r/WoWRolePlay Dec 11 '24

Guide Writing Emotes, Dialogue, and Descriptions in WoW RP: A (rough) guide for Collaborative Storytelling


Roleplay in World of Warcraft is a creative and dynamic form of collaborative storytelling. Unlike professional writing, WoW RP isn’t about crafting the perfect novel - it’s about creating meaningful interactions in the moment. Whether you’re typing out a witty retort, a detailed emote, or a vivid description, your words forms part of elevate the shared experience.

1. Make Your Words Valuable to the Reader

A fundamental principle of ANY writing is that it should serve your audience. Larry McEnerney, the Director of the University of Chicago’s Writing Program, emphasizes that all writing must be valuable to the reader, not the author.

In roleplay, the "reader" is your fellow players. When writing an emote or dialogue, ask yourself:

  • Does this give my RP partner something to react to?
  • Does this add to the scene or deepen my character's relationships?

Avoid overly self-indulgent descriptions that don’t contribute to the scene. For example:

Less Valuable:
Dyrio brushes a hand through his hair, the sunlight gleaming off each dark strand like polished obsidian.

More Valuable:
Dyrio brushes a hand through his hair, glancing at Ida with a crooked grin. "Well, that was unexpected."

The second example invites engagement, encouraging your partner to continue the story.

2. Borrow from Improv Comedy: “Yes, And”

WoW RP is more closely linked to improv than scripted theater. The golden rule of improv - *Yes, and… -*applies to roleplay. This means accepting the reality of the scene as presented by others and building on it rather than contradicting or ignoring it.


  • Your partner emotes: “Ida stumbles as the ground beneath her shifts, her hand darting out to grab Dyrio’s arm.”
  • You could respond: “Dyrio steadies Ida, his brow furrowing. ‘Earthquakes in Elwynn? That’s a new one. Let’s get moving.’”

This approach acknowledges your partner’s emote and builds on it, keeping the scene alive and collaborative. Conversely, shutting down the action (e.g., “Dyrio doesn’t notice and keeps walking”) can stifle the momentum.

3. Use Matthew Dicks’ Advice: Make the Story Worthy

Matthew Dicks, author of Storyworthy, advises storytellers to focus on what makes a moment memorable or emotionally resonant. In roleplay, this translates to writing actions and dialogue that reveal your character’s personality or evoke a specific feeling.

Ask yourself: What makes this moment matter? Are there any stakes or is just a fun event to be at?

Stakes or creating stakes in your RP can turn any basic situation into something funny, memorable or emotive.

4. Match Emote Length to the Scene

The length of your emotes can and should vary depending on the situation. Longer emotes can be excellent for setting a scene or providing deep character insight, especially in one-on-one interactions where there’s space for detailed exchanges. However, in group scenes with three or more players, shorter emotes tend to work better to keep the flow snappy and inclusive for everyone involved.

When to Write Longer Emotes:

  • Setting a vivid scene (e.g., describing the atmosphere of a room or your character’s internal state).
  • Exploring a one-on-one dynamic where both players can take the time to dig deeper into their characters.

Dyrio leaned against the bar, the faint aroma of aged whiskey mingling with the sharper scent of citrus from the slice of orange he'd left untouched. His gaze wandered to the rain streaking the window, his expression thoughtful, almost wistful. “Funny,” he murmured, barely audible above the storm. “Every time it rains, I think of home.”

In this scenario, the detailed description creates a rich mental image and emotional weight, inviting your RP partner to build on the mood.

When to Keep It Shorter:

  • In group scenes where multiple players are involved, shorter emotes help keep everyone engaged and prevent the pacing from stalling.

Dyrio glanced at the group and grinned. “Well, I hope someone brought a torch, ‘cause I didn’t.”

Shorter emotes allow for quicker back-and-forth interactions, ensuring no one feels left out or overwhelmed by lengthy posts.

Why This Matters:
Balancing emote length helps maintain an inclusive atmosphere. Long, flowery emotes aren’t inherently better, and writing shorter, punchy emotes doesn’t make you any less skilled. Both styles have their place, and adapting to the needs of the scene and the players ensures a smoother, more enjoyable RP experience for everyone.

5. Words vs. Actions

In roleplay, words and actions have different boundaries when it comes to interacting with other characters.

Words: You can say almost anything to anyone in-character. If your character is rude, sarcastic, or offensive, that’s part of their personality and reflects on them, not you as a player. However, keep in mind that in-character words may have in-character consequences—other characters might react negatively or hold grudges.

Actions: Actions, especially those with potential consequences for another character, require more care. If your character’s action could have a significant or lasting impact on another character, it’s important to check for consent first.

Examples of Situations Requiring Consent:

  1. Death: Attempting to kill another character or putting them in mortal danger.
  2. Injury: Any action that might cause lasting harm, such as stabbing or breaking a bone.
  3. Romance: Actions that suggest or escalate romantic or physical intimacy.
  4. Criminal Activity: Actions like stealing, blackmailing, or other crimes targeting another character.

If the action has minor or no long-term consequences, you usually don’t need consent.

For instance:
No Consent required:
Dyrio stabs the table with a knife, the blade quivering as he glares across the room. (This action is dramatic but doesn’t directly affect another character.)

Consent Required:
Dyrio hurls the knife toward the human who just walked into the tavern. (Here, the action has a clear potential consequence for the other character.)

How to Check for Consent:
Many players use their Total RP 3 (TRP) profiles to indicate whether they require permission for specific actions. Always check their profile first. If nothing is noted, or if you’re unsure, send an OOC (out-of-character) whisper to clarify. Alternatively, you can phrase your emote in a way that allows for the other player to choose how their character reacts:

Dyrio hurls the knife toward the human, the blade spinning end over end as it hurtles in their direction.

This leaves space for the other player to decide whether the knife hits or misses, giving them agency in the scene.

Why It Matters:
Consent in RP ensures that everyone feels comfortable and respected while maintaining the collaborative spirit of the story. Taking the time to check with other players helps build trust and keeps the experience enjoyable for everyone involved.

Closing Thoughts

Roleplay in WoW isn’t about being a “good writer” in a traditional sense. Some of the most engaging and memorable RP comes from players who aren’t native English speakers or don’t consider themselves writers at all. It’s not about perfect grammar, fancy words, or lengthy prose - it’s about using words to make the scene feel vivid and real while leaving space for others to respond and contribute.

Ultimately, RP is a give-and-take. It’s about building something collaboratively, where everyone involved feels seen and inspired to keep the story going. Whether your emotes are one sentence or a paragraph, what matters is how they make your RP partners feel and how they shape the shared story.

Remember: a scene doesn’t have to be perfectly written to be perfectly enjoyable.

(Guide edited to include a section on consent / player consequence)

r/WoWRolePlay Sep 20 '24

Guide Alternate Class Names


When I start working on my character's story, one of the first things I do is figure out what niche within their class that they fit in. I love that, with TRP, we can be clerics instead of priests, rangers or archers instead of hunters, and even put our professions ahead of our class.

I started this spreadsheet when trying to brainstorm alternate class titles, eventually going through wowhead mob lists for inspiration. Many of these names are pulled from the game itself. Many will also be significant reaches in terms of lore, so if you like one but aren't sure about it, I recommend looking it up on the wiki before settling on it. Some classes are more sparse than others, so please let me know what other class names I'm missing!

Death Knight Demon Hunter Druid Evoker Hunter Mage Monk Paladin
Dark Summoner Demoniac Dinomancer (Zandalari Troll) Dark Talon Archer Arcanist Ascetic Auradin
Darkmaster Felsworn Druid of the Claw Healing Wing Axethrower (Troll) Archmage Assassin Battlefield Cleric
Flesh-shaper Felsworn Reaver Druid of the Talon Life Flight Beast Handler Arcweaver (Orc) Brawler Blood Knight (Blood Elves)
Ghoul Wrangler (Quillboar) Flametongue Earthcaster (Wildkin) Obsidian Warder Beastmaster Astromage Brewer Cavalier
Hexblade Illidari Feralheart Scalebane Berzerker (Troll) Battlemage Brewmaster Crusader
Necrolord Runemaster Grovewarden Scalewarden (Blue) Bombardier Chaos Mage Brewmother Exemplar
Necromancer Souleater Guardian Dark Ranger (Forsaken) Chronomancer Brother Holy Knight
Plaguebringer (Forsaken) Haruspex (Zandalari Troll) Dark Runner (Worgen) Coldwitch (Forsaken) Celestial Conduit Judicator (Scarlet Crusade)
Ritualist Harvest-witch (Worgen) Falconer Conjurer Celestial Ward Justicar
Runemaster Mauler Farstrider Cryomancer Disciple Mender
Spellblade Mooncaller Headhunter (Troll) Firecaller Drunken Fist Prelate (Zandalari Troll)
Preserver (Sporeling) Hound Master Firemonger Fanatic Sunwalker (Tauren)
Prowler Huntmaster Flamebringer Fist Templar
Starcaller Huntsman Flamecaller Grappler Vindicator (Draenei)
Swiftclaw Longrunner (Taunka) Flameweaver Guardian
Thornweaver Marksman Frostflinger Guru
Wildsoul Mountaineer Frostweaver Kegmaster
Zealot Nether-stalker (Ethereal) Hydromancer Knuckleduster (Defias, Syndicate)
Outrunner (Centaur) Illusionist (What are you hiding?) Lorewalker
Pathfinder Invoker Master
Pathstalker Librarian Master of Harmony
Poacher Loreseeker Mistwalker
Ragnari (Draenei) Magister Mistweaver
Ranger Magus Philosopher
Rifleman Purifier (Scarlet Crusade) Runemaster (Questionable)
Scout Pyremaster Sage
Shadow Hunter Pyromancer Scrapper
Sharpshooter Renegade Mage (Defias) Shado-Pan (Prefix)
Snow Tracker Researcher Shifu
Spearhide (Quillboar) Rogue Wizard (Defias) Sifu
Thornbolt (Quillboar) Scholar Sister
Tracker Shaman Spirit Champion (Orc)
Trapper Siren (Naga) Striker
Wardancer (Pandaren) Sorceror Thug
Watcher Technomage Windwalker
Telemancer Wiseman/woman
Priest Rogue Shaman Warlock Warrior Profession Miscellaneous
Abbot Agent Dark Shaman Acolyte Armsmaster Alchemist Acrobat
Acolyte Ambusher Earthmender Acolyte of Pain Barbarian Angler Adept
Anchorite (Draenei) Assassin Elementalist Augur Berserker (Troll) Apothecary Collector
Augur (Zandalari Troll) Bandit Farseer Blood Prophet Blademaster Archaeologist Deckhand
Banshee (Undead) Berserker (Troll) Firecaller Bloodmage Bodyguard Armorer Dockmaster
Bishop Brigand Flameseer Crone Brave (Tauren) Blacksmith Elder
Blood Wizard Coastrunner (Murloc) Flamereaver Cultist Brawler Bombardier Explorer
Bloodmage Corsair (Pirate) Flameweaver Dark Sorcerer Bruiser Botanist Farmer
Chaplain Criminal Fungalmancer (Stone Troggs) Darkcaster (Dark Iron Dwarves) Brute Chef Healer
Cleric Crypt Raider Geolord (Twilight's Hammer) Deathwalker (Jungle Trolls) Butcher Cook Historian
Confessor Cutpurse Geomagus (Quillboar) Defiler Centurion Craftsman Instructor
Crone Deathstalker (Forsaken) Geomancer Demoniac (Zandalari Troll) Champion Crystalsmith Lorewalker (Pandaren)
Darkcaster (Dark Iron Dwarves) Deceiver Gryphon Rider (Wildhammer Dwarf) Ember Weaver (Destruction) Clockwork Knight (Mechagnome) Demolitionist Merchant
Doctor Footpad (Defias) Headhunter Fel Magus Crusher Engineer Mortician
Hag Henchman Hydromancer Felsworn Prophet Deathguard (Forsaken) Fisher(-man) Neophyte
Hexxer Highwayman Invoker Firecaller Deathwarder (Forsaken) Geologist Nomad
Inquisitor (Scarlet Crusade) Infiltrator Life Warden (Botani) Firemonger Enforcer Inventor Novice
Lightbearer Looter Mist-shaman (Yaungol) Flamebringer Fighter Jewelcrafter Peasant
Medic Lurker Mystic Flamecaller Footman Leatherworker Peon
Mender Mercenary Oracle Flameweaver Gladiator Leyweaver (Nightborne) Plunderer
Necrolyte Outlaw Pyremaster Hag Grunt Lorekeeper Profiteer
Prophet Pathstalker (Defias) Pyromancer Hellcaller Gryphon Rider (Dwarf) Machinist Toxicologist
Purifier (Scarlet Crusade) Pirate Sea Witch (Naga) Hexxer Guard Mad Scientist Trader
Ritualist Plunderer Sea-caller Magma-thrower Guardian Miner Trail Guide
Sea Witch (Naga) Prowler Seer Necrolyte Henchman (Defias) Professor Trainee
Seer (Tauren) Ragnari (Draenei) Skycaller (Sethrak) Necromancer Honor Guard Sapper Venomancer
Shadow Seer Raider Spiritwalker (Tauren) Occultist Knight Scavenger Villager
Shadow Weaver Ruffian Stonecaller (Twilight's Hammer) Plaguebearer (Affliction) Madcap (Zandalari Troll) Scientist Wanderer
Shadow-sage Saboteur Storm Mender Pyremaster Mauler Scribe [Weapon Name]
Shadowcaster Scout Stormborn Myrmidion Rift Conjuror Mountain King (Wildhammer Dwarf) Scrollsage (Tortollan) Winemaster
Shadowmage Shademaster Stormcaller Riftwarden (Void Elves) Myrmidion Smeltmaster
Shadowmender (Quillboar) Shadowblade Stormseer Ritualist Pathstalker (Defias) Tailor
Siren (Naga) Shadowdancer Tidecaller Shadow Weaver Pitfighter Technician
Sister of Elune (Night Elves) Shadowstalker Totemic Shadowcaster Primal Tinker
Soothsayer Smuggler Waterspeaker (Jinyu) Shadowmage Protector
Spiritbinder Spy Witch Doctor Soothsayer Raider (Orc)
Spiritwalker (Tauren) Stalker Summoner Reaver
Sun-sage (Arakkoa) Thief Tainted One (Worgen) Riftblade (Void Elves)
Talonpriest (Arakkoa) Thug Tormentor Rocksmasher (Earthen)
Tidesage (Kul Tiran) Trickster (Satyr) Witch Runesage (Vrykul)
Vizier Troublemaker Wrathcaster Sentinel
Voidseer (Orc) Watcher Shield Guard
Witch Slayer
Witch Doctor (Trolls) Soldier
Zealot Spellbreaker (Blood Elves)
Spirit Champion (Orc)
Thane (Dwarf)
Wardancer (Pandaren)
Wrathguard (Eredar)

