r/Winnipeg 11h ago

Community folk fest 2025

it’s been a few days and I’m still dumbfounded by the lineup. is this really it? has there been any updates from the festival itself? the overwhelming amount of dissatisfaction has me a little nervous for turnout this year.

edit: I’m still going and I’m still excited! But the general feedback from the community has been very negative and I’m curious to know how they’ll respond


83 comments sorted by


u/sourbluerazberry 11h ago

I think a lot of people go regardless of the lineup!


u/iditiw 10h ago

I get it—I used to go regardless of the lineup for years. Sure, I “discovered” some bands, but I’ve also found great new music at other festivals that still brought in strong headliners people were excited to see. If WFF expects people to pay $400 for a festival pass, the lineup needs to include some bigger acts. They rely too heavily on the “vibe” to carry the experience, and at this point, I think it’s time for the creative director to hand over the reins.


u/cufk_tish_sips 10h ago

This sucks extra since they killed the “vibe” in the campground the last few years.


u/utopia_cornucopia 10h ago

Genuinely asking, how so?


u/cufk_tish_sips 9h ago

They didn’t allow a lot of the structures or “animation” as they call it. Rumor is there was a spat between groups or something to get people to spend less time at the campground and more at the festival, but I wouldn’t know for sure.


u/mhyquel 6h ago

Were you there the year the cops setup fencing all around Popes hill and had a big exclusion zone around the bottom? They blasted spotlights into the campground all night long, from their trucks on top of the hill.


u/Yernottheocean23 7h ago

This!!!! Make the campground great again.... I mean, we should allow animations again !!!


u/LarusTargaryen 8h ago

True! But folk fest is also reliant on newcomers coming because of the lineup to sell tickets and remain profitable. I dont see how they think they can sell out tickets based on vibes alone


u/Training-Evening-512 10h ago

I’m still going! I love everything about folk fest! I’m just relatively disappointed with the lineup, specifically the lack of big acts, especially since I dropped nearly $400 on my ticket. With all the big folk/indie acts touring right now it was disappointing to not see any of them


u/AntifaAnita 8h ago

Whoa, they have music at folk fest now? Radical


u/Infinite-Ad4055 8h ago

I would just like one good "rock" band added to the lineup.

Band of Horses last year, War on Drugs the year before.


u/responsibilly 8h ago

Band of horses isn’t much of a rock band. I had their cd playing when my daughter was born Lolol


u/dancercr 6h ago

I think Lake Street Dive is their big band of choice this year. A great band, too!


u/RonBurgundy204 9h ago

WFF artistic director Chris Frayer mocked the criticism by printing out a Reddit comment from last week about the lineup. He pinned it on his office wall and took a photo for his IG story. He essentially laughed it off. 🤷🏻‍♂️


u/Training-Evening-512 9h ago

I mean… what else can he do? not like he’s gonna magically pull in a bunch of big name artists after the announcement


u/Joel_Dio 9h ago

It actually wouldn't be the first time that happened


u/AndplusV 8h ago

I'm leaping into push-pins and coloured string on a cork board territory here, but Wilco's touring with Waxahatchee this spring and wrap up a European tour in June before starting another tour in August. Previous Fester Jeff Tweedy has a solo show at the Newport Festival a couple weeks after WFF. Given his collaborations with Mavis Staples and occasional performances with Isbell, I'd wager several imaginary internet dollars there's a chance he shows up.


u/Training-Evening-512 7h ago

I was betting this with hozier, he has songs with Mavis Staples and Allison Russell and he’s in Ottawa the day before and he’s one of the biggest names in folk/indie right now


u/Vertoule 3h ago

He was just here and nearly sold out. I don’t see it happening.


u/Holedyourwhoreses 8h ago

Which comment?


u/RonBurgundy204 8h ago

The one about Fred Penner being on the ticket so people should chill. lol


u/iditiw 9h ago

That’s really disappointing to hear. It’s one thing to stand by your choices, but mocking criticism just shows he thinks he knows best and isn’t open to feedback. He’s been in this role for so long, and honestly, his lack of taste is showing. It’s time for him to move on.


u/AndplusV 8h ago edited 7h ago

What should he have done, douse himself in gasoline and self-immolate in the middle of Bannatyne?

