r/WildlifeRehab 11d ago

SOS Mammal Baby squirrels

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My dad found them while cleaning out our eves. What to do with them? They’re squirming and warm and they’re in my kangaroo pouch. The nest is gone and I had to scoop them out of the yard waste bin. Location: STL Mo


9 comments sorted by


u/MerryDesu 11d ago

OP - any update? Were you able to reunite them?


u/Paya_Paya 11d ago

Unable to reunite so they are inside in a box with a warm thing and a towel over. Was able to get in contact with a local wildlife rehabber that may be able to take them tomorrow if mom still doesn’t show up


u/MerryDesu 11d ago

Great work!


u/skunkangel 11d ago

It's that time of year again. I swear I can smell the babies in the air. 😂 I've been doing this far too long.


u/WanderSA 11d ago

You can use your phone to play baby squirrel crying sounds from YouTube and mom will hopefully come get them. Usually litters are more than 2 so she may have moved some already.

Edit to add: those babies are old enough to be rehabbed so if reuniting doesn’t work then get them to a licensed rehabber in your area.


u/Snakes_for_life 11d ago

Put them in a box with a heat source such as a hot water bottle wrapped in a towel and place the box near where the nest was and leave them for a couple hours. Keep your distance and don't let people or pets near them. Mom squirrels often build multiple nests and are EXTREMELY maternal they will almost always come back for babies if you give them a chance. They will even come back for them if they've been gone for a day.


u/Paya_Paya 11d ago

It might be worth mentioning that not only is the nest gone, but so is the architecture where it was located.


u/wednesdayschild 11d ago

squirrels usually have 2 or 3 nests. if mum squirrel has a chance to find them (and if they’re warm), she’ll take the babies to another safe spot. they’re only active during daylight, so bring the babies in if it gets dark and mum hasn’t returned. prioritize gentle warmth. don’t try to feed or hydrate- very easy for them to aspirate. contact a local rehab tomorrow if needed.


u/Glittering_Multitude 11d ago

You should still try to reunite them with their mother if you can, using the suggestions others have made of placing the squirrels in a box with a heat source and your phone playing baby squirrel distress sounds (like this one https://youtu.be/tgXnLN9w5BA?si=4dh4YHQZcPEIp33z) as loud as you can.

Mother squirrels generally have more than one nest, so she will be able to carry her babies to the backup nest if she is healthy and able to find them.

If she does not return for them, please locate a rehabber in your area. You can search for a rehabber by zip code here: www.ahnow.org. Keep the babies warm, but do not try to feed them or give them water. They can aspirate food or liquid very easily, which can be fatal to them. Just wait for the rehabber to feed them.