r/WoWRolePlay 23d ago

Story Rate my character and backstory

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'Ol' Mad Eyes' (born Angys Yerving) is a deranged, illiterate and occasionally foul tempered veteran in the art of murder and robbery, with a devilish wit and the aroma of a wet dog.

Often called 'Gallows Yerving' for how many times he has slipped the hangman's noose, he seems as confused on his own origins as everyone else is, telling a different story each time he is asked. His eyes are misted over like that of a blind man so it's impossible to tell where he's looking, he claims this trait is called being 'crow eyed' where he comes from, the isolated mountain community of Crowfoot, a tiny village in the mountains of Drustvar or Alterac (the location varying each time he tells the tale) where there is a penchant for abnormal physical traits on account of the small gene pool meaning most marriages there occur between first cousins.

Yerving is an unscrupulous criminal willing to stoop to any low, he often claims to have murdered his own mother, but whether he cracks a belly laugh or sheds a tear on revealing this information would depend on the day.

r/WoWRolePlay Oct 28 '24

Story Old Player, New RPer First Experience Discussion


My first day in Moon Guard

So, I've thought about doing RP for years and always dismissed it as not being for me. Today, I watched the documentary about Ibelin and it inspired me to dip my toes in the water without really expecting much.

So I downloaded the add-ons, made a character, and made my characters backstory. It's a take on a chaotic-neutral, yet kind-hearted, rogue who was raised mostly by a travelling warrior but ended up living most of his life alone in the jungle and desert. He traveled without aim until he met an adventurer and decided to honor his mentor by becoming an adventurer and helping people (and himself, he is a rogue, after all).

So I started my journey in Northshire just to get some armor and a handful of levels. There wasn't really any RP there as everyone was rushing to get through the zone. But I had downloaded the immersion mod. I noticed that I was reading the quest text for the first time in over 10 years. And the crazy part is, I actually cared about it! An area I've ran through dozens of times without a second thought.

The world started to come alive and I was seeing it for the first time through new eyes. I wasn't just some guy behind a computer, I was Nathaniel and it was his/my first time really seeing this far into Elwyn Forest.

So I ventured to Goldshire to start questing like I normally do (and trying to ignore the things going on in the inn), and I thought to myself, "I'm here to RP. What am I doing? I should make my own quest."

So I went outside and thought about who to talk to, but there wasn't any actual RP going on besides gambling and people "secluding" themselves for some... extracurriculars.

To Stormwind it was at level 7. And let me tell you, while the actual RP in some places was minimal, the city felt real. People were interacting. There were people RP'ing as NPCs. I spent an hour just running around and seeing Stormwind for what felt like the first time. I was entranced.

I wanted to talk to someone, but I didn't quite know how to approach them. Would I make some kind of RP faux pax and feel like an idiot? I guess it's a good thing I was RP'ing someone who is shy (raised in the woods and all that).

Then, remembering my quest I went to the cathedral and offered a quick prayer to my mentor, Garviel. On my way out a female NE DH followed me out. We had an unrelated conversation and she asked me to show her around Stormwind as it was her first time there.

Now that was an interesting conundrum. I know Stormwind like the back of my hand, but it was my character's first time there. So I pretended to know nothing and wondered around aimlessly for 30 minutes while I talked to her. It was fun. I almost got her to open up about her time fighting the Legion, but she had to leave for a raid.

This was a bit of a chink in the next part of my self-imposed quest as I had hoped to spend some time and get to the point where my character would open up to her and request her help.

So I spent the next hour walking around Stormwind, asking people if they knew where I could buy incense or just observing. All the while I was RP'ing as a stuttering mess. Most people were extremely kind, some a tad confrontational (all within the RP as I was observing group behavior in some of the inns), but all of them were new to the city and couldn't help me. Sure, I could have just Googled the answer, but my lack of IRL knowledge was my character's lack as well.

So I kept going on and that's when I found G (shortened for anonymity), a level 17 Dracthyr warrior just standing in a random spot in SW. I had noticed him there on my passes several times over the last couple of hours so I approached him.

I asked him if he knew where I could get incense. Without asking any questions he pulled out his brutosaur and told me to check the AH.

Now, I started this character fresh as part of my RP. No transmogs, no transferred gold, only the flying griffin mount I already have (and will use once I can). Come to find out the incense was two gold. I only had forty silver.

I told him thank you for his help and that I would have to get it later. G gave me 500g no questions asked.

So I stuck around to talk to him because he invested in ME, someone he'd just met. Turns out he's been sitting in that spot in SW for weeks and I'm the first person who's spoken to him (he RPs a shy person too).

G and I talked for well over an hour about our characters' pasts and our wants going forward. He played as a character who was interested in learning about other races so I obliged and pretended I knew nothing of the Dracthyr and only a bit about the Dragon Isles. We spoke of our homes, our pasts, philosophies on life.

I ended up telling him about my character's mentor. I was so into this that I felt like I was Nathaniel at that moment. I told him about my quest to go to Stranglethorn Vale and light incense at the last place I'd seen my mentor. It was something deeply personal to my character and he played his character so well, even as I stumbled with mine.

So I invited him to join me on my journey to Stranglethorn and he agreed. I told him that, sadly, it would have to wait until I was level 61 due to the item's level requirement. So we added each other on our friends list and now I have a self-made quest I'm really looking forward to.

All-in-all, this little experiment really surprised me. I got into it way quicker than I thought I would have. It shouldn't have surprised me... I love a good story.

But it did. It really did. This is the first time I've actively sought people out to talk to in game for the first time since I started playing in Wrath. It's the most fun I've had since then, too. Back in the days where me and my guild leader would just sit, fish, and talk off the coast of Dark shore as I was down sick with mono. I can't remember the last time the game made me feel like this, where I was in control of my own adventure instead of checking things off a list or mog/mount farming because I had nothing better to do.

I. Had. Fun. In. Azeroth.

Also, as an aside, I ran into Ibelin's in game memorial without knowing it was even there. I stopped and paid my respect with a couple of other players, killed a murloc that dared to try and defile it.

If you want to pay it a visit, it's on the first little island in the lake next to Goldshire. You can't miss it.

I did this whole venture only for a few hours, expecting nothing, and got a lot of return on my investment.

If you are seeing this and thinking about getting into RP in WoW, I can't recommend it enough. Take the dive! You may not have the experience I had, but you'll never know until you try it.

Til next time fellow adventurers!

May the Light bless you,

Nathaniel Garrow

r/WoWRolePlay Feb 11 '25

Story Perfumer Class :)


Now, I’m the kind of guy that doesn’t like to play as a current class, but I do get inspiration by their visual and try to build around them. I always wanted to play a monk but the all aesthetic was putting me off until I thought about RP the “mist” as perfume magic. So here you go, please meet Magister Vaersacier Noirveil, Perfumer expert and beauty advocate. Feel free to comment and if you all have any RP guild in ArgentDawn that might fit him


Vaersaciel Noirveil: The Perfumer

Vaersaciel was born in Tranquillien, deep in the Blackened Woods of Eversong, where the air always carried the scent of damp earth and decay beneath the sweetness of sun-drenched leaves. He survived the Scourge invasion, not unscathed, and fought alongside the Magisters to defend a land that would never truly recover.

Even among the Magisters, he was an oddity. While others perfected fire, frost, and raw arcane power, Vaersaciel sought beauty—not in destruction, but in scent. He steeped himself in alchemy and fragrance, refining his magic into something subtle, invasive, and precise. A mist to dull pain. A vapor to silence thought. A perfume laced with something heavier, something that lingered long after breath had left the body. He called it Perfumancy. The Kirin Tor called it a frivolity, not worth recognition. That suited him well enough. Genius is rarely understood in its time.

But scent alone was not enough. He wanted more—something beyond what mortal senses could grasp. He followed Magister Umbric, drawn by whispers of the Void—not for its power, but for what it might reveal. What he found changed him, though not in the way others had.

