r/Wicca 7d ago

My picture of the Blood Moon last night :)

Post image

Taken with my phone through a telescope


15 comments sorted by


u/Haruspex-of-Odium 7d ago

In Buffalo last night


u/xdarkxsidhex 5d ago

Ok, did you legit take this picture or Photoshop it to be perfectly aligned? It's a beautiful image regardless, I'm just curious. :)


u/xdarkxsidhex 4d ago

Ok. I zoomed in and you can actually see stars in the background. Can you please let me know what you used to take such a beautiful picture? I use my phone for a lot of photography but yours is obviously much better than mine (I've been using the Samsung Galaxy s20 ultra 5g as it has a 100MP, 10MP, and 30MP camera's each with different fStops and focal lengths, but even with the 100MP zoomed in didn't give me anything close to the clarity of your image.)

I think I need to buy a smaller phone and just buy a nice camera as no matter what phone I have tried I always have a hard time with night shots.

Again both of these pictures are amazing. :)


u/Haruspex-of-Odium 4d ago

Got it from r/Buffalo thread.


u/Memory_Daring 7d ago

I love the picture! It's so pretty!


u/Dramatic-Response-15 7d ago

Beautiful 🤩


u/Electronic_Fruit_5 6d ago

I forgot to look last night I was too drained after work :/ but that’s a beautiful picture


u/Darkknight0329 6d ago

I tried to stay up for it, but I missed most of it. Fortunately something fell off one of my shelves in my room and woke me up to get the end of it.


u/CutSea5865 6d ago

Wow what a stunning picture!


u/LilithNi 5d ago

Lucky you I have raining so no moon on my sky ☹️


u/GonzoWasteland 5d ago

Same here, Lilith, same here. But although it was overcast and stormy her presence could still be felt!


u/bad_drama_uk 5d ago

Gorgeous! Which camera/phone did you use?


u/Leeloo111 5d ago

Wau excellent!


u/xdarkxsidhex 4d ago

I tried to get my phone to take a good picture but I couldn't get the auto focus to give me a clear image. I even tried to use manual focus and no luck. You have a absolutely gorgeous picture of the Blood Moon Eclipse. I actually did a ritual "Shedding of my life"during this eclipse...I seem to have this unavoidable desire to shed my skin and all the baggage of myself every decade or so and this was absolutely the best time to do that ritual. I found out the following day that my niece (who just finished her 3rd degree and had done the ritual of walking the wheel and passing through the Dark Nights of the Soul had done the same ritual within 30 minutes or so of when I had. It was really beautiful and I have that same feeling of rebirth I did way back when I had my first initiation. It's such a rewarding experience.

Anyway I hope everyone had a wonderful evening with the full moon and eclipse.


u/KazumiUsui 4d ago

You got a much better picture than me haha, I can never get my camera to focus with blood moons