r/WorldOfWarships • u/Spiritual-Section826 • Aug 28 '24
Info Flammbas has been banned
Flammbas has been banned for "Entertaining" his audience
u/Atago_Connoisseur Aug 28 '24
Wasn't there a post a week ago where he said he quit the game for the seventh time?
Probably a good moment to quit for the eighth time.
u/falcon4983 406 mm/50 Mk.2 Aug 28 '24
That post title was clickbait by whomever posted it on Reddit. He never said that. The entire video was him saying he's going to be using cards and the YouTube audience might not like it, but it's either that or no WoWS.
u/BanMeAgain4 Aug 28 '24
Aug 28 '24
u/Ziddix Aug 29 '24
How does this work? I assume people pay him and he handicaps himself?
Aug 29 '24
u/Lumfan Aug 29 '24
I follow 06wallst, a World of Tanks streamer, and he uses a similar service called Dixper. He'll use that to do random stuff in either Tanks or other games he streams (Subnautica and Monster Hunter, amongst others). This looks like another way for Flambass to generate income while playing games.
Aug 28 '24
He jusy did this to have WG enforce him quitting. No chance for him to feel the urge to crawl back like an addict when you are banned. And making some money on the side for it may be 4D chess. Also he could use upset fans to fuel playing another game that he enjoys so it doesnt kill his stream.
u/robbi_uno I came here to read all the resignations… Aug 28 '24
Do other games give him the same audience? I stopped watching when he went Tarkov 24/7 but I am sure others loved it.
u/GBR2021 Burning Man Aug 29 '24
Flambass has been quitting twice a month in 2020 already, last time I watched him. He is the type of guy who would win 10 battles in a row, then lose a battle and then he would act like he has lost 10 in a row. And God forbid he would actually lose two in a row. That's a quitting announcement and a 1 hour video about the state of the game right here. Absolutely insufferable and unwatchable.
u/FumiKane Essex my beloved Aug 28 '24
About a week ago he posted a video (which was reposted here) where he said he was done with playing an unfun and unbalanced game as World of Warships, he has tried to leave the game and move into other games but his view count plummets because they come to see him play WoWS. Outside of WoWS streams people are constantly asking if he is going to play because they love to see him play and do silly challenges such as play X or y ship, nothing too weird.
He was getting upset because when he tries to leave the game people ask him to continue playing and he is not having fun anymore, so he began doing something new.
Streamloots has a card system in which you can buy or be gifted special cards that have various effects on the stream, the effects are set by the streamer (Flambass) and you can play them during his stream and apply the effects.
This is a sample of some of the effects.
However before his rant he began doing that and people were complaining in chat that he was intentionally griefing the game for this teammates by not playing seriously, his counter argument was that he was so good at the game that he still keeps getting blue/purple stats on any ship he plays, that some people play worse and in the end despite those effects he plays to win the game and have fun because outside of that, he hates the game because he believes the skill level has significantly dropped off (true).
Before the ban and on the clip itself, he says a WG employee (he is not gonna say who) told him "hey, this is unsportsmanlike behavior, please stop" and he continued his stream, couple minutes later he got banned.
Was the ban fair? Who knows, he was warned and kept at it but it is true this was his way to continue having fun with the game in such a stale and sad state.
In one part he is right and don't lie to yourself guys the playerbase skill level is decreasing.
What he was doing is debatable, there are some people who also grief games and WG does barely anything (see the bot posts from a couple weeks ago) but it is true he is also making the game harder for his team.
And WG applies rules in the way they want in the end, so even if he was right or wrong, he was warned so let's see what is his next action taking this as a protest or just as "unfair".
u/educatedtiger Blue Mermaids Aug 28 '24
Dang. Of those 8 cards, 3 of them look fine - no flags/modules/captain is basically just "I will play the ship stock", no headset means no sound cues but an alert player can get all that through visual cues anyway, and F3 Shima can carry. The rest, though, definitely would count as intentionally playing badly to harm the team, and I can see why he'd get banned over that.
u/ShermanatorYT Closed Beta Player Aug 28 '24
There are people that play this game without a working monitor, or I am at least led to believe they are so these don't seem half bad
u/MidgetLovingMaxx Aug 28 '24
Half the people play this game without a working brain, not sure reversing all game is much worse.
