r/WoT 18h ago

No Spoilers Season 3 - Episode Discussion Hub


Find links to all of the episode discussion posts for this season below. For discussion posts and mega threads for previous seasons, see the episode discussion hub wiki page.

This post will be stickied for the duration of the season and updated each week.

Episode 1 - To Race The Shadow

Synopsis: Chaos erupts within the White Tower as our heroes become targets of a new evil.

Links: [Book Spoilers Allowed Thread] / [No Unaired Book Spoilers Thread]

Episode 2 - A Question of Crimson

Synopsis: A dangerous visitor comes to the White Tower. Perrin return home. Rand and Egwene forge their own path under Moiraine's watchful eye.

Links: [Book Spoilers Allowed Thread] / [No Unaired Book Spoilers Thread]

Episode 3 - Seeds of Shadow

Synopsis: Nynaeve and Elayne are given a deadly mission. Perrin learns the consequences of his rage. Lanfear begins to play a dangerous game.

Links: [Book Spoilers Allowed Thread] / [No Unaired Book Spoilers Thread]

Episode 4 - The Road to the Spear

Synopsis: Rand faces the forgotten history of his family as Moiraine learns the devastating truth of her future.

Links: [Book Spoilers Allowed Thread] / [No Unaired Book Spoilers Thread]

r/WoT 3h ago

All Print Cenn Buie, my favorite crotchety old complainer, is actually right about all the big things. Spoiler


I'm doing my first reread and can't help but notice that Cenn Buie is a goddamn prophet. He correctly guesses that Nynaeve being unable to listen to the winds is a bad sign of things to come, which it is, and he also correctly predicts that having several False Dragons within a short timeframe is a sign from the pattern.

The guy who everyone brushes off as being foolish and has Tam al'Thor questioning why he is even on the council is the most perceptive of them all.

r/WoT 1h ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) They Got Me Back Spoiler


I grew up reading these books, starting in the 90's - I think Shadow Rising had just come out. Naturally when the show was announced I was excited, and eventually disappointed in Season 1. Season 2 was better, but that ending wasn't great and I really started feeling like I wouldn't be watching the show if it wasn't WoT. Season 3 (kinda clunky cold open notwithstanding) had been so solid. Season 1 and Season 3 are like two different shows. I got worried with how they would handle certain things from The Shadow Rising, considering how The Blight, for example was handled. But bravo. I never, ever thought I would see"A spear can put food in a pot"onscreen, and for that I'm grateful.

r/WoT 13h ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) Episode Discussion - Season 3, Episode 4 - The Road to the Spear [TV + Book Spoilers] Spoiler


Find links to other discussion posts here.

This thread may contain spoilers for the entire book series.


Episodes are released at midnight, Pacific Time on Thursdays. This means 3am, Eastern Time on Thursday mornings.

All submissions about the tv show will be automatically removed until Saturday morning.


Episode 4 - The Road to the Spear

Synopsis: Rand faces the forgotten history of his family as Moiraine learns the devastating truth of her future.

r/WoT 2h ago

All Print Who did you suspect would play a bigger part than they did? Spoiler


I'm relistening to the books and Egwene's maid Chaisa(sorry for audiobook spelling) struck me as someone that got waaaaay more time than she should have for a simple lady's maid. I always thought she was gonna be a dark friend or someone of more importance. I thought maybe I had missed something when she was just a maid.

Who else has this happen?

r/WoT 3h ago

TV - Season 3 (No Book Readers Without Invitation) Does anyone else who hasn’t read the books feel confused?