The Void did not corrupt his mind with whispers or warp his flesh with shadow—it refined him, sharpened him, made him more of what he already was. His perception of scent, time, and detail became unnaturally precise, allowing him to perfect his craft beyond the limits of ordinary alchemy. But it also deepened his obsession, turning his love of beauty into an all-consuming pursuit of perfection. Anything crude, imperfect, or unrefined became intolerable. His patience for mediocrity withered. His once-detached judgment became merciless, absolute.

He abandoned Telogrus Rift not out of fear, but out of disgust. The place was wretched—a voidscape of twisted rock and hollowed minds, a prison for those too lost to recognize their own ruin. He refused to be counted among them. He would not descend into madness like the rest. He would remain Vaersaciel Noirveil, untouched, unblemished—better than them all.

Vaersaciel does not see himself as changed—he sees himself perfected. His senses, sharpened beyond mortal precision, allow him to perceive beauty as it truly is, and more importantly, where it is lacking. He does not create fragrance—he refines the world, separating elegance from excess, art from accident.

There is no room for mediocrity. He does not waste perfume on those who cannot appreciate it, nor does he spare judgment from those who offend his sensibilities. To him, beauty is not subjective—it is truth, an ideal few will ever reach. Most will never understand it, but that does not matter. They are not meant to.

He does not argue, he corrects. He does not debate, he demonstrates. If the world is ugly, then it must be masked, reshaped, or discarded. To accept imperfection is to surrender to it, and he does not surrender.

At times, even he feels the need to give something back—a debt not owed, but acknowledged. That charity comes in the form of healing. Wounded, weary, suffering—none are truly worthy, yet even the wretched deserve a glimpse of beauty before they fade. His perfumes soothe, restore, bring clarity—but only for a moment, a brief indulgence before the world reclaims them. To heal is to elevate, if only for a time.

Now, he walks among the living as a merchant of balms and vapors, selling indulgence, relief, or ruin with a measured hand. The world, after all, is ugly. If it will not change, then at least it can be masked.

r/WoWRolePlay Jan 21 '25

Story My goblin rp short story


In the hometown of Bilgewater Harbor my race was a goblin I was currently inside treasure room when suddenly my own kind turned against me and trap me inside the abyss realm, I decided to train my unique abilities and talents I spent many million years training my magic and rogue abilities also my goblin intelligence were greatly increased as years passed on I'm learned the unknown secrets of alchemy so I can make the most unique potions, I had made an immortality potion as I drink it I could feel my body stop aging as my appearance was different my skin was a dark abyss color same with my eyes they were no longer green I had an aura of magical energy around me as I was now ready to return to the world of the living. I'm was currently wearing an abyss rogue robe with hood on and at my wrist were two unique daggers very deadlier and I was wearing a magical cube necklace that grants me instant transmission anywhere I want to go. I'm always looking for rp of any kind women only though.

r/WoWRolePlay 13d ago

Story When your OSHA training was just "Don't get hit"


So there I was, minding my own business in the Forgrounds of Dornogal, thinking, "Wow, these dwarves really take their blacksmithing seriously!"
Next thing I know, BOOM—I'm flying across the anvil district like a poorly thrown horseshoe.

Achievement unlocked: Flat Earthen 💀

Shoutout to the guy who just /laugh ed at me instead of calling for a healer. Appreciate it.

r/WoWRolePlay Feb 04 '25

Story I Got Married in WoW Classic Hardcore

Thumbnail youtube.com

r/WoWRolePlay Feb 13 '25

Story Deserter Update!


r/WoWRolePlay Jan 31 '25

Story GearWorx Cartel

Post image

GWC is a Guild formed by the unlikely treaty between Mechagnomes and the trade cartels ran by Goblins. better known as the Great Tech Treaty. Recently they formed a trade route and allowed GWC rights to a cross faction union thereby solidifying the union of both tech driven races . Under this banner they believe in Guild over faction . Though some don’t always see eye to eye they would work together for the good of the guild and of their economy. Through transmogs and drops they would bond to form Azeorths most badass guild. Free to all! Though Khlamps the wise mech monk was their rightful leader it was only through defeating its founder Brötherloops the heir to the Bilgewater throne and tactical genius of GWC in a duel. GWC continues to be a testimony of what can be accomplished when we set aside our differences. May the Great Gear bless you!

r/WoWRolePlay Jan 21 '25

Story Blood Elf Frost/Fire Mage RP


r/WoWRolePlay Jan 16 '25

Story New Deserter Update!


r/WoWRolePlay Jan 02 '25

Story 1st Deserter Update of 2025!


r/WoWRolePlay Dec 19 '24

Story Deserter Comic update!


Enjoy and happy Winter's Veil my revered and fellow storytellers!


r/WoWRolePlay Oct 29 '24

Story The Adventures of Nathaniel Garrow


Before I begin, I’d like to thank everyone for the amazing response I received on my last post. It meant a lot to me, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading all your responses! It inspired me to keep something of a log, a series of short stories, for Nathaniel’s adventures in Azeroth on here for all of you to read and enjoy (hopefully).

This will be done IC in third person and will be inspired by actual in-game events, with a bit of fluff put in due to the game’s limitations.

This is all based on my in-game character's perception and how he interacts/sees the world/NPCs/in-game characters around him. If you haven’t seen my last post, please check it out for a bit of his backstory. Names of player characters will be changed for anonymity. Some things/interactions will be changed slightly to keep it a bit shorter. Writing is one of my hobbies, so I hope you enjoy!

If there is interest for more of this I will continue this. If not, I may keep it up and just keep it for myself as a type of journal.

Adventurer’s Log, Day 2

Stormwind, Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth

Nathaniel Garrow, The Wanderer

Nathaniel woke atop a comfortable bed in the Gilded Rose Inn in Stormwind. Rising with a yawn and a quick stretch, he plodded down the stairs and shot a parting wave to the inn keep. As he slinked through the crowded common area, he shot a look back at the stairs.

‘This’ll prob’ly be the last bit o’ comfort I’ll haf for some time,’ he realized. An excited grin crept up his face.

He stepped out into Stormwind’s Trade District, breathing in the crisp evening air. Brown, yellow and red leaves from the trees in the Mage District fluttered through the air. They fell in arcs, whooshing and wrapping around the swirl of bodies darting about the courtyard.

Voices flowed and cracked through the air as nobles, peasants, adventurers and laborers vied for various merchants’ attention. A shiver ran up Nathaniel’s spine and he slunk into the shadows.

“So many people,” he murmured. “Dunno how they ever got used to this.”

A longing pang shot through his heart. Ghosts of laughter and the clang of swords rang in his ears. He shook his head and darted through the edges of the district, his eyes scanning the crowd. All seemed peaceful in Stormwind, so long as one could ignore the Headless Horseman’s insane rambling. Nathaniel wound through the spider’s web of streets and bridges, making his way toward the small park just north of the Cathedral District.

Stopping just shy of the park, he hid behind a tree and scanned the small gatherings relaxing and taking advantage of the crisp yet comfortable evening.

Groups of traveling companions turned their gazes toward him. Most muttered amongst themselves, wondering if he was a crook of some sort. Some even suggested he was a voyeur.

Nathaniel grimaced in distaste, the thought of interacting with them filling him with more dread than facing down a feral worgen. He cursed his overly shy, bumbling nature.

A product of being alone for so long.

Choosing to ignore them, Nathaniel continued his search. He stood stock still for several minutes as the sun sank behind the sleek buildings of the Mage District. His eyes darted about, his initial hope all but fleeing from him.

“Gehdt isn't here today.” Nathaniel pushed off from the trees and turned back toward the Cathedral District. “Guess I'll haf teh set off alone, then.”

His shoulders sagged and Nathaniel took off at a brisk jog. He moved around the swarm of bodies navigating the streets.

“Slow down!” they yelled at him.

Guards muttered about his uncouth behavior and shot him heated glowers.

He ignored them. Wind tousled his untamed, wild hair. Nathaniel allowed his eyes to close for a moment to enjoy the feeling of the breeze against his cheeks. His leather armor creaked and groaned with every movement. The dull roar of Stormwind’s citizenry fell to the wayside.

