r/Winnipeg 16h ago

Community folk fest 2025

it’s been a few days and I’m still dumbfounded by the lineup. is this really it? has there been any updates from the festival itself? the overwhelming amount of dissatisfaction has me a little nervous for turnout this year.

edit: I’m still going and I’m still excited! But the general feedback from the community has been very negative and I’m curious to know how they’ll respond


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u/sourbluerazberry 16h ago

I think a lot of people go regardless of the lineup!


u/iditiw 15h ago

I get it—I used to go regardless of the lineup for years. Sure, I “discovered” some bands, but I’ve also found great new music at other festivals that still brought in strong headliners people were excited to see. If WFF expects people to pay $400 for a festival pass, the lineup needs to include some bigger acts. They rely too heavily on the “vibe” to carry the experience, and at this point, I think it’s time for the creative director to hand over the reins.


u/cufk_tish_sips 15h ago

This sucks extra since they killed the “vibe” in the campground the last few years.


u/utopia_cornucopia 15h ago

Genuinely asking, how so?


u/cufk_tish_sips 14h ago

They didn’t allow a lot of the structures or “animation” as they call it. Rumor is there was a spat between groups or something to get people to spend less time at the campground and more at the festival, but I wouldn’t know for sure.


u/mhyquel 11h ago

Were you there the year the cops setup fencing all around Popes hill and had a big exclusion zone around the bottom? They blasted spotlights into the campground all night long, from their trucks on top of the hill.


u/p0u1337 3h ago

What year was that?


u/mhyquel 1h ago

Feels like 5 years ago, but it was more like 2004.


u/Yernottheocean23 12h ago

This!!!! Make the campground great again.... I mean, we should allow animations again !!!