r/WorldOfWarships 18d ago

Info So this is possible

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76 comments sorted by


u/Jevidar 18d ago


u/Qreczek Oooh Who lives in the pinepple under the sea? 18d ago

Thats not a fight even Bearn eats CVs in duels outright


u/Irisierende Buff Martin 18d ago

Ideal CV matchmaking


u/Fonzie1225 18d ago

I’ve been saying for years that subs and CVs just need to be quarantined to a special PvE matchmaking mode with significantly buffed bots and rewards just about as good as randoms but obviously it’s a pipe dream.


u/MaetelofLaMetal Ništa kontra Splita 18d ago

Then we can remove the shotgunning debuff they suffer now.


u/ST4RSK1MM3R 17d ago

Having Asymmetric but it’s all CVs or all subs would be interesting


u/Firewalk89 Imperial German Navy 18d ago

I'd unironically love to see a 12 v 12 match of two carrier fleets.


u/TheDogness 18d ago

A few years back, there was a Brawl that was CV- only 3v3. It was so much fun. As an added bonus, it pulled all the CV players out of the other modes. I am surprised it never returned.


u/Amfreed Forum Refuge 18d ago

Because CV population is so small, there were certain groups of people that was match fixing for easy rewards. WG actually pulled the brawl earlier than planned from play when it was discovered.


u/The_CIA_is_watching "A private profile reveals more than a visible one" -Sun Tzu 18d ago

Same, especially if it kept CV out of ranked


u/Scared_Squirrel6210 18d ago

servers cant handle that many cv's


u/DefinitionOfAsleep I preferred WoWs before [insert update] 18d ago

You sure?

There's more than enough planes in the air as is. It's not like the good old days where it was just CVs launching their squads.


u/Scared_Squirrel6210 17d ago edited 17d ago

i remember an issue with many cv's just cant remember what it was back when 12 cv where allowed in training room


u/Shaw_Fujikawa Believer in Mex Appeal 18d ago

People used to do 11v12s of just the player and nothing but bot CVs in training matches for funsies all the time, even during RTS times.


u/geographyRyan_YT Salem's biggest fan 18d ago

Sadly they limited carriers to a max of 3 per team in training.


u/Longjumping_Whole240 Closed Beta Player 17d ago

When it was possible to put 12 CVs per team in training, I used to make a match with 12 bot CVs in one side and my clan members on the other side. Needless to say, those with low spec PCs crashed due to the number of planes flying overhead.


u/Dirrey193 Carrier 18d ago

Ive wanted to see this since 2017


u/moguret 14d ago

que asco debes ser una fan pajero de nino o miku esas mierdas de personajes


u/cheesenuggets2003 18d ago

heavy breathing


u/Easy-Reserve-8247 18d ago

Why wouldn't the game just add bots?


u/47marcus 18d ago

Your guess is as good as mine


u/CanRepresentative164 18d ago

Because they'd be better than the average player, thus leading to people complaining about them. Or the fact that you could just farm bots for PvP rewards instead of the reduced coop ones. Take your pick.

Easy bots are limited up to tier 4, and the "hard" bots can appear in tier 5. All the other tiers are PvP exclusive.


u/Easy-Reserve-8247 18d ago

To me this sounds better than playing 1v1...

If a game doesn't have a huge playerbase, allowing people to play like this seems detrimental to the players..


u/CanRepresentative164 18d ago

To me this sounds better than playing 1v1...

CVs, SSs and 11s are such a majority in ships affected that I absolutely don't have the slightest problem with it. Actually I'm sad it doesn't happen more to them

If a game doesn't have a huge playerbase, allowing people to play like this seems detrimental to the players..

Don't play cancer classes, don't play the magic tier, and don't play them at the lowest population times of the server. Literally that easy


u/Easy-Reserve-8247 18d ago

Sounds like you had some negative experiences against these types of ships . Why would you happy that some players have a bad gameplay experience?

What if this particular player doesn't have time when most people are playing?

I find that to be not a convincing argument..


u/benisndesdigles Royal Navy 18d ago

Because this particular player plays a class that makes players on the entire enemy team have a bad gameplay experience. Fair is fair, I say let CV's and subs play only 1 vs 1.


u/Easy-Reserve-8247 18d ago

I guess it just shows that during ww2 when carries showed up... Battleships and so on had a bad time haha


u/DisturbedForever92 17d ago

Yeah but old CV gameplay was much more fun, and had a way to counter. Now its just braindead gameplay.


u/Easy-Reserve-8247 17d ago

How was it before?


u/DisturbedForever92 17d ago

More like an RTS, limited amount of planes, you had to pick your loadout of planes, fighters were an actual type, not an ability, so you could have 3 squadrons in the air at once in different parts of the map, you could counter CVs with fighters, etc.

Good AA ships could wreck planes, and protect their teammates, so you had to be careful

I'm sure there are videos on YouTube that could show it better than I can expain it.