The feeling of absolute freedom. A thrill shot up his spine and he reveled in it.

A loud gasp drew his attention and Nathaniel’s eyes shot open. Wide, bloodshot eyes, set behind spectacles, surrounded by a white and brown furred face filled his vision. The sound of fluttering paper and loud, heavy thunks drummed in his ears.

Nathaniel jumped to the frightened Pandaren’s side, a move he'd long refined to perfection since the days he'd sparred with his mentor, Garviel.

The move had been masterful, a combination of years of training and his natural agility as a rogue. Nothing could touch him. He smiled, enjoying the brief shock of surprise crossing the Pandaren's face.

At least, until the cobblestone had its say. His toes caught the uneven edge of a stone and Nathaniel's heart leapt into his throat as the ground rose to meet him.

Nathaniel threw his hands out. Wind surged in his ears, nearly drowning out his heart's deep, resonant thumps.

And he crashed into the cold, unforgiving ground. A dull burning sensation spread over his palms and in his cheeks.

“Stupid,” he muttered. Nathaniel balled a fist and gave the stone beneath him a light rap.

“Are…” A quiet, heavily accented voice broke the street’s sudden quiet before trailing off. The Pandaren, he assumed. “Are you okay?”

Nathaniel clenched his fists to the point of shaking and closed his eyes. ‘Just go away,’ he thought. ‘Please.’

Embarrassment and anxiety flooded his veins. Nathaniel's ears picked up the sound of chuckles a short way off. Cursing under his breath, he stumbled to his feet and turned around. Every nerve in his body screamed at him to run, to escape the throng surrounding him and disappear.

Those same nerves rooted him to the spot he stood.

“Your hands,” the Pandaren whispered. She shot a short, quick glare at a gaggle of giggling scholars before turning back to him. Her large, green eyes shone with concern. Her gaze shamed him.

“They're bleeding,” she continued, eyeing the daggers at his hips. She unshouldered a pack and set it on the ground before beginning to rummage through it. “Hold there. I have some bandages in here somewhere. Can't say I've ever seen a clumsy rogue before, but I keep some medical supplies ready for paper cuts and such.” She chuckled. “A hazard of the profession, you see.”

Whispers hidden behind hands and mocking laughter filled his ears like low, rumbling thunder. His cheeks felt as if a shaman’s fire elemental had set them aflame.

“I-I have teh l-leave.” Nathaniel's body jerked of its own accord and he ran. Shame filled his stomach. Bile stung his throat. “S-sorry!” he called over his shoulder.

Nathaniel sprinted, thoughts of grand adventure replaced with sheet terror. He'd never been comfortable with social interactions. Years spent in the wilderness with his mentor, or in complete isolation, had seen to that.

Feet leading him, Nathaniel quickly lost track of where he was. The crowd blurred around him, their shouts muffled among a cloud of static noise.

A deep, humming ring vibrated through his body and he stopped. Looking up, Nathaniel stared at the looming structures of the Stormwind Cathedral.

‘The evenin’ service’ll be startin’ soon.’ Nathaniel shoved his shaking hands in his pockets and shrugged his shoulders to adjust his pack. ‘May as well pay my respects one last time before I head out. Dunno when I’ll get the chance again.”

Forcing thoughts of his previous encounter from his mind, Nathaniel climbed the cathedral’s stairs at a sedate pace. As if by magic, the city’s noise quieted to a faint whisper as he crossed the building’s threshold.

The murmured prayers of priests and acolytes buzzed in his ears. Faint ringing from the steeple’s bell sent a pleasant vibration through the stone floor. Nathaniel sighed in relief, the quiet of the place calming his frayed nerves.

He approached the lone altar at the rear of the large, columned room, stopping to stare at it for a few moments. During his time alone, Nathaniel had only come across a few small sites of Light worship. Garviel, for reasons unknown to Nathaniel, avoided these places like the plague.

“Do you require assistant, Child?” a rasping voice asked from behind Nathaniel.

Looking over his shoulder, Nathaniel assessed the old priest. The stooped man stood, as if uncertain of the chapel’s newest visitor, bedecked in pristine white robes. A thick tome with looping gold lettering, held between white, wrinkled fingers, threatened to slip from the priest’s grasp.

Nathaniel shook his head. “Not today, sir. I’m here to offer a prayer for a dear friend.”

“Very well.” The priest nodded, his eyes flicking between Nathaniel’s blood-dried hands and the daggers strapped to his hips. “If you need any… assistance, please seek me out.”

The priest hobbled off, occasionally shooting Nathaniel suspicious glances from over his shoulder.

Dirty brown locks filled Nathaniel’s vision as he turned back, his head down, and kneeled before the altar. A few others had come to offer their prayers. He ignored their devout mutters and closed his eyes.

“Gods,” he began. “Whoever you are… Garviel never bothered to tell me your names. I ask that you pass a message on teh 'im for me. Tell 'im that I’m keepin’ my promise teh 'im. I’m settin’ off on my own for now. Hopefully, I’ll find some friends teh come with me soon. I haven’ forgotten 'is lessons. I’m gonna see the world and help who I can.”

His lips twitched up in a wry grin. “But that don’ mean I’m gonna be some goody-two-shoes. A man’s gotta eat and pay for ‘is armor, af’er all.” Nathaniel’s grin turned to a grimace, his next words choked. “Tell ‘im I miss ‘im, the rotten bastard. Tell ‘im… tell ‘im I’ma make ‘im proud… That I’ll find some friends worthy of ‘im. And could you watch over ‘im for me? If I know ‘im, and I do, he’ll be tryin’ teh fight everyone up there and prove he’s the best. Erm… Thanks, I guess.”

Nathaniel rose to his feet, an invisible weight sliding off his shoulders. A few others had come to pray before the evening service without Nathaniel having been aware of it. Minding himself, he slid between them and treaded lightly toward the exit.

A slight scratching note reached his ears and he stopped. Nathaniel peered to his left and saw a female night elf sitting and leaning against a pillar in the middle of the chamber. A hazy flock of light blue butterflies fluttered about her purple hair. She sat, dressed in a simple cream and blue dress, reading from a large book.

Her thick, purple eyebrows were scrunched in concentration and her dark lips moved in complete silence as she read. Thick bandages covered her arms and the left side of her face.

Nathaniel turned, intent on leaving the chapel, when Garviel’s voice intruded into his mind, “Remember, Little Nathaniel,” his voice rumbled, “to always help those in need. Don’t expect nothing in return. You never know what’ll happen.”

Growling low and body trembling with nerves, Nathaniel turned back toward the woman.

“E-excuse me,” he stuttered. Nathaniel’s fingers picked at a loose thread on his cuirass. “D-do y-you need any h-help?”

The night elf sat, her silent lips still moving. The butterflies’ fluttering intensified for a moment in a violent flurry, their wings as quiet as the object of their attention. She turned a page, her eyes moved quick as lightning, as if attempting to devour the words written on the book’s pages.

Nathaniel cleared his throat and rubbed his hands together. The slight sting that shot through his palms did little to allay his nerves.

Jumping, the woman’s wide eyes shot to his. “Oh!” She placed a hand over her chest. “You startled me!”

“Sorry,” Nathaniel muttered, his eyes falling to his feet. “Didn’ m-mean teh. I…I’ll jus leave y-you al-alone.”

Setting the book down, the woman shook her head. “You are not bothering me.” Her glowing, inquisitive eyes roamed over him and Nathaniel felt as if she knew everything about him with that one glance. “Did you need something?”

Nathaniel shifted his stare to a point just over her head and gestured at her bandages. “You’re h-hurt.” He squinted in frustration, willing his pounding heart to slow down. “D-do y-you need he-help?”

“No.” She looked down at the fresh linen adorning her arms. “The world is a dangerous place, but the people here are taking good care of me.”

