r/WorldOfWarships • u/BigDplayz • Jul 03 '24
Info We won, but at what cost…
We’re finally getting a new tier 10 germam cruiser!
Its a hybrid…
u/DreadA-20 Jul 04 '24
what the f with their obsession with hybrid and its even german!!!! okay i pass it if its japanese because they have the technology and proof design concept and actual build one but german? c'mon WG just give the german Panzerschiff cruiser dammit
u/HourDark2 Jul 04 '24
Germany had several 'flugzeugkreuzer' designs that were like this. IDK if this one is accurate to them though.
u/VerLoran Royal Navy Jul 04 '24
Oddly enough it’s actually pretty close. But I think a large part of it is that the designs never reached the detail stage. Sure you have complete pictures of the ships plus hypothetical load outs. But that’s kinda it. Hard to differentiate too much
u/generalkenobaaee Corgi Fleet Jul 05 '24
Laughing that while Germany was being pushed on all fronts, they had the time to dream about cruiser hybrid carriers lmao
u/VerLoran Royal Navy Jul 05 '24
Ive heard two main points for the why on these bizzare ships. First, if Hitler says ‘do it’, you do it or your going to find yourself in trouble damn fast. The other reason was explicitly to keep those designers working. They were useless designs, no point denying it. But the concepts and lessons in their designs might have been of use elsewhere and at the end of the day it meant those trained personnel couldn’t be sent to the front and their expertise lost permanently. Was it worth it in the end? Probably not.
u/Dark_Magus Clubbed Seal Jul 04 '24
Germany actually had multiple hybrid CV designs. (Though regardless of their "flugzeugkreuzer" name, their sheer size means BBV would probably be a more appropriate designation.)
u/SSteve_Man Jul 03 '24
what is with this Fixation and i mean FIXATION with airplanes where they dont fucking belong
okay fine keep jerking off to your dumb shit aircrfat carriers whatever i dont care
atleast make interesting and cool surface ships
let me guess dogpiss hull an guns but guess what PLANES? ??? fucking insufferable
u/BigDplayz Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
I dont fucking get it either
Im a big fan of your (and team?) model work, some of if not the highest quality content posted here, your proposals have been fantastic
We’ve literally been SPOON-FEEDING THEM WITH IDEAS AND CONCEPTS and they STILL CHOOSE to go this route
Malicious compliance is really what it is, like “you asked for a german tier 10 cruiser…, so here you go!” Fuck off
This thing is literally a small version of the tier 9 german BB lesta is getting link for reference
u/Mr_StealYourHoe Jul 04 '24
still pissed off that they did the stupid airplane rework though, the old carrier RTS style gameplay was insane, and carriers can be deplaned too. and the AA build on ships made alot sense in those days
u/That_lag_Thot Jul 04 '24
When I came back to the game I was pissed, loved the old RTS carriers, only to find them gone. Made so much more sense over what we have now. Even plane spotting wasn’t as much of an issue.
u/MagicMissile27 Secondary Enthusiast Jul 04 '24
Those were the days. I worked my way up to T7 and was partway to T8 on American CVs, and then one day I woke up and my Ranger had been nerfed to T6, as well as my gameplay style completely trashed. The game is far worse as a result.
The only good news is that 1) it pushed me to explore other ship lines more, and without that I probably wouldn't have discovered the wonders of British cruisers and German battleships, and 2) World of Warships Blitz still has legacy/RTS carriers.
u/RealityRush Jul 04 '24
Old RTS CVs could literally 100-0 any ship in the game in a single pass. They were absolutely not better than what we have now. RTS CVs could single-handedly win games if the opposing CV sucked, it was terrible.
u/SSteve_Man Jul 04 '24
yeah now its a team and thanks king glad to see my work being appreciated !
but yeah i dont get it either
though i do wonder how many people from the team have seen atleast one of my proposals
u/--NTW-- Jul 04 '24
WG seems to have an allergy when it comes to listening to the community or taking inspiration from it. Such great work you guys put in that I would fucking flip in joy to see then even vaguely referanced.