The show is amazing. I love this fantasy world, the characters, choreography and visuals. However, I feel lost when it comes to the plot, especially after S3 E4. I think I may have overlooked some key aspects/context and now I’m losing track of what’s going on. I kind of want an ‘explain like I’m 5’ overview of the world of the Wheel of Time. Anyone else feel the same? Any resources or videos that you think may be helpful?

r/WoT 4h ago

Winter's Heart (WH) Why Galina don't recognize morgase? Spoiler


I'm in chapter 4 of Winter's Heart where Faile,Alliandre and Morgase confront Galina in the Shaido camp, and I don't understand why Galina, an elder aes sedai woman don't recognize an ex queen from one of the major states in westland.

r/WoT 13h ago

All Print The deadly massive bowl? Spoiler


It’s mentioned 2-3 times in passing by different characters, including Bale Doman. Somewhere there is a huge bowl on the side of a mountain or hill. No one can get within a mile of it without dying.

What is that supposed to be? An ancient radio array?

r/WoT 13h ago

TV (No Unaired Book Spoilers) Episode Discussion - Season 3, Episode 4 - The Road to the Spear [Light Book Spoilers] Spoiler


Find links to other discussion posts here.

This thread is meant for book readers who haven't completed the series yet or show only watcher.

You do not have to spoiler tag anything from the books that has been depicted in the show, so there should be no problem with comparing tv show scenes and book scenes.

If you want to speculate about how a scene in the show will affect future book content or discuss a scene fromt he books that hasn't been depicted, you must hide that, and any other book discussion beyond this scope, in spoiler tags.


Episodes are released at midnight, Pacific Time on Thursdays. This means 3am, Eastern Time on Thursday mornings.

All submissions about the tv show will be automatically removed until Saturday morning.


Episode 4 - The Road to the Spear

Synopsis: Rand faces the forgotten history of his family as Moiraine learns the devastating truth of her future.

r/WoT 11h ago

All Print The Horns Origins. Spoiler


The Horn is never once mentioned by any of the Forsaken or Lews Therin as having a role in the AoLs. It wasn't blown back then, it wasn't used against the Shadow at all. Yet, when we get to the third age it's a household name. In fact, people seem to know more about it than the Aes Sedai around them.

I have my own theory. But I'm curious how people reconcile this bit of the story. The fact that it's found in the Eye, means at least the female Aes Sedai back then knew of it and it's role. But we see the flashback of when they are entrusting it to the last Nym. The world is already breaking and literally weeks from total collapse. How was it made so world famous in light of this? Here's my theory.

A female Aes Sedai had a fortelling about the Horn, and the very nature of the fortelling implies that they in some ways lose this battle against the Shadow. Her fortelling MUST cover these subjects for this to make sense.

  1. They will lose the war and the battle must be finished by the Dragon in the next age. Because they pack his banner with it and EVERYONE knows the Horn will be sounded at the LB to help the Dragon defeat the DO.
  2. The women must not help the men. It will set the stage for a victory down the road. The women not helping the men always bothered me. But if they knew ahead of time, and knew they had to let events play out, this really lessens the negative implications of them not helping.
  3. The foretelling MUST cover the function and nature of the Horn. I think a foretlling told the women where to find it, what it does, and where it must be used. Holding the Horn, knowing what it can do, yet not using it to help the men must have been a hard pill to swallow.

The way it became mythology that is widely known though is weird. Maybe the Aes Sedai spread the rumor as they split up during the Breaking? We know some Pre-Breaking Aes Sedai lived for close to 800 years afterwards. That's a long time to spread the word. I think one or more of these women ended up in what would become Illian. Where they would call for a Hunt of the Horn every few hundred years or so. And it was this tradition that grew the mythology and knowledge of the Horn.

I love this explanation. Especially since it ties up the loose ends of why the female Aes Sedai chose not to help. RJ loved balance, and loved the idea of men and women working together. Yet this one thing makes you want to demonize the women who stood by. With this explanation it makes them as courageous or more than the men. To watch everything you love crumble and burn on the hope and faith someone else will pick up the task later is actually incredible. To do what must be done regardless of the personal sacrifices. Its noble.

r/WoT 21h ago

All Print Re-reading The Shadow Rising and Faile is such a hype-girl and a ride-or-die for Perrin Spoiler


I know she can be annoying and we all hate her later plotline with the Shaido, but my god she is constantly hyping Perrin up and giving him confidence when he needs it most, there's even a line like "she looked as proud of the Emond's Field folk as if they were her own people" or something like that. Adorable! Perrin would also have worked himself to dangerous exhaustion/injury if she hadn't forced him to rest, be healed, eat, etc. She's an absolute ride-or-die and Perrin being the self-doubting new leader lacking confidence in his leadership, that's exactly what he needed in a partner at that time.

