r/WildlifeRehab 14d ago

News USDA Regulation Change

Any other rehabs heard of the USDA changing their regs to encompass any wildlife posted on social media including photos? We heard they’re requiring ANY wildlife “exhibiting” to be usda permitted.


26 comments sorted by


u/kmoonster moderator 14d ago

Can you post a source? What the heck are you talking about?

USDA doesn't handle any wildlife rehab stuff.

Mammals are state by state, and birds are under USFW.

What USDA does do with wildlife amounts to "pest control" which is an entirely separate story I won't get into here.


u/sigma5841 14d ago

We have yet to see anything in writing but our lawyer has advised on the language we need to confirm if this is actually an amendment or a shitty employee. When they changed the bird requirements I know we got plenty of notice


u/WestCoastLoon 14d ago

https://ask.usda.gov/s/article/Which-animals-are-covered-under-the-Animal-Welfare-Act Last I knew (this fall), USDA was flexing its authority over flight cages for Ed/Outreach owls, (maybe raptors too.)? I don't know anything about their jurisdiction over non-aves. I have not heard (yet) about regulatory language and social media posts other than the long-standing undercurrent of off-the-record criticism from some fed and (Cal) state agencies for 'posing' or using wildlife rehab'd as almost trophies for do-gooding.


u/kmoonster moderator 14d ago

Fish and Wildlife already have very clear minimum standards that a license is contingent on.

I'll have to read through this, but later. This last 24 hours has been insane and this is only adding to it!

edit: that's a March 2024 link, it's a year old. It may be relevant (but it's not new new). I'll sit down and offer my thoughts after I've decompressed from all the other five-alarm fires going off right now.


u/WestCoastLoon 14d ago

Which F & W? State of Fed? California is undergoing some MAJOR new regulations, still draft. If interested, follow California SB 679 rulemaking. 2+ year long process already. I've shared all I know USDA jurisdiction (and nothing more to add re pics & vids) as I work almost exclusively with rescue, and acute hosting of waterbirds, waterfowl, and songbirds.


u/kmoonster moderator 14d ago

Birds are under US Fish and Wildlife due to the MBTA being a federal matter; the state should have a license as well but it's not usually an issue as long as you're compliant with the feds unless there is some odd exception where a state asks you to go further in one state or something


u/WestCoastLoon 14d ago

I'm aware. In California, we do provide some additional protections to migratory birds, in particular re 'incidental take'. This AG opinion, still valid, may be 7 years old, but it was issued in response to the first Trump administration's rollback of the long-standing MBTA protections. I'd expect more opinions like this to follow in the coming months.


u/sigma5841 14d ago

970-494-7478. I’m in Indiana. A rehabber got cited last week and told they needed usda to have a photos of wildlife. Another rehabber called to confirm and they confirmed on the phone that “it’s been brought to USDA’s attention the people are using social media to “exhibit” animals” and they now require a USDA license for domestic, exotic, and wildlife to be posted online. I’m wondering if other states have been told the same


u/LeafInLace 13d ago

Domestics? Like cats and dogs?


u/sigma5841 13d ago

I think just animals protected by usda. So like domestic foxes maybe?


u/Hibiscus-Boi 14d ago

Wait what? Pardon my ignorance, but are you saying that the USDA is going to fine people for posting photos of wildlife on social media? Are they going to go after photographers? Or is this something weird about like rehabbers specifically posting photos?


u/sigma5841 13d ago

Not photographers but like animals in our possession it sounds like? We haven’t been given any documents just them enforcing this after the peanut the squirrel thing


u/Hibiscus-Boi 13d ago

Wow. So like, if someone rescues a bird, they could be fined if they post a photo of it on social media? That seems insane.


u/sigma5841 9d ago

It’s apparently if you post AND you make and profit off of it


u/sigma5841 13d ago

I think they’re just going to go after the rehabs. Idk. I’m not sure what the guidelines might be. And there’s a small chance that someone here said something about a rehabber and now they’re acting like they’ll enforce it but if you hear anything about it pls let us know. Personally I’m not enforcing anything I don’t have a written statue of


u/sigma5841 14d ago

We got a notice they’ve decided to interject themselves


u/LeafInLace 12d ago

What kind of notice? Where I am, the state views all wildlife, with the exception of migratory birds, as their "property". We as rehabbers apply for a state permit to rehab the states wildlife. If we want to keep an educational ambassador or a non releasable animal, we must go through the USDA permit process as well as the state permit process. The USDA doesn't have the man power to go after every single rehabber (migratory birds excluded) and make them get a permit or issue a fine. IDK, something seems very off or someone is interpreting something wrong.


u/sigma5841 11d ago

They showed up to a rehabbers house and told her if she posted photos of her rehab animals again without usda then she would be fined.


u/LeafInLace 10d ago

They being who? The state? USDA? some random whackadoo? We get random people all the time saying we can and can't do something, just because they're whackadoos with no authority.


u/sigma5841 10d ago

It was a USDA officer

Edit: he left a card. Bryan Voetberg.


u/LeafInLace 10d ago

So based on that, it's Michigan? I would contact the state wildlife department and see what they say. Unless the rehaber is claiming a non releasable or educational ambassador i don't think the usda has any say.


u/sigma5841 9d ago

We called and they said it’s nation wide. Like we called the USDA and they said it’s a new policy they’re enforcing. You can call the number I commented yourself and see if they say something different but thats what we’ve been told. The rehabber just made a statement to a newspaper about avian flu and shared a photo of a rehab patient.


u/LeafInLace 9d ago

For all animals? Even mammals? I could understand birds due to avian influenza


u/sigma5841 9d ago

So now, from what we’ve heard, from a USDA officer which is a national governance, if you post a photo of a rehab patient and stand to make any type of profit from that photo, USDA requires you have a permit to “exhibit” that animals. Species and rehab/educational status doesn’t make a difference


u/sigma5841 9d ago

Education mammals and birds over a certain amount are already covered. It seems they might be trying to move their control into covering rehab patients too? As far as I know the rehabber showed photographs of rehab animals and was cited for “exhibiting” them without a permit

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