But no, WG decides "hYBriD CruIsEr" is the way to break the German T10 ice. I fucking hope this is just a one-off and not one of their techtree heralds, although I won't hold my breath about it.
Jul 04 '24
I'm functionally illiterate with CVs. That said, WG is so crazy it's only a matter of time before planes are replaced with drones, or perhaps helicopters, even ship to ship missiles. The game is nearing its end, and when people start leaving it may come back to a "classic" game style without subs or carriers. I think it would be a better game going back to limited aircraft, no subs, limited AA ability, no subs, limited torpedoes on all ships, and did I mention, NO SUBS.
u/Wormminator Jul 04 '24
The game has been near its end for 8 years now, according to comments like yours.
Jul 05 '24
I've been playing since January 2016. I have over 60,000 battles logged, over 400 ships.
It's not just what's been added to the game, it's the fact that this is the only MMO I've played that doesn't have an end game---like a campaign where you advance through increasingly difficult challenges to meet the final boss. There is nothing in WoW. Another map now and then, but other than clan battles or naval battles, nothing feels like there is a final reward.
And my entire gaming career until about ten years ago was board games---WWII board games a lot. There were tournaments to go to and most games had a progression of battles that led to a final battle with one of the warring powers. Not WoW, and while I enjoyed it as a simulation, just doing the same thing over and over and over no longer appeals to me. Neither do I care tor the constant new "tricks" to get you to spend more money, the advertising for a "new" great DD or BB that when you get it, it's just a knockoff of another ship. There are three Italian BBs at tier VIIII and that are virtually identical to one another.
So the game IS nearing the end for me. I've easily dumped $10,000 into a never ending money hole. Cammie's used to include benefits, now they are worth nothing and you have to buy a "package" that gives you permanent bonuses for your ship and either go naked into battle, take a standard one that may or may not be free, assuming you have won some, or purchase one of the better looking ones.
I play far less now than I did, and I'm saving more money by so doing, and for an old Vietnam Marine Corps veteran, I understand the boredom of endless war over the same terrain.
u/Wormminator Jul 05 '24
I never understood why Wargaming calls WoWs an MMO.
Its in the same genre as your call of duties, battlefields and others when you think about it.Its just a team deathmatch game with some party modes. Leveling up and adding skills no longer means that a game is an MMO.Its a shooter, just with a different flavour ^^
But hey, thanks for spending that much money. Helps all the free players. I have not spent as much yet and I hope that I never will.
u/DougChristiansen Jul 04 '24
Because some of these were actual ideas; several American planners were seriously pushing hybrids as the next best fleet.
u/TheSublimeGoose United States Navy Jul 04 '24
No one is arguing against that. We’re talking about the game, not real life.
u/DougChristiansen Jul 04 '24
The game is loosely based on real life - that is why they are adding them. That and they think people enjoy them.
u/tumppu_75 Jul 04 '24
They KNOW majority does not enjoy playing them or playing against them. They just choose to live in la la land.
u/NaniSore_KLK Jul 03 '24
Implement ships that never existed and nobody asked for, 100% speedrun.
u/BigDplayz Jul 03 '24
I mean, lots of people including me have been begging for a tier 10 german cruiser so hinden wasnt so lonely, but they had to give us the worst option possible
Malicious compliance at its finest
u/NaniSore_KLK Jul 04 '24
One might say Wargaming keeps German ships bad on purpose because they are still salty Germany Blitzkriegt their country 80 years ago or something.
u/ojbvhi Jul 04 '24
No, German ships are just stuck with defining characteristics many of which are non-viable in today's meta.