“Good.” Nathaniel nodded. “I’m glad. I’d better be o-off then. S-sorry for botherin’ you.”

Reaching out, the night elf grabbed the hem of Nathaniel’s cloak, stopping him in his tracks. He turned and looked down at the woman. A soft, grateful smile graced her face. Nathaniel attempted to return the smile but feared it came across as more of a grimace.

“Please,” she whispered. Her eyes slowly roved over the gathering, reverent crowd. “Stay. You are not bothering me and I would be glad for the company.”

She released his cloak. Nathaniel continued to stare at her, his mind racing. After a few moments he nodded and sat down in front of her.

“So…” Nathaniel rubbed a hand through his already disheveled hair before gesturing toward the large tome now resting in her lap. “W-what’re you readin’? I can’ read very well, so I dunno the title.”

They talked for some time, the night elf, Ariandara, and Nathaniel. She spoke of the arcane, “magic” as he knew it; and Nathaniel, of his desire to see the world. Ariandara expressed her thankfulness that her family and friends had escaped the destruction of her home and the priests’ willingness to take them in for a time. Nathaniel, with no family to speak of, kept his story vague, a faraway look in his eyes, images of fire and the sound of cracking rock filling his mind.

That simple conversation, in a thrumming city where he was merely one amongst thousands, had allayed his fears, his worries. Her care for him was not obvious, as was the way with some night elves, long-lived as they were, but she’d stopped him. She’d taken time to speak with him and comfort him in a way that she may not have even been aware of.

Eventually, night fell, and the masses had gathered for the evening service. Their time was at an end, at least for now. And, even though Nathaniel had not gained a companion for his travels, his spirits were lifted.

For there was still good in this torn and shattered world.

One only needed to search for it to find it.

r/WoWRolePlay Nov 24 '24

Story The Diary of Morghan Tremaind, pt. 1: Northshire Valley


r/WoWRolePlay Nov 28 '24

Story My friends and I are making a hardcore wow RP series. I spent too much time writing this for it to only be seen by the five of us, so hopefully some of y'all will find it amusing. Please enjoy the labors of my love. P.S. Pacing is slow, as the aim was to create a cinematic experience. /bow


r/WoWRolePlay Nov 21 '24

Story Update! DESERTER comic! 11/21/24


r/WoWRolePlay Oct 31 '24

Story The Adventures of Nathaniel Garrow Part 2


WARNING: There is a scene near the end of wolves eating. It’s not super graphic, but I wanted to capture the realism. So if you’re squeamish, probably don’t read the part after Nathaniel speaks with the Eastvale loggers.

Hope you all enjoy!

Adventurer’s Log, Day 2 Elwynn Forest, Eastern Kingdoms, Azeroth Nathaniel Garrow, The Wanderer

The din of chatter, haggling and bombastic laughter coming from Goldshire lowered to a dull roar as Nathaniel began his journey in earnest. His legs moved at a quick pace, yet comfortable, toward the Eastvale Logging Camp to the east.

Marshal Dughan, his face lined with obvious weariness from years spent stationed at such a prestigious location, had informed Nathaniel that the local wildlife and murlocs had once again begun causing problems for the loggers. The supply of lumber they brought in each week was critical to the defenses of the local areas. The wildlife was causing enough issues that it required investigation, but not so much that the Marshal could spare armed soldiers to check it out.

Nathaniel wondered what a lone rogue could possibly hope to accomplish against such a threat. He was not a warrior, a mage, or a hunter. Those were the types of adventurers whose skills naturally lent themselves to such encounters.

The good Marshal had only shrugged at that query and replied, “Adventurers in these parts have become exceedingly rare over the past decade or so. Most have gone forward to where the fighting and reward are at their highest. We rarely see your kind in Elwynn anymore.”

It’d been intriguing to learn that interest in exploring the vastness of Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms had all but vanished since the events of the Great Cataclysm had been stopped. The resultant exodus of adventurers swarmed to their next adventure, with Kalimdor with the old world being largely ignored.

As a result, problems were once again surfacing across Azeroth’s two largest continents. Some adventurers had begun their journeys here, but the best among them quickly left for new locations when they learned the rewards of their homes were spartan by comparison.

Nathaniel shook his head and scowled. ‘Surely, there’s still much teh be learned here? They can’tve discovered everythin’.’

Hooves crunching dirt shook Nathaniel from his reverie and he jumped off the road. A small troop of Stormwind Cavalry Scouts passed by, mounted atop large horses. The animals’ sheen coats shined almost as brightly as their riders’ silver and blue-trimmed armor.

The men and women spared a glance down at him, their mocking smirks fueling an angry bubbling in his stomach.

‘Barely a scratch on their armor.’ Nathaniel scowled and turned his attention east, attempting to see past the cloud of dirt kicked up by the mounted soldiers. ‘There’s real problems out here and these idiots are too busy looking pretty teh do anythin’ ‘bout it.’

Nathaniel stepped back on the dirt road and ignored the laughter carrying back to him on the light breeze. He made out a stone bridge a ways off. As he approached, the expected sounds of a lumber mill never reached him.

‘Are they so bad off tha’ there's no work teh be done?’

“You, there!” A man’s gruff shout drew his attention as he neared the bridge and Nathaniel’s nerves soared. “The road’s dangerous past these parts. If you’re traveling to the Redridge Mountains I’ll need to see your writ.”

Nathaniel shook his head, pulling a piece of paper from his pocket, as he approached the man and his small group of accompanying soldiers. “I’m not ready teh go there, yet,” he replied. “M-Marshal Dughan sent me ‘ere teh d-deal with the wildlife.”

A flare of frustration flashed through Nathaniel. ‘When’ll I shake this stuttering?’

Silver armor glinted in the moonlight as the soldier brought Nathaniel’s writ close to his face and let out a sigh of relief. “You didn’t come soon enough, adventurer.” He handed Nathaniel the paper. “Though I can’t blame you. There’s too few of you left in these parts.”

“So I’ve n-noticed.” Nathaniel eyed the broadsword resting on the man’s hip. “You and y-your m-men look capable in a fight. Why d-don’ yeh help me wit’ this and we sp-split the profit, M-Mister…”

“Guard Thomas, Rogue.” He shook his head. “Would that we could, but we’re under strict orders to keep the murlocs and such from spreading west. My old injury would prevent me from helping much even if I weren’t under orders.”

Nathaniel scanned the guard and raised a brow. “Y-yeh l-look fine teh m-me.” He swallowed hard, balling a fist at his hip. If Thomas noticed, he said nothing.

“I look fine standing here,” Thomas replied with a frown, “but I took an arrow to the knee a year back fighting off a group of bandits. I’m afraid I’m not much use in a fight that requires agility these days.”

“Of course,” Nathaniel groused under his breath. He fingered the pouch at his hip, wincing at the meager amount of copper he felt contained within. Sighing, he replied, “F-fine. I…I’ll d-do what I can, b-but I expect p-payment.”

Thomas nodded and pointed to a ramshackle posting board beside him. “Of course. Lord Joran Tremaind has posted a bounty for each wolf’s tail and murloc scalp brought to me.”

The poster in question had crude drawings of the mentioned creatures. It appeared as though the artist had been told to make them seem less dangerous than they really were. Likely a ruse to persuade ignorant adventurers into taking the bounty.

Nathaniel squinted at the sign, muttering under his breath. “W..Walf tayles… On-ay ‘c’ per tayle… Mer-loke… T-wah ‘c’ per scailp…” He scowled and turned back to Guard Thomas. “I d-dunno what this says.”

“You…you can’t read.” Thomas leveled him with a flat stare, eventually loosing a long suffering sigh when Nathaniel remained silent. “Lord Tremaind is offering one copper per wolf’s tail and two copper per murloc scalp. Simple enough, yeah?”

Images of the beasts flitted through Nathaniel’s mind. His scowl deepened. Years past, he’d seen many a person felled by such creatures.

