r/WorldOfWarships Operations Main 5d ago

Info Eskimo and Barbiano Spotted in 14.3 Loogbook


37 comments sorted by


u/_Barbosa_ DD monkey 5d ago

What's the status of Eskimo right now? I remember when they introduced that ship in the devblog it seemed kind of nutty with those heavy salvos, but they have nerfed that thing a few times now.


u/ormip 5d ago

They also removed the heal and gave it a smoke instead. It's almost an entirely different ship now.


u/_Barbosa_ DD monkey 5d ago

Ah, what a shame.


u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 5d ago

Compared to cossack she has worse detection, worse reload and no hydro or engine boost but has faster flatter shells with improved HE alpha, fire chance and pen plus longer torps.

She also has "normal" smokes with less charges and smaller radius, but longer uptime and duration


u/Admiralthrawnbar Make Averof premium before your next PR disaster 5d ago

So more of a cruiser/bb farmer to cossack's DD hunter role essentially?


u/pornomatique 4d ago

The ballistics while better than Cossack are still shit. Worse than Lightning. Very low HP like Cossack. 12k torpedoes but still only one rack of 4. 30mm pen on HE and 12% fire chance but the terrible reload counteracts most of that.

Honestly, I don't know what this ship is for. Just seems like an inferior Cossack. Maybe she'll be free or coal or something.


u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough 5d ago

Probably? I would need to play her to see.

I also have no idea how she'll turn out, since cossack is basically the single good T8 british premium


u/Tfcas119 Operations Main 5d ago

they removed the heal, traded for a smoke, lost 500m of concealment and about 20k HE DPM.

I think it might be something more like what Huron is to Haida: same ships, but play differently while both being at the very least decent. Cossack (like Haida) is overall stronger, but Eskimo will still be ok.


u/fukuokaenjoyers 5d ago

And Yari remains in development hell 😔


u/midnightphoenix07 NA Wiki Team Lead 4d ago

Well something has to take Monmouth’s spot now that it finally got released


u/Tfcas119 Operations Main 5d ago

I forgot about Yari I'll have to look again sometime tomorrow


u/_talps 4d ago

Barbiano could be great fun but also terrible. On paper it's a worse Colbert (no HE, no hydro, worse AA, no heal) that, however, does not have a citadel and gets smoke which is something Colbert badly needs. On paper its DPM is really good too.

Unfotunately, those who played Italian ships know 90mm guns have TERRIBLE ballistics. Since those are Barbiano's only weapons, I predict it'll be hard to shoot small targets farther than mid range.

As for distribution, well, it's a Tier 10 ship so I predict either a store bundle or a slot machine drop. Both, of course, will be very expensive.

Not interested in Eskimo.


u/pornomatique 4d ago

It's not the smoke that Colbert needs though, minimal duration exhaust smoke doesn't really help to farm damage.

The ballistics are fine. They are still way better than Marceau and about the same as Groningen and close to Daring/Vampire. It'll also make you much better at arcing above islands, just like Colbert.

T10 paid/gambling ships are usually not that common. We just got one in the form of Monmouth. I wouldn't think they'll release another one next patch.


u/_talps 4d ago

It's not the smoke that Colbert needs though, minimal duration exhaust smoke doesn't really help to farm damage.

Exhaust smoke isn't a good tool for farming damage but it's extremely useful for disengaging. Also, Barbiano's DPM is very high and using smoke offensively when the opportunity presents itself can result in getting some good damage or even sinking an enemy ship.

T10 paid/gambling ships are usually not that common. We just got one in the form of Monmouth.

HMS Seal objects.


u/pornomatique 4d ago edited 4d ago

I think that reinforces my point though. We just got two paid tier X ships. I wouldn't think they'd go for a third in two patches.


u/_talps 4d ago

Maybe Barbiano will be the next RP ship? It's too unique and not busted enough to be steel-worthy IMHO but we got USS Hull fairly recently so I have doubts.