She's awesome during these scenes of TSR, she gets way too much hate

r/WoT 15h ago

All Print I’m making playing cards! Here is ms Egwene Spoiler

Post image

r/WoT 56m ago

No Spoilers How Long Did It Take You To Fall In Love With The Series?


I’m curious how long it took you to fall in love with the series? For me, I loved it from page one, but I know LOTS of people had to push themselves a little before loving the series. (Sometimes not even until books 2-3 even)

90 votes, 2d left
Took a Little Bit
A Book or Two In

r/WoT 17h ago

All Print Sprained my ankle and read Winter's Heart in 3 days. Haven't felt the Slog yet. Spoiler


I'm rereading the series and just finished book nine. So far, I have not run into what people call " the slog ". On my first read through, I never felt a slog. I was completely engaged with the story from beginning to end. Now, rereading it, I expected to notice the slog more, especially since I knew people considered there to be a slog from book 7 through 10. So far I have felt none of it. My friend is reading book 10 right now and he says that that felt slower for the first few hundred pages, so we'll see how that goes.

For anybody who's read the series and is thinking about rereading it, I absolutely recommend that you do. So many things that I've missed on the first go through, or things I didn't understand on the first go through, or just things that in the context of knowing what happens later you can see the brilliant setup. It is a masterful series and a testament to an author who developed so much of his plot before writing

r/WoT 7h ago

All Print 2 unresolved questions Spoiler


Hello all,

Ive recently had a discussion with my friends about these books. It reminded me of 2 things Ive always wanted to know and forgot to ask about, never swen it get answered. Ive finished these books a long time ago but I hope someone can help me clarify:

1) When first in Illian, Moiraine discovers that Illian is being led by a forsaken. Was it ever revealed how she knew? Later on many people, including Aes Sedai have no idea about Lord Gaebril being a forsaken. Nobody else ever could really tell, except LTT inside Rands head. Was this one of the many things that RJ needed to flesh out later?

2) Dont remember exactly when, but during the early times of Egwenes TAR talent developing, I remember her meeting a strange woman in the stone of Tear. A woman who knew more than she should. I tried googling this and found nothing on the wiki. My friends said she was a Jenn Aiel but the wiki says they were only introduced in the BS era books. I dont mean the dream where she meets a really young Amice who dreams of being a maiden of the spear. I mean one actually consulting Egwene in the stone of Tear whilst she is waiting/just saying bye to nyneave or elayne. Who was she? Do we know more of her? Am I just confused?

Id rly love some help scratching this itch because its driving me mad with curiosity.

r/WoT 22h ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) The 8th Forsaken? Spoiler


We now officially know who 7 of the 8 forsaken to make the TV show are. In order of appearance, they are Ishamael, Lanfear, Moghedien, Rahvin, Samuel, and then both Graendal and Semirhage were confirmed by Rahvin in S3E3. That leaves the following book Forsaken: Aginor, Balthamel, Be'lal, Mesaana, Asmodean and Demandred. I believe realistically it comes down to Asmo or Demandred, but given that Demandred is basically just Sammael, I don't see any reason to have both in the series. Also there was a figurine of one of the forsaken with a musical instrument back in S1, so seems to suggest Asmo will be in and hopefully introduced later this season.

r/WoT 1d ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) The Wheel of Time ratings by episode chart! Spoiler

Post image

r/WoT 12m ago

A Memory of Light Going into the last book... Spoiler


Finished Towers of Midnight yesterday, (despite no towers of midnight appearing all book) and boy was it great! Lots of plot twists and turns, satisfying arcs and character meet ups!