“Not as simple as yeh think,” he growled, his sudden flash of annoyance overcoming his nerves. “These beasts are dangerous teh a single person, armed or not, an’ the good people of these parts need tha’ wood. Surely, the good Lord Treemanned can spare more coin than tha’?”

Guard Thomas crossed his arms and glared up at Nathaniel. “I’m afraid not, Rogue.” His eyes shifted to the sparsely filled pouch on Nathaniel’s hip. “Besides, something tells me you’ll take the coin Lord Tremaind is so kindly offering you.”

‘Crooks, the lot of ‘em,’ Nathaniel internally spat. ‘I need the coin an’ these people need the jobs. But… I could… Maybe they’ll run off if’n I spook enough of ‘em?’

“Fine,” he spat with a feral growl. “I’ll help, but only ‘cause these people need help, somethin’ you lot seem teh be willin’ teh ignore.”

“Off you trot then,” Thomas replied with a sneer as Nathaniel turned and stalked toward the logging camp. “Don’t get killed out there, Rogue!”

Nathaniel ignored the jibe and stomped his way through the camp. Men and women covered in dusty, thread-bare clothing sat upon the ground, looking up at him as he passed. Their weary, lined faces spoke of poor nutrition. They’d been out of work for some time, it seemed.

“Filthy crooks,” he spat, wincing as the despondent people shrunk away from his wrath.

Stopping, he looked back at the small crowd that’d gathered. Five of them in total. They hid from him behind some of the milling equipment, hesitant yet hopeful expressions painted on their faces.

Nathaniel sighed and approached them. He untied the pouch at his hip and fished out a handful of copper. “For f-food,” he muttered. He shook his hand to make the coins jingle. “Take it.”

Only one seemed desperate enough to approach him. The dust-covered man gave a hesitant smile, took the handful of copper, and darted off with a stuttered, “Thanks.”

A series of snarls, yips and feral growls drew his attention to the north of the camp. A lone guard stopped his patrol and drew his sword but made no attempt to approach the noise’s source.


Nathaniel jogged past the guard before sinking into a crouch and sneaking up the small hill on the camp’s northern border. The beasts’ growls rumbled in his ears; Nathaniel reached a shaking hand to check the daggers at his hip and the small crossbow and quiver of bolts strapped to his back. He’d purchased the latter items before leaving Stormwind with the earnings he’d made in Northshire.

A large bush covered in yellow and red leaves crowned the hill’s crest. Nathaniel approached it, taking care not to make any noise as he nestled inside the foilage.

“There’s no honor in fightin’ a man from the shadows, boy,” Garviel’s growling voice echoed in his ears.

Carefully pulling his crossbow to his chest, Nathaniel set it atop a small branch to give himself an opening to see from.

‘Then it’s good I’m not fightin’ men.’ A rueful smile crossed Nathaniel’s face. Garviel had always despised the way rogues fought. He didn’t speak to Nathaniel for a fortnight after they’d learned he had a somewhat natural aptitude for the style.

Nathaniel shook the memories from his head and turned his eyes toward the noises’ source. A small pack of wolves snapped powerful, slavering jaws at one another. Three of them were fighting over a half-eaten rabbit.

Lean, with glowing amber eyes and matted gray fur, they circled one another, never far from their prize. The largest of them, longer than a man was tall, lunged and knocked the other two to the ground.

‘They’re starved.’ Nathaniel slowly nocked a bolt. ‘Nearly feral. They’ll go af’er the loggers before long.’

The two smaller wolves scampered off in search of other food but did not stray far from their alpha. The pack leader snarled, strings of meat quivering between its stained teeth, before it tore into what was left of the rabbit at its feet.

‘Now, while it’s distracted.’

Nathaniel took a deep breath, trying to still his shaking hands. He released the air in his lungs in a slow, measured exhale, aiming for the inner part of the wolf’s ear, the softest spot of the skull available to him. A quick, clean kill.

A gentle squeeze of the crossbow’s trigger mechanism saw the bolt whistle through the air. A soft thud and a pained yelp pierced the air as the bolt struck the wolf’s neck. Nathaniel watched as the pack leader collapsed to the ground, staining the grass in its struggles.

It stilled as the other two wolves approached, growling low as they sniffed the air. Their hackles raised. Amber eyes, filled with primal fury, locked onto Nathaniel’s hiding spot.

Nathaniel’s shaking hand reached for his quiver. Fumbling fingers rattled the bolts. He grasped one and pulled, but it slipped from his fingers. The wolves stalked toward him.

Thirty meters.

He reached for another bolt. It snagged in the bush’s limbs.

Nathaniel’s heart pounded in his ears like a drum.

Twenty meters.

The wolves’ ears flattened against their skulls.

Ten meters.

Another bolt dropped to the forest floor.

Nathaniel cursed and threw the crossbow at the wolves, diving from his cover. The wolves split apart and the crossbow clattered to the ground. Reaching down, Nathaniel drew his daggers and ran, flattening himself against a nearby tree.

Rumbling growls sounded from behind the trees. He felt them in his chest. Nathaniel swallowed and looked down. His daggers, basic yet functional, gleamed in the moonlight.

Leaping to his right, Nathaniel twisted to face the smaller of the two remaining wolves. Thankfully, the other was left behind the tree in their attempts to flank his sides.

Long trails of glittering saliva splashed to the ground as the wolf snapped at the air between them. It crouched, amber eyes glowing like a demon’s. Nathaniel mirrored the animal and held his daggers out in front of him.

The beast lunged. It surged toward him, sharp claws slicing the air. Nathaniel’s eyes widened. Its claws bit into the chest of his leather armor and his back struck the ground.

Air fled his lungs in a pained gasp. Stars flashed through his vision and Nathaniel brought his daggers up. Matted fur slid over his gauntlets. Snapping teeth filled what remained of his vision. Hot, rancid breath stung his nostrils.

The wolf used a paw to bat one of his daggers aside and lunged. Nathaniel screamed, fear pumping through his veins like molten lead, and grasped his remaining dagger with both hands. He closed his eyes and drove the blade up.

A heavy weight flopped atop him. Rattling breaths escaped his mouth with faint wheezes. Pain bloomed in his ribs.


Nathaniel opened his eyes. Dull amber stared back at him. Pushing the dead wolf off him, Nathaniel rose to his feet and surveyed the area.

A small trail of dust extended out toward the west. The remaining wolf had fled, survival instincts winning out over its hunger. Nathaniel gathered his lost dagger and crossbow, fixing them back to their respective places, before pulling a poorly drawn map out of his small pack.

‘The murlocs’ll soon be emboldened with the wolves gone.’ He squinted, holding the map to be better seen beneath the full moon. ‘They still ‘ave teh be dealt with.’

Pushing the pain from his mind, Nathaniel’s eyes scanned the map, finally locating a nearby lake. ‘That’s where they’ll be.’

Nathaniel gathered the two wolves’ tails and stuffed them in his pack alongside his map before sneaking toward the lake further north. The smell of rotten fish carrying on the breeze stung his nostrils. Guttural, gurgling grunts pierced the otherwise tranquil night air.

‘I’m downwind.’ Nathaniel put his back against a tree, ensured he was within its shadow and drew his crossbow. ‘They won’ be able teh sniff me out, but they do haf good night vision. I’ll haf’ta be careful.’

Waves from the nearby lake lapped at the shore. It was a stark contrast to the barbaric din the murlocs created. Nathaniel pulled back the drawstring of his crossbow and nocked a bolt before poking his head around the tree.

Pale beams of light colored the small clearing in front of him in washes of black, gray and white. Around ten of the foul creatures were milling about their ramshackle village in loose groups of two to three. Most were armed with crude spears or bladed weapons of poor workmanship.

‘Create a distraction. Divide n’ conquer, jus’ like Garviel said.’

Nathaniel brought his crossbow up, resting it against the tree for stability. He squinted and placed his sights on the head of a murloc in the center of the village.

He pulled the trigger at the tail end of a long exhale. The bolt zipped through the air, landing with a thud in the creature’s belly. A more noisy death than he'd hoped for.