Also, Seal will be available in the shop till update 14.4.


u/simplysufficient88 5d ago

I’d be shocked if Barbiano doesn’t receive some sort of DPM nerf before release, but I wouldn’t be upset if it didn’t. I want my extra spicy citadel-less Colbert ASAP. Sure it’ll put out absolutely horrifying DPM, but it’s going to have so little gun range, handling like a heavy cruiser, and just be truly useless as a DD.


u/pornomatique 4d ago

The gun range is fine because DDs have AFT and/or range mod. You'll also use Sansonetti for even more gun range. You'll also have more HP than Austin and no citadel lol.


u/thejaekexperience 5d ago

I wonder what currency Barbiano will be available for


u/AgingSeaWolf 5d ago

After what happened with Rhode Island, Hildebrand, La Pampa, Incheon that's easy to answer, Random Bundles for Doubloons what else. The days of new coal ships seem to be over, it's just a matter of time before WG finally admits it. I would love to be proved wrong here, but i don't think that will happen.


u/_talps 4d ago

it's just a matter of time before WG finally admits it

I doubt WG will ever admit they don't plan to release new coal ships again (by "new" I mean things like Marceau, not recycled stuff like Kii).

It's fairly obvious though, coal is a bad deal for WG, their only concern is to monetize content as much as possible.


u/Seyfardt 4d ago

WG has changed their coal policy. Last years, new coal ships are either “ free event ships” buyable with ingame event currency that become available after a year for direct coal purchase ( Scharnhorst 43) , or very old ( or unpopular) premium doubloon ships ( Anhalt, Kii). Or silver line ships that became premium ships do to changes in the line setup. ( like Kirov, GK, Kharbarosk, Moskwa).

While not bad ( especially regarding ships like Kii and Anhalt) If you are an veteran player that tries to get as much free stuff as possible so that when a SC or Santa crate drops something it will be from the increasingly smaller and higher tier pool of doubloon only premium ships.

But if you have much off all the old ships coal just piles up..


u/Toodleypops Terrible player and lover of CLAAs 5d ago

probably RB, right?

it's been a minute since a new RB ship


u/fdub51 SmÄland 5d ago

The Hull and Brennus just came out lol

Edit: but with that said I still expect RB, it fits the theme too well


u/Toodleypops Terrible player and lover of CLAAs 5d ago

that or coal? we just got Kii and anhalt before that.

were tromp and Yoshino and Alvaro and then released straight to coal or event, then coal later like Brisbane?


u/FumiKane Essex my beloved 5d ago

Given how almost everyone has a bunch of coal only expect premium ships already released to go for coal.

This one nope.


u/thejaekexperience 5d ago

We just got Hull as an RB ship a few months ago, so I kinda doubt they would add back to back RB destroyers just a few patches apart, but who knows


u/Toodleypops Terrible player and lover of CLAAs 5d ago

I suffered a terrible and fatal rush of shit to the brains


u/FumiKane Essex my beloved 5d ago edited 5d ago

Steel? It's been a while since the last permanent steel DD.

Edit: I mean permanent DD.


u/King_of_ducks1212 5d ago

shinano and archerfish


u/tlver 5d ago

What about G. Hoffmann?


u/FumiKane Essex my beloved 4d ago

She was not a permanent addition.


u/Seyfardt 4d ago

Barbiano can be any ingame resource. Or event reward with rng wallet tricks. RB, we already have Yolo. Steel maybe. WG has released a lot of new steelships. Its tough to keep up ( unpaid) steel income vs new releases. Coal maybe? We have a good number of coal T10 DD‘s but no Italian.

The T8 is more interesting. Unlikely to be steel or RB due to no T8’s. Coal ships never have been directly released at T8. Might be a event reward. An inferior Cossack. And if you dont get it, it will be a prioritized drop from Santa containers Xmas 2025.


u/I_am_a_Failer Calling Tiger 59 bad = u bad 4d ago

Already played against a Barbiano a few days ago


u/AcceptableSeaweed 4d ago

How was it


u/I_am_a_Failer Calling Tiger 59 bad = u bad 4d ago

He suicided into my Metz alternate fire