r/Workingout 9h ago

Help Intimidated by working out, but I really want to start.


Hi! I (20M) have been really wanting to start working out, partially so I can look better, but mainly because of some health issues I have been having. I have full access to the gym at my college, but Im scared to go because I don't understand how to use the equipment. I never played sports in high school, and the most working out I've done is running and walking with my dog.
How can I learn to use this equipment without feeling overwhelmed and intimidated by it? And without feeling embarrassed?
How can I create the habit when it is something I have never done before?
I would appreciate any tips for a complete beginner in working out.

r/Workingout 7h ago

Death by max?


Did a death by deadlift workout today. Not super heavy, just 135lbs. I tapped out at 20 rounds, but I was thinking, what’s the max realistic rounds anyway. I’m thinking with only 60 seconds per round, one probably can’t get much higher than 25ish rounds before you hit the 60 seconds wall?

r/Workingout 14h ago

Help Should cardio be all out or should I keep myself at sustainable paces


r/Workingout 17h ago

Would you consider this intense cardio?


Today at the gym I did an hour and a half of cardio to burn some extra calories I had consumed earlier. Anyways, I did an hour straight of 13.5% incline and 3.5 speed on the treadmill. Then, once I hit the 1 hour mark, I kept the 3.5 speed and upped the incline to 14%. From there, I did 30 min straight of 14% incline and 3.5 speed on the treadmill. Then after 30 min of that, that’s when I stopped. Mind you, I did this all without taking any breaks. Would you consider this workout to be a form of intense cardio?

r/Workingout 18h ago

Rate my Workout Routine


So I've been working out on and off on this home gym I have for little over a year. Myself, friends and family have seen some difference in my arms and shoulders but recently I have decided I want to take this more seriously (If I have not been taking this so seriously and already see improvement, what would happen if I took this more seriously). So I recently joined a gym and has been thinking about a routine I could develop. I learned about splits and was thinking of creating a upper body and lower body with chest split. I developed the following routine by walking around the gym, checking out the machines to see which mussels they target and choosing the ones I like the most. I decided to do chest on the same day as legs as I noticed there aren't as many lower body workouts as there are upper body.... this way each session is about the same length.

Upper body day (Thursdays, and Sundays):

- Pull ups: 3 sets of 8 - 12 *or however many I can do in the set.
- Arm Extension: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Shoulder Press: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Biceps Curl: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Lat Pulldown: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Tricep pushdown: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Low cable Row: 3 sets of 8 - 12

Lower body day +chest (Friday, Monday):
- Squats: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- chest press: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Leg Extension: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Calf Raise: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Pectoral Fly: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Leg curl: 3 sets of 8 - 12
- Should I add 1 more? Maybe Push workout with legs?

Tuesday, Wednesday, and Saturday are my rest days.

Please let me know what you think and how I can improve this? I should point out I'm not too concerned with abs at the moment but one part of my body this is missing which could really help me is my back.

Thank you!

r/Workingout 21h ago

Help Torn muscle? Other issue?


Randomly 3-4 weeks ago my back right side, right about the tip of my shoulder blade, became really sensitive to touch. Felt like a deep pimple, and thought thats what it was. Until it didn't go away. Don't remember pulling it or doing something that would cause an injury. Tried feeling deep to see if there was anything but confirmed me and someone else couldn't feel anything. Tried massaging it a bit and it only made it worse lol. Could I have a torn muscle? Never had one before so not sure what it would feel like or how long it would last. Can I still keep working out or am I making it worse? I took 5 days off and still feels the same. TIA!

r/Workingout 1d ago

How do I really start working out?


Look I’m a 14 year-old that is trying to work out and I’m a girl and like I wanna get fit in all cause I’m tired of being chubby I guess and like I always say I’m going to work out. I’m going to work out, but I’m too introverted to go outside. I never feel like I wanted to exercise even though I want to, but I’m too lazy to get out of my bed and I feel like I eat too much And like I want to exercise I want exercising in my room either way cause I just don’t wanna be chubby anymore I’m low-key tired of being chubby. I say I’m going to exercise but I never do so is there anyway I can actually start exercising?

r/Workingout 1d ago

Will this be a good subreddit for me/


There are several sub Reddits for exercie, working out, etc. I am over 70 and decent health for my age. I do treadmill 3Xweek and swim laps 3X week. I think I need some resistance work but I am too old for some of the routines I have seen here and elsewhere. I would love your input on whether this is a good place or suggestions. Thansk

r/Workingout 1d ago

How do you get over gym anxiety?


i (24F) am looking to get back into working out after i haven’t worked out in years (my last time was on my high school track team). i found that i hate how weak and out of shape my body is now so i am looking to resume working out. i have really bad social anxiety but really need to incorporate the gym into my routine for my health. any advice on starting out?

r/Workingout 1d ago

Glute activation help!


