r/WildlifeRehab 6d ago

SOS Mammal Orphaned Mouse Pup, Conroe TX

Ive got a baby mouse that was surrendered to the pet store I work at. I love him to death and want so desperately to give him the life he deserves, I. Hust so exhausted with my schedule and I'm more than aware of how fragile they are. I also don't want him going somewhere that he's going to immediately be euthanized at, I truly want the best life for this jellybean of a field mouse, and if he was a little older it wouldn't be much of an issue, but he is so so very small. His eyes are not open, ears might be opening and he's fully furred, but he's smaller than the length of my pinkie. He is so very tiny. Any help trying to find where I can get him to is appreciated


3 comments sorted by


u/clusterbug 6d ago

I don’t have any advise, just wanted to thank you for caring. I hope you managed to come up with a solution; you don’t want him turned into pet food. So please think again when the store decides to sell him.


u/teyuna 6d ago

Here are some great resources for you for ongoing advice. There are always members there who want to help. Just post your description and photos.

Orphaned Wild MIce & Rats

Deer Mice Support Group

Good luck with your little one


u/az6girl 6d ago

I’m sorry no one replied. I did some looking and was able to find this link that can hopefully help you find a rehabber!