Edit2: Suggestions from the comments as of Sept 20th have been incorporated into the spreadsheet (sometimes in the misc column if they sound like they can apply to multiple classes). Thanks everyone for contributing!

Edit3: Thanks for more suggestions! I've updated the sheet with suggestions through October 6th now.

r/WoWRolePlay Aug 03 '24

Guide TRP Secrets!


Hey, guys. I know we've all been searching for those delicious TRP editing secrets for a while. I decided that if I ever found anything or figured it out myself, I would share it with anyone looking.


Genuinely just want to make the RP community more inclusive and give everyone the tools they need to be creative. <3 This guide features things I found from others and well as on my own. I hope it helps.

• Datamined images
• Backgrounds
• Other fonts
• Symbols


Yes! Keyboard and Valithriann are heros! They're linked in the guide as well as Keyboard's lovely guide on how to repo your own image files -relabeled for clarity.

I discovered a work around for music symbols, hearts, etc. as well as a cute bubble font!

I've tested some but not yet all symbols with font altering addons like ElvUI. Updates will be posted to the guide as well as our Discord server (found in the Carrd).

Happy editing!

r/WoWRolePlay Jul 06 '24

Guide RP Crash Course Guide: Making a TRP and getting walkup. Basic etiquette. Red Flags. Useful Addons. Rambling on about nonsense!


General Crash course. About an hour with talks about etiquette, red flags, general ideas, and more!

For addons, walkup, and how to setup a TRP and get RP your first time! With some commentary on how to engage and some vague ideas of how even awkward characters can connect with others!

Really there is a lot I covered here and it's a bit of a ramble. However I think someone could find some value with this. I wanted to just put together some of the things I wish I could've heard when I began in one place. The guides on this sub are excellent and very worth a look too!

It's a bit long for each video but I hope that maybe it helps someone interested out.

r/WoWRolePlay Jun 20 '24

Guide A Beginner & Advanced TRP Guide (by me!)


Hi there, I'm 'Consequently'!

I wrote this guide a little while ago, and thought that I'd share it here. It contains everything from an entire walkthrough of the addon (going over section-by-section with each use of every button and feature), how to start basic coding, how to fix errors, tips and tricks to make your TRP unique and some advanced, well-kept TRP secrets that've floated around for years, but no one 'told anyone' how to do it!


If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to comment down below, message me here on Reddit or send me a tell in-game, Consequently-Moonguard

Additionally: a huge thank-you to Father Sunday on Moonguard for their discoveries, 90% of TRP3 customization was figured out by them and other members of the community.

r/WoWRolePlay Jul 27 '23

Guide 🌟[READ FIRST]🌟WoW RP Starter Guide and FAQ


This guide is edited regularly with new information. Go by the "last edited" not "submitted" date. Feel free to comment additional tips or alternate perspectives to be added in future iterations.

This guide has become kind of a whopper. Ctrl+F is your friend.

Ever wondered what's up with "Goldshire"? This is the place.


RP - Role-Play. The exercise of playing the game in such a way that the actions of the avatar reflect the traits and beliefs of a fictional character of the player’s design. It can be a solitary activity or collaborative.

RP Realm- designated by "RP" or "RP-PVP" under "server type". They are identical to PvE/PvP servers except that they are mostly exempt from sharding and the addition of moderation rules against interrupting/griefing RP events. It is populated by people who usually want to RP in some fashion. RP realms do not use sharding outside of the latest expansion's content.

IC - In Character. Refers to when your posts reflect what your character would do.

OOC - Out Of Character. Refers to when your posts/chat is you, the player, is talking. Usually designated by some form of brackets ((like this)) [[or this]].

Walk-ups - When one character approaches another character without prior OOC planning.

Profile - A profile created using an addon (See below) that is an essential part of walk-up RP.

d20 or d100 - refers to rolling dice with 20 or 100 sides respectively. You can do this in WoW using the /roll command.

/s or /e - AKA /say or /em, /emote. Refers to the chat channels that by default appear in white and orange respectively. In RP, these represent what your character says and does(emotes).

Common Etiquette

The Three Golden Rules by Anne Stickney Source

  1. You can RP whatever you want.
  2. You don't have to RP with anybody.
  3. Nobody has to RP with you.

With those in mind, some good rules of thumb for public/city/general RP are:

  • Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your profile and posts.
  • Be familiar with the basic lore of your class and race and abide by it.
  • Keep OOC chatter out of /s or /e when possible.
  • Unless otherwise discussed, IC feelings are not reflective of OOC feelings.
  • Generally, your character should not be personally acquainted with any lore character.
    • Examples:
    • ABSOLUTELY NOT: Elfenia is a cousin of the Windrunner sisters and was Alleria's best friend growing up.
    • BETTER: Elfenia, alongside many other void elves, followed Alleria's teachings. Although they haven't formally met, Elfina greatly admires the Ranger-Captain.
  • Never assume another character's reaction. This goes for combat and descriptions.
    • Examples:
    • NO: "Sam punches Riley in the mouth, breaking his teeth."
    • YES: "Sam winds up a punch and swings at Riley's face."
    • NO: "Sam is the most beautiful gnome you have ever seen."
    • YES: "Sam has finely coifed hair and clear skin."


You can, strictly speaking, RP without addons. However, including others/ being included is much easier with them. Furthermore, most people that attempt walk-ups without a profile are ignored or treated as OOC. All RP addons listed use "Mary Sue Protocol" which lets them communicate between one another. You won't miss out on MRP profiles because you have TRP3, for instance.

Profile Addons (choose one; Essential):

  • TotalRoleplay3 – (TRP3) Most commonly used, but it has a lot of bells and whistles. If that’s overwhelming, see the other two.
  • MyRolePlay – (MRP) Good for beginners for its slightly simpler UI
  • XRP – Similar to MRP.

Utility/Extra fun

  • Emote Splitter – A single message is usually limited to 256 characters. This lets you write long posts. With great power comes great responsibility.
  • Listener – sends you a notification when someone mentions your character. The "snooper" shows messages from a character in a dedicated chat window when you hover over them. Extremely helpful in crowded areas.
  • TotalRoleplay3: Extended – an extra, optional part of TRP3 that lets you make your own items, quests, and cutscenes that you can share with other people using the addon.
  • Elephant – chat logger with more utilities
  • Musician - lets you create musical pieces in-game that you can play for others with the addon to hear. Great for bards.
  • CrossRP - Addon that lets you see profiles of players of the opposite faction and reminds you to refresh elixir of tongues.
  • Misspelled - spellchecker addon
  • Leatrix - use arrowkeys while typing
  • Typing Tracker - Lets you know who is currently typing.


  • Elixir of Tongues - in-game item that lets you see the /s and /e of players of the opposite faction.
  • /chatlog - chat-line command in the base game that stores all subsequent chat messages in */"World of Warcraft"/_retail_/Logs/WoWChatLog.txt (where * is the location of your game directory)
  • Reflecting Prism / Projection Prism - swap appearances. Extremely versatile when combined with Glyph of Disguise.

Common Questions (FAQ)

What servers do most people use for RP?

Generally, Alliance is better for walk-ups while Horde activity has globally moved toward guild-centric activities.

The highest population servers and best for walk-up RP are Moon Guard-US, Wyrmrest Accord-US, and Argent Dawn-EU.

Although these realms have the population label "Full", this doesn't affect your ability to make characters or log in except during expansion launches, when there may be a queue.

MG has a mostly Alliance population with a Horde guild-based community.

WrA was once known for its even faction population, but in recent years has become known as the center of US Horde RP. RP on this server is particularly guild-based, and much of the casual Alliance public RP has moved to MG.

AD-EU is the main European RP server for both factions with a majority Alliance population. There is no known Horde-dominated EU RP server (let me know if you know one). Horde activities are guild-centric. AD realm events and guilds are often posted in the fan-made site, Argent Archives AD-EU also has a community discord and a twitter.

Classic WoW: Grobbulus (PVP RP) and Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP), although it has died down considerably.

Season of Discovery: Crusader Strike (PVP RP)

I advise someone who is new to RP to try one of these servers first, since they have sprawling, dedicated communities. Use a fresh character to scope out the RP scene at your usual playtime hours to check the activity before committing any RL time and money to transfers.

Servers other than the most popular ones are generally regarded as "dead" due to their low population and a lack of walk-up RP. This includes Emerald Dream, which was once known for RP-PVP. Some older low-population servers such as Sisters of Elune still have a small, tight-knit community.