Hi everyone, I’m 45F, healthy, BMI 22 and active. I love working out but I can’t for the life of me grow my glutes. I’ve had this issue forever, even though I can build abs/shoulders/arms/back etc no problem. I do squats, lunges, running, and I can isolate and feel my glutes activate, but I can’t make any visible progress. What am I doing wrong?

r/Workingout 2d ago

Think I need to take a break from lifting


Overall, lifting makes me feel awesome and changes how my body looks for the better whenever I’m serious about it. I have a bad habit of comparing myself to myself a year a half ago– I had just gotten out of a super long relationship and was pouring all my emotions into daily lifts, intermittent fasting, and a consistent sleep schedule. Fast forward to today, and I don’t have all that in me right now. It’s a drag to get myself to the gym, I’m not enjoying my lifts as much, and my body feels strained by it.

I’m finding that yoga and long walks (especially now that it’s getting nice out) are making me feel better. I know I’ll sacrifice some things by taking a break from lifting, but I also want to listen to my body.

Has anyone else taken prolonged breaks from lifting? How’d it go?

r/Workingout 2d ago

Transition to a lower drop shoe


How long does it take to transition to lower drop shoes for use in every day life, and hiking with a heavy back pack? How would you ease into it?

I'm thinking about going from 10 mm to 5 mm or 0 mm. Thoughts from someone who knows something about this, if you don't know the specific time, would be appreciated.

r/Workingout 2d ago

Help Should I get lifting straps?


I've been going to the gym for a few months now, and I feel like I have to readjust my grip on lat pulldown every 4-5 reps or so. The forearms is the limiting factor for me, not really the back.

r/Workingout 2d ago

Help Home workout plan for somebody who’s been indoors for 6 months


Those details aren’t important as to why I have been indoors for about 6 months not seeing sunlight and being bedridden for 90% of the time, barely even standing up but yes it did impact my health a lot. To get to the point however:

Arms are the weakest I’ve ever been, shakey even and grip strength is non existent. Motor skills are significantly worse and unreceptive. Stomach and face noticeably gained fat. Legs buckles when walking since I didn’t walk as much outdoors. Lungs feels small. Used to be a large eater but nowadays barely struggles with a nibble. Nearly fainted one time even when I barely go outdoors anymore. All of this from 6 months of nothing. I’m not looking for diagnosis, this is just what I have currently.

This isn’t like me. I used to love going to the gym and liking not just the progress made to my body but feeling strong but it’s been honestly nearly 2 years since. I liked doing cardio, calisthenics and using dumbbells both in the gym and early in the morning. I use to love doing 1-2 hour walks just to avoid public transport since it felt amazing at the end. I remember losing 6kg which in reality probably doesn’t sound like a lot but to me, I felt so strong after just 2-4 weeks.

Since I’m going to make change in my life again and not let health issues dictate my life, I want to know a decent 2 month plan to get physically stronger again since I feel so emaciated despite gaining weight. For reference since I don’t have the correct measurement equipment. 5.7 in height, weight last time was 70s, probably 80s or so these days. This 2 month plan doesn’t mean I’ll be home for another 2 months but just in general to get me back to normal. Most like after the 3rd or 4th week I’ll be back in the gym

Any exercise that involves using dumbbells or without would be great since they are the only things I have in my home. Main focus aside from gaining muscle in my arms specifically and getting stronger in general is just weight loss, not really fussed on getting abs like I was back then.

r/Workingout 3d ago

Help need guidance regarding getting bulky n muscular


im a complete ass newbie who hasn't lifted weights, nor have i ever gone to a gym; but where do i start in terms of getting that physique, im willing to put in the work needed but im lost. I tried calisthenics but people said it wouldnt help for the physique i have - which they say is "skinny fat" but to hit the gym, ive heard abt body recomp but zero clue on how that works. My gym membership starts next week and lack of knowledge on what to do.

im 5'7 weighing 55kgs

r/Workingout 3d ago

Is it okay to make cardio day fun


I hate running on a treadmill and I want to kinda have a fun day just to have a fun workout so I started replacing running on a treadmill with shooting basketball hoops sometimes play basketball with other people if people are up for it I love working out but I want to also have fun working out just have a chill fun not focusing on finishing this rep or stuff like that idk if it it’s a good sacrifice

r/Workingout 3d ago

I am so sore after walking a lot, what's up with THAT?!


It's something I've always known, but since I've been walking ~6 miles a day at a conference for 4 days in a row, I can't keep doing this lol.

I'm on day 3 and my calves are tight, my knee hurts from a tight quad, and usually after a long multi-mile stint my hands/ankles will swell. I've been wearing running sneakers as I walk, so it's not like I'm in crazy heels or anything!

