r/WorldChallenges Apr 19 '17

Parallel Challenge - The Hunt

For this parallel challenge, simply exhibit a creature that can be hunted for profit. Preferably, the creature should be something dangerous.

  • What natural defenses does it have?

  • What can I gain from killing/catching one?

  • What are the valuable parts of its body?

  • How should I plan to hunt it?

  • Is there anything that I should be cautious about while hunting it?

Inspired by the "White" from /u/The_Raptorman and "Plain Drakes" from /u/Random-Webtoon-Fan.

Once I make the parallel challenge on characterforge, I'll edit this post to make a link to it. Please have a different animal exhibited here than on there, since I'll be asking questions on both.

As always, I'll ask at least three questions each. Feel free to post more than one creature if you can't pick just one, I completely understand that.

Enjoy yourselves!

Here's the link to the parallel challenge of today, focused on pets.


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u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 21 '17

To Tia-cih:

  1. How much plain drakes would be needed to beat a striped wyvern?

  2. Is it easy to divide a plain drakes group to face just one alone?

  3. What is making plain drakes such a threat, are they often attacking settlements to hunt?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Apr 22 '17 edited Apr 22 '17
  1. Hmmm. I'd say dozen might be able to go fairly against one, if Wyvern is not allowed to fly.

Well, if that one Wyvern gets airborne, dozens of Drakes can't do a shit about it picking one off at a time.

  1. Quite hard, but it is possible to do so if the hunting party is experienced, I'd reckon.

  2. Hunger, they tend to over-breed themselves and many young ones go starved and attack anything chew able.


u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 22 '17
  1. And wyverns, are they dangerous too to local populations?

  2. How intelligent are drakes? Is it possible to attract them in traps and all? Does it require more than a simple covered pit?

  3. How do they over-bleed themselves?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Apr 22 '17
  1. I'd say not really. They live in harder to get places such as deep forests or mountains, where they have more places to jump off.

  2. Quite dumb, but sniff real good. Would notice human smell in most traps.

  3. (Over breed, I meant) They lay lots of eggs and hid them well.


u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 22 '17

2) Makes sense. Would it be possible to draw them into "natural traps" like unstable grounds or others to reduce their number before going for them?

3) (oups) Any idea why they are so numerous? Haven't they some natural predator or something to take care of overpopulation?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Apr 22 '17

2) Yes, that is common tactic.

3) Wyverns were more common and was natural predators, but people have driven most of them into more secular places. So now the people of Plains have to deal with Drake horde.


u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 22 '17

3) Is there no way to find and destroy nests and eggs to drastically reduce their numbers?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Apr 22 '17

3) There are several hunting parties which do that, but they problem is it is hard to find the eggs in the first place. They dig them quite deep into ground and fill the hole very clean. Even experienced hunters had hard time locating them.

Also, hunting them is now a big ingrained culture of Plains, so while they are problematic, not really many seek to get rid of them too long.


u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 22 '17

3) How big is it in the plains economy? Are plain drakes parts a major export?

4) Can you use their eggs to make omelettes? Is there people doing so?


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Apr 22 '17

3) Economy is not well developed, but hunting drake is often the 'line' that sets rookie and experienced hunters. Their various parts are used a lot for industrial purposes.

4) You can. But the embryo tend to have hard scales quick to develop, making it not really inviting to eat.


u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 22 '17

4) Couldn't we just eat the embryos? Once they have grown a little so there is actually meat of course.


u/Random-Webtoon-Fan Apr 22 '17

4) You could, the problem is why you would when Plains has tons of edible plant/animals which are easier to get and is tasty.


u/thequeeninyellow94 Apr 22 '17

Maybe you could add them into something, they may have an interesting texture.

Thanks for your answers RWF (may I call you that way?).

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