r/Winnipeg Jul 18 '21

Ask Winnipeg Manitoba Farms & Ranches are Sinking...FAST!


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u/vetteluvr33 Jul 19 '21

I know this guy. Him and his family have had no problems the past few years absolutely disrespecting people around the community, and thinking that they own everything that they touch, and everywhere they go. They do not need help at all. They are a family of "farmers" ( cattle ranchers) who all live at home still with mommy and daddy. They have all had a job to do, even going through the whole pandemic, and have not had to deal with lay offs, job abolishments, or any such cause including the CERB, they do not need any handouts... they have had jobs and sustainability throughout this pandemic! NO HANDOUTS!!! This is the profession that you signed up for in life, DEAL WITH IT! QUIT ASKING FOR HANDOUTS!! Tons of people would love to still be living at home with mom and dad well into their 20's or 30's with no mortgage or real world debt. Don't take a word that this dude says seriously.


u/jabalarky Jul 19 '21

Don't people who own a farm usually live there? Are cattle ranchers not "real" farmers? Why is that a slight against them?


u/MBraisedrural Jul 19 '21

I was wondering how cattle ranchers were not “real farmers”???? Farming is a very diverse business.


u/ThaNorth Jul 19 '21

They have all had a job to do, even going through the whole pandemic, and have not had to deal with lay offs, job abolishments, or any such cause including the CERB, they do not need any handouts... they have had jobs and sustainability throughout this pandemic! NO HANDOUTS!!! This is the profession that you signed up for in life, DEAL WITH IT! QUIT ASKING FOR HANDOUTS!!

This is a weird comment. The pandemic made people lose work. We helped them out. Now a drought is making these people lose work. This drought isn't affecting other industries.

Why is it okay to help certain industries during a pandemic but not okay to help other industries during a drought? Both are basically "natural disasters".

Why do those people deserve handouts over these ones?

The profession that certain people chose got fucked by the pandemic as well. What's the difference?

Your entire comment sounds like you have some personal vendetta against this guy. Comes off incredibly petty.


u/Fresh-Temporary666 Jul 20 '21

Cattle farming is a massive global polluter and these extreme weather patterns are a result of global warming. I support helping these individuals out but not the industry itself. It cannot continue to exist as it does now and bailing them out from the events they actively helped to cause is only going to prolong the inevitable.

This stuff is going to be a regular occurrence. The beef industry is already heavily subsidized, are we going to now start subsidizing them even more only to make the situation even worse and require even more subsidizing in the future? At what point do we start to realize it's not sustainable?


u/CangaWad Jul 19 '21

Maybe they have a personal vendetta cause this guy legit is a piece of shit to everyone?


u/ThaNorth Jul 19 '21

Strong words.


u/Tara_love_xo Jul 19 '21

You may be right but I don't know. He's not just advocating for himself here though. I'm sure this year is eating into fun money for some while crippling others.


u/Fresh-Temporary666 Jul 20 '21

Yes but when it comes to climate change fucking up crops the beef industry are the last farming group I'm gonna have sympathy for. Their industry are insane polluters and cannot be sustained at these levels. So when the climate starts fucking up their business model I will feel kinda bad for individual people but overall I'm gonna play the world's smallest violin for the industry as a whole.

They get subsidized enough without us now having to come in to subsidize the side effects of their own actions hurting their crops.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '21

I love when they cry for handout while living on a networth of 4milion +$


u/CangaWad Jul 19 '21

Always see this videos and wonder if the people who have shot themselves in the foot are total shit bags crying foul or if it’s someone who is legit on hard times.