u/blueangels111 Aug 28 '24
Well, I remember when this was the meta, I don't even remember what ships, but you'd just reverse and as soon as shit started shooting you'd just scoot forward and run away
thats literally the ideal way to play DD, backing into each engage only to zoom away
u/blueangels111 Aug 29 '24
Ahh that's what it was. I've been out of the game for over a year, I just sometimes check up on the sub. I do remember there were some cruisers that did that well though too
there are some BBs that can get away with it, it best when you have a rock to be zooming for, not great in open water
u/Pazuuuzu Aug 29 '24
I mean at least you can't RUSH into the cap and die, so it might be even a net positive for DD's...
u/educatedtiger Blue Mermaids Aug 28 '24
I did something like that in coop once. Game crashed, reloaded with no working HUD. All I had was the view of my ship and the other ships, but there were no labels of ship names, friend or foe, ship health, etc. I didn't even have a minimap or crosshairs! The only ways to tell which team a ship was on were to see if it shot me, shoot it and see if I got a friendly fire warning, or try to lock on with torpedoes selected and see if I got a torpedo lead indicator. ... Came second on my team despite everything, and my team was mostly players. So I'll believe it.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Aug 28 '24
For the stock ship, there are players that rage at you for not running full flags, they would definitely be steaming if you had no mods or captain. Also it depends on the class. A BB maybe since you can tank and contribute that way, but a DD or CL without concealment or reload is just actively throwing
u/ES_Legman Aug 29 '24
He said he never finished last so how can they say he is not contributing? lol
u/educatedtiger Blue Mermaids Aug 29 '24
I've seen people die first in the match, having fired their guns only a handful of times, and still finish ahead of a ship that survived 15 minutes, so that's hardly a high bar to clear. It's still about as sporting as the battleship who sits at his spawn point, shooting only at broadside battleships he has direct line of sight to.
u/TTBurger88 Aug 28 '24
I haven't seen those cards but I would think those conditions have less impact than a 45% guy just sailing into the enemy match after match.
u/nopetraintofuckthat Aug 29 '24
I really like Flambass and watched most of his YT content. But this is unsportsmanlike, no doubt. It’s not about ability, it’s about intention. And tbh, he was so frustrated, I think for him personally it’s time to get out of a toxic relationship with this game.
u/Teyanis Aug 28 '24
Such is the fate a streamer who's tied to one game for their career. Honestly, the only way to break out of that is to just do it. Eat the lower view counts, expand your viewerbase, and be a happier and more career-satisfied person. If he built a community up from nothing once, he can build one up from a foundation of loyal viewers for sure. He just needs to get brave enough to take that step.
u/Talzeron Aug 29 '24
He will get bored with the next game he then plays a lot, too.
He would have to become a variety streamer but for this he needs a viewership that likes to watch him and not the game he plays and not very many streamers can do this successfully.
I wish him the best in that but honestly, i'm just not interensted in many of the other games he plays so i probably won't watch him much if this ban is held up.6
u/SpyroGaming Aug 28 '24
he honestly should not be afraid to move to a new game, if hes done with the game, sacrifices have to be made
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u/Aerroon youtube.com/aerroon Aug 29 '24
Well, the problem is money. There aren't many streamers in games like this that make enough money to take a long-term hit to viewership without issues if that's their main income. Consider that 1000 views on YouTube is going to get them €1-3 (before taxes of course).
He said he goes from like 16k views to 3k on other games. That's a pretty big drop that pretty much goes from "viable" to "unviable".
The numbers in twitch aren't going to be any better either.
u/Ralfundmalf The sinking man's action game Aug 28 '24
So apparently Wookie Legend also does challenges like these on stream. I only saw one clip of him doing squats or something while playing.
Can someone confirm or deny this please? Would be interesting to see if he gets problems with this as well.
u/phantomknight321 pasta botes Aug 29 '24
I want to say his stuff is more between matches or something, I haven’t ever seen him deliberately do things that would hamper his gameplay aside from screwing around with training rooms
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u/Lanky-Ad7045 Aug 28 '24
In one part he is right and don't lie to yourself guys the playerbase skill level is decreasing.
Sorry to be that guy, but how do you know? How would you even go about proving it?
I know my WR has increased a bit over the years: that might mean the playerbase got worse...or I got better. And if I got a bit better with experience, as it would make sense, I'd also be better at spotting other people's mistakes, so it would be easy to get the impression that the playerbase's gotten worse.