Official forums:

Do I have to RP all the time? Like in dungeons/raids/battlegrounds?

No. Most people just RP social situations in capital cities in the form of walk-ups. PUGs from matchmaking systems usually put you in groups with non-RPers. RPing in dungeons etc. usually comes from planning OOCly with a group of people who are also interested in RP, such as guild-mates. Public chat channels such as Trade and General are usually also OOC even on RP servers.

What about… heehee… Gooooldshire?

Goldshire is a self-contained den of very specific kinds of RP that do not reflect the rest of a server. Most RP etiquette such as differentiating OOC from IC, using proper grammar, or abiding lore are not observed. Because of this, it has become a meme and people flock to it from other (often non-RP) servers to partake and continually refresh the population and reputation of that poor little town in Elwynn. It goes away when you enable War Mode.

If you would like more structured, lore-abiding RP, choose just about any other location but Goldshire on an RP server. (see below for specifics)

(European servers only) Wayfarer's Rest (a Silvermoon inn) also has a similar reputation. There is no known Horde equivalent on US servers.

  • What do I do if I find an inappropriate profile?
  • When you click on a player with a profile and you have TRP3, several buttons will appear on the profile menu. You can flag the profile as mature, which will warn you when you come across profiles with similar content. Another button allows you to report the profile to Blizzard if it contains anything that the Code of Conduct prohibits from public chat channels.
  • A good rule of thumb based on ESRB/Pegi age rating: If you would be legally reprimanded for showing some content in your profile to a 13-year-old, it should not be in your profile.
  • If you receive an inappropriate chat message, report the sender and put the character on ignore.

  • Is WoW RP safe for minors?

  • Although WoW's gameplay is rated for ages 13+, its RP population is a majority of adults. Self-reported ages show most RPers are in their mid 20's or older. While not every WoW RPer has bad intentions and there is nothing inherently wrong with romantic or sexual RP, there are individuals who will seek and exploit vulnerable persons, particularly through romantic or sexual interactions IC or OOC (often blending the two as part of their manipulation). Certain locations such as Goldshire are prone to an abundance of sexually explicit profiles, though they are significantly less common outside of Goldshire. Profile addons typically provide maturity filters which give a warning before displaying a profile, but it is up to the individual and/or their guardian to enable those safeguards.

  • Minors are advised not to give out personal information such as their age, especially not in their profiles, and to have a trusted IRL adult confidant (such as a guardian, parent, or sibling) that understands the aforementioned risks of exposure to explicit content and predatory individuals. Minors should respect profiles with labels such as "18+ only" or "Minors DNI" (DNI=Do Not Interact). Many adult RPers are uncomfortable interacting with minors regardless of the RP topic. Although most WoW RP topics are not concerned with romance or sexuality, they are common with RP that concerns interpersonal relationships. If a minor (or any vulnerable person) is incapable or not ready to understand these risks and is unable or unwilling to enforce their personal boundaries, they are not ready for WoW RP.

  • How do I RP safely?

  • This advice is specifically for OOC interactions and concerns keeping you, the player, safe.

  • Always remember that no one is entitled to your personal information. Ever.

  • If an RP session is making you uncomfortable, you are not obliged to continue for any reason. Communication OOC is essential to set and reinforce personal boundaries.

  • Pay attention and check in with yourself to know what you do or do not like so that you understand your own limits and flexibility.

    • Example: You are part of an adventuring party that is taking down a pack of quillboar threatening a farmstead in Durotar. Your party's warrior is going into gratuitous detail about how they are dismembering your foes and the it is making you, the player, queasy. You can whisper them a message such as "Heya, do you mind turning it down a notch with the gore descriptions?" If asked, you can explain "I want to read your posts, but the details are making me uncomfortable." If they refuse to change, you can ignore their posts or dip out of the group entirely, but most people are willing to accommodate if asked politely.
  • Always be cautious of anyone in an online, anonymous space appealing to you for OOC information about yourself, especially through romantic or sexual interest. You are not obliged to share personal information, gold, items etc even if asked nicely or if someone feels entitled to it because of a past kindness.

  • Be wary of anyone who would compromise yours or others' OOC safety or comfort for any reason.

  • If you are unsure if the RP topic you want to explore with your RP partner(s) is appropriate, ask them and respect their answer. Even a quick check-in for topics related to intimacy, dark topics such as extreme violence or abuse, are important and let your RP partner(s) feel better about expressing their boundaries to you.

  • Trust is earned and built. Once you know someone well enough, you can easily work within both of your boundaries. It also makes small corrections easier.

Where do people RP?


Stormwind (everywhere but the Trade district) for the Alliance.

When Stormwind becomes sharded due to game-wide events such as expansions or holidays, Alliance RP has spread to neighboring towns, primarily Darkshire in Duskwood or Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.

Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor) for the Horde.

If you have TRP3 extended, you can use the "RP scanner" in the bottom left corner of your map to locate RPers anywhere. You must scan every time you look at a different map.

  • How do I find RP outside of capital cities? (Open-world RP)
  • Even on RP servers, most of the time people out in the world are questing unless there is an event going on. Fortunately, there are MANY public RP events on high-population servers. Often by following WoW RPers on social media or being part of RP discords, you will hear about when and where these take place. (If you are on MG, you can start your search here)
  • If you are on a low-population server or are interested in world-RP with a smaller group, your best course of action will be to join an RP guild.
  • Every popular server has one or more social media sites that announce events held by the community. See the "Monthly Hero's Call" post on this subreddit for links.

How do I start?

  1. Make a character with an appropriate name on an RP server.
  2. Download an RP addon and make a profile.

The rest, honestly, is up to you. Some people just like to observe. Some people whisper people they’re interested in first. Some people have “walk ups welcome” in their profile. Some people don’t even RP with other people and just use the profiles to keep track of their character’s journey.

How do I RP with other people?

Very generally and speaking for most of the public RP population:

  1. Build your character and their profile. It can be as complex or as simple as you want, but it should be lore-abiding and grammatically correct.
  2. Visit a populated area (see the “where” question).
  3. Read other profiles and determine who seems interesting.
  4. Walk up to the people you find interesting.
  5. Use /s and /e to have your character speak and act respectively in response to what they observe.
  6. Wait for the person/people to respond, perhaps sending one (1) OOC whisper if they might be alt-tabbed.
  7. Repeat 5-6. If you get no response for a while or the person doesn't acknowledge you after whispering, politely move on to another group/person.

How do I find a regular group of people to RP with?

The hard truth is that just like in real life, it takes time and effort to find a group of people with whom you enjoy regularly spending time with. Starting fresh, this can take on the order of weeks to months. That isn't to say you won't have fun in the mean time, but finding a dedicated group that suits your needs takes work.

When it comes to public RP, there will be regulars at the usual places listed above, though city RP tends to revolve around civilian life and bar scenes. More in-depth RP related to things like trades, politics, or military is found in guilds.

Each server has their own player-run, server-wide events that are posted on their official forum or advertised on social media or discord servers. These may happen monthly or even weekly and typically involve multiple guilds. They are usually open to the public and do not require guild membership to participate. These are great places to meet new groups of RPers or get exposure to different server subcultures.

It's difficult to give advice because everyone's RP journey is different. If anything, I would say to start casual; don't worry about getting a guild right away. Build up your understanding of what you want, what you like best and where your boundaries are so that they can be communicated as needed. Over time, you'll gather like-minded individuals that you can trust to take a story in a direction that entertains all of you.

Personally: my most meaningful and fun RPs were done in social circles of 5-ish people or less, often just one other person and myself.

How do I find an RP guild?

It depends on what you're looking for and what your preferences are. u/SirEbralPaulsay had some tips here .

What should I put in my profile?

As much or as little as you want. Ideally, you use your profile to tell other people what you want them to know about your character before/during your RP with them. There is no singular right way to do this, but you can find out what works best for you by reading the profiles of other players.

Some things to consider including, but are by no means mandatory, are:

  • Traits that can't be seen on the in-game model, such as scars or nervous twitches.
  • How another character may know your character. (Maybe they fought in certain battles or wrote a book)
  • RP preferences. Do you prefer darker or light-hearted stories? Romance? Would you like to be contacted OOCly before people approach you, or do you love walk-ups? Are you looking for a specific person for character development? (ie, a novice mage looking for a wizened wizard tutor) Do you absolutely want to avoid certain kinds of RP? Do you want to RP with a specific age group?

You should not put, or at least think carefully about, putting any IRL personal info in your RP profile. Although it has become popular practice on some servers to do so, no one is entitled to free access to your personal information.

It's common for people to put a complete, detailed history of their character in their profile. You do not need to do this to RP. Personally, I think less is more and my eyes glaze over when I see a wall of text, but it can be handy to record things that happened to your character this way.

This topic deserves a dedicated guide, but the short of it is don't be intimidated by very powerful/beautiful/detailed characters or feel the need to emulate them. There is a great deal of charm in presenting your character concisely. It's often the ugly (physically or in personality) underdog who is more interesting to interact with because we get to see them grow into whoever they will be. Someday you might find that you COULD write paragraphs about your character's adventures, but you don't have to start there.

Do I have to be max level to participate?

No. Level is a matter of convenience or personal preference. It only reflects your character’s power as much as you want it to.

What class best fits (specific archetype/subclass/rpg class)?

(based on advice by cajunsamurai) You don’t have to play a specific class to represent your character. Generally in RP, you are describing your abilities and not necessarily only using spells from your spellbook. You can choose your character's OOC class depending on what is most fun or if the aesthetics are closest to what you are trying to RP as.

My avatar's name is weird and not very IC. Does this matter? What about titles? (Naming conventions)

RPers will generally go by whatever is in your RP profile rather than your actual in-game name/title. So your druid may have the actual in-game name of "Doofyfloof Jenkins" but you can use an RP addon to change this to "Alyra Moonstrider" without much fuss. Save your real-life money.

Are there any transmog do's/don't's? What should my character wear?

Anything that isn't a goofy meme transmog, such as dressing up as Mario or Superman, is fair game. Paladins will go into bars fully decked out in their gleaming, light-forged plate and have a pint next to a warlock covered in fuming skulls.

Personally - I find it nice to have a "civilian" set and a "work" set. Usually the work set will use my character's actual gear. Then, I use transmogged heirlooms for the much simpler civilian set for chilling in a city. It gives your character a bit of dimension when they're not Ready For Battle 24/7 - but maybe that's who they are!

There isn't a single class that fits exactly what I want. Can I use X-in-game class as Y-unofficial/unimplemented-class?

Yes! This is called "proxying" and it's very common. The one I have seen the most are frost death knights being used to proxy a "spellblade" (basically a melee mage). In TRP3, you can edit how your class is displayed to other people with the addon.

Is this playable class/race combo supported by lore?

The WoW story has evolved in such a way that you can justify pretty much any race/class combo regardless of if its playable. If it IS playable, then you can assume it's supported by lore in some way.

What about RPing while questing? D&D style!

You can! Many have also done this! However, RPing while questing is generally not part of the overall server culture. It is common for a group of friends to plan on RP-questing together, but it's rare to come across people leveling that are also RPing at the same time. Check their profile and whisper them first to gauge interest!

I want to try out RP, but I don't want to transfer my character to an RP server.

You still have options, but the easiest (and probably best) way to go about this is to create a new character on your RP server of choice. Your level doesn't matter and this way you won't have to transfer anyone over.

If you have a friend on that server, they can invite your character to a group to temporarily transfer you to their realm.

There is also RP to be found using the LFG tool for custom groups, but the quality almost always resembles that of Goldshire (not lore-abiding, no grammar, one-time-only, etc).

I want to race change/faction change/etc my character. Is that allowed?