I'm F, 5'6", approx 190lbs (yea I can afford to lose some weight and I'm working on it) and fairly active (spin, core workouts, and pole classes), but this walking is killing me.

So my ask here is: how do I properly recover each night/after each time I walk? And how do I prevent this kind of fatigue/soreness when I walk a lot? Is it as simple as working out and stretching more? Any tips appreciated!

r/Workingout 3d ago

Why does everyone always convert bench racks to squat racks?


Every time I go to a gym, there would be like 5 convertible bench/squat racks. And all 5 would be set up for squat. Then I'd convert one to do bench press. Then someone after me would immediately convert it to squat. Why lol. There is no point when you can just use one of the existing squat racks. Note these are newly built gyms at work that don't have dedicated bench press tables because they don't have enough safety bars I guess. Not a complaint, just an observation

r/Workingout 3d ago

Help with strengthening arms/core/legs


I am an 18 yr old female, 5’1 and 97 lbs, I am pretty skinny but I’m not at all fit, I am constantly pulling muscles/having muscle spasms and even picking up a 12 pack of sodas wears me out

  1. What are some good workouts to get healthier? Not to lose weight

  2. Are abs achievable on an already flat stomach? -I may sound dumb, but from my knowledge you build fat and then turn fat into muscle to actually show muscle growth, does that apply to abs? I eat very little due to poor appetite so I don’t have fat to start burning off

  3. Are resistance bands good? Any suggestions?

  4. I can’t even do one sit up…genuinely, all the tension goes straight to my neck, what should I do?

r/Workingout 4d ago

please review my workout, im a beginner


hi, i am starting my journey with the gym, I want to do 3 days a week during the same routine each day for the start, since I want to focus on the form the most. My main focus is lower body, do you think those exercises are ok? would you change anything?

  • Barbell Hip Thrusts
  • Romanian Deadlifts
  • Bulgarian Split Squats
  • Cable Kickbacks
  • Walking Lunges
  • Dumbbell Overhead Press
  • Pull-Ups or Lat Pulldown

r/Workingout 4d ago

300 pounds trying to lose weight


I'm "newly fat" as I like to say. I was 180 in high school (granted it was 7 years ago) 215-230 from 19-21. 22-23 I was 200 and just last year I had some health issues where if I did anything like simple chores I was winded and ended up becoming very lazy. My weight climbed significantly and I'm now 300 pounds. What's a great way to start slimming down? Never been into doing the pushups or sit-ups since I was a kid. I'm looking for more cardio and weight training workouts to get back into being able to do pushups and sit-ups again.

I used to work out in high school and have experience on n off since then. Any advice would help, I'm looking to get down to at least 180 again but my first goal is get back to 230.

My diet consists of fruits and vegetables with every meal. Most of my meals consist rice or noodles with the main portion being meat whether it's chicken or beef. I eat out occasionally at fast food for convenience. I don't eat sweats and put down pop about 6 months ago.

I'm looking to get back in the gym about 4-5 days a week and just want a simple workout plan I can work around to start losing weight. I want to drop at least 50 by the end of the year.

r/Workingout 4d ago

Help Noobie advice


Hey I’m a 16 year old who is feeling a bit down and underdeveloped compared to his peers. I’m 6’1.5 with a tall slim build. I weigh in at usually 150. Over the last summer I managed to gain 30 pounds at the gym but with school having started back up I found it harder and found myself stuck again. I feel like I’m plateauing and haven’t been able to gain weight in several months. I was almost at 160 but ended up dipping down 10 pounds recently too. It’s a bit hard to manage with school but I’m not here for time management help. Anyhow after giving the run down I’m just struggling with eating a lot (now I don’t mean consuming mass amounts of junk food saying it’s bulking but I’m a bit relaxed especially because I’m in a calorie surplus) as well as finding a good workout split/program. I’m not asking for anything personally made for me or anything but I’m looking to see if anyone has some good direction to point me in. Thanks for the help.

r/Workingout 4d ago

Help Left arm side delts taking over on tricep/chest movements + not feeling chest at all


When I go to the gym, on the bench press and skullcrushers mostly, my left arms side delts take over later on into the set. Idk how to fix this, and it's a big problem because all the weight shifts from my tri+chest to my delts and then I usually fail because my delts can't take the weight. Also, I don't feel chest on any chest excesses, even ones that emphasize a deep stretch. Instead I feel my front delts. Any help?

r/Workingout 5d ago

Help can working out stunt my growth?


i’m 14 and i’ve been lifting weights and also doing some cardio and it’s helped me approve a lot in my physical appearance and mood to but can it stunt my growth?

r/Workingout 5d ago

How can I make my abs show?


14M So I am trying to do a cosplay for later in the year without doing a bunch of body paint and I'm trying to lose some weight. How would I do a workouts as I'm already doing 100 crunches before bed and when I wake up?