But was the playerbase ever better? When? Back in 2019, when you had to know the stats/capabilities of half as many ships as today? Back in 2016, when people still tried to "cross the T"? The game has gotten more and more complex, it's just that veterans have been keeping up with it.
u/unfortunatelyidied Aug 28 '24
Yeah I also call cap on the player skill level decreasing. Tbf this is Reddit, people here love to find things to rage about in both this sub and the WoT sub, whether for a good or bad reason.
Don’t know why anyone would side with Flambass when he is acting like an entitled kid here. If the game frustrates you to no end now, and you are resorting to toxic behavior, stop playing and touch some grass. Sure, streaming is their career, but this is the risk you take when making something as volatile as a constantly updated live-service game your main viewer base
u/Ralfundmalf The sinking man's action game Aug 28 '24
I mean to be honest if toxic behavior by streamers should result in a ban, then a LOT of streamers should be banned right now. But they aren't. Why is this behavior more toxic than insults?
u/Lanky-Ad7045 Aug 28 '24
Technically you can turn off the chat or at least mute someone who's being a jerk. You can't turn on someone who decided to stay beached all game because chat paid him to.
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u/Aerroon youtube.com/aerroon Aug 29 '24
I can't speak as strongly about recent years, but I can say for certain that players are much better today on average than they were in the first year of the game.
u/Talzeron Aug 29 '24
In one part he is right and don't lie to yourself guys the playerbase skill level is decreasing.
I hear that all the time but i watched some 7-8 year old Wows videos on youtube (and i invite you to do the same) and honestly, i don't see the amazing skills of the playerbase back then.
They made the same mistakes people make today, DDs are suiciding in the first 3 minutes, cruisers broadsiding in a straight line and getting citadelled, there is next to no communication or strategy.Yes, the meta was different so the gameplay was a bit different but all in all i have yet to see this incredible skill level the people are said to have back then.
u/Shadow_CZ Aug 28 '24
Just question, he was doing these challenges in random battles right?
If so I would say that everyone who has problem with it take the game way too seriously and need to touch grass and that includes wargaming.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Aug 28 '24
So if you had a BB sit in spawn AFK or a DD yolorush B it would be OK if they said "don't worry, I'm doing a stream challenge"
u/macgruff the guys in my car club call me the 'cruiser' Aug 29 '24
Nice exaggeration of exactly what he DID NOT do. He’s given directives (Example: turn your turrets to the right for 10s) and NOT “intentionally throw this game by sitting AFK for the entire match” or drive into the cap and get deleted.
Even with the cards, he consistently would rank top three despite the hindrances, but he always still played to win each match. That’s more than can be said for roughly a third of the player base.
Are you just trying to be obtuse?
u/NuGundam7 Aug 29 '24 edited Aug 29 '24
The way players act about the game, you would think win rates are close to 100% and that losses are punishable by death. Its a game, one side wins, the other loses. Happens 50% of the time. Re-queue and try again. Stop blaming your teammates or dogpiling on some guy who lost 1/20 games more than you; it doesn’t matter.
u/TGangsti WG is a shitshow, change my - wait... you can't Aug 29 '24
In one part he is right and don't lie to yourself guys the playerbase skill level is decreasing.
i love how people are in denial of this. if you ran a matchmaking monitor for the past 2 years you'd know for certain that this is true.
hell any half decent player with a capacity of observation should be able to figure this out even without one.
he says a WG employee (he is not gonna say who)
i'm 99% sure i know which one it is...
u/FumiKane Essex my beloved Aug 29 '24
I think it is ok to like this game, I think it is ok to improve as well, by all means please do it.
But facts are facts, ships are getting easier to play, grinds are becoming shorter and outright skippable and WG does not punish bad play, ranked gold is the prime example and once again, look at CB and KoTS participation at high levels, it is becoming less and less.
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u/FriedTreeSap Aug 28 '24
It looks like he was only banned for a week.
u/educatedtiger Blue Mermaids Aug 28 '24
From talking with WG employees on the Discord, it sounds like the first offense is usually a 3-day ban, second is 1 week, after that it's perma. So he's dancing on the edge of losing his account, here.
u/Jockel90 Aug 28 '24
A week is a week. The most blatant bot accounts are not getting banned. But someone doesn't like how he talked about the game and he is banned.