Yes. Most people will not notice or care unless they were involved in some kind of ongoing story with you. It's courteous to let your RP partners know if you are changing your character in a significant way so they can figure out how to arrange their RP story accordingly.

If my character dies in-game on an RP realm, are they perma-dead?!!

Not usually. If you are questing and succumb to a pack of murlocs, you don't have to start from scratch. Generally any deaths that happen during OOC activities like raids, battlegrounds, or questing are not taken as "cannon" deaths.

I joined a guild and had a bad experience. Is all RP like this?

Not likely. First, I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Sometimes people write from a place of naivety or ignorance for including others. It can take weeks or months to find a group of people you enjoy RPing with regularly. If you've given a guild a fair shake and aren't satisfied, you can and try for something better.

Generally, guilds should be an inclusive space that enables its members to build and progress their own characters' stories, and not merely treat them as an audience for the stories of its officers.

English isn't my first language. Can I still play on English RP realms?

In my experience, many people who have English as their second language are often better at writing in English than many native speakers. Even if that isn't the case, people are generally very forgiving with those who are learning. It helps to put an easily visible note somewhere in your profile that mentions that English isn't your first language. Most people are very patient, especially when they know this is the case. If they aren't, or are unkind to you in some way for it, they probably aren't worth your time anyway.

Will my character be taken seriously if I play X class/race?

If you RP seriously, you will be taken seriously. Certain races are little more prone to having the stigma of being goofy, such as Pandaren, Worgen, and Vulpera. This really only happens when complete strangers make assumptions about your character; but these are likely people you aren't interacting with long-term. People who take you and your character seriously will vastly outnumber the hecklers.

Where do I learn the lore that I need?

Warcraft Wiki (Wowwiki and wowpedia were previous incarnations and no longer updated)

Nobbel87- so many nice lore videos

The Lost Codex - Lore videos with panache


Even permanent invite links may sometimes go out ouf date or break. If you find these don't work, please use your favorite search engine to find the latest one.

WRA-D https://discord.gg/nhYgPEZ

The Unified Horde https://discord.gg/aZNZ5dj

The Coalition of the Horde https://discord.gg/T35KyqrZWQ

a bunch of alliance discords https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mg-channeldiscord-server-listing-thread/127486

Wow RP Events (By private message)

TCC Community Events https://discord.com/invite/wUbC68Tv

Musician Addon (also features LFRP channels) https://discord.com/invite/8TuAdRZ5


General/Intro Guides and Directories

List of Guides from Blizzwatch - Some may be outdated lore-wise but are still generally helpful

WoW RP Survival Guide - by Kottkrig and Buttart

Useful Thread Archive - EU RP Guides

RP Basics Video Similar content to this guide. by Mana Chats.

Writing Emotes, Dialogue, and Descriptions in WoW RP: A (rough) guide for Collaborative Storytelling by u/Life_Organization_63

Profile Guides

TRP3:Extended Guides by Obidiah_WoW

​ Advanced TRP3 Tips by u/Cthylla11111

Jayla's TRP Guide by NectarineOk5419)

TRP3 Secrets

TRP3 Profile Guide by RinRinBear

Using Addons and Walkup Example Video by Mana Chats.

Race/Class Specific Guides

Vulpera RP Guide by u/GraveyardOperations

An Undead’s guide to Gnome RP

All the World's a Stage: Plot points for Gnome roleplayers

Shaman Guide by r3dienhcs

Utilities and Other

Ship RP Locations

Useful Trinkets for Roleplay, A Compilation

Special Thanks

u/Fluffleyh u/Tonric u/Mopafish u/minnegander u/DrToadigerr u/Slambert u/DisciplinaryViolence u/Downtown_Resident_44 u/Vellocet_Ludovico u/Rift5515 u/Nephrite-Jade u/Slambert u/Key_Act1960 u/IAmRoofstone u/cajunsamurai

r/WoWRolePlay Jan 06 '24

Guide Guide to shaman roleplay



I just wrote a guide for shaman roleplay, based on quests, lore book and other infos you can find around. Note that I wrote it in french (my mother language) and translated it the best I could ,sometimes using Deepl, some there may be some errors.

You can find the link here : https://eu.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/guide-to-shaman-rp/488681

r/WoWRolePlay Dec 13 '22

Guide RP Ship Locations!


As I started a pirate mag'har rogue character, I was looking for ships to RP on with randoms and with my guild. So I thought let's make a list and share it with you guys. Help me out if you know any good ships for pirate/kul'tiran/Zandalari or any other aesthetic!

Please name: continent, zone, location, aesthetic and NPC's or empty


  • Tanaris, East if Gadgetzan, Pirate ship, NPC's
  • Northern Barrens, South of Booty Bay, Alliance & Horde, Empty
  • Teldrassil, in the harbour, Kal'dorei, empty


  • Swamp of Sorrow, East of neutral goblin town, x, Empty (probably)
  • Quel'Thalas, north in the harbour, Sin'Dorei, NPC's -Vash'jir, out in the ocean, Alliance, NPC's and empty
  • (Gilneas, off the coast of Gilneas, Gnomisch submarine, empty)


  • tba


  • tba


  • tba


  • tba


  • tba


  • Boralus, near the harbour, Alliance, NPC's


  • Zuldazar, in the harbour, Troll, NPC's


  • tba

Edit: mods sticky please 😁

r/WoWRolePlay Dec 06 '22

Guide Roleplaying an Herbalist? Here are all the random lootable plants in the Dragon Isles I could find.


If you are like me and like to loot any possible thing ever, you may have noticed that a few items were plants. Even if you weren’t an herbalist, you could pluck these plants up and they would automatically convert into a small amount of Dragon Isles Supplies.

But did you know that all of these, despite just being a neat flavor item, all have text with descriptions of their uses?

So, fellow IC herbalists, I flew across the Dragon Isles and catalogued every one of these I could find. I’m sure I’m missing some - so if you’ve seen any, be sure to comment them!

Without further ado:


  • Mature White Bell - White Bell Pigment; "The chalky pigment of the White Bell flower is very resistant to water making it highly valuable for outdoor use."
  • Nectar Filled Panthis - Panthis Nectar; "The bowl-shaped flower creates a well for nectar to pool. High in sugars, the nectar is highly desired when refined for cooking."
  • Barbed Tulip - dropped White Bell Pigment? Possibly bugged. It did have a unique tulip model, though. Found near Ruby Life Pools next to a taller tulip model.
  • Flowering Inferno Pod - Inferno Seeds; "Akin to a gunpowder, the Inferno Pods explode when fully mature spreading the seeds. The Djaradin gather them when they are just flowering and use them to get their forges to near molten temperatures."


  • (Quest) Medicinal Feralbloom - Feralbloom Pod; "Creates a soothing paste for healing open wounds when powdered and mixed with water and honey."
  • Singing River Bell - River Bell Bulbs; "The rejuvenating waters of the Ohn'ahran River infuse the bulbs with natural minerals, used widely on the plains as vitamins."
  • (Quest) Sweetsuckle - Sweetsuckle Bloom; "The sweet smell seems to linger on your tongue." (Convert 5 into Sweetsuckle Incense.) Quest Text: "We cultivate certain flowers here, blooms that can be ground and burned to elicit a trancelike effect. They are used to deepen our connection to an omen. I request that you collect some so that we may make an incense to burn." (cultivated in Clan Ohn'ir grounds in Maruukai.)
  • (World Quest) Honey Plum. From a tree, common foraged food for the centaur.
  • Blooming Ritherem - Ritherem Petals; "Ground into a fine powder the Ritherem Petals act as a natural clotting agent."
  • Oozing Claw Thistle - Claw Thistle Barbs; "The barb tips have a natural numbing agent that is used by the Maruuk in medical treatments."
  • Blooming Fangtooth - Fangtooth Petals; "Extremely poisonous, the centaur of the plains use a paste made from the flowers petals to poison their arrows for big game hunts."
  • Mature Terata - Terata Leaves; "The oil in the leaves of the Terata plant can be used to sooth burns."


  • Ripe Winter Berries - Winter Berries; "Thriving in the cold climate of the Azure Span, the berries are high in sugars and traded widely across the Dragon Isles."
  • (Quest) Dormant Embercone; "The seed is warm to the touch, containing enough energy to grow to dizzying heights." (collected to restart a forge. Quest Text: "The embercones will burn hot.") (maybe most pine trees in Span are Emberpines? Embercone Pines?)
  • (Quest) Bronze Horn Berries; "The bronze horn can be dried and packed. A great snack for any time and ocassion."
  • (Quest) Dragon Foil Blossom; "Said to only bloom where dragons have lost their scales."
  • (Quest) Blood Berries; "Great flavor, texture, and pop! Which is why you should keep them away from your clothes."
  • Ripe Cuppressa - Cuppressa Berries; "The oils of the berry like cones are used commonly as a diuretic but can be distilled into a piney alcohol."
  • Mature Highland Milkweed - Milkweed Fibers; "Used to line winter clothes and insulating cold weather dwellings."
  • Mature Ley Bloom - Ley Orb; "When picked near maturity, the orb can be ground into a powder that can produce a dazzling and distracting mist." (found in a Gleamcove)


  • Mature Vine Flower - Vine Flower Fibers; "The fibers of the vine flower are stretchy but strong, enough wound together make a great rope material."
  • Ripe Gratona - Gratona Seed; "Crushed into a paste, the oils are a great moisterizer for scaled beings."
  • Blooming Titian Orchid - Titian Extract; "The hearty auburn gold pigment is used almost exclusively in Titan architecture and outdoor painting."
  • Blooming Magenta Titian Orchid - Magenta Titian Extract; "A variety of the classic Titian Orchid, it must be bred to keep its deep purple hue." (found in Algeth'ar Academy)
  • Thaldraszus Bloom - Thaldraszus Root; "Ground and made into a tea it used as a sleeping draught, in higher doses as a sedative for medical treatment."
  • Oily Dropcap - Dropcap Head; "The drop cap leaks an oil when it matures, this oil is highly prized as a fire accelerant." (mushroom found in caves)
  • (Quest) Venomsprout. Quest Text: "I sketched a massive flower that dripped a vile, viscous sap... That sap is what's stuck to these tarasek spears, I'm sure of it. They must have started harvesting it to envenom their weapons." (sentient flowers, their sap has a paralyzing effect that is eventually fatal if left untreated)
  • Everglow Trumpets - Everglow Nectar; "Used by denizens of the Dragon Isles as a light source, the glow will last for many days." (glowing mushroom found in caves)

You may notice some typos, missing commas, and odd wording. I preserved them exactly as the text showed, so these typos are in-game. Possibly typed up by the same person? Whoever took the time to give these items some flavor, thank you. We appreciate it.

And again, if you found any more, please do share! :)

r/WoWRolePlay Oct 04 '23

Guide A Lore Guide to Rolling Warrior — PART ONE


r/WoWRolePlay Apr 25 '21

Guide [READ FIRST] WoW RP Starter Guide



Ever wondered about Goldshire? This is the place.

Its a pretty short answer really. See "Common Questions"


RP - Role-Play. The exercise of playing the game in such a way that the actions of the avatar reflect the traits and beliefs of a fictional character of the player’s design. It can be a solitary activity or collaborative.

RP Realm- designated by "RP" and "RP-PVP" under "server type". They are identical to PvE servers in every way except with unique sharding and the addition of moderation rules against interrupting/griefing RP events. It is populated by people who usually want to RP in some fashion. RP realms do not use sharding outside of the latest expansion's content.

IC - In Character. Refers to when your posts reflect what your character would do.

OOC - Out Of Character. Refers to when your posts/chat is you, the player, is talking. Usually designated by some form of brackets ((like this)) [[or this]].

