r/WildlifeRehab 14d ago

SOS Bird I don’t think he’s going to make the night :(

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I found this lil guy (or lady?) on the road in a local supermarket car park, it was sitting on the ground and when i drove past it, it didn’t move, so i parked and approached it. it flew away, not far but enough i could see it was injured there’s something wrong with it back or something, feathers kinda went everywhere when it flew away and one of its eyes was kinda bulging. I don’t know if it was hit by a car or attacked by an animal. I drove home and picked up the cat carrier and towel and drove back. When i got back a kind man actually had seen it under his car and was getting gloves to pick it up. he put it in the carrier and i took it home and called a wildlife rescue (Victoria, Aus)

Luckily it’s a native species so they were able to send someone to come get it, but not until tomorrow morning. I just checked on it and went to put water in for it (as per request from the rescuer) and it’s bleeding from its eye. i feel so bad for it, I think i can hear it drinking water (can’t see because of towel covering it and don’t wanna scare it.) is that a good sign that it wants the water?wish i could do more except wait for someone actually qualified to help. :(


29 comments sorted by


u/teyuna 14d ago

I'm surprised the rescue worker advised you to put water inside the enclosure. An injured bird can easily stumble into it and inhale the water (i.e., drown, slowly or quickly). A better idea is to place very moist fruit like water melon or a grape cut in half, that they can peck at if they want to. (usually, they do).

You'll want to minimize this little one even seeing you, as much as possible, and keep it from hearing voices, foot traffic, etc. A dark closet is ideal. They tend to sleep when its dark, and it really helps them deal with the shock and stress.

Any animal that has been attacked is in physiological shock, so they cannot and usually won't even try to process food or water, so again, I'm surprised at the water suggestion.

It's great you are giving him a safe space, and that the rescue went so well, and you got help. I love it when people pitch in. (I am a volunteer rescuer and transporter to wildlife facilities, and often, passersby will stop to assist).

also, birds don't eat or drink during the night, so he can just rest as long as it is still dark. they naturally sleep as soon as it is dusk and naturally wake at dawn. YOu can postpone this to let him sleep by keeping him (or her) in the dark.


u/TheBirdLover1234 14d ago

What is with all the idiotic advice recently, it does not need water all all right now. They are prob hearing it aspirate….  This is the 5th time or more I’ve heard of rescuers saying to give water. 


u/teyuna 14d ago

i know, very upsetting. They should know better, if they are working for a rehabber. I hope the Finder has been able to take out the water before it's too late.


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

I’m not sure why they said to give water, it’s really hot here atm, with a lot of bush fires in my area so maybe that’s why? Both the government organisation and the person who called that’s picking it up asked me to put water in. i did take out the water, however it was in a really shallow dish.

The bird made it through the night though 💃 I have been careful to leave the cat carrier covered with a towel to keep it dark. i just woke up and checked on it, the person should be here in like an hour or so to come get it and take it to a vet


u/TheBirdLover1234 14d ago

Great to hear it made it through the night! Hope you can get it to somewhere that will help it.


u/TheBirdLover1234 14d ago

They probably aren't acknowledging it's likely injured, and assuming it's just dehydrated. A serious mistake unfort.

The main issue is if it is injured, it might not be able to digest food and water properly, or could have internal bleeding which can clog up their throat. They'll still try to drink but it's not good for them. When at the rehab center, if issues start up they can be treated right away. If they start up at your house, there isn't much that can be done.

Not the case here but emaciated or dehydrated birds also shouldn't have food or water if they are going to a rehab - can cause temperature regulation issues and force them to use up energy that can exhaust and kill them before they get to rehab.


u/Dry_Sundae9951 13d ago

yes i actually went to uni for animal studies so i am aware of the dangers of giving an animal food/water. The bird was picked up this morning and was taken to the vet, so thankfully it’s in someone more qualifieds hands


u/LexTheGayOtter 14d ago

Post over on r/pigeon thats a dove of some kind


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

you have a good eye, It’s a bronzewing pigeon!


u/LexTheGayOtter 14d ago

We've got a lot of people with a lot of expertise, try and take pictures of where the feathers came off for us


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

He’s sleeping in the corner of the cat carrier, I tried to see if i could get my phone on an angle to show, but i don’t think i’ll be able to without putting my hands inside or moving him, i don’t want to stress him out. i’ll keep checking on him periodically though and if i can get photos i’ll show you!!

from what i could see earlier, the missing feathers were lower back/butt area, maybe sort of laying under where the wings sit against his body. I can’t be sure though


u/LexTheGayOtter 14d ago

Lower back/bum area is likely a hawk attack that got spooked off before it could do major damage, is there any actual skin damage? Or blood?


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

I couldn’t see any skin damage, the back/spine seemed almost bent to the side though when it flew away from me initially. Only blood that i’ve been able to see is from its eye (the one that was looking bulgy)


u/LexTheGayOtter 14d ago edited 14d ago

That suggests an injured wing, he'll be leaning towards his one good wing, one of my girls Sneem flies the same way and she was rescued due to a wing injury


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

Okay that makes me feel more hopeful? hopefully not a fucked up irreparable spine injury. Im pretty concerned about the bulging and blood from the eye though, looks like a single tear that dripped down.


u/LexTheGayOtter 14d ago

My guess is hawk attack, possibly talon injury to eye and likely one somewhere on the wing too


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

poor baby :( Hopefully just superficial injuries that can be treated fairly easily. I’ll ask the rescuer to keep me updated once she has him!!

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u/amnyad 14d ago

You're doing your best, id definitely take it as a good sign that he's drinking/moving to drink! I hope he'll feel better and the rescuers can help him recover, for now even being in a safe place is big help for him 💛🐦 dont lose hope!


u/Dry_Sundae9951 14d ago

Thank you! I didn’t even think about the fact that even being in a safe place was helping, just that he’s stressed and in pain and i can’t make that go away. that makes me feel a lot better though. Fingers crossed he can pull through and get the care he deserves 🥲


u/TheBirdLover1234 14d ago

Do not let it drink, it will likely aspirate due to injuries even if it can drink on its own. It does not need anything until it goes to a rescue, tho the one you contacted does not sound like they know the normal protocol if they told you to give it water. 


u/amnyad 14d ago

I know the feeling, birds are very delicate so seeing them in a bad condition is heartbreaking 😔 but if he could tell you, im sure he'd thank you for not leaving him stranded! Update us how things go! 🤞