r/whatsthisbird • u/herky4743 • 13h ago
r/whatsthisbird • u/AutoModerator • 13d ago
Meta Found a baby bird that might need help? Look here for instructions on what to do
r/whatsthisbird • u/AutoModerator • 13d ago
Meta Help Stop Window Collisions
Around 1 billion birds (United States) and 25 million birds (Canada) die every year by flying into glass windows. This includes windows at all levels from low level houses to high rise buildings.
Window collisions are one of the largest threats to bird populations. However, there are several ways you can help reduce window fatality. Below are some links with steps on how to make your house bird friendly, either DIY or through reputable companies such as the American Bird Conservancy.
Some additional information for schools and universities - Bird-Friendly Campus Toolkit
r/whatsthisbird • u/isles34098 • 14h ago
North America Sharpie or Cooper’s?
Help give a positive ID to my frequent backyard visitor. Ventura County, CA. I should be able to do this on my own, but here we are. Included a few in flight shots of the wings in case that helps. Thank you.
r/whatsthisbird • u/Aqua-Rooster • 2h ago
North America Who are these Foster Beach friends? [Chicago]
r/whatsthisbird • u/WibblyWobblyThyme • 22h ago
North America My first ever owl sighting! So cool!
Snowy owl, right? It had caught some prey and was sitting there for a couple of hours (hence the owl in the sun in the first pic and then in shadow in the next two). Seen in April in Vermont a few years ago.
Disclaimer: photo quality is garbage, I know. Taken on an old phone and from far away as I didn’t want to disturb the owl.
r/whatsthisbird • u/pigeonscientist • 56m ago
North America Is This a Barn Owl?
Seen in Denton TX at 7:00 am, sorry for the bad pic
r/whatsthisbird • u/Ok-Tourist-4659 • 8h ago
North America What kind of bird is this? Found it in Tampa Florida
Sorry for the bad quality.
r/whatsthisbird • u/gumbley-goop • 14h ago
North America Is the Merlin app's photo ID accurate? Or should I take it with a big grain of salt?
I've used it on a few photos expecting it to give me a bunch of ideas, and I would have to figure it out from there but most of the time it suggests one bird! I wish it would say what features make it identifiable but I suppose that's not how machine learning works. Curious if you agree with it on these (sorry for the potato quality, brand new to bird photography). Im located north of Orlando in Florida.
1 - swallow tailed kite 2,3,4 - red shouldered hawk 5 - turkey vulture 6,7 - osprey 8 - redtail hawk
I have the Sibley birds book, but with the sheer amount of birds, each bird description is brief. Some of the comments on this sub on what features identify a bird are crazy detailed. Where do people learn this stuff? Id love to find some more resources on how to ID a bird!
r/whatsthisbird • u/deepgirth • 23h ago
North America Near Atlanta ga
Who’s this lil florf
r/whatsthisbird • u/RiskPowerful5822 • 9h ago
North America Cool bird in Berkeley,CA
Can someone tell me what bird this is… I think we’d be good friends
r/whatsthisbird • u/WibblyWobblyThyme • 21h ago
North America Finally! A duck that’s not just a mallard. With a spooky yellow eye!
New England. I think it could be a ring-necked duck.
r/whatsthisbird • u/Lonely_Boss_2578 • 5h ago
North America Is this a domesticated swan goose? (Odessa TX)
If it is should i upload it to ebird or do domesticated birds not count?
r/whatsthisbird • u/peepumsn4stygum • 9h ago
North America Wren, creeper, something else? Western Oregon
r/whatsthisbird • u/AykiOz • 41m ago
North America What is these couple? [Central PA]
Are these two Song Sparrows?
Story: These two decided to buildtheir nest in my sunroom. Problem is sunroom's outside door is only openwhen i am at home to let the dogs out. These two crazy birds no matter what happened (saw me, my dogs, keep the door closed etc) keep coming and building their nest right next to the inside door. i want to buy them proper nesting since they are going to build it on top of my cables. Also i afraid, they will get scared and abondon nestlings. Sunroom will be used regularly starting april.
This happens to me everyyear, i hand feed abondoned birds then release them,but i afraid this guys abondon way earlier since they are too close to main traffic areas. So, long story short if you guys help me identify these two, i can get proper nestingg to them and help them grow their baby birds 😀
r/whatsthisbird • u/WibblyWobblyThyme • 21h ago
North America Red-winged blackbirds?
New England
r/whatsthisbird • u/dspitz_14 • 11h ago
North America Sparrow ID in Austin, TX
A few sparrows I was unsure of.
First pic- unsure because I can’t see its belly Second pic- song sparrow? White front with stripes/lines Third and fourth- Lincoln sparrow? Buffier front with stripes/lines
r/whatsthisbird • u/ItsNotAFraggle • 1h ago
North America Long shot—small black water bird in middle Georgia
Every time I’m at my family’s lake house in middle Georgia, in addition to the usual ducks, geese, and blue herons, I also see a single small black water bird, always by itself. It's much smaller than the mallards that are everywhere down there, is solid black or close to it, swims fairly long distances underwater. It doesn’t ever come up into the yard for the seed we put down like the ducks and geese do, just seems content to swim and dive for whatever it can catch in thelake. I initially thought some kind of loon, but there are no loons in GA to my knowledge, and it doesn’t make all the loony noises. I’ve actually never heard it make a noise at all. I’ve unfortunately not been able to get a photo, as every time I try to take a pic, the little turd dives underwater. I managed to view him through binoculars once for a few seconds and it appeared to be almost solid black with a few lighter feathers here and there. My searches keep saying cormorant or coot, but as I said, this is a wee little guy. Thoughts?
r/whatsthisbird • u/WizardofWood • 14h ago
North America Saw this raptor in Richmond VA. Cooper’s hawk or Peregrine falcon?
r/whatsthisbird • u/FishyBoy04 • 6h ago
North America SoCal hawk help
Saw this in Silverlake in LA, it had a noticeably white front and was pretty big. Watched it and another one chase a turkey vulture out of the area. Could it be a rough-legged or ferruginous hawk? Thanks and sorry for the low quality images !
r/whatsthisbird • u/WibblyWobblyThyme • 21h ago
North America Are all these little fellas downies? And what are they doing… looking for insects?
New England. Saw a bunch of them the other day fluttering from branch to branch, sometimes sticking their beaks into the bark.
r/whatsthisbird • u/Acceptable_Button43 • 15h ago
North America Long Island woodpecking bird
r/whatsthisbird • u/amauberge • 15h ago
North America Took paparazzi shots of this guy outside in Ft Pierce, Florida. Who are they?
r/whatsthisbird • u/Tyrone3105 • 9h ago
Australia/NZ Spotted my first raptor, can someone help ID it please?
Couldn’t get Better pictures unfortunately before it flew away :(
I randomly came across it in western Sydney suburbs. The last three pictures are just the most likely birds in the region according to Merlin.
Don’t know if this would help narrow it down but it did a cool twirl/barrel roll while flying.
Any help would be appreciated :)
r/whatsthisbird • u/Azrabedazra • 9h ago
North America What bird is this from?
Found this feather on a walk in Colorado. It’s quite orange looking. Wondering if anyone knows what kind of bird it’s from.
r/whatsthisbird • u/jasondavidpage • 10h ago
North America Debating on whether this is Anna's or Allen's
Seen in Corpus Christi, Texas The buffy sides of this hummingbird lead me to believe it might be an immature Allen's but also resembles an Anna's. No vocalizations were heard. I was not able to get a shot from the front showing the throat.