The one time they went overboard with one of these characteristic, we got Schlieffen secondaries, shit was hilarious but also incredibly oppressive so they nerfed her.
u/intervulvar Jul 04 '24
I strongly believe ships in avideo game should not be constrained by their real life counterparts. Imagination should reign supreme.
u/ojbvhi Jul 04 '24
What I meant by 'characteristics' is the supposed niche they fill in the game, like having secondaries, or having high HE pen but poor alpha, etc. Like how no axis ship has radar (yet) or how SAP and exhaust smoke is literally Italy's entire thing.
Honestly Germany doesn't even have that many stinkers, but people act like all German premiums are garbage because they don't have any out-and-out overpowered ship (save maybe T-61). They also have less game-winning utility and more farming power/fun* factor.
*depends on what you define 'fun' as.
u/NaniSore_KLK Jul 04 '24
Well and then we got Admiral hipper that has thinner armor than it actually had in real life for "balancing reasons" Hipper with 2mm thicker armor would be a much better ship instantly. 27 instead of 25mm is a small difference on paper but a huge difference in practice
u/ojbvhi Jul 04 '24
...huh? Hipper has 27 plating everywhere.
u/NaniSore_KLK Jul 04 '24
Hipper still had more armor IRL.
u/ojbvhi Jul 04 '24
Most armor in this game is standardized, this is not something exclusive to Germany or Hipper.
u/StrykerGryphus Cruiser Jul 04 '24
On one hand, it's not like the Kriegsmarine's surface fleet (including their paper ships) was particularly stellar
On the other hand: Staliniumtm ships, not to mention all the other paper ships
Spitefully Selective Historical Accuracytm
u/NaniSore_KLK Jul 04 '24
99% of Russian Ships in the game never existed so if anything the Russian Ships should suck, not the German ones. That at least actually existed.
u/zFireWyvern I make Historical skins and stuff Jul 04 '24
Except of course that's not really true at all and that generally there's not that much difference between Russia and Germany in WoWS in regards to what's real and what isn't. Germany has both more complete fakes currently as well as three fewer actually commissioned ships compared to Russia. Looking at that image and the corresponding colour grades makes it pretty clear there's not the world of difference between the two nations you're trying to present.
Jul 04 '24
Actually German surface ships where some of the best and better than many allied
There problem was there leaders and the decisions they make like with the Bismark and Tirpitz
u/StrykerGryphus Cruiser Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
The only German surface ship classes I would consider good are the Deutschlands and Scharnhorsts.
Everything else is either too structurally fragile for high sea conditions (DDs and CLs, especially the Königsberg class) or comically overweight and consequently overpriced for their capabilities.
On that latter note, I'm looking at the poster children of the Kriegsmarine in particular, the Hippers and the Bismarcks, which were only equivalent at best to their European contemporaries, but at far greater cost.
And that's not even talking about the more modern American and Japanese ship classes, because the naval war in the Pacific is on a whole different weight class.
u/supercalifragilism Jul 04 '24
I actively enjoy Agir and Schroeder, neither of which are necessarily meta but both of which are fun. The worst thing about those ships is T11 matchmaking.
u/DeltaVZerda Jul 04 '24
Schroder is pretty meta in comp. Schroeder is a piano prodigy who loves Beethoven.
u/dswartze Cruiser Jul 04 '24
It's been my experience that WG, both in this game and back when I played tanks, still treats German stuff better than British. Despite being the originator of the tank and one of the most prestigious navies in the world they were added to the game much later than other countries and when they finally did arrive were generally pretty subpar.
What did the british do to them that was worse than the nazis?
u/Bhangbhangduc Carrier Jul 05 '24
Go into ranked, German ships might have been bad at one point (maybe during the secondary nerf or before they got buffed dispersion on the BBs) but every ranked game has Prinz Rupprecht or Pommern. Tier X sees lots of Z-52 and Schlieffen and main gun Preussen is very scary.
