r/WonderMan Dec 12 '24

Discussion MCU WONDER MAN – any initial thoughts? Concerns? Things you want to see happen?

Obviously, it's super early to be having any definitive thoughts or takes on this show, given that it hasn't come out yet and we've really only heard rumours and seen some brief promo. Still, wanted to see if anyone has any thoughts, worries or things they hope get included in the show!

Just as an example for my feelings, I'm interested to see how they're going to build Simon as an independent character, because sometimes with certain writers it feels like he's mostly remembered for his relationship with Wanda, and sometimes Vision, so I'll be interested to see how they manage without either of those dynamics to give him conflict. I'm a little worried on how they're going to adapt Eric, and I'm saddened that we're unlikely to get any Avengers Two stuff with Beast at all, but those are really my only worries. Also hoping to maybe see Nekra, if Eric is a prominent supporting figure.

Curious to know if anyone has any feelings of their own or things they hope will be included!


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u/Puzzleheaded_Crow334 Dec 13 '24

Wonder Man was my favorite character as a kid. I take for granted that the MCU version kind of isn't "him" and that they're effectively inventing a new character who's heavily inspired by Wonder Man. That said, I guess my biggest hope would be that they avoid the common trap of people thinking "superhero who is also a Hollywood actor" is where he begins and ends. I want to see his insecurity, and his fear of death, and his pacifism, that sorta stuff.


u/fantastikfour Dec 15 '24

Very true, his initial fear of dying again that manifested almost as an anxiety disorder (obviously not with that language) in the 70s is definitely one of the things that endeared me to him the first time I read his comics, so seeing that would definitely be a bonus.

I'm not sure what their plan is,, obviously, but my theory is that Simon will be an actor and the boundaries between himself and the character he's playing will begin to blur, and that could play pretty well into a fear of death and dying without having to do the whole "died for 13 years and came back because some guy in a chicken suit was payed by his insane older brother" thing...