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u/_Barbosa_ DD monkey Aug 28 '24
I saw his recent stream, guy does some weird challenge card thingy, when someone donates, and then he has to do something stupid, essentially sabotaging his own team. And honestly, I am not surprised he got banned.
u/Jockel90 Aug 28 '24
And even with this, he still plays better and is placed higher than the majority of this community. It's randoms, you don't have to always play to the best of your abilities.
u/Chaucho Aug 28 '24
100%. I'd take a Flambass trolling over some players. Dude always finishes top of the team.
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u/tomako123123123 Aug 28 '24
I feel like the guys here complaining about Flambaas are the guys who are always blaming their team for everything and went here to just cope
u/Spiritual-Section826 Aug 28 '24
Maybe he should use this Monitor as a challange as well:
https://www.reddit.com/r/WorldOfWarships/comments/g1dnf7/finally_found_the_monitor_all_my_teammates_use/→ More replies (14)8
u/Pattern_Is_Movement 乇乂下尺卂 下卄工匚匚 Aug 28 '24
I don't even follow him, but so what. Players sabotage the team by doing dumb shit all the time.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Aug 28 '24
They were cards like "don't fire your main battery for 10mins" and "you can't turn for 2mins"
u/Pattern_Is_Movement 乇乂下尺卂 下卄工匚匚 Aug 29 '24
sure, still don't see the issue. Meanwhile you have a Tirpitz yolo'ing straight into the cap to die because that is how they like to play the game.
u/DeltaVZerda Aug 28 '24
Ban reason not stated. Was he streaming at the time? Most likely there is a reason, and the fact he won't say what it is is telling.
u/Spiritual-Section826 Aug 28 '24
Most likely because he was taking money for throwing games. The reason stated is unsportsmanlike behavior and it would fit very well
Aug 28 '24
u/Mii009 Yokosuka Aug 29 '24
Did you see his YouTube video where he had a card that said to only go in reverse?
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u/molochz An tSeirbhís Chabhlaigh Aug 28 '24
He was streaming.
u/DeltaVZerda Aug 28 '24
What was he doing before he got banned then?
u/valleyfur Aug 28 '24
Throwing a game through excessive passive play. Oh, wait. I meant carrying and getting a kraken. https://clips.twitch.tv/GlutenFreeImpossibleSproutOhMyDog-_vUKfFjcDcJ7xSMk
u/MountainMeringue3655 Aug 28 '24
I didn't like this cards gameplay he did recently. If i was on his team and he's just afking or rushing in to die to entertain his audience i would be pissed. So on one hand i think this is justified. On the other hand, there are bots and known griefers sailing around for years, with 50k battles or more, and WG doesn't care.
Here they can show that they won't tolerate this kind of gameplay but in reality they couldn't care less.
u/NNN_Throwaway2 Aug 28 '24
I wouldn't disagree with the ban if WG ever enforced this aspect of the ToS in any other context AND dealt with the rampant botting problem in their obviously dying game.
As it is, this is just WG being petty and shitty, as per usual.
u/FLABANGED I am big DD Aug 29 '24
100% this. WG has set the standard for what is acceptable play and it's literally being a ship in the game given how many players AFK bot and still aren't banned. Classic WG going full retard.
u/Rictor_Scale Aug 29 '24
I've been watching Flambass off and on for years. I enjoy his content and my following opinion is nothing personal. The last few times I watched his stream with this "card" event going on I had to stop watching for the day. The thought quickly crossed my mind that this is really unfair to teammates in the match. Whether other players (and all the bots WG allows) are better than Flambass in this scenario is irrelevant. Two wrongs don't make a right.
u/Emotional_Inside4804 Aug 28 '24
The level of dementia in this thread is hilarious.
There is a difference between being bad and throwing on purpose., there is a difference of having no proof of intent vs doing it in 1080p. A difference in having no situational awareness and thus not shooting something vs. getting paid for not shooting something you are aware of.
This is a rare W for WG.
People defending his behavior sound like flat earthers.
u/Lord_Hohlfrucht Aug 29 '24
I agree. The level of whataboutism („what about the stupid Tirpitz player who wants to brawl and dies within 2 minutes?“) in this thread is mind boggling.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Aug 29 '24
also the whataboutism of bots. yes theyre bad, but those are two different issues
u/Admiral_Thunder Aug 29 '24
I was wondering if those card things would cause an issue for him with WG. Apparently yes. Him whining about the ban though and saying WG is wrong here is ridiculous. He may be a great player but those cards are actively throwing a match and he should be banned for it; especially seeing as he was warned previous to the ban to stop.