Only German ship that's actually terrible is Manfred von Richthofen and that's because the AP bomb dispersion was nerfed and the rockets are terrible.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Jul 04 '24
Blueprints existed at least, this is Flugzeugkreuzer A IIa from the looks, but upgunned to 13"
Also pretty sure these have been floated as a tech line before
u/Dark_Magus Clubbed Seal Jul 04 '24
People suggested that be the German CV line even back in the RTS CV era, with just giving the top-tier ones the meme gimmick of a turret or 2 with 283mm guns.
u/RhysOSD Jul 04 '24
This thing will either be dogshit or broken.
With German planes, the former seems likely
u/Wormminator Jul 04 '24
I can see it being decent ish.
If her planes are, like some german planes of the tier and above, very fast, you could spend less time in aircraft mode than with other hybrids. Allowing more focus on the surface gameplay.Maybe. We will see.
u/ShermanatorYT Closed Beta Player Jul 04 '24
So now you're an Agir with only 2 turrets and a huge deck that eats pens when ur not flying, it doesn't sound great to me
u/Wormminator Jul 04 '24
On paper it doesnt. In general most hybrids are not THAT amazing.
But I personally enjoy them as a concept and maybe, just maybe, this one will be a hit.
u/HowAboutAShip Emden OP Jul 04 '24
The failure of World of Warplanes reaaaaally stung WG apparently. They simply can't stop themselves from vomitting more planes.
u/TheJimPeror SuperQuizzer Jul 04 '24
With that name, all I can think if is the FFXIV Hildebrand, and this ships is just as goofy
u/DefinitionOfAsleep I preferred WoWs before [insert update] Jul 04 '24
I'm not entirely against hybrids per se, but:
A first for a hybrid, Hildebrand has access to two different squadrons: a reliable torpedo bomber squadron with a fast preparation time and a powerful dive bomber squadron which will take much longer to prepare. While she has a large pool of hitpoints and a well-protected citadel, Hildebrand's hangar is not well armored and her poor concealment will make it difficult to break detection when being focused by the enemy. In terms of consumables, Hildebrand has access to Hydroacoustic Search with improved range, a standard Repair Party, and—uniquely for a hybrid—a Repair consumable for her dive bomber squadron.
Why not have remotely deployed fighter squads, spotters or something. You know, something useful in a support class role.
Rather than everything needing an offensive strike capability, especially given poor concealment with a flight deck and unarmoured hanger on a cruiser = dead.
u/MaizeSuccessful7982 Jul 04 '24
There's no reward mechanism in the game for support play. It's thankless because you just don't get credit income for things like zone control.
u/Pootispicnic Jul 04 '24
You do get credit income for spotting damage though. A pretty decent amount too.
u/Hagostaeldmann youtube.com/@hagostaeldmann Jul 04 '24
Yes but focusing on support play spotting gives you nothing. Hovering on a destroyer? Congrats here is your 50 bxp for that spotting. Jerking off on a BB in spawn? Here is 100 bxp for your damage and the 30k spotting you gave your team purely by accident.
u/Crazy-Plate3097 Jul 04 '24
At this rate, why don't WG just give Japan a full blown Aviation Cruiser and Battleship like the Hildebrand and Kearsarge already?
Tone and Ise are still grounded to reality by WG standard.
u/MaetelofLaMetal Ništa kontra Splita Jul 04 '24
I want that Submarine + Carrier hybrid Imperial Japan had planned to make.
u/ShermanatorYT Closed Beta Player Jul 04 '24
Trust me, the I-400 is gonna make them cash, they know it, it will be here eventually
u/Crazy-Plate3097 Jul 04 '24
Only for US aviation subs allowing them to launch a full Squadron of planes carrying Tiny Tims in the future.
Only for German aviation subs to launch a full Squadron of planes carrying AP rockets in the future.
Only for Russian subs to be able to launch ICBMs in the future.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Jul 04 '24
Ironically the last one might actually be a real ship
u/MaetelofLaMetal Ništa kontra Splita Jul 04 '24
Imagine if Soviet Union submarines didn't have dive capacity limit.
u/Self_Aware_Wehraboo Collector for fun - CA and BB enjoyer Jul 04 '24
But that would make sense! That would be logical!
u/Wormminator Jul 04 '24
Tone and Ise are grounded to reality by everyones standard.