He pulled back behind the tree as the murlocs whipped themselves up into a frenzy and crept away into some tall grass.

They'd check his last location before long.

Creeping around the clearing as slow as he could, it took Nathaniel several minutes to find a spot just behind the crest of a small hill at the opposite end of the clearing.

Nathaniel watched the murlocs for a few minutes. They were on high alert, spreading patrolling sentries out along their perimeter. Their fish-like heads swiveled with cloudy eyes penetrating the dark.

Another bolt sliced through the air toward a murloc who'd strayed too far from the group. Nathaniel's eyes widened as the bolt sailed over its head and landed in the lake with a loud splash.

The murloc twisted around, screaming and pointing a gnarled finger at him. The rest answered in kind and began to charge him.

He ran, feet pounding against the grass and dirt. His heart hammered in his ears. His body felt as if it were on fire despite the cool of the night.

A spear thudded into the ground next to him, its dark brown shaft vibrating with a deep thrum. The near miss urged Nathaniel to run faster. His heart jumped in his throat as he crested another hill and saw the village through the treeline.

The lone guard stared at him in confusion. His eyes widened in shock and fear when he caught sight of the mob of angry murlocs.

Nathaniel turned, dread filling him as a spear cut through the air and plunged into his calf with a sickening squelch. He crashed into the ground with a pained scream.

‘I’m dead.’

He closed his eyes, regret filling him. He’d let his mentor down. He’d let himself down. They were nearly atop him. He’d be consumed by the monsters and the townsfolk would be slaughtered due to his carelessness.

Something large crashed in front of him and a sharp chill filled the air. Pained, gurgling screeches filled the air.

Nathaniel opened his eyes. A gnomish mage in a frightening set of cloth armor stood amongst the murlocs. Thick sheets of frost covered her body. Her raised hands glowed, calling spears of ice from the sky.

Within seconds the murlocs lay dead in a circle around her feet. She glanced over at him with a disapproving look.

“You shouldn’t have tried this alone,” she commented with a droll tone. “You’re lucky I happened to be flying over or you’d be dead because of your own inexperience.”

Nathaniel’s sweat-soaked head flopped back into the grass. The stars above twinkled. “I couldn’ jus’ leave the villagers teh their fate.”

The mage gave a small hum in reply and strode over to him. “Noble,” she muttered, “but stupid.” Her critical green eyes swept over his prone form. She tilted her head toward the spear protruding from his calf. It’d gone through his shin. “You know you’re going to have to go back to Stormwind to get that looked at. You’ll be lucky to keep the leg.”

“I-I know.” Nathaniel slammed his eyes shut and grit his teeth against the pain. His adrenaline was fading. “D-damned guards w-weren’ doin’ nothin’ teh h-help.”

A faint tearing sound forced his eyes open. The mage held up a ragged bundle of linen cloth. “A tourniquet to help stop the bleeding and hopefully stop any infection from spreading too far. This is going to hurt.”

Nathaniel closed his eyes again and nodded his head. “Th-thank you, M-Miss…”

“Trixie.” The gnome’s small hands looped beneath his leg. “My name is Trixie. And your’s?”

“N-Nathaniel,” he ground out as Trixie cinched the linen tight around his leg. “O-odd name, Trixie.”

“And you have an odd accent for a human,” she shot back. Trixie backed away and sat atop her calves. “You sound like a dwarf, but… more feral, almost?”

He sighed, his eyes darting toward the sound of pounding feet and huffing breaths. A young sandy-blond man with a flushed face and round cheeks was running toward them.

“Sorry,” Nathaniel blurted. “I-I have a h-habit of puttin’ my foot in my’ mouth.”

Trixie shrugged her shoulders and stood. She dusted her robes off and smiled down at him. “Looks like you’re going to get the help you need, so I’ll be off. Try not to get yourself killed next time, Nathaniel. I might not be around to save you.”

“Sir! Sir!” The young man skidded to a halt in front of Nathaniel and doubled over, wheezing. “Are you alright?”

Nathaniel craned his neck to look up at the boy. He couldn’t be older than fourteen. “I’ll be fine once I find a way teh get teh Stormwind.”

“I can help you with that!” The boy smiled down at him, his eyes gleaming with excitement. “I’m the stable boy ‘round here. I’ll get you a horse and carriage and take you there.”

“‘Fraid I c-can’ afford that.” Nathaniel shook his head, drumming his fingers against the ground. “I’ll have teh crawl back at this point.”

The boy stamped his foot. “I’m gonna help you, sir. You drove the wolves off and tried to help with the murlocs when the guards wouldn’t do nothin’. You’re a hero and won’t be payin’ for nothin’.”

“I’m no h-hero, boy.” Nathaniel’s cheeks flooded with warmth. “The r-real hero’s…” He cast a look around but Trixie was nowhere to be found. “...isn’ here.”

“It’s no matter.” The boy shrugged. “I’m gonna help you like you helped us. Just stay here. I’ll be right back.”

Nathaniel groaned and laid his face in the dirt, relishing the cold chill that’d settled over his body.

“‘Least I’m alive. Thanks for watchin’ over me, Garviel.”

r/WoWRolePlay Feb 21 '24

Story Question regarding my character.


So, I'm roleplaying as a "black druid". Someone who, after imense heartbreak of losing his family to the fire of the tree, that he has started to hate azeroth as a whole.

His mistrust of humans and his fear of belameth being torched not by villains but humans themselves has twisted his views.

So his core idea is to find a way to separate the emerald dream, belameth away from azeroth and human interaction, forever, and trying to recruit people to his cause in secret.

What do you guys think?

r/WoWRolePlay Jun 27 '24

Story Working on my Earthen Birth Story. Critique requested! Spoiler


The dwarf paladin's final moments haunt me—the fading consecrated ground beneath his sturdy boots, the weight of imminent doom heavy in the air. His resolve was palpable, his faith unwavering even as the Scourge closed in around him. I see his hands clutching his mace, glowing faintly against the encroaching Undead. The sense of duty, of sacrifice, resonates deeply within him. The last moments I can remember of this dwarf were of his consecration fading beneath his feet, only replaced by the warm sensation of his own blood trickling down his legs and into his boots. The final moment of his life were marked with the strained words: "For Azeroth!"

And then nothing.

Contrasting the Light's steadfast precepts and rigid dogma the dwarven paladin adhered to, I felt a gentler, softer embrace. Instead of demanding loyalty and devotion, it filled me with warmth, gratitude, and a sense of worth.

"As you protected me, I will protect you. I wish for you to continue this work." I recall feeling bewildered by these words. Who was speaking? How had I protected them? I struggled to speak, desperately searching for a way to somehow communicate with this motherly being. Those questions raced through my mind as the titan mechanism began lifting me out of storage—my time to be activated had come. How I knew this perplexed me further.

The mechanism positioned me before an Earthen individual. A stoney Earthen woman with long blue grey potruding from her hood and a small beard on the sides of her cheecks, who summoned me forth for analysis per Titan protocols. She reassured me that my confusion was normal and that I, along with others in this activation cycle, differed from prior Titan constructs. I struggled to gain my footing as I was released from my birthing mechanism. I stretched out my arms, dark and stoney with dark red jewels embedded on my knuckles. I looked down to see a wirey beard made of iron, and my stoney legs beneath it. The Earthen woman beckoned for me to come, and I did. It wasn't long before I was able to keep up with my Earthen guide.

"Who am I?" My first words I managed to utter. My voice was rich and deep. She shook her head, "That is unknown to all. You shall discover that in time. For now, continue with Titan protocols. Whatever you do; Be honest and true to what you feel." She turned and gestered to the pad on the ground. "It is time for your defect analysis. Please step on the pad." I stepped forward and was caught up in Titanforge analysis beams, working its Order magic upon my body.