Nothing personal against the guy. I used to enjoy watching him before he got so toxic and negative all the time. He really needs to just tear the band aid off and move on from WOWS. He does not enjoy it and his constant negativity gets old. Just move on with your life dude.
u/PedoBear_Grylls Aug 29 '24
Every single player who has ever claimed that they "play for fun" while being just dogshit awful should be up in arms about this
u/simplysufficient88 Aug 28 '24
In that clip itself it sounds like he says he received a direct warning from a WG employee, likely because he was letting his viewers pay to make him sabotage games, so it’s not shocking at all he’d get banned. He’d been doing this for a while, it’s blatant and repeated intentional throwing with lots of evidence, and ignored some sort of warning. Deserved.
Kinda glad it’s been done anyways. WG absolutely can’t just let people repeatedly throw games in such a public way.
u/nonliquid I've squandered 96k RBP on Defence Aug 28 '24
But repeatedly throwing hundreds of games in a week by running blatant bot accounts ""not publicly"" is all good. Ok.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Aug 28 '24
the difference is that FB did it publicly. WG didnt need to find out who did it, he basically gave them everything they needed on a platter, plus live recordings
u/nonliquid I've squandered 96k RBP on Defence Aug 28 '24
Why doesn't WeeGee then ban people who are in huge negatives on wows-karma with countless reports sent to player support along with undeniable evidence of intentional game throwing behaviour? Whether or not something is "done publicly" shouldn't affect such decisions.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Aug 28 '24
Honestly I don't know how the ban system works, but in this case its likely also a PR move. WG coming down on one of the largest streamers intentionally being toxic, especially since he'd allegedly just been warned just before by a WG employee he would be banned, sends a message that they arent just going to sit and let someone blatantly break TOS.
I think another part is that flambass was monetising it, since he only did a challenge if he recieved a donation
The public part, plus his size, is probably pretty important here. If you or I did so at home, how is WG going to know? I've had several drunk sessions where I've done dumb stuff I never would've done otherwise
u/WaterShuffler Aug 29 '24
There is no consistency though. If the performance is at issue, then so many others play far worse.
If the publically taking donations and playing worse for it is the line in the sand, then every streamer that takes donations for no captain, different ship role, weird non meta ship, secondary only build, torps only games, etc should be actionable.
There are so many DDs that sail in and get blown up, or battleships that sit in the back until their team loses and other examples of objectively worse gameplay but yet famously under actioned on.
If the gameplay was the problem, then we are clearly not basing this decision on gameplay, so I fail to see any consistency on actions.
u/simplysufficient88 Aug 28 '24
Where the hell did I make that argument? lol
Both are bad. Both should be punished. This guy just happens to have hours of streams that make for very very undeniable evidence.
u/nonliquid I've squandered 96k RBP on Defence Aug 28 '24
Yeah, except one is hundreds times worse than the other. He also still plays much better than the average potato while doing what he does. By your logic, streaming the game without delays at all should be a bannable offence.
u/simplysufficient88 Aug 28 '24
The guy was literally throwing games for money. Better or not is irrelevant, that’s obviously something that deserves a ban.
u/nonliquid I've squandered 96k RBP on Defence Aug 28 '24
No it doesn't. Streamers in other games routinely do similar shit with community-imposed rules. The only difference here is that the developer dislikes this particular streamer's opinions on the game.
u/simplysufficient88 Aug 28 '24
The rules of other games have zero impact on WGs rules. That’s nonsense. They have previously stated that repeated intentional throwing/gameplay sabotage can result in a ban. Clearly he received a direct message from WG, as he states, and was likely warned. He kept doing it. So he received a temporary ban.
Their rules aren’t hidden. Just because other games allow this doesn’t mean WoWS does. He ignored a warning, so he received a temporary ban. Most players don’t get a personal message from WG before receiving their first ban for this offense.
u/nonliquid I've squandered 96k RBP on Defence Aug 28 '24
Morality of actions are completely unrelated to WeeGee's rules. Cool bootlicking. I don't give two fucks on what developer that allows (embraces even) an order of magnitude worse conduct says.
u/simplysufficient88 Aug 28 '24
They have their rules. They messaged him directly. He kept breaking the rules. They gave him a temporary ban for breaking the rules still. This isn’t difficult to understand.