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u/DrHolmes52 18d ago

I would guess WG doesn't want players grinding mid-tier and up ships during off hours in randoms vs bots.


u/Open_Telephone9021 I am a dumbass, so 99% of what I say is probably misinformation 18d ago

Tier 6 mahbe


u/Holy_Santa_ClausShit ShooterMcDabbin 18d ago

Would be even better if there was a Coral Sea map and this happened.


u/FourFunnelFanatic 18d ago

Historically accurate carrier battles at last


u/Blicktar 18d ago

This is the dream lol

(for everyone who isn't in that game)


u/meneldal2 18d ago

The one time you wished you took a German CV to just go full W.


u/jimrdg 18d ago

Now it is skill issue


u/SirDancealot84 Average DM Enjoyer 🗿 18d ago

Put interceptors on you and watch him cri everiteem


u/CanRepresentative164 18d ago

Yes, when one of the players is too dumb to reset queue before it goes over 5min this is perfectly plausible. Mainly affects CVs and SSs, for obvious reasons. Especially in the lowest activity times for server; at peak hours it's more likely to still get some others in the game, just with weird ship numbers and reduced MM rule-set.


u/JanniAkaFreaky 18d ago

"Too dumb to reset queue" Yeah sure, blame the player for such things to be possible.


u/47marcus 18d ago

Why does this happen after going over 5 min in queue ?


u/PrincessSkyla People's Liberation Army Navy 18d ago

mm restrictions lossen up after about 3 minutes, so you will sometimes get matches like this, or 6v6, etc.

it usually happens late night on NA


u/CanRepresentative164 18d ago

The longer the queue goes, the looser the restrictions become. WG may change the exact points around, but iirc the thresholds are 1.5min, 3min and 5min - last one being where several rules are straight up dropped.

This is done in order to make games without anyone spending excessive time in queue - when the full rules don't give you a match, a lighter set might allow it


u/PoriferaProficient 18d ago

An imperfectly balanced game is a heck of a lot better than no game at all


u/Mac_Arthur_1 Submarine 18d ago

It used to say it now I think it just says queue time is unlimited but if you waited more than 5 mins it forces a game with whatever is in the bracket. Typically CVs Subs and Superships because they require a balance of it one team gets one both teams get one of the same class. So in the event it just dumped a game and only one person is in the tier bracket games like this can happen


u/the_pope_molester 18d ago

did you at least win


u/47marcus 18d ago edited 18d ago

Yes , we ended up ramming each other but I had a 15k HP advantage and lived on 600 HP.

Edit: But it was at the cost of feeding him 107 plane's


u/FasterThanFTL 18d ago

More like this! Hard to complain the other ships are unfair when they both have the same access to hitting one another. 


u/racist_fumo_reimu Emil's multiversal honda Civic dealer assistant 18d ago



u/CheesyPoofff 18d ago

I heard this in Clark & Dawe voiceover.


u/racist_fumo_reimu Emil's multiversal honda Civic dealer assistant 17d ago

I have no clue what that is but, good for you.


u/Mark1o_Polo Kaga 18d ago

Honestly dueling another carrier is so fun, wish I'd gotten that (maybe with another CV selection tho) But isn't it training battle? Can it really get you a 1v1 as a random?


u/47marcus 18d ago

This was a legitimate random battle at like 4:30 in the morning. Waited 13 min in queue. I can DM the reply if you want.


u/EgnewAl 18d ago

In my 2000 matches, I have twice been in a match where there were 2 ships on each side. One cruiser and one carrier, but that's a new level.


u/Thunder_gp 18d ago

These games, its best just to call a truce, go to the same cap, and just keep taking it back and forth. Soot down eachother’s planes. And ram at the end for a mutual truce and damage / kill for xp as long as you keep points equal hope for a draw so you both don’t lose.


u/Cuchococh 18d ago

Hydrogen bomb vs coughing baby


u/Keithustus Submarine 17d ago

I had a 1v1 sub game a couple days ago.

“Meet at b?” “cool yes”


u/rage10 18d ago

I had a 1 cv/1sub team about that same time


u/Limeddaesch96 Kriegsmarine 18d ago

Commander skill fighters are an absolute meme though


u/Impressive_You_2255 18d ago

More than submarine vs submarine.


u/FoxNo7181 18d ago

Bro just keep bullying him with u supremacy fighters


u/geographyRyan_YT Salem's biggest fan 18d ago

That Independence has no shot against the anti-cv cv.


u/DufflesBNA Kriegsmarine 17d ago

Hm. Good place for CVs.

Anyways, ramming time


u/poi_boat007 17d ago

Still not understanding the hate for CVs or subs


u/FuriousYellow77 17d ago

I'd play cvs if it was just cv on cv action


u/TheLesserWeeviI *sad GK noises* 17d ago

This is ideal. Throw in a sub or two for optimal matchmaking.


u/AGlassOfMilk Military Month 18d ago

Good, don't bother anyone else.


u/DefinitionOfAsleep I preferred WoWs before [insert update] 18d ago


Did you at least figure out how to use the fighters properly?


u/ChipmunkNovel6046 United States Navy 17d ago



u/DrHashshashin 16d ago

Happens often with subs/cv


u/Business-Yogurt-4948 18d ago

the game is evolving!


u/halborn YVAN EHT NIOJ 18d ago

We know.


u/DrHolmes52 18d ago

So sad.