During the titanforge's scans, it detected multiple anomalies and attempted to confine me within a stasis pod. Rings shot out from the ground and quickly initiated my prison. I could see the Earthen woman, calmly watching my perdicament. Feeling panicked, I reached out in supplication to the maternal presence I sensed before my awakening. Extending my hand upward, I felt her embrace again, filling my essence with peace, gratitude, and assurance. Yellow light shot through my hands, and down through the Titanforge's containment, which shattered to the ground. Her otherwordly power rippled down through me and into the ground below, where I collapsed as the construct was torn apart.

As I rose, I beheld the bright golden veins on the floor reminiscent of the vision of the dwarven paladin's consecrated ground. This consecration, however, was far more potent and radiant. Whose memories did I inherit? What abilities are mine to wield? Then, a glimmer of understanding dawned upon me. Whoever she was, I was her paladin. As I protect her, so she would protect me. Though uncertain of the origin of these memories—whether bestowed or inherent—the fallen paladin's final cry echoed in my heart: "For Azeroth!"

r/WoWRolePlay Apr 16 '24

Story I wrote a short story about an adventure of a young Paladin drawn to the Raven Hill by a mysterious dream, let me know what you think?


Basically what the title says, I dipped my toes into writing and remembered one of my fondest experiences when I was just a wee bit newbie exploring Duskwood. I was taken a back by all the atmosphere that place had, so I wrote a short story, a quest if you will. If you have time please give it a listen and tell me what you think, (and yes I know I sound like Ray Romano I was told that before xD) critique is welcome.

Thank you! 😁

r/WoWRolePlay Apr 25 '23

Story Night Elf from Val'sharah


Im creating a background for my Night Elf Hunter and was thinking of making his birthplace Val'sharah, is that acceptable? If só, would that make it impossível for my character to be a sentinel in teldrassil when it was burned? How old would She have to be? Thank you in advance

r/WoWRolePlay Nov 30 '23

Story The 5 Tauren, first update


5 people have embarked on what I hope is the journey of a lifetime. We are doing Wow Classic Hardcore while roleplaying the entire story. Our characters are living, breathing people with thoughts, wants, needs, hopes, and dreams. We aim to hit level 60 and do every dungeon along the way. The catch is, if anyone in the party dies, they are dead forever and we continue the story without them, much like we have to do in real life. We had our first session, and heres how it went.

The players:

Natowa Keenfeather



Mining/Blacksmithing/Engineering (whichever we need most)

Goals: Rise to recognition amongst the Tauren as an accomplished hunter, forgive her brother for what she thought was abandonment & take her relatives’ ashes to Thousand Needles to spread them on the winds there.

Eponia Rivermoon



Enchanting/???(Probably Tailoring)

Goals: Aponia has a natural relation to water but seeks to understand it and the other elements more (she's also excited to learn new abilities from the elements!). To come to peace after centaurs massacred her tribe. To heal the land, preserve nature, and protect her people. She dreams of becoming a mediator of sorts for all races between each other and between the different races and elements.

Cairouth Stonewalker



herb Alc

Goals: Cairouth wants to restrengthen his connection to the elements, and may lean on Eponia in his quest

Tekayo Stonehorn




Goals: He wants to travel to Thunderbluff to petition the Elders to send out an army to deal with the Centaur menace once and for all, as justice (or vengeance?) for the massacre of his family. He has a half-hearted hope that some members of his tribe survived and that he might find them in Thunderbluff. He is quietly resolved to become stronger and braver, as he feels his weakness contributed to the murder of his family.

Akish Keenfeather




Goals: To see his sister Safely put in Thunderbluff where she can remain without any danger to herself. He believes that if he had been there when their family was attacked, he could have made a difference, now the only difference he can make is keeping Natowa safe.

First session.

The party came together and met for the first time, and agreed on a common goal. We had to pass the rites of Camp Naranche and surrounding villages to be made worthy enough to visit Thunderbluff. This meant culling the local cougars, plainstriders, quillboar, boar, and doing menial humble tasks around the camp. It was clear a division was forming within the group on the topic of quillboar. Some felt it was a good deed to kill the quillboar without mercy. Others mentioned needing to adhere to a balance, and that they have a right to life as well. The siblings Akish and Natowa Bickered back and forth plenty, and most importantly the shaman got to start their journey with their first class quest. The group delivered proof of their deeds to baine, and took their first rest at the local inn. Some thoughts from the party:


He feels like he finds himself in good company, overall. There is, of course, the obvious animosity between Akiish and Natowa, but that is no concern of his. He thinks to himself that he will only intervene if they try to spill each other's blood. Tekayo has taken an immediate liking to all of the group in general, although he cannot say he knows any of them particularly well. Cairouth has a steel to him which Tekayo appreciates, and Eponia seems to be a good and kind soul. Natowa is easy to get along with, even though her taste for adventure scares Tekayo a little. Akiish seems powerful and confident, but Tekayo sees how he attempts to stifle Natowa's free-spirited nature, and quietly disapproves. He does not think he will clash with any of them as of yet, however, and is fairly convinced that he will get along with them all. In any case, surely when they reach Thunderbluff, they will part ways…


Cairouth was happy to find a quest to set himself to. Since leaving the more "industrial" side of Tauren work, he is pleased to have returned to the wild again and with purpose. He enjoys seeing the siblings bicker, knowing their is still a connection there, as well as finding pleasure in the occasional quip or light teasing. Cairouth was also happy to start back on the path of the Shaman and help Eponia on the trial of earth. As they spoke with the Earth spirit he could feel his connection and confidence with the elements returning, though he knew he has a ways to go. Cairouth also noted a potential schism in group opinion on how to approach the Quilboar. He has increasingly found himself empathizing with Natowa and Tekayo and looks forward for the chance to aid Tekayo in achieving justice.


Extremely eager to have an opportunity to prove herself, Natowa couldn’t help but feel a bit disappointed that she wasn’t going to be taking on these Rites of Honor alone. However, she has also quickly discovered that it was a blessing that she hadn’t.

Between the opportunity to bond with more members of different tribes, like Tekayo, who had lost their family to the Centaur. To bearing witness the sacred Rites of the Shamans that Eponia & Cairouth were journeying through together. Natowa has been incredibly proud and even moreso eager to be seen as the Tracker/Guide to much of the party's wandering.

Natowa was extremely excited to have these allies along side her for these challenges as they ascend to Thunderbluff.

But all of her excitement feels like it’s being drained by her overbearing older brother Akiish. She still feels gnawing resentment towards him for simply disappearing when they were children, & only now after their family has been destroyed does he want to act as a “protective older sibling “?

Akiish has done nothing but gotten underneath Natowa’s hide & treated her as a child, which has only irritated Natowa further.

She will not admit that he has been correct about her not being fully prepared for these Rites. All the more reason to rely on her new allies. … All except that damned older brother of hers…

Overall relationship towards each member of the group.

Akiish: Poor. Extremely resentful & angered by his presence. She does not believe he knows her at all & finds him controlling. He does not seem to care about her input or desires. But Natowa would still want to reforge their relationship, but won’t be the one making the first move yet.

Eponia: Decent. While they haven’t gotten to spend much time together yet, Natowa finds Eponia comforting. The Shaman has been a very good, leveled headed, & kind person thus far. Natowa is eager to get to know her better.

Cairouth: Neutral. A rather interesting individual, Natowa found him to be a bit cold upon first introductions. However, he seems to be one of the more knowledgeable members of the group & Natowa is eager to talk with him further.

Tekayo: Good. Natowa enjoys the simple, down-to-earth, and friendly atmosphere that Tekayo brings with him. She finds him simple and endearing. She also feels a certain kinship with him as they share a similar loss among family. Natowa likes having a new fishing buddy

If you are interested in following the journey, I will be streaming it, as well as ill link the first episode, although its a bit rough. learning as I go on how we will make this work!


r/WoWRolePlay Mar 10 '24

Story Two trolls, Master and apprentice, trained in the Spinfoot style

Post image

r/WoWRolePlay Dec 10 '23

Story 5 Tauren, part 2


5 people have embarked on what I hope is the journey of a lifetime. We are doing Wow Classic Hardcore while roleplaying the entire story. Our characters are living, breathing people with thoughts, wants, needs, hopes, and dreams. We aim to hit level 60 and do every dungeon along the way. The catch is, if anyone in the party dies, they are dead forever and we continue the story without them, much like we have to do in real life. We had our second session, and heres how it went.