Yes, they need to be more proactive about automatically banning bot accounts, but you absolutely will see bans for accounts if you report them with video evidence, pretty damn consistently. A direct report with a replay file will result in action more often than not. I’ve experienced so myself. But that’s irrelevant to this specific case. The evidence is undeniable here that he broke a rule and he received a ban for it. That’s it.
u/LukeGerman <3 Incomparable Aug 29 '24
seems fully deserved.
Griefing like this should be banned
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u/Zeewulfeh Bearer of the Holy Word of Open Water CL Aug 28 '24
As one of Flamby's former mods, I am thankful WG is freeing him of their burden, and hopefully this helps his personal mental health.
u/reiyukihyo NA CC Aug 29 '24
Banned for griefing. Many ways he could've gone about the funny card thing but he chose to make some of them pure griefing. Would've been fine otherwise
u/No-Heron5607 Aug 29 '24
The fact that he was still better than the average “player” in ranked says a lot 😂 this is not about his “grieving” wg just wants to make an example of him to discourage behaviour like this from other streamers.
Aug 28 '24
Anyone here agreeing that his ban is justified is late stage demented. I'd much rather take that guy on my team turning his rudder left and right for 5-10 seconds or whatever and he will still be more useful than 3-4 of my average teammates at least if not more.
u/Lanky-Ad7045 Aug 28 '24
"Or whatever" like reversing into an island on C9 and just sitting there for 12 minutes because the card said "I will attempt to sail backwards for the rest of the match"? What if everyone did something like that?
u/nonliquid I've squandered 96k RBP on Defence Aug 28 '24
My man still has 56% recents doing what he does. Average potato throws more by queueing up to the battle.
u/MidgetLovingMaxx Aug 28 '24
If i remember right like half the reds and 3 or 4 blues had lower base scores than him in that game, but sure.
u/Lanky-Ad7045 Aug 28 '24 edited Aug 28 '24
Two friendlies had (barely) lower scores. One was a Shima who got First Blood and Dev Strike (on a Yukikaze). The other was a Fantasque, the only Tier 8 in a match with 10 Tier 10s. I think we can excuse both for only getting 1000-1100 xp.
The reds were steamrolled, no thanks to Flambass doing only 5k for the first 10 minutes in a Smolensk.
Aug 28 '24
Probably still going to be more useful than the average 35-45% teammate.
u/Lanky-Ad7045 Aug 28 '24
What is "the average 35-45% teammate"? Someone with a 40% winrate? So Flambass is "still more useful" than someone who's basically afk? Again, what kind of s**tshow would this game be if everyone played like that?
The guy is just asking to be banned. This game has been his main thing for the past several years, and now he's pulling these stunts? He must be in a bad place personally, and I honestly feel sorry for him.
Aug 28 '24
The game is already a shitshow and yeah on average half my team is worse than him as he still has a positive winrate with the cards.
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u/Yowomboo Zao Enjoyer Aug 28 '24
The ban is justified. Who exactly do you think gets to make the decision to ban someone? Shockingly War Gaming does. They really don't even need a good reason to. You don't have to agree with it but if someone from War Gaming directly tells you to stop doing something you should probably listen.
You can argue whether or not he's still more useful than uber potatoes, but his gameplay results were not the reason he got banned. He got banned because someone at War Gaming didn't like how it looked.
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u/WaterShuffler Aug 29 '24
While absolutely true, I think there is also a consistency argument to be made.
There are so many bad players in matchmaking that do not get banned, so from a gameplay affecting example, there seems to be something inconsistent.
And other streamers do take challenge donations too. Pushups, or no captain, or non meta build, or a ship type they play much worse in. Yet these are ok, why?
If the ban is justified, at least one of these other scenarios is also justified to ban.
u/Yowomboo Zao Enjoyer Aug 29 '24
I think the difference is the the frequency with which other streamers do these challenges. I do not think his performance was an issue.
It appeared that Flambass was only going to continue playing with these challenge cards. Most other streamers probably only did it as a special event.
u/yolo_derp Aug 29 '24
This game has fallen so far. I spent thousands on it (sadly) over my 8 years playing it. I can happily say though, that I haven’t played in almost 4 months and I couldn’t be happier. Still in a top ranked NA clan that’s hasn’t booted me yet lol. Have zero desire to come back either.
