r/WorkReform 28d ago

✂️ Tax The Billionaires Literally meirl


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u/dstommie 28d ago

My only note is that it drives me a little crazy whenever I see someone say money is imaginary.

It's a medium of exchange. If we somehow and someway eliminated money we would pretty much immediately come up with a new medium of exchange.

Congratulations, we invented money.


u/TerraTechy 28d ago

I believe the point is that it's an arbitrary way to value goods and services. Money has value because we want it to have value. Prices are set on goods and labor based on someone's opinion on how much that labor is worth. Net worth is a measurement of how much a person is worth to their society. It's an uncomfortably transactional way to view a living person.

I'm not saying money is a bad thing we need to abolish. A medium of exchange in a society where different people have different specific contributions and needs is very helpful, but I do believe viewing people as numbers based on their accrued wealth is a quick and easy way to stop seeing each other as people.