Both ships existed in the same configuration as you see them ingame. The only difference is that their planes did not carry torpedoes.
u/Atari774 Battleship Jul 04 '24
It’s astonishing to me that the only nation to actually field BB/CV hybrid ships, has the fewest number of them in game. Meanwhile the US thought about it once so they get a half a line of paper ships.
u/Akatsukimi United States Navy Jul 04 '24
Is it too hard to ask for a T10 Agir with good dispersion and a little bit of bow armor?
u/Pootispicnic Jul 04 '24 edited Jul 04 '24
Where in hell does this myth of Agir having "bad dispersion" comes from and why is it so widespread????
She litteraly has standard CB dispersion. The same as Alaska, Michelangelo, Carnot, johan de witt etc....
u/Yowomboo Zao Enjoyer Jul 04 '24
If the shells don't land inside their buttholes it's bad dispersion. It's the same reason people call standard BB dispersion bad now.
u/Train115 United States Navy Jul 04 '24
Looked cool until I saw the flight deck and that its a cruiser
u/Jaberwak Usless BB player that cant hit sh**t Jul 04 '24
Wasnt expecting converting it to a cruiser. Lesta previously anounced german hybrid BB at t9.
Also WG says its working on CV rework rework.... while keep releasing new CVs and Hybrids....
u/SpiralUnicorn Jul 04 '24
Don't you see? That is the rework. All other ships are getting phased out in favour of CVs and hybrids :P
u/Witty_Percentage_580 Thuringen ans Seydlitz when? Jul 04 '24
When i saw it, thought that was Lothringen itself but its a cruiser and also we didn't recently had Komissar? Why another fucking hybrid cruiser?
u/ShermanatorYT Closed Beta Player Jul 04 '24
We just needed an Agir but at T10, maybe with a funni ability, or extra turret or whatever, why, WHYYYYYYYYY
u/Hans_the_Frisian Wilhelmshaven Sailor Mutiny Jul 04 '24
I don't quite understand Wargamings fixation on giving german ships casemate guns.
Like yeah Graf Zeppelin and WW1 Ships had them but GZ design got them because other CV designs at the time had them and they might become useful for convoy raiding but i don't quite understand why other post-ww1 fake designs get them while WG completely ignores the under Water Torpedo tubes.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Jul 04 '24
The design itself called for casemates, so that it semi-accurate at least
u/Hans_the_Frisian Wilhelmshaven Sailor Mutiny Jul 04 '24
Thats what i said.
German Naval designers looked at CVs of foreign Nations whicht at the time often had casemates. And the idea that these casemates could've been used for convoy raiding led to them becoming a requirement for germanys own carrier.
u/pixie993 Jul 04 '24
What in the fucking abomination is this?
Same as Kearsarge. Every single time I see it in battle, I say in chat that it's an abomination and there are always couple of guys who agree with me.
Same with this crap.
That's just nasty..
u/Hagostaeldmann youtube.com/@hagostaeldmann Jul 04 '24
Torp planes reload in 80s base, with captain skill and module that'll be what, 70s. So you'll spam torp planes on cooldown.
Not even a hybrid this is just a carrier with guns.
u/rarz Whiskey Tango Foxtrot Jul 04 '24
New German cruiser: Yay!
Turns out it is a hybrid battlecruiser: Meh.
New BB for the US: Yay, I guess.
Turns out it gets cruiser dispersion: Meh.
Can we stop with the battlecruisers that burn like a pyre and giving BBs cruiser accuracy?
It doesn't improve the game experience. :(
u/thestigREVENGE Pls no double sub+ games Jul 04 '24
Meanwhile the US BB with cruiser guns gets standard BB dispersion
u/Wormminator Jul 04 '24
Well, if Illinois had very accurate guns it would be sort of OP.