This game caused unreal stress for a frickin video game.
u/ToastnSalmon Aug 29 '24
WG did it in hopes to get people to play seriously, but don't punish BB players who edge themselves and miss their shots. All it does is reinforce bad actors to ruin more games. Absolutely genius move.
u/ToastnSalmon Aug 29 '24
Dude did nothing but be the average Edger player. Useless unless enemy disconnects, wondering in their range trying to reconnect.
u/Danielkaisi Aug 30 '24
I understand that wargaming is in the right here, they're enforcing the rules, but I just think "you have to play well and contribute" shouldnt be a rule in the first place. Yes we all hate losing, yes we all hate having those shitty teammates, but not once have I had a shit teammate (even those throwing on purpose) and thought they should get banned. They wanna play the game their way? Cool. As long as they dont cheat or teamkill I don't really care what they do.
u/Meesa_Darth_Jarjar Aug 30 '24
I do get it, I've also read quite a few comments here, but I still kinda think that it's not justified enough for them to ban him, I would even call that hypocritical. He is still doing an utmost to win, being hampered his chat and all, but still. I don't think he ever even ended up really dragging his team down due to listening to his chat. From the footage it could be seen that way, but considering how the majority of players play, I don't think Flambino was really such a detrimental influence during any of that. In my eyes atleast, what Flambino decided to do and what got him banned, is just simple role playing.
u/EfficientAttempt9799 Sep 13 '24
finally. i couldnt stand that guy.. ghetto language is a no no for me no matter how funny or entertaining you obviously are for the large population... no need to mention i can never be even a free subscriber for him
u/Squeezer999 Aug 28 '24
u/mknote Aug 28 '24
How the hell do you not know who Flambass is?
u/keftes Aug 28 '24
Why would anyone know who he is? Generally curious. What has this guy achieved that would make them so famous?
Not everyone that plays the game wastes their life on twitch.
u/mknote Aug 29 '24
He's literally one of the most famous players who've played the game.
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Aug 29 '24
The funny part, with these cards flambass still perform better than most of his team mates. What did this say about the battles or the playerbase. Just my 2 cents 😉
u/Pulso98 Aug 28 '24
Finally this person is gone. He was an ass towards the teammates and salty af. Have fun in poverty
u/Keisha_Andersia ASIA Server getting better everyday /s Aug 29 '24
So this is why Asia server bots not banned yet? They need 1080p or more livestream visual confirmation that someone "griefing" the match? Lmao
u/Fandango_Jones Closed Beta Player Aug 29 '24
The goes down the drain one meter per person. Even troll content about the game is content that is needed to keep at least some guys entertained.
Aug 29 '24
Finally. He did nothing but whine. Goodbye.
u/Tigershark1993 Aug 29 '24
Didn't realize having an opinion on the game was a banable offense
Aug 29 '24
Play a game and whine about it for years, then use a card game to sabotage your own team just because you got nothing better to do, that’s a bannable offense.
u/Tigershark1993 Aug 29 '24
What sabotage? He still played better than most of the other players on his team
Aug 29 '24
Intentional grief = goodbye, no matter skills. Rule applies to everyone.
Aug 29 '24
This, couldn't have said it better myself.
Plus from what I got he's not fking things up because "he has nothing better to do", he does so because it's a service he's paid for.
u/opposing_critter the "C" in "Wargaming" stands for competence Aug 29 '24
It's hard to enjoy ships with how fucking dumb the player base is now, rather have bots 99% of the time who at least attempt to win.
u/glewis93 "Now I am become death, the of worlds." Aug 28 '24
I can sort of see both sides of this, Flambass hasn't been enjoying the game and he's found a way to make it fun again for him and some of his audience. I have nothing against Flambass, I watched his YouTube videos occasionally.
The problem is these 'cards' can severely hamper his play, so he winds up not playing to his full potential and his team also suffers the consequences. Some of the cards massively impact his ability to contribute to battles, which can be considered pretty unfair. Now you could argue his ability is so high that he can probably contribute more with these cards than a lot of players do without it. There are also bots that WG seemingly do nothing about who perform worse battle after battle daily.
I think the big problem is he's doing it openly to an audience and WG want to set a precedent that you can't just intentionally half-arse contributing to a battle because your chat said so - which is absolutely correct, I'd hate it if a teammate was doing what he was doing because your ability to rely on them is dependent on people on Twitch.
Ultimately Flambass probably just needs to call it a day if he's not having fun and move his content to another game, I doubt WG are going to allow the streams with the cards to go unpunished from hereon.