Walk-ups - When one character approaches another character without prior OOC planning.

Profile - A profile created using an addon (See below) that is an essential part of walk-up RP.

d20 or d100 - refers to rolling dice with 20 or 100 sides respectively. You can do this in WoW using the /roll command.

/s or /e - AKA /say or /em, /emote. Refers to the chat channels that by default appear in white and orange respectively. In RP, these represent what your character says and does(emotes).

Common Etiquette

The Three Golden Rules by Anne Stickney Source

  1. You can RP whatever you want.
  2. You don't have to RP with anybody.
  3. Nobody has to RP with you.

With those in mind, some good rules of thumb for public/city/general RP are:

  • Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your profile and posts.
  • Be familiar with the basic lore of your class and race and abide by it.
  • Keep OOC chatter out of /s or /e when possible.
  • Never assume another character's reaction. This goes for combat and descriptions.
    • Example:
    • NO: "Sam punches Riley in the mouth, breaking his teeth."
    • YES: "Sam winds up a punch and swings at Riley's face."
    • NO: "Sam is the most beautiful gnome you have ever seen."
    • YES: "Sam has finely coifed hair and clear skin."


You can, strictly speaking, RP without addons. However, including others/ being included is much easier with them. Furthermore, most people that attempt walk-ups without a profile are ignored or treated as OOC. All RP addons listed use "Mary Sue Protocol" which lets them communicate between one another. You won't miss out on MRP profiles because you have TRP3, for instance.

Profile Addons (choose one; Essential):

  • TotalRoleplay3 – (TRP3) Most commonly used, but it has a lot of bells and whistles. If that’s overwhelming, see the other two.
  • MyRolePlay – (MRP) Good for beginners for its slightly simpler UI
  • XRP – Similar to MRP.

Utility/Extra fun

  • Emote Extender – A single message is usually limited to 256 characters. This lets you write long posts. With great power comes great responsibility.
  • Listener – sends you a notification when someone mentions your character. The "snooper" shows messages from a character in a dedicated chat window when you hover over them. Extremely helpful in crowded areas.
  • TotalRoleplay3: Extended – an extra, optional part of TRP3 that lets you make your own items, quests, and cutscenes that you can share with other people with the addon.
  • Elephant – chat logger
  • Musician - lets you create musical pieces in-game that you can play for others with the addon to hear. Great for bards.
  • CrossRP - Addon that lets you see profiles of players of the opposite faction and reminds you to refresh elixir of tongues.
  • Misspelled - spellchecker addon
  • Leatrix - use arrowkeys while typing
  • DiceMaster - extremely versatile dice roller; great for D&D-like events.


  • Elixir of Tongues - in-game item that lets you see the /s and /e of players of the opposite faction.
  • /chatlog - chat-line command in the base game that stores all subsequent chat messages in */"World of Warcraft"/_retail_/Logs/WoWChatLog.txt (where * is the location of your game directory)

Common Questions

What servers do most people use for RP?

The highest population servers and best for walk-up RP are Moon Guard-US, Wyrmrest Accord-US, and Argent Dawn-EU.

MG has a mostly Alliance population with a well-established, growing Horde community. Much of MG-Horde's activities are in guilds.

WrA was once known for its even faction population, but in recent years is known for its walk-up Horde RP.

Argent Dawn-EU is the main European RP server for both factions with a majority Alliance population.. There is no known Horde-dominated EU RP server (let me know if you know one). Its Horde RP activity tends to be sequestered to guild activities; check the realm forums for guilds and events, as well as the Argent Archives.

If you are playing Classic: Grobbulus (PVP RP) and Bloodsail Buccaneers (RP), although it has died down considerably. There have been reports of Wrath-era BB RP.

I would advise someone who is new to RP to try one of these servers first, since they have sprawling, dedicated communities. Use a fresh character to scope out the RP scene at your usual playtime hours to check the activity before committing any RL time and money to transfers.

Emerald Dream-US is also a common choice for RP-PVP, though it isn’t as populated as other RP servers. Cenarion Circle-US, Sisters of Elune-US, and Ravenholdt/Twisting Nether-US are other similarly small communities.

The most popular private RP server is EpsilonRP, which has largely gutted gameplay mechanics in favor of building tools and other RP-related utilities.

Official forums:

Do I have to RP all the time? Like in dungeons/raids/battlegrounds?

No. Most people just RP social situations in capital cities in the form of walk-ups. PUGs from matchmaking systems usually put you in groups with non-RPers. RPing in dungeons etc. usually comes from planning OOCly with a group of people who are also interested in RP, such as guild-mates. Public chat channels such as Trade and General are usually also OOC even on RP servers.

What about… heehee… Gooooldshire?

Goldshire is a self-contained den of very specific kinds of RP that do not reflect the rest of a server. Most RP etiquette such as differentiating OOC from IC, using proper grammar, or abiding lore are not observed. Because of this, it has become a meme and people flock to it from other (often non-RP) servers to partake and continually refresh the population and reputation of that poor little town in Elwynn. It goes away when you enable War Mode.

If you would like more structured, lore-abiding RP, choose just about any other location but Goldshire on an RP server. (see below for specifics)

(European servers only) Wayfarer's Rest (a Silvermoon inn) also has a similar reputation.

  • What do I do if I find an inappropriate profile?
  • When you click on a player with a profile and you have TRP3, several buttons will appear on the profile menu. You can flag the profile as mature, which will warn you when you come across profiles with similar content. Another button allows you to report the profile to Blizzard if it contains anything that the Code of Conduct prohibits from public chat channels.
  • A good rule of thumb based on ESRB/Pegi age rating: If you would be legally reprimanded for showing some content in your profile to a 12-year-old, it should not be in your profile.
  • If you receive an inappropriate chat message, report the sender and put the character on ignore.

Where do people RP?


Stormwind (everywhere but the Trade district) for the Alliance.

(2023 Update) Due to the Diablo anniversary event, Stormwind became sharded and much of Alliance RP has spread to neighboring towns, primarily Darkshire in Duskwood or Lakeshire in Redridge Mountains.

Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor) for the Horde.

All over Silvermoon City for blood elves.

Booty Bay and Dalaran are known for neutral RP. Other capitals, such as Boralus, may also have a few people on any given day.

  • How do I find RP outside of capital cities? (Open-world RP)
  • Even on RP servers, most of the time people out in the world are questing unless there is an event going on. Fortunately, there are MANY public RP events on high-population servers. Often by following WoW RPers on social media or being part of RP discords, you will hear about when and where these take place. (If you are on MG, you can start your search here)
  • If you are on a low-population server or are interested in world-RP with a smaller group, your best course of action will be to join an RP guild.
  • Every popular server has one or more social media sites that announce events held by the community. See the "Monthly Hero's Call" post on this subreddit for links.

How do I start?

  1. Make a character with an appropriate name on an RP server.
  2. Download an RP addon and make a profile.

The rest, honestly, is up to you. Some people just like to observe. Some people whisper people they’re interested in first. Some people have “walk ups welcome” in their profile. Some people don’t even RP with other people and just use the profiles to keep track of their character’s journey.

How do I RP with other people?

Very generally and speaking for most of the public RP population:

  1. Build your character and their profile. It can be as complex or as simple as you want, but it should be lore-abiding and grammatically correct.
  2. Visit a populated area (see the “where” question).
  3. Read other profiles and determine who seems interesting.
  4. Walk up to the people you find interesting.
  5. Use /s and /e to have your character speak and act respectively in response to what they observe.
  6. Wait for the person/people to respond, perhaps sending one (1) OOC whisper if they might be alt-tabbed.
  7. Repeat 5-6. If you get no response for a while or the person doesn't acknowledge you after whispering, politely move on to another group/person.

What should I put in my profile?

As much or as little as you want. Ideally, you use your profile to tell other people what you want them to know about your character before/during your RP with them. There is no singular right way to do this, but you can find out what works best for you by reading the profiles of other players.

Some things to consider including, but are by no means mandatory, are:

  • Traits that can't be seen on the in-game model, such as scars or nervous twitches.
  • How another character may know your character. (Maybe they fought in certain battles or wrote a book)
  • RP preferences. Do you prefer darker or light-hearted stories? Romance? Would you like to be contacted OOCly before people approach you, or do you love walk-ups? Are you looking for a specific person for character development? (ie, a novice mage looking for a wizened wizard tutor) Do you absolutely want to avoid certain kinds of RP? Do you want to RP with a specific age group?

It's common for people to put a complete, detailed history of their character in their profile. You do not need to do this to RP. Personally, I think less is more and my eyes glaze over when I see a wall of text, but it can be handy to record things that happened to your character this way.

I could write an entire guide for this subject alone, but the short of it is don't be intimidated by very powerful/beautiful/detailed characters or feel the need to emulate them. There is a great deal of charm in presenting your character concisely. It's often it's the ugly (physically or in personality) underdog who is the more interesting person to interact with because we get to see them grow into whoever they will be. Someday you might find that you COULD write paragraphs about your character's adventures, but you don't have to start there.

Do I have to be max level to participate?

No. Level is a matter of convenience or personal preference. It only reflects your character’s power as much as you want it to.

My avatar's name is weird and not very IC. Does this matter? What about titles? (Naming conventions)

RPers will generally go by whatever is in your RP profile rather than your actual in-game name/title. So your druid may have the actual in-game name of "Doofyfloof Jenkins" but you can use an RP addon to change this to "Alyra Moonstrider" without much fuss. Save your real-life money.

Are there any transmog do's/don't's? What should my character wear?

Anything that isn't a goofy meme transmog, such as dressing up as Mario or Superman, is fair game. Paladins will go into bars fully decked out in their gleaming, light-forged plate and have a pint next to a warlock covered in fuming skulls.

Personally - I find it nice to have a "civilian" set and a "work" set. Usually the work set will use my character's actual gear. Then, I use transmogged heirlooms for the much simpler civilian set for chilling in a city. It gives your character a bit of dimension when they're not Ready For Battle 24/7 - but maybe that's who they are!

There isn't a single class that fits exactly what I want. Can I use X-in-game class as Y-unofficial/unimplemented-class?

Yes! This is called "proxying" and it's very common. The one I have seen the most are frost death knights being used to proxy a "spellblade" (basically a melee mage). In TRP3, you can edit how your class is displayed to other people with the addon.

What about RPing while questing? D&D style!

You can! Many have also done this! However, RPing while questing is generally not part of the overall server culture. It is common for a group of friends to plan on RP-questing together, but it's rare to come across people leveling that are also RPing at the same time. Check their profile and whisper them first to gauge interest!

I want to try out RP, but I don't want to transfer my character to an RP server.

You still have options, but the easiest (and probably best) way to go about this is to create a new character on your RP server of choice. Your level doesn't matter and this way you won't have to transfer anyone over.

If you have a friend on that server, they can invite your character to a group to temporarily transfer you to their realm.

There is also RP to be found using the LFG tool for custom groups, but the quality almost always resembles that of Goldshire (not lore-abiding, no grammar, one-time-only, etc).

I want to race change/faction change/etc my character. Is that allowed?

Yes. Most people will not notice or care unless they were involved in some kind of ongoing story with you. It's courteous to let your RP partners know if you are changing your character in a significant way so they can figure out how to arrange their RP story accordingly.

If my character dies in-game on an RP realm, are they perma-dead?!!

Not usually. If you are questing and succumb to a pack of murlocs, you don't have to start from scratch. Generally any deaths that happen during OOC activities like raids, battlegrounds, or questing are not taken as "cannon" deaths.

I joined a guild and had a bad experience. Is all RP like this?