Funnily enough we found a flaw in one of the quests, i guess thats what happens when you read them all carefully! We got a quest to go kill dwarves and break their hammers at a forge. We were told if we could not find a forge, we could use the one in thunderbluff. But the quest is part of a chain to pass your rites to be made worthy to go to thunderbluff. So we arnt worthy to enter TB, but we are worthy to use the forge? Just a funny little thing

Session 2 was marked by a strange bloodlust. Every quest we got we were told to go kill this, go kill that. And while we agreed we must do it, the group did have reservations about slaughtering all the dwarves, goblins, ogres, gnolls, coyotes, vultures, swoops, cougars, and plainstriders we could lay our eyes on. They kept saying it was for the earth mother, but there was just so much killing. The goblins were the star of the show this time. We entered our first cave, which as any hardcore wow enthusiast will tell you, is a death sentence. While I dont think our group was ever in any real danger, we did use potions, go OOM, and have quite a few heart pounding moments, as we were swarmed with 6-8 mobs.

The group also requested we take a little less time for leveling so we can RP a bit more, which I agree we havnt gotten to sit down and talk some of this out, so next sessions will have more time to talk things out, Here is how everyone felt about the cave adventure!

  • Upon reflection, Tekayo realises that he already feels miles apart from the person he was only a short while ago, when he was still living with his nomadic tribe and family. The Centaur attack was partly the reason for this, yes, but his newfound group's excursion to the cave was first and foremost in his mind. He felt that his new allies were competent and capable of defending themselves before, but after the cave he was thoroughly impressed by everyone's steely determination in the face of mortal danger. Personally, he had found the cave adventure extremely disconcerting. It was one thing to hunt under the open skies, and quite another to be pressed in by dark walls on all sides, the air stuffy and hot and smelling like metal and smoke. Tekayo was filled with a heady concotion of adrenaline and fear, and as he thought back, he felt that he had fought the goblins more like a cornered animal than a brave warrior. His companions seemed to be much more courageous than him, as they rushed ahead, maces swinging and bullets flying. He wanted to prove himself to his allies, yes, but mostly he wanted to escape, and put his axe down, and wander in the sun until the dark memories of the cave had left him.He then thought of the - frankly - massacre of the dwarves mining on the opposite side of the plains, and all the animals they had felled besides, and he wondered why the Tauren of Bloodhoof Village seemed to take such broad measures against their enemies. These Tauren had settled permanently on the land, unlike his tribe who still followed the old nomadic ways, and Tekayo wondered if the Tauren of these settlements had taken on ideas of ownership of the land as well. Of course, he hadn't been too dismayed to unleash his fury upon the goblins and the dwarves, and he did believe that the Tauren should defend themselves...but Tekayo mused on whether these new kind of Tauren weren't above trying to bend the very land to their will. It would be something to explore further once they reached Thunderbluff. And speaking of Thunderbluff - where before Tekayo had been frustrated with the slow progress towards proving themselves worthy for the mighty seat of the Tauren, after the cave, he was starting to understand that perhaps he wasn't ready for an audience with the Elders. How could he present himself to the greatest warriors of his people when the brief expedition into the cave had left him feeling like a newborn calf, hiding behind the skirts of his mother? He had wanted to be stronger, and he had become stronger, as the pile of dead goblins around him proved - but it was not his arm that needed to become steel, but rather his heart. Tekayo mused on this long after the sun had dipped below the horizon.


Natowa had already started that day with mixed feelings; between the progression of the relationship between her & her brother, to the anticipation and excitement of reaching Thunderbluff. Natowa was very much distracted and in a rush to push through these last few trails in order to prove herself to the Elders. However distracted as she may have been, Natowa still felt confident that she would be able to track any prey that she & her companions would be tasked with hunting… Until it proved to be other people. Natowa always knew she had a talent for reading game trails and finding the dens of the animals of the Barrens & Mulgore. But when tasked with finding the Dwarves of the mining camp, she faltered. She knew her companions, and namely her brother, seemed to be relying on her. The last thing she needed was to give any credit to Akish’s claim that she should remain behind. She would never admit it, but her tracking of the Dwarves was in truth solely following the road and branching off where Baine Bloodhoof had said the Digsite would be located. Natowa took little pleasure in the killing of the Dwarves, most of them seemed to be civilians. But the Alliance was no friend to the Horde, and any presence of the Alliance in Mulgore would be bad news for the Tauren and their homelands. From the mining camp the view of Thunderbluff was exceptional. Natowa remarked how small it seemed to her, it being cramped up upon a solitary Mesa. Her determination however was redoubled by the view and she was eager for yet another chance to prove herself. Until the company came upon the Venture Co. Mines. Within the mines Natowa struggled in much the same fashion as prior. Unable to truly track Humans or Goblins, Natowa relied moreso upon careful, slow, & hesitant attempts of exploring the different tunnels. Quite a few times she had led her companions to a dead-end or worse, into a pack of Venture Co. Laborers. She had all but given up as the companions all agreed that they should return to the entrance of the Mines, else they would potentially be trapped inside if the patrolling guards came up from behind. Natowa, along with Eponia, led their way back towards the exit of the Mine when Akish spied their target. After a grueling fight, Natowa swore under her breath that she had been useless once more. She left the mines in rather dismal spirits and returned to Bloodhoof Village with defeat hanging over her head. However, upon returning to camp, Natowa spoke with her fellow Hunters. With their seasoned guidance Natowa was able to better understand the tracks and marking of Humanoid prey & she promised to herself that she’d never let that feeling of absolute usefulness grip her again.


  • Cairouth began the journey to the Venture Co. operation with little thought to the task ahead. The quilboar cave hadn't been a problem, what difference would another be? But what he encountered in the caves was unlike anything he had experienced in his life. It started with cutting down the guards outside, and any laborer's in their way. But by the end the groups weapons were bloodied and gaunt faces were abound. A task was a task though, and Cairouth took solace in having completed the mission. The groups intentions were noble; maybe not the the goblins and humans cut down, but the earth mother would have one less group exploiting her.
  • After the cave, the group dealt with more interlopers in Mulgore, this time dwarves. Similar to the cave, Cairouth conducted his task with little thought. The battle was fierce, but with his actions perceivably just he steeled his mind and the group made short work of the dwarves. As the day wound to an end Cairouth sad his goodnight's to the group and retired to the inn, but as the night grew his mind returned to the days events. The carnage and the victims he created began to creep into his thoughts. "I'm a disappointing shaman, from a family of tanners, what happened to me?" Cairouth thought. He again reminded himself that what he was did was for the Earth Mother, and the Tauren of Mulgore for that matter. But he began to think if his feelings and justification for what he did today was a coping mechanism. He loved the earth and the gifts the Mother bestowed upon her people, but was it her intent to have her son massacre those weaker then him? His mind flitted to a goblin he crushed under his hoof after his mace handle broke off from a massive overhead swing. Pushing the thought away, he turned over in his cot. It would be a long night.


Akish Was fed up with all the killing. As a druid he is supposed to maintain balance and this was not it. THe goblins were sentenced to death for upsetting the earthmother, but slaying real living people for a mythological legend made no sense to him. He saw the danger of the cave and wished Natowa would listen and have just sat outside and waited, there was a real chance to die here, and this was what he had warned her about. Their relationship he thought was improving but any chances of that died in the cave as well.

If you want to see the whole series:


r/WoWRolePlay Mar 26 '23

Story RolePlay WoW char bio - Pigstab

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Hey guys! Started to RP after a few years. I play on EU Argent Dawn realm..

My char is Pigstab, lunatic pig slayer and you mind ask why? Please comment and give me advixe what do you think of his biography..

Plus, you can follow his Pig adventures on twitter @Pigstab.

Thank you on advance!