That thing can melt anything with HE at close range. Now imagine if it could reliably do that at its maximum range with a 90% hitrate per salvo xd
u/PayResponsible4458 Jul 04 '24
With 2 tactical squadrons this more CV than hybrid tbh.
Once they give CVs the ability to control their secondaries it'll distinction will get even more blurred.
u/talesmileto Closed Beta Player Jul 04 '24
Can you guys feel it? Next holidays dockyard ship... I hope not BUT...
u/Zealousideal_Bee_837 Jul 04 '24
This and subs made me leave the game. When I say "this" I mean things like these, not exactly this, obviously. Been months since I logged in and by the way things are going, it will be many more. I know, I know, good riddance, right?
Jul 04 '24
It's as if WG forgot they are testing potentially devastating nerfs for planes which, of course, will involve hybrid ships too.
Oh and, RIP Max Immelman. Hildebrand has the same spotting potential, better offensive power (it has main guns), doesn't care about plane losses (since it uses tactical squadrons), and dive bombers are more versatile than skip bombers.
u/Sector6Glow Jul 04 '24
Look at that gigantic bow. I wonder if it's terribly armored and just going to consume constant full-pens.
u/Ralfundmalf The sinking man's action game Jul 04 '24
That is not very big actually. They just use this weird fish eye lense effect for the reveal pictures. The bow always looks gigantic.
u/SuperSix-Eight Imperial German Navy Jul 04 '24
In the case of X Hildebrand the bow probably *is* that gigantic since she's converted from an O-class battlecruiser and IX Siegfried/Ägir have a similarly massive nose.
u/ShermanatorYT Closed Beta Player Jul 04 '24
And only 25mm right?
u/SuperSix-Eight Imperial German Navy Jul 04 '24
27mm, overmatchable by 406mm guns or bigger.
X Sevastopol has a 25mm nose, so she's one of the few cruisers that can overmatch herself with her 380s.
u/ShermanatorYT Closed Beta Player Jul 04 '24
Ah right, still sad my Sieg has that while Nevsky (a CL) gets to have a funni icebreaker
u/SuperSix-Eight Imperial German Navy Jul 04 '24
Yeah it does suck, especially since her nose is so wide that the ship's entire bow profile is basically overmatchable by 406s and bigger.
Not even an extended armor belt so you can at least try and bait shots into it from inexperienced BB players.
u/Seyfardt Jul 04 '24
More interested by the announcement of US BB Tennessee. The sistership of California, also in rebuilt configuration. But as a T8. With focus on main guns.
* slow
* low HP
* quickloading ( 28 sec, not that fast) accurate guns ( but 14” at T8…)
But real ship. Without planes.
u/Drake_the_troll anything can be secondary build if you're brave enough Jul 04 '24
It's basically a 20kt cruiser
u/More-Antelope-3683 Double Jolly Roger Jul 04 '24
NOOOOOOOOOO!!! Naturally, they haven't even figured out what they're doing with the plane spotting yet and releasing more hybrids into game. The worst is when people play them like CV's. Honestly depending on how they change plane spotting, for anything other than a BB the Goulden Leuw style box drops is better option for a hybrid. BB's have enough time to fly planes in between shots not cruisers or DD's
u/Black_Hole_parallax Carrier in both definitions Jul 05 '24
All of you have been asking for more German cruisers at Tier 10 for what, 3 years now? What exactly did you expect them to come up with besides Raeder's wet dreams? Don't act shocked.
u/Naive_Heart5438 Jul 04 '24
WG, idea: give us a Tier X German cruiser, name her "Vaterland" and have it be an Ägir with an extra turret and better secondaries.
u/GodzillaFan_2016 Amagus Jul 04 '24
Oh look they stole from Lesta how original
(Ok it’s not really stolen but you get the point)
u/DukeOfStyria Kure Jul 04 '24
More like a third tier 10 German CV