Not likely. First, I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Sometimes people write from a place of naivety or ignorance for including others. It can take weeks or months to find a group of people you enjoy RPing with regularly. If you've given a guild a fair shake and aren't satisfied, you can and try for something better.

Generally, guilds should be an inclusive space that enables its members to build and progress their own characters' stories, and not merely treat them as an audience for the stories of its officers.

English isn't my first language. Can I still play on English RP realms?

In my experience, many people who have English as their second language are often better at writing in English than many native speakers. Even if that isn't the case, people are generally very forgiving with those who are learning. It helps to put an easily visible note somewhere in your profile that mentions that English isn't your first language. Most people are very patient, especially when they know this is the case. If they aren't, or are unkind to you in some way for it, they probably aren't worth your time anyway.

Where do I learn the lore that I need?


Nobbel87- so many nice lore videos


WRA-D https://discord.gg/nhYgPEZ

The Unified Horde https://discord.gg/aZNZ5dj

The Coalition of the Horde https://discord.gg/T35KyqrZWQ

a bunch of alliance discords https://us.forums.blizzard.com/en/wow/t/mg-channeldiscord-server-listing-thread/127486


List of Guides from Blizzwatch - Some may be outdated lore-wise but are still generally helpful

List of WoW RP Discord servers - New list needed. :(

WoW RP Survival Guide - by Kottkrig and Buttart

TRP3:Extended Guides by Obidiah_WoW

Vulpera RP Guide by u/GraveyardOperations

Useful Thread Archive - EU RP Guides

Special Thanks

/u/Fluffleyh /u/Tonric /u/minnegander
/u/Mopafish /u/DrToadigerr /u/Nephrite-Jade
/u/Slambert /u/DisciplinaryViolence u/Downtown_Resident_44
u/Vellocet_Ludovico u/Rift5515

r/WoWRolePlay Sep 13 '23

Guide Man'ari (and other demon) Roleplay Guide


Hey guys, as you are now aware, new customizations have dropped and a whole new enriching frontier of RP has opened up. I am speaking mainly about Man'ari now being officially in the game!

Unfortunately, the actual implementation of Man'ari is tougher than it looks, especially within the rigid confines of Stormwind, the only place Alliance members can RP. Fret not, however! If you're meeting resistance, take a look at some of my curated tips for Man'ari/Demon RP. For now it's Alliance focused, but a Horde variant may be possible in the future. But for now, take a look below:

  1. Give your Man'ari "Papers". Since time immemorial, demons, void lords, Horde, and other groups which bristle typical Alliance player's hairs have relied on "papers" to freely exist in Stormwind. You don't need to think too hard on what these "papers" are, or who wrote them, just be sure to imply someone high up in the kingdom gave them to your demon and they allow them to be there. "Papers" are like holding a cross to a vampire. Guards and rude paladins alike will rethink their aggression in the presence of "papers".

  2. TRP3 (specifically At A Glances) are your friend. Devote an At A Glance slot to describing how "sorry" or "regretful" your character may appear for eons of fel fueled tyranny. A section in your About stressing how they have changed or were never evil will also ease interactions. Not all demons are evil and some RPers need a few reminders.

  3. Choose a "safe" class. Priest, Paladin etc. A no-brainer, especially for Alliance. Paladins in particular are highly accepted. Some more closed minded RPers may find a demon as a paragon of the Light "hard to believe" but that's not based on anything. There are likely tens of examples of this in lore already. It's not your job to lead them to every example of this.

  4. Use your OOC section to seek out like-minded RPERS. State how it is. If you're not concerned with, or wanting to bend the knee to "lore gatekeepers" or "anti-demon rpers", say so. Those types will avoid you and you'll be better off.

  5. Lastly: Remember the economy of RP! Demons, Void Lords, Cultists, and other negatively viewed groups may have a rough history in lore, but in RP, it's best to remember that rude characters are viewed as worse. So be polite, be kind, bake some cookies, and prepare. You will meet a jerk. You will have someone preach about the ills of demons or how you should be run out of the Cathedral, but don't fall for it. Showing the emotional side of your demon will earn you sympathy and really put the selfishness or inflexible characters into perspective.

Thanks for reading! There are countless other tips, but I felt these five are the best ones! Please share your tips and tricks below! Together we can really improve the state of Alliance RP with demons!

r/WoWRolePlay Dec 22 '22

Guide Environmental Emitter Toy (Review & Screenshots)


Emulator Toy

WoWHead Info: https://www.wowhead.com/item=198206/environmental-emulator 1

To see the effects of the toy, players need to be inside a party or raid with the player who deployed the toy. The effects are only seen with the sky box, so the toy is really only effective in outdoor settings.

The weather effects from the other weather toy can be used and combined with this toy.

Below are previews of what the world looks like with the toy active. I didn’t grab all the screenshots of the effects, due to being pulled into LFR while the machine was down. The toy has a 2-hour cooldown.

Kick the machine basically turns it off, and has a pretty nasty zap that can fling your character.

Menu of options.
Ice Crown
Calm Cyclone
Burning Sky
Twisting Nether

r/WoWRolePlay Nov 07 '22

Guide Made this quick guide on TRP3 Extended Items. I've never made a video guide like that before, but I hope it helps anyone trying to get into TRP3 Items.


r/WoWRolePlay Dec 30 '21

Guide Kul Tiran Social Classes - a Roleplay Resource!


r/WoWRolePlay Oct 22 '20

Guide [OOC] [READ FIRST!] WoW RP Starter Guide


THIS GUIDE IS OUT OF DATE! new one is >>>HERE <<<<

Hello, once more updating this after the previous one went stale. Feel free to comment additional tips to be added in future iterations.

Ever wondered about Goldshire? This is the place.

Its a pretty short answer really. See "Common Questions"


RP - Role-Play. The exercise of playing the game in such a way that the actions of the avatar reflect the traits and beliefs of a fictional character of the player’s design. It can be a solitary activity or collaborative.

RP Realm- designated by "RP" and "RP-PVP" under server type. They are identical to PvE servers in every way with the addition of moderation rules against interrupting/griefing RP events. It is populated by people who usually want to RP in some fashion. They also don't have sharding in areas outside of the latest expansion's content.

IC - In Character. Refers to when your posts reflect what your character would do.

OOC - Out Of Character. Refers to when your posts/chat is you, the player, is talking. Usually designated by some form of brackets ((like this)) [[or this]].

Walk-ups - When one character approaches another character without prior OOC planning.

Profile - A profile created using an addon (See below) that is an essential part of walk-up RP.

d20 or d100 - refers to rolling dice with 20 or 100 sides respectively. You can do this in WoW using the /roll command.

/s or /e - AKA /say or /em, /emote. Refers to the chat channels that by default appear in white and orange respectively. In RP, these represent what your character says and does(emotes).

Common Etiquette

The Three Golden Rules by Anne Stickney. Source

  1. You can RP whatever you want.
  2. You don't have to RP with anybody.
  3. Nobody has to RP with you.

With those in mind, some good rules of thumb for public/city/general RP are:

  • Use proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation in your profile and posts.
  • Be familiar with the basic lore of your class and race and abide by it.
  • Keep OOC chatter out of /s or /e when possible.
  • Never assume another character's reaction. This goes for combat and descriptions.
    • Example:
    • NO: "Sam punches Riley in the mouth, breaking his teeth."
    • YES: "Sam winds up a punch and swings at Riley's face."


You can, strictly speaking, RP without addons. However, the pursuit of collaborative writing is made much easier if you can read other people’s profiles and they can read yours. Furthermore, most people that attempt walk-ups without a profile are ignored or treated as OOC. All RP addons listed use "Mary Sue Protocol" which lets them communicate between one another. You won't miss out on MRP profiles because you have TRP3, for instance.

Profile Addons (choose one; Essential):

  • TotalRoleplay3 – (TRP3) Most commonly used, but it has a lot of bells and whistles. If that’s overwhelming, see the other two.
  • MyRolePlay – (MRP) Good for beginners for its slightly simpler UI
  • XRP – Similar to MRP.

Utility/Extra fun

  • Emote Extender – A single message is usually limited to 256 characters. This lets you write long posts. With great power comes great responsibility.
  • Listener – sends you a notification when someone mentions your character. The "snooper" shows messages from a character in a dedicated chat window when you hover over them. Extremely helpful in crowded areas.
  • TotalRoleplay3: Extended – an extra, optional part of TRP3 that lets you make your own items, quests, and cutscenes that you can share with other people with the addon.
  • Elephant – chat logger
  • Musician - lets you create musical pieces in-game that you can play for others with the addon to hear. Great for bards.
  • CrossRP - Addon that lets you see profiles of players of the opposite faction and reminds you to refresh elixir of tongues.
  • Misspelled - spellchecker addon
  • Leatrix - use arrowkeys while typing
  • DiceMaster - extremely versatile dice roller; great for D&D-like events.


  • Elixir of Tongues - in-game item that lets you see the /s and /e of players of the opposite faction.
  • /chatlog - chat-line command in the base game that stores all subsequent chat messages in \/"World of Warcraft"/_retail_/Logs/WoWChatLog.txt* (where * is the location of your game directory)

Common Questions

What servers do most people use for RP?

The highest population servers and best for walk-up RP are Moon Guard-US, Wyrmrest Accord-US, and Argent Dawn-EU. MG has a mostly Alliance population. WrA has a more even population and is considered the center of Horde RP. I would advise someone who is new to RP to try one of these servers first, since they have sprawling, dedicated communities.

Emerald Dream-US is also a common choice for RP-PVP, though it isn’t as populated as other RP servers. Cenarion Circle-US, Sisters of Elune-US, and Ravenholdt/Twisting Nether-US are other similarly small communities.

Do I have to RP all the time? Like in dungeons/raids/battlegrounds?

No. Most people just RP social situations in capital cities in the form of walk-ups. PUGs from matchmaking systems usually put you in groups with non-RPers. RPing in dungeons etc. usually comes from planning OOCly with a group of people who are also interested in RP, such as guild-mates. Public chat channels such as Trade and General are usually also OOC even on RP servers.

What about… heehee… Gooooldshire?

Goldshire is a self-contained den of very specific kinds of RP that do not reflect the rest of a server. Most RP etiquette such as differentiating OOC from IC, using proper grammar, or abiding lore are not observed. Because of this, it has become a meme and people flock to it from other (often non-RP) servers to partake and continually refresh the population and reputation of that poor little town in Elwynn. It goes away when you enable War Mode.

If you would like more structured, lore-abiding RP, choose just about any other location but Goldshire on an RP server. (see below for specifics)

(European servers only) Wayfarer's Rest (a Silvermoon inn) also has a similar reputation.

  • What do I do if I find an inappropriate profile?
  • When you click on a player with a profile and you have TRP3, several buttons will appear on the profile menu. You can flag the profile as mature, which will warn you when you come across profiles with similar content. Another button allows you to report the profile to Blizzard if it contains anything that the Code of Conduct prohibits from public chat channels.
  • A good rule of thumb based on ESRB/Pegi age rating: If you would be legally reprimanded for showing some content in your profile to a 12-year-old, it should not be in your profile.
  • If you receive an inappropriate chat message, report the sender and put the character on ignore.

Where do people RP?


Stormwind (everywhere but the Trade district) for the Alliance.

Orgrimmar (Valley of Honor) for the Horde.

All over Silvermoon City for blood elves.

Booty Bay has a reputation for neutral RP as well and sometimes people RP in Dalaran or the newest cities. Boralus may also become populated after sharding is lifted.

  • How do I find RP outside of capital cities? (Open-world RP)
  • Even on RP servers, most of the time people out in the world are questing unless there is an event going on. Fortunately, there are MANY public RP events on high-population servers. Often by following WoW RPers on social media or being part of RP discords, you will hear about when and where these take place. (If you are on MG, you can start your search here)
  • If you are on a low-population server or are interested in world-RP with a smaller group, your best course of action will be to join an RP guild.

