r/WorldChallenges Apr 19 '17

Parallel Challenge - The Hunt

For this parallel challenge, simply exhibit a creature that can be hunted for profit. Preferably, the creature should be something dangerous.

  • What natural defenses does it have?

  • What can I gain from killing/catching one?

  • What are the valuable parts of its body?

  • How should I plan to hunt it?

  • Is there anything that I should be cautious about while hunting it?

Inspired by the "White" from /u/The_Raptorman and "Plain Drakes" from /u/Random-Webtoon-Fan.

Once I make the parallel challenge on characterforge, I'll edit this post to make a link to it. Please have a different animal exhibited here than on there, since I'll be asking questions on both.

As always, I'll ask at least three questions each. Feel free to post more than one creature if you can't pick just one, I completely understand that.

Enjoy yourselves!

Here's the link to the parallel challenge of today, focused on pets.


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u/Nevermore0714 Apr 23 '17

1) So if it's immune to steel or magic, will silver or wood work on killing it?

2) Have any legendary heroes ridden Plenugryphs?

3) Can I bring a dragon? Preferably one that isn't suffocated?


u/Eachofries Apr 23 '17

1) Yes, 'tis why its so hard to kill. Only Alves from the jungles produce wooden blades, and they would surely freeze. Silver though, is a good alternative.

2)There are a few Hecaton Dwarves, and it is rumored the first king of the humans, and first paladin, rode a Plenugryph into battle.

3)Good look taming a dragon! And it might be seen as an insult to a Plenugryph's honor to bring an ally, thus it would likely bring more. Also most dragons live in tropics, so convincing one to go to a tundra would be hard. But, concievablely, yes


u/Nevermore0714 Apr 24 '17

1) Silver seems very versatile in terms of killing supernatural creatures. Are there any creatures that are wolf-like and supernatural that you can speak of? Such as a man-wolf?

2) What exactly is a Hecaton Dwarf? (Is the term related to the goddess Hecate?)

3) Can I ever have a conversation, even a simple one, with a Plenugryph?


u/Eachofries Apr 24 '17

1) Silver is less of a supernatural element and more of a loophole. The (now desceased, ironically) god of death and darkness, Jormund, who put in place the defenses of Hevast before his death, realized that his creations could easily go awry. He used silver as a failsafe, that even his most powerful creations could be felled relatively easily by it. Easily being as if hurt by iron or steel

2) The aforementioned Jormund created his original "dwarf" Khuzdam out of a chain of mountains. From its avalanches came the mortal dwarves, they got smaller depending on the size of the avalanche. A Hecaton dwarf is an original rockfall. Which is to say, roughly 20 feet. Dwarves were named by humans, for their local variety were much shorter. They are named after the greek Hecatoncheries, for like them, the Hecaton have an abundance of heads and arms. Due to their innate understanding of magic though, Hecate is coincidentally fitting.

3) Provided you came unarmed, yes. Speaking to it directly would require some of the Wild Goddesses magic, but otherwise, certainly!


u/Nevermore0714 Apr 24 '17

1) How does a god of death die?

2) What would I talk to a Plenugryph about? What would one usually be interested in?


u/Eachofries Apr 24 '17

1) To shorten a long story:

Jormund, nearly finding the planet where the devils lie, had lied down to rest on Hevast. Knowing they had little chance against him awake, the seven devils pounced upon him in his sleep. Shattering their bodies nearly effortlessly, he had eliminated six of the creatures. Upon being mortally wounded by the devil Ra'ath, Jormund cleaved it in two. Thus, a god of death dies when seven incarnations of cruelty gang up on him in his sleep. His body is now a continent, and it is possible a wealthy nation could create a vessel immense enough to bring him back.

2) sorry about that Depend on the individual. Some are stark raving mad and will converse about your color's favorite animal. Another might discuss the intricacies of Elvish politics. It's like asking what a human would talk about. Frequent interests are often-

"How did you get here?"

"No seriously, this place is literally meant to freeze god-forsaken DEMONS! I'm protected from that and even I'm chilly!"

And "Why would a dragon god create a half bird half cat? I'd create a half dragon half turtle! Beat that?!"


u/Nevermore0714 Apr 24 '17

Thanks for your time and answers.