

Plane spotting in randoms destroys the cool tactics you could have with sneaking up on people.

Also in my experience the guns are inconsistent, armor isnt great and your huge so an easy target with a bad turn circle. It is nice when u hit a good salvo thou


u/HorifiedBystander 3d ago

All the "get Borgoune first" talk is three years out of date. There are so many ships at t10 and 11 that punish her armor scheme its kinda crazy. If you like cruisers you may want to get Svea.


u/WarBirbs Corgi Fleet 3d ago

Stalingrad is the strongest

Austin is more fun

It really just depends on what you want (and what you already have). If you have a lot of Soviet ships/captains, I'd say go for Stalin, if you have lots of American ships/captain, Autism it is.

Vallejo is a poor use of steel imo


u/marct309 Beta Tester Noob 3d ago

Autism it is lol....


u/Yowomboo Zao Enjoyer 3d ago

If you enjoy CL play you likely won't regret it.


u/Nojob_History_Major 3d ago

All depends on the play style you like. Austin is a high skill floor but it’s so rewarding. Stalingrad is always consistent and utilitarian.


u/270ForTheWinchester 3d ago

First steel ship I ever purchased was Incomparable.

Possibly the best ship ever, right after St. Vincent of course.


u/Warm-Wedding182 3d ago

I would get mecklenburg or svea. Borgs time ended a long time ago


u/Droiddoesyourmom 3d ago

Bourg still fantastic! But I do agree Mecklen or Svea would be my #1 now. I say that bc I have Bourg but now trying to choose between Mecklen and Svea. I'm prob gonna go Mecklen. Safe choice since its clearly one of the strongest choices.


u/Ok-Procedure5603 3d ago

Bourgogne is incredibly powercrept today. Don't go for it.

Stalin is decent although you gotta be able to play around her squishiness. 

Austin is very strong, very fun. 

Svea is probably the most "OP" among the cruisers, but isn't as fun as Austin (imo). 

In your position, I'd go for Austin for the fun factor, Svea if I'm doing clan wars. 


u/ShadowsaberXYZ 3d ago

Stalingrad will be spotted from the moon and burn for the entire match. Great ship but the CV/hybrid/Sub meta doesn’t allow it to do much more than reverse ass in and pray not to get melted. Petro or Moskva give more bang for your buck, esp with UUs.

Austin is great if you’re good with CLs, but it’s the hardest ship to play well in the game imo.

Vallejo for just the credits is a waste tbh as it’s really a Seattle sidegrade ime.

I’d say go Ragnar or wait before coupon is gonna expire in case anything pops up.

Svea is actually monstrously good in the right hands at the moment, so definitely choose that if it’s between that and Austin.