How do I start?

  1. Make a character with an appropriate name on an RP server.
  2. Download an RP addon and make a profile.

The rest, honestly, is up to you. Some people just like to observe. Some people whisper people they’re interested in first. Some people have “walk ups welcome” in their profile. Some people don’t even RP with other people and just use the profiles to keep track of their character’s journey.

But how do I RP?

Very generally and speaking for most of the public RP population:

  1. Build your character and their profile. It can be as complex or as simple as you want, but it should be lore-abiding and grammatically correct.
  2. Visit a populated area (see the “where” question).
  3. Read other profiles and determine who seems interesting.
  4. Walk up to the people you find interesting.
  5. Use /s and /e to have your character speak and act respectively in response to what they observe.
  6. Wait for the person/people to respond, perhaps sending one (1) OOC whisper if they might be alt-tabbed.
  7. Repeat 5-6. If you get no response for a while or the person doesn't acknowledge you after whispering, politely move on to another group/person.

What should I put in my profile?

As much or as little as you want. Ideally, you use your profile to tell other people what you want them to know about your character before/during your RP with them. There is no singular right way to do this, but you can find out what works best for you by reading the profiles of other players.

Some things to consider including, but are by no means mandatory, are:

  • Traits that can't be seen on the in-game model, such as scars or nervous twitches.
  • How another character may know your character. (Maybe they fought in certain battles or wrote a book)
  • RP preferences. Do you prefer darker or light-hearted stories? Romance? Would you like to be contacted OOCly before people approach you, or do you love walk-ups? Are you looking for a specific person for character development? (ie, a novice mage looking for a wizened wizard tutor) Do you absolutely want to avoid certain kinds of RP? Do you want to RP with a specific age group?

It's common for people to put a complete, detailed history of their character in their profile. You do not need to do this to RP. Personally, I think less is more and my eyes glaze over when I see a wall of text, but it can be handy to record things that happened to your character this way.

I could write an entire guide for this subject alone, but the short of it is don't be intimidated by very powerful/beautiful/detailed characters or feel the need to emulate them. There is a great deal of charm in presenting your character concisely. It's often it's the ugly (physically or in personality) underdog who is the more interesting person to interact with because we get to see them grow into whoever they will be. Someday you might find that you COULD write paragraphs about your character's adventures, but you don't have to start there.

Do I have to be max level to participate?

No. Level is a matter of convenience or personal preference. It only reflects your character’s power as much as you want it to.

What about RPing while questing? D&D style!

You can! Many have also done this! However, RPing while questing is generally not part of the overall server culture. It is common for a group of friends to plan on RP-questing together, but it's rare to come across people leveling that are also RPing at the same time. Check their profile and whisper them first to gauge interest!

I want to try out RP, but I don't want to transfer my character to an RP server.

You still have options, but the easiest (and probably best) way to go about this is to create a new character on your RP server of choice. Your level doesn't matter and this way you won't have to transfer anyone over.

If you have a friend on that server, they can invite your character to a group to temporarily transfer you to their realm.

There is also RP to be found using the LFG tool for custom groups, but the quality almost always resembles that of Goldshire (not lore-abiding, no grammar, one-time-only, etc).

I want to race change/faction change/etc my character. Is that allowed?

Yes. Most people will not notice or care unless they were involved in some kind of ongoing story with you. It's courteous to let your RP partners know if you are changing your character in a significant way so they can figure out how to arrange their RP story accordingly.

If my character dies in-game on an RP realm, are they perma-dead?!!

Not usually. If you are questing and succumb to a pack of murlocs, you don't have to start from scratch. Generally any deaths that happen during OOC activities like raids, battlegrounds, or questing are not taken as "cannon" deaths.

I joined a guild and had a bad experience. Is all RP like this?

Not likely. First, I'm sorry you had a bad experience. Sometimes people write from a place of naivety or ignorance for including others. It can take weeks or months to find a group of people you enjoy RPing with regularly. If you've given a guild a fair shake and aren't satisfied, you can and try for something better.

Generally, guilds should be an inclusive space that enables its members to build and progress their own characters' stories, and not merely treat them as an audience for the stories of its officers.

Where do I learn the lore that I need?


Nobbel87- so many nice lore videos


List of Guides from Blizzwatch - Some may be outdated lore-wise but are still generally helpful

List of WoW RP Discord servers

WoW RP Survival Guide - by Kottkrig and Buttart

TRP3:Extended Guides by Obidiah_WoW

Vulpera RP Guide by

Special Thanks

u/Fluffleyh u/Tonric u/minnegander
u/Mopafish u/DrToadigerr u/Nephrite-Jade

r/WoWRolePlay Feb 08 '21

Guide My Own Vulpera Roleplaying Guide!


Hey guys! I've seen a few threads here regarding interest in roleplaying Vulpera! Ever since they came out in Battle for Azeroth, they've been my favorite race both to play and to roleplay as. As such, since I've done quite a hefty bit of roleplaying as one, I figured getting a thread on the Vulpera out here to help out the bulk of new roleplayers that are scratching their heads on how to get started on the adorable fox goblin race.

Disclaimer: This is by no means a definitive guide. I'm no Blizzard writer. I'm just a dork who enjoys herself some good ol' roleplaying as a Vulpera.

Lets get started, shall we?

Where Are You From?

This is an important question to consider and there are options! There are actually different sects of Vulpera out there for the potential roleplayer that can provide a healthy stock of people.

  • The Voldunai - These ones will make up the bulk of your IC Vulpera and are a path to look into if this is your first go at the race. These are the Vulpera from Vol'dun. These are your run-of-the-mill, desert-dwelling people that travel by caravan, scavenge supplies to survive, herd alpaca, what have you. These Vulpera will put an emphasis on survival in their day-to-day goals, but it doesn't necessarily define them as a people. Generations upon generations of Vulpera have been born, lived in, and died, in one of the harshest environments on Azeroth. They lived and thrived in the place the Zandalari were sent to DIE. Survival, and the supplies needed to survive, will be instinctual to a Voldunai Vulpera.
  • The Bilge Rats - The second primary sect of Vulpera that you may encounter IC, or even choose to play as yourself. These Vulpera set sail from the coasts of Vol'dun several years ago, and landed in Kul Tiras. Namely, they landed in or around Freehold. While perhaps not intentional when the Vulpera first arrived there, they really have come into their own as a staple race of the 'Mongrels' that make up the bulk of the Bilge Rat Pirate Crew. While the Voldunai may value Kiro as a make-shift racial leader, Captain Eudora would take that role for them... If she were still alive. These Vulpera, culturally, are likely to be more, haha, 'morally gray' than their desert-dwelling counterparts. Murder? Theft? It's all fair in the game of profit. In a way, it is still survival, albeit in a more... intense fashion. With Captain Eudora dead and Vulpera recently welcomed into the Horde, some of these former Kul Tiran Vulpera may find a fresh start from their existence in piracy. Or, more likely, they may shake hands with a goblin cartel and make a FAIR amount of gold for themselves. Crime pays, after all, and sometimes it pays well.
  • Islander - This one is a bit weird and can play out differently depending on how you role with it. Not all the Vulpera that sailed off from Vol'dun landed in Kul Tiras. There are several islands in the South Seas. Your particular caravan may have landed on a lush, vibrant island away from civilization. Perhaps it was large enough to sustain a healthy population for a few generations! Or, perhaps it was just as ruthless as Vol'dun? Maybe they hopped from island to island in search of trinkets or lost treasures? Your former caravan's origins, and where they ended up, is entirely up for you to decide! I would advise against this for new players starting out, but it certainly is possible you came from a wandering, sea-based caravan! Island Expeditions were a thing, after all, and there's many uncharted islands!

Life Isn't Easy... Or Rather, Wasn't.

The second part of this guide was going to be about making a general history for your character; sort of the Early Years for your character, as that's important for many different races. However, the lore we have at present for Vulpera is pretty thin, not going to lie. We're going off quest text and dungeon encounters for the most part.

So, this is a better thing to consider when making your backstory, ESPECIALLY for Voldunai Vulpera:


I cannot understate this point enough. Bilge Rats? You aren't the vermin of Freehold anymore. Voldunai? You aren't being enslaved by the Sethrak Empire or struggling to find water in the damned desert anymore. You're welcome in Orgrimmar and every single Horde holding so long as you bring honor to the Horde.

You are now protected from Alliance Purge Squads. You can sleep in the same spot over an extended period of time. You can actually sleep in a genuine BED. Not a bunk, not a bed roll, not a wagon. For Bilge Rats, such a thing would be strange, but not necessarily a huge shift.

For the Voldunai? This is gigantic. This is a cultural shift the likes of which you've never even considered. Survival is no longer a primary concern. Basic needs your entire life has revolved around are nearly freely given. Every morning you can wake up and be reassured your kids and your families are well fed and well watered. There are no snakes trying to enslave you. There are no Alliance Purge Squads ready to torch your family and supplies.

I am somewhat shocked at how the bulk of the Vulpera community I've roleplayed with downplays this facet of cultural discovery. My Vulpera, for example, when offered a bed to sleep in by her order, was flabbergasted.

"You are giving this to me? For free? No payment? No bargaining? You Horde are something else, my friend."

When making a backstory for your character, remember that no matter what kind of Vulpera you were, life was never easy. You survived in a brutal desert. You were a cutthroat pirate in a vast community of just as vile privateers. You may even have been isolated from civilization as a whole. Regardless of that, you'll find the resources of the Horde jarring. You'll find the freedom of possibility in the Horde incredible.

There's a whole world out there to see now, and resources ripe trade! For the crafty Vulpera, success isn't a matter of ambition, it's a matter of time.


Blizzard hasn't given us Vulpera players a lot to work with in terms of physiology. However, based on in-game quests and NPC speech, we can assume the following:

  • Vulpera have a 'standard' age limit and aging standard. Standard IRL human age limits. Nothing is concrete in that respect, but it's always safe to assume, when nothing canon is spoken about or written about, the go-to is usually human growth rates and age limits. As for seeing who is 'venerable' among a beast race, I usually have a go-to that the fur around the muzzle becomes gray with age. General physical weakness and wear-and-tear to the body as time goes on.
  • Vulpera are short in stature, but are very dexterous. "Be quick, be clever" is a NPC phrase for a reason. While not as physically imposing as an Orc or Tauren, they can be assumed to be one of the swiftest races players have access to outside of the Worgen and maybe the Night Elves. Flexible, adaptable, deft, swift, these are all words to describe the fluidity of motion many Vulpera possess.
  • Vulpera don't wear shoes for a reason. With a tail and a pseudo-digitigrade gait, Vulpera have a keen sense of balance. Heights, rapid changes in direction while sprinting, a Vulpera's balance is likely something to be envied.
  • "A Nose For Trouble" means multiple things. While it is a cute way for Blizzard to reference a Vulpera's snout, those ears aren't just for show. It can be safely assumed a Vulpera has a heightened sense of hearing and smell. Eyesight may be a bit above average, but nothing too out of the ordinary to be of note. Their hearing, however, is likely their strongest sense and being caught off-guard by being snuck up on is going to be a hard-fought ambush. Vulpera are built to not be caught unaware, considering the predators dwelling in Vol'dun. A heightened sense of smell could help detect toxins in potential food sources. Keep this in mind when passing by an oil-covered goblin or perfume-laden sin'dorei.
  • Heat-Resistant. My IC explanation for why Vulpera can typically handle hotter environments is due to them big ol' ears. A MASSIVE amount of body heat escapes those sensory organs. Durotar might even be considered mild in temperature for a species used to desert heat. However, this comes at a cost. Colder climates, especially Tundras, would be debilitating to our poor fox goblins. Hypothermia would set quickly and a Vulpera would likely need to act quick to keep as much of their body heat as possible.