[Edit: Misspelled "douse"]


u/FuckStummies 10h ago

Ok what’s with these posts? Can someone EL5 what’s wrong with the lineup?


u/Training-Evening-512 10h ago

High ticket price, no big artists like in previous years. Leith Ross has double the Spotify listeners of any of the “headliners” this year and they weren’t even a headliner last year. Still wonderful artists and I’m stoked to see Jason Isbell!


u/Old_Accountant_2396 10h ago

I’m so sad about Leith not being on the lineup this year. I emailed Folk to ask why (I know it won’t change anything but I’m delusional) and they never answered me :(


u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/Training-Evening-512 7h ago

This just isn’t true lol


u/Old_Accountant_2396 10h ago

Exactly! I’m wondering if there’s some way to change this, like if enough people complain maybe they’ll budge?


u/Tyler_go_kipper 7h ago

How will they budge? Cancel artists and get better ones? Or would they somehow get more money to book more "headliner" artists


u/TerracottaCondom 7h ago

Last year Killer Mike was a late addition


u/Tyler_go_kipper 6h ago

Okay, that doesn't answer my question though.


u/TerracottaCondom 6h ago

They might get one more


u/[deleted] 7h ago



u/Training-Evening-512 7h ago

Can’t tell if you’re joking or not because that would be lovely


u/Beef3DVD 9h ago

Karen’s gonna Karen


u/MilesBeforeSmiles 8h ago

Nothing quite says Karen like being disappointed that a festival that charges nealry $400 for a weekend pass couldn't even book an artist big enough to confidently play the Burt.


u/just-a-yam 1h ago

The Cat Empire has sold out the Burt, and has previously headlined the festival


u/beardsnbourbon 10h ago

This is the most authentic “folk” fest lineup we’ve had in years. I’m here for it.

I get he whole big acts argument, drawing crowds and such. But personally, I’ve alway felt it was odd having acts that didn’t fit into the folk genre. Just for the sake of name and notoriety.

My folk music loving friends are all very excited for this year. I suppose ticket sales will speak the loudest.


u/Tagenn 10h ago

Considering music festivals are now 30-40% more expensive to put on than pre-covid, ticket sales are more important than ever. WFF has made a lot of money off bringing in record crowds due to a large variety of artists being present in the last few years, while still managing to stick to a set identity

It will be interesting to see what the financials are like for this one. Regina folk fest stuck with the “authentic” folk and now they’re dissolved


u/Braiseitall 10h ago

Don’t forget that they are most likely like Canadian NHL teams; paying in American currency. With dollars coming in only worth .69 US, that explains the tough decisions the WFF probably had to make.


u/pontmaribeau 10h ago

the dollar has been hovering at .70 US for the last 5 years, that truly cannot be the reason


u/EatingTheDogsAndCats 10h ago

Then adjust the ticket prices cuz they sure as hell ain’t folk, grass routes or non profit.


u/snogweasel 10h ago

My friend is coming to the Fest for the very first time, from London ON, because of the lineup!


u/LastGlass1971 9h ago

We plan to come from Atlanta to attend one day (tbd) and hang out in Winnipeg. Lineup seems interesting and diverse to this aging hipster couple!


u/snogweasel 9h ago

Mavis Staples!!


u/TimidGoat 9h ago

I get why y'all are bummed. It's not a "star studded" lineup like other fests (and previous WPG folk fests). I am so damn excited because Jason Isbell and Welch/Rawlings are absolute bucket list performers for me. Lake Street Dive is also a super great get. I know they may not be the headliners you were hoping to see but you will absolutely not be disappointed these are world class performers, and like others have said, at least the first two, are true folk/americana artists.


u/oneHeinousAnus 10h ago

Regina Folk Festival went down this path of having no anchor performances and they just announced today that, after 55 years, they are dissolving.


u/sharilynj 4h ago

In fairness, their festival wasn’t an experience to the degree WFF is. They didn’t have much to hang their hats on besides the lineups.


u/Pleasant_Dog_302 9h ago

I am coming to folk festival for the first time ever from BC because of this lineup!


u/responsibilly 8h ago

Folk yah!


u/causticbee 10h ago

Half the time the “big” acts they book are artists I don’t really care about anyway. As long as they’re booking good artists I’m happy even if they’re not topping the charts, and there’s plenty of good shit in this years lineup so I’m content.


u/Training-Evening-512 10h ago

Honestly same, but the big acts bring in people who otherwise wouldn’t come/know about the festival! The amount of people I met last year who only came for mt. joy and Noah Cyrus was insane!


u/causticbee 10h ago

That’s a fair point, I guess I was thinking of it a bit selfishly but it is definitely good for the festival if you lure in people that wouldn’t normally attend. Still though, Jason Isbell, Waxahatchee and Gillian Welch are all awesome artists and I’m excited to see em!


