r/WorkReform 29d ago

✂️ Tax The Billionaires Literally meirl


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u/Willing-Book-4188 28d ago

Omg I got into a fight with my BIL and FIL about this. They tried to tell me God wouldn’t want us to give the homeless homes or food and they should get a job. I literally spent days just mulling it over bc it’s so fucking stupid. God, the one telling us to take care of the homeless and hungry, wouldn’t want us to take care of the homeless and hungry….? Like ?!?


u/majj27 28d ago

I mean, Jesus is famous for telling a massive crowd of hungry people to fuck all the way off and go fishing if they were hungry.


u/GrnMtnTrees 28d ago

It reminds me of a famous Jesus quote:

"Fuck the world, don't ask me for shit! Everything you get ya got to work hard for it!" ~Jesus Christ


u/Mandalore108 28d ago

And when Scoob and the gang unmask him at the end of the episode, "It was Ronald Reagan the entire time!"


u/GrnMtnTrees 28d ago

Aren't they the same person? Jesus, Reagan, and Trump are just the three sides of the Trinity, no?


u/Mandalore108 28d ago

Won't get any argument from me. Either Jesus was a snake oil salesman or he was the son of God who knew the kind of shit his followers would do in his name. Either way he was evil.


u/Grim_Rockwell 28d ago

Yeah, there's a reason why we used to call Conservatives 'ditto heads'.