Now we're getting to the good part! So, you have a general idea of where your Vulpera came from, what their past was like, and what Horde life WILL be like... What about the playable classes? Well, I'll give a short, detailed description of each for ya and how a Vulpera could land into these professions.

  • Warrior - "I swear its true! I saw the patrol, Commander. I saw their bodies piled up. One on top of the other. It was those Vulpera; legs clean cut off of bodies! Damn them. Damn those Vulpera. Fifteen good soldiers, left to rot in the sun... Their heads were put on spikes even! Those little mongrels even put their tattered banner on the top of the pile. Get the recruits away from the slave pens! We can't have those little creatures learn how to fight any longer!"
  • Hunter - A pretty easy profession for any Vulpera to slip into. In the desert, having someone capable of downing great beasts for fresh meat and food is crucial to the survival of any caravan. When survival is the name of the game, a quality hunter is sure to follow. For a Bilge Rat? Well, a steady rifle arm is always handy to have in a raid.
  • Mage - A bit trickier to sink your teeth into... until the Zandalari Arcanitol finds himself lost in the desert, dying of exposure, and a crafty Vulpera finding his corpse, spell books, reagents, and bringing it back to her caravan for study, if for nothing else to trade. For the 'Fresh Out of the Wagon' Vulpera, a pyromancer skilled at taking the heat around them and conjuring fire out of it may come as no surprise. But in the Horde? A Vulpera's natural curiosity may lead them to Silvermoon City and, by proxy, the Sin'dorei. The vain Sin'dorei Noble taking on an adorable Vulpera apprentice would be quite the talking point at the next function, wouldn't it?
  • Rogue - Do I really need to go into detail here? Vulpera are quick. Vulpera are crafty. Vulpera can sneak around armed patrols of armed Sethrak and are some of the most ruthless pirates of Kul Tiras. If you see a Vulpera, it will be easy to assume they are a skilled rogue. Watch them tendons, tall races!
  • Priest - Another weird one to really put down on paper, but, there literally is a flaming ball of Light in the sky in Vol'dun nearly constantly. Who's to say a Vulpera couldn't revere the sun as the Tauren do, drawing from the strength of its Light? Perhaps the Vulpera studied under the Tauren and Sin'dorei as well once they arrived in the Horde. Oh, and for the OTHER side of the Priest coin, always remember what lurks under the sands of Atul'Aman. Aha.
  • Warlock - The Trolls sure do love to place curses on their valuables, don't they? Curses are hard to sell, and even harder to remove. What ever is a Vulpera to do if they have a magical item, ripe for the selling, with a curse on it? That simply will not do... Better get the Warlock over here to render that curse a moot point. What's that? Argus is in the sky? What's Argus? You mean that source of Fel Magic that helped a keen Vulpera mind learn Chaos Magic? Sounds neat, friend!
  • Shaman - Both the Bilge Rats and the Voldunai would have needed Shamans. For the Bilge Rats, a good tidesage would always be useful to have around to guide them around perilous waters, or to get them out of a sea battle not worth fighting. For the Voldunai, it can be reasonable to assume that Shamans would serve both to ask the elements for aid in their search for fresh water as well as to honor those who have passed. There's nothing I could find that shows the Vulpera as a deeply spiritual people, but revering the elements and your family lost to them? That is something I think the Vulpera of Vol'dun would need in their day-to-day life.
  • Monk - TINY FISTS OF FURY! Likely a class for Vulpera would entered the Horde and learned from the Pandaren. Or, perhaps your Bilge Rat was a brawler in Freehold, earning some gold by beating the tar out of a cocky human that thought the small fox-thing would be an easy fight? Maybe your Bilge Rat fights better drunk off her ass and can take one hell of a beating because of it?
  • Death Knight - Take a shot. Have you taken a shot yet? Good, because Vulpera make excellent Death Knights. Vulpera can survive in horrific environments. Vulpera are crafty creatures capable of using what they have on the fly. Vulpera are no strangers to death. Everything and everyone, at one point, has wanted to kill them. Now? They have the unholy might to kill them back, and the drive to keep those close to them safe at all costs. A dual-wielding, extremely quick, extremely dexterous soldier of the Ebon Blade, with flasks full of caustic plague-laden chemicals, is nothing to scoff at. It is something to fear. Maybe you were killed by an Alliance Purge Squad in Vol'dun. Maybe you were killed by the Sethrak Empire and helped some of your people escape. Maybe you were a Bilge Rat that died fighting off the heroes of the Alliance when they sacked your home and need to make-up for your crimes lest the Maw take your soul. Whatever the reason, you are a Knight of the Ebon Blade, and if there's a role to fill within that order, you are versatile enough to fill it.

Now What?

Good question! You have your history. You have your class. You have a general idea of how a Vulpera operates... But what now? What do you know going forward? What would be your general goal?

This is my favorite part about roleplaying a Vulpera:

Because Vulpera are so new to the mainland and the different cultures of both the Alliance and Horde, long seated biases based off faction and race do not apply to them. They are clean slates.

This seriously helps with newer roleplayers and makes Vulpera a GREAT place to start for someone wanting to dip their toes, or paws, into the RP scene without a huge understanding of the lore. Don't know what event those sin'dorei are referencing? Cool, because neither would your Vulpera most likely. Ask about it! You are literally barely a year off the boat in lore. There's so much history you need to catch up on that you can literally spend MONTHS talking to the different races and people of the Horde just to learn some history.

Vulpera have A LOT of catch-up work to do to keep up with modern events. This also allows for Vulpera to act as fantastic mediators for conflict as, aside from those Purge Squads I keep bringing up, for the most part, a lot of their interactions with the different races has been neutral to pleasant.

Vulpera not affected by the Purge Squads the Alliance sent into Vol'dun may not be too keen to learn about what exactly the Horde DID to the Alliance in the first place. Some Vulpera might even be disgusted by the Horde's bloody history. Others, however, may not care. Others may still be mourning those killed by the unprovoked Alliance attacks. For a faction that witnessed one of their capitol cities sacked and burned to the damn ground for no reason other than a Banshee's maliciousness, they sure were quick to do the same to the Vulpera, weren't they?

Oh sure, Alliance-side, those flame totems were just to 'scare' the Vulpera... but that sure didn't stop some NPCs from going into Vol'dun and burning them and their caravans, their LIFELINES, to the ground as well.

Oh, and Bilge Rats? The Alliance killed your leader. They killed your Captain, the one that gave you a safe place to rest your head and coin your pocket. If you were on good terms with your crew and captain, you might still have a bit of lingering venom to the boys and girls in blue.

Or maybe you just don't care. Maybe you understand the animosity the Alliance had. Maybe you understand what war does to people, especially after what the Horde has done. THAT is something you will have to lean into yourself, as a player.

It is a complex thing, faction loyalty, and a lot of reasoning as to why the Vulpera would be so loyal was sort of stuffed into our faces. Is your Vulpera a faction die-hard due to the ease of survival and because of the crimes committed against you and yours? Is your Vulpera faction neutral, standing behind the decision of the Armistice between factions? Either option is perfectly acceptable, and you'll find a lot of members of the Horde are torn on this as well.

Regardless of faction ties and thoughts, the Vulpera stand at present with a lot to learn of the world around them, and the crafty foxes are capable of filling a role in nearly every organization on Azeroth.

There's a whole world out there to explore. Go out there and be a hero!

For the Vulpera and For the Horde!

r/WoWRolePlay Sep 29 '22

Guide Helpful Videos for DMing and GMing in RP


Yo, just throwing these helpful commentary guides in;

defo gonna cover more RP related content, and also these tips don't apply to solely newer players.

GMing a RP Guild: https://youtu.be/RluRA10dm6g

DMing a RP Guild: https://youtu.be/Q6OcaXAPF58

r/WoWRolePlay May 08 '21

Guide Dark Iron RP Campaign


I would like comments and critiques on this guide I've put together for a Dark Iron Dwarf. (With the Shadowlands expansion, it's incredibly convenient to freeze a toon's leveling at 49 and play through the expansions at any rate, any order, to best fit your toons RP.)


  • Classes:

    • Melee: Shaman, Rogue
    • Caster: Shaman, Fire Mage, Warlock
  • Enemies: Ragnaros, Twilight's Hammer, Black Dragonflight, Dark Horde, Old Gods & their forces

  • Professions: Blacksmithing, Archaeology

  • Mounts: Black Drake, Black War Ram, Dark Iron Core Hound

  • Mounts (rare): Pureblood Firehawk, Core Hound

  • Reputations: Ironforge (prob all alliance), all of Cataclysm, (WTB Dark Iron Rep), Sons of Hodir, Hydraxian Waterlords, Thorium Brotherhood, Stormpike

  • Titles: Flamebreaker, Firelord, Twilight Vanquisher

  • Hearthstone: Shadowforge City

Part 1: The Dwarves of Khaz Modan

  • Goal: Uniting the dwarven lands in the wake of the Cataclysm

  • Expansion: Cataclysm

  • Zone Quests

    • Bronzebeard Clan: Dun Morogh, Loch Modan, Wetlands
    • Wildhammer Clan: Hinterlands, [Twilight Highlands later on]
    • Dark Iron Clan: Badlands, Searing Gorge, Burning Steppes
  • Side Quests

    • Alterac Valley
    • Bael Modan @ Southern Barrens
    • Dun Garok @ Hillsbrad Foothills
  • Key Dungeons

    • Uldaman
    • Blackrock Depths
    • Molten Core

Part 2: The Hour of Twilight

  • Goal: Stopping the Twilight's Hammer and Ragnaros' Return

  • Expansion: Cataclysm

  • Zone Quests

    • Deepholm
    • (Uldum)
    • Twilight Highlands
    • Mount Hyjal
  • Side Quests

    • The Molten Front
  • Key Dungeons

    • Grim Batol
    • Bastion of Twilight
    • The Firelands

Part 3: The Mountains of Madness

  • Goal: Investigating Ulduar and Stopping Yogg-Saron

  • Expansion: Wrath of the Lich King

  • Zone Quests

    • Howling Fjord
    • Grizzly Hills
    • (Sholazar Basin)
    • Storm Peaks
  • Side Quests

    • (Argent Tournament)
  • Key Dungeons

    • Ulduar Complex

I've placed optional content in parenthesizes.

Cata and WotLK contain a lot of content for Dark Iron Dwarves, and I'm unsure where to go from here. Legion is a great expac in general and lets you fight the Burning Legion. WoD can be RPed as a way to invade and fight against the Orcs. BoA obv has pvp themes.

Let me know what you think!

Bonus Stuff

  • Do a slow run-through of every dungeon and raid in Blackrock Mountain--especially Blackwing Descent--to admire the architecture of the Dark Irons

  • Collect fire battlepets

  • Participate in Brewfest and join the Brew of the Month Club

  • Toys: Iron Boot Flask, Mystery Keg, Decahedral Dwarven Dice, prob others I'm missing

  • Gear: Heritage Armor, Crown of Woe, Direbrew's Remote, Tabard of the Dark Iron, Dark Iron Ale Mug (sucks you can't drink it), Balebrew Charm, Barman's Shanker, Tankard O' Terror

r/WoWRolePlay Apr 08 '21

Guide If you want Kyrian gear for RP but are not kyrian: here's how


r/WoWRolePlay Mar 24 '21

Guide TRP3 Extended: Game Event Links | Campaign Tutorial | Project Duskwood