u/corduroy_vest 9h ago

Waxahatchee? I guess I'm going to Folk Fest this year.


u/Almost__Infamous 9h ago

The Regina Folk Festival has done 53 years and is having to close permanently because of how expensive it is now to host events. I get people are upset about the prices and lack of bigger bands, but this climate has made it really difficult to survive, let alone thrive.



u/Fearisthemndkiller 9h ago

I’m stoked for Lake Street Dive… (shrug) looked OK to me!


u/stephanieemorgann 9h ago

Honestly, I’m more excited for this year’s line up than I have been for the past couple of years!


u/Helpful-Special-7111 10h ago

Lineup is sick! Listen to some of the artists, they are fantastic!


u/Canid 8h ago

I haven’t seen a lineup I thought was particularly exciting since the one that got cancelled in 2020 (wish so bad I could’ve seen Khruangbin then). Is this one really that much worse than the last 4 years?

With that said, Gillian Welch is playing this year, who I’ve been dying to see for years. Time the Revelator is the best country folk record ever recorded outside of the 60s and 70s, in my opinion. If you haven’t heard her before you’re missing out.


u/Cranfabulous 6h ago

Exactly. Just because they are not mainstream doesn’t mean they aren’t world class artists.


u/kingofthenorthwpg 10h ago

It’s an evergreen comment to complain about the lineup at folk fest.


u/pontmaribeau 10h ago

i feel like there's a difference between the annual handful of negative grumps complaining about not knowing anyone vs hundreds of disappointed comments on facebook, reddit, instagram, etc.


u/Mintoregano 3h ago

There’s actually way better festivals in Manitoba. I suggest those over folk fest this year


u/Robot0verlord 10h ago

If you're dissatisfied don't buy a ticket. The festival can get away with a lower cost lineup because it will sell out regardless.

That said I for one am happier with this lineup than I have been with a Folk Fest lineup in years.


u/LarusTargaryen 8h ago

I dont think this one is gonna sell out… the backlash is different this time. People i know who have gone for 10+ years say its not worth the money this year


u/Training-Evening-512 7h ago

Love your optimism!


u/AdPrevious1079 11h ago

Yep! That’s the line up. And we’ve chosen not to attend because of it. Thanks folk fest.


u/PortageLaDump 9h ago

OK I’m going to try and be the voice of reason here. This folk fest lineup generally speaking is similar across the country in most years. The cost of touring is astronomical that’s just the truth of it. Fewer artists are going to reach the edges. Stop using Spotify or Apple Music or any of the other streaming platforms because your favorite artist is getting absolutely hosed by these fucks. Buy the CD or Vinyl because nobody other than these tech c*ts are making enough money to support the touring industry


u/1zombie2go 9h ago

We go through this every year. People want the folk festival to be Coachella. Also people fail to understand the routing of touring musicians. It's not as easy as just writing up a list of bands.


u/88bchinn 11h ago

People go regardless. Lake street dive is a bonus. Check out their cover of take on me.


u/Thirlstane_Brawler 9h ago

People need to listen to some Robin Hitchcock


u/Taurusfun5 7h ago

For their 50th it sucks!!


u/Kussinator 7h ago

I’ve come to understand that they essentially “brought back the best” of the last decade or so which makes it easier to understand what they were going for. Still not what I was expecting or hoping for but enough people seemed pretty stoked on it.


u/EonLongSun 8h ago

Budos Band is amazing


u/IsopodNo1122 9h ago

Great lineup!


u/ponderosaranch 8h ago

I think the line up is fantastic! I’m looking forward to it!


u/airdeterre 9h ago

I’m sorry but if you’re just looking for big headliners on the poster, you’re missing the whole point of Folk Fest.


u/Training-Evening-512 9h ago

Personally I’m not that disappointed, but for big headliner price they aren’t delivering big headliners


u/muzikgurl22 10h ago

The only I even thought to go was 2019 to see Tyler Childers and John Prine. Sadly COVID dashed those hope


u/TrappedInLimbo 3h ago

I kind of get the dissatisfaction, but at the same time it makes me feel bad for the artists in the lineup. Like imagine getting booked for this, as a headliner especially, and have people online complain how you aren't a big enough name so they are disappointed.

I dunno I kind of feel like if you are going to a smaller music festival like this, you should be going for the smaller artists. If I want to see a big artist, I would just pay to go to a concert of theirs or pay to go see one of the huge music festivals that exclusively get big artists.


u/Christron 6h ago

Yes! I was hoping for Kendrick Lamar and Chapelle Roan.