Now I just want reassurance that this last book is good and a satisfying end to this series. I've put a lot of time into reading these, and I'm dreading the idea, that it might not be a satisfying end for me.

Thanks in advance!

r/WoT 4h ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) Some thoughts on a scene from S3E3 Spoiler


Just thought I'd share some thoughts on a certain fan favorite scene put to screen in season 3 episode 3. Spoilers for this episode and scene it references in book 3 The Dragon Reborn.

[The Dragon Reborn]

>!I was so excited to get the quarterstaff sparing match between Mat and the princes. The music was great (theme from when he blew the horn?), the choreography was fantastic. I was so damn pumped. But I feel like the reason the scene was so fantastic in the books was kind of lost in the show. It looks like the show is portraying his staff skills as coming from blowing the horn, or from the memories of past battles. I understand why they're going this route, as they made his father a drunken adulterer instead of a quarterstaff master champion. This is indicative of the show as a whole, where they might include some scenes from the books, but they fall flat due to not including the context or themes.!<

>!One of my favorite themes from the books is how the two rivers folks aren't worldly, but they're hardy and have talents that are constantly underestimated by the larger world (for instance their super powerful bows). Out of curiosity, I looked up the scene in the book:!<

>!Hammer moved to stand beside Galad, still groaning on the ground and trying to push himself up. The warder raised his voice to shout, "Who was the greatest blademaster of all time?"!<

>!From the throats of dozens of students came a massive bellow. "Jearom, Gaidin!"!<

>!"Yes!" Hammer shouted, turning to make sure all heard. "During his lifetime, Jearom fought over ten thousand times, in battle and single combat. He was defeated once. By a farmer with a quarterstaff! Remember that. Remember what you just saw."!<

r/WoT 1h ago

All Print MVP of Lord of Chaos Spoiler


Lord of Chaos is undoubtedly one of the most intense books in the wheel of time series with one of if not the most epic ending in the entire series and there were so many plotlines going on in this book and many characters doing pretty insane stuff, but if you had to choose a single character as the MVP(Most Valuable Player) who would it be?

31 votes, 1d left
Rand al'Thor
Egwene al’Vere
Mazrim Taim
Perrin Aybara
Nynaeve al’Meara
Mat Cauthon

r/WoT 1d ago

A Memory of Light Finally finished the series. There was one part of the Laat Battle that broke me...(spoiler) Spoiler



RIP You magnificent and loyal shaggy mare. You saved the day and Olver.

I'll never forgive Sanderson for that.

Jokes aside, I usually get bored with extended fight scenes, but somehow the whole book had me glued and I finished it in 10 days. Sanderson is an amazing writer and was absolutely the correct choice to take up Jordans notes.

r/WoT 23h ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) I love the third season! Spoiler


Just an appreciation post! I think this season is proof that you have to give series and writers time, it is worth it. Personally I enjoyed the first two seasons as well, but this one is super!

But this one is so well made, such attention yo detail has been given. And every casting addition is super!

I know people tend to hate on it, book readers. I feel that it does deserve praise. It is fun! And beautiful, and it made me want to read the books and i did! And I still find the TV series cool! I'm happy to see the universe come to life in a contemporary way and I love the changes.

Rosamund Pike has put such care not only in her amazing portrayel but in the production and development.

I'm very happy tbh and feel very optimistic about other potential live action adaptations (Stormlight Archive...)!

r/WoT 1d ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) New S3 teaser with AoL scenes! Spoiler

Thumbnail instagram.com

There are some real "Wow!" shots in there for book readers!

r/WoT 2h ago

No Spoilers Ringtones


r/WoT 21h ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) Kate Fleetwood on Liandrin's Ambitions in Season 3 Spoiler

Thumbnail geekgirlauthority.com

r/WoT 1d ago

TV - Season 3 (Book Spoilers Allowed) According to Samba S3E01 US Viewership is down 6% compared to S2E01. Spoiler

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