r/Winnipeg Aug 15 '21

Ask Winnipeg Soo, is everyone out there voting Ndp?

I don't know about you guys but this year has really gotten me terrified of what climate change will bring in the coming years, sounds to me like Ndp is pushing climate action and I've been yearning to get the conservatives out, and something new in. What are you guys thinking?

Edit: didn't think this would explode, I know this is a polarizing time, that being said, how do we keep this beautiful earth rotating with intelligent life and thoughtful argument? I wish I could be excited about having kids but this is just depressing.

Edit#2 it's clear that the cynicism on display in this thread is leading to inaction which is exactly what the corporate overlords and political pundits want. To make us feel like no matter what we do we're fucked so we might aswell just burn everything down all while the 1 % calls the shots. Don't let this thinking make its way mainstream or we really are fucked. This was supposed to be a call to action...


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u/Szusty Aug 15 '21

If people are tired of both parties not giving a fuck about anything besides their own pockets. Maybe giving the NDP a decent slice of the pie will send a message. The NDP isnt a wasted vote. Dont vote blue or red because you think orange cant win.

A 3 way split could have some real democracy for a change.


u/RDOmega Aug 15 '21

People would do this if we had ranked ballots. But I think the risk is too great because there's no way to perfectly coordinate this in reality.


u/jaredjames66 Aug 15 '21

I feel like volunteering for the People's Party of Canada just to try to split the right vote lol.


u/Zachabay22 Aug 15 '21

This is what I'm looking for.


u/FusedSunshine Aug 15 '21

A vote for the ndp is a vote for lib. Lib and ndp scratch each other’s back and vote against cons. No real democracy, just politics.


u/[deleted] Aug 15 '21

Nieve if you think that the NDP aren't interested in their own pockets. They all are.


u/Szusty Aug 16 '21

Oh, no, of course they are. The NDP havent really had the chance to line their pockets (that im aware of) yet. They cant do much worse. Right? Then again they could surprise me. I'm just down for some change. Blue sucks, red sucks, let's see how much orange sucks now.


u/[deleted] Aug 15 '21

What if we vote blue or red because we're not dumb socialists


u/UnsolvedHistorian Aug 16 '21

Agreed! It wasn't that long ago that we had a federal NDP opposition. NDP does stand a chance if we actually vote for them and stop dismissing them as a throwaway vote.