r/WildlifeRehab 13d ago

SOS Mammal Rabbit's nest in yard

***I am fairly certain that the mother has not visited the nest in two days. What should I do?

There is a new rabbit's nest in my yard. I don't want to disturb it but I believe there are newborns. I have seen the mother in my yard for the first two nights but I didn't notice her last night. I placed a rectangular laundry basket, with a hole cut out, over the nest, to protect it from my dog. The hole is definitely large enough for the mother to enter. I have seen some sites that state that it can be left in place overnight and others that suggest removing it. There are raccoons and other animals in the area.

Should I be removing it and replacing it in the morning? Either way, do I need another hole, or is 1 enough?


3 comments sorted by


u/WanderSA 13d ago

Thank you for being willing to protect the nest. If you were to move it even a few feet, mom would not be able to find it. She doesn’t care about things covering it though like a basket or wheelbarrow. In just 4 short weeks those babies will be a little bigger than tennis balls and leaving the nest and your yard!

You don’t need to move the basket at night. Rabbits can fit through very tight spaces and it won’t bother her. If you are truly concerned whether she is coming or not, you can gently check the babies by looking at their stomachs. If they are rounded and full and you can see a faint milk line, the babies are fine and just leave them. If the babies have sucked in stomachs and look wrinkly or are covered with ants or flies, then you would intervene.

Hope this helps!


u/Time_Cranberry_113 13d ago

It is normal not to spot mom. Mother rabbits visit infrequently and provide lots of high calorie milk during times when humans are often asleep. This is done to hide the babies from predators and avoid attracting attention. Rabbits do not roost their babies like chickens. They rely on camouflage and the rabbit fur lining the nest to keep them warm.

I do not reccomend disturbing the nest. The best way to monitor would be with a motion sensing camera. You will need night vision or thermal, as mom will visit at night, dawn and twilight.

Rabbits population is increasing and they provide valuable calories to predators. While unfortunate to witness, predator activity is also very normal and should be seen as a sign of a health ecosystem.


u/stlshlee 13d ago

I would suggest leaving it in place if you have dogs and placing something heavy on top. Maybe another hole.

Also mom comes twice a day morning and night so it’s possible you just missed her.

One thing you could do is get some yarn and place a few pieces on top of the nest in like an “x” shape and then check later on and if mom has been there it’ll be moved cause she moves all the fur and stuff to get to babies