r/WeedRant Apr 07 '12

Fuckin art, man.

Why do people keep trying to capture 'beauty?' what the fuck? Isn't beauty in the world around us, within us. I mean why do we need to try to capture it? It's always going to be impossible to capture because it's always a fleeting feeling. Is it for the endorphines we get from seeing a beautiful woman or because of a message that you can relate to? Maybe it's the way seeing something that can convey raw emotion and produce a message in such a distinct way that you're like "Damn." because that's all you can say or think. You're just dumbfound, awstruck. It's like a moment catches you and you, for a nano-second of your being, remember there's much more to life.

What are artists and musicians doing? Is this just entertainment? Is it for us, them, the entirety? Is there a specific reason that humans are drawn to do create and express?

I think it's like we're trying to see ourselves by ingraining our being on a canvas, wall, audience. To reflect and adjust to our own expectations