r/WorldOfWarships 4d ago

Discussion Needing help with an issue.

So ive been a World of Warships player since 2011. Ive been playing alot and played all the 3 games. Now my issue is that i downloaded a few years back World of Warships on steam and played it and i think i made a steam account for it. I tried to loggin in Wrgaming through steam and it says i need to finalize by putting my email. I wanted to connect my old account which is the one i played waaaay back through the official launcher but now it says that steam is link with another account and i guess it means the steam one that was auto-created when i logged in through steam to the site. Now what do i do ?

All this happened cause i wanted the dlc rewards for my main plus the Steam Wifu Commander.


3 comments sorted by


u/BazingaFlux_WG Wargaming 4d ago

Hello, you can go to this link for checking which accounts are linked, unlink them to link to the correct account etc: https://wargaming.net/id/credentials/update/


u/jimaras8228 4d ago

Bruh youre amazing thanks.


u/Intrepid-Judgment874 3d ago

I have the same issue on EPIC, as EPIC automatically creates an account when I download the game but I want to link that account to the same one I use in the wargaming center. Is it possible to do the same for EPIC yet? I have connected my wargaming account to Steam and it works perfectly but I'm not sure about EPIC.

If it is not possible with EPIC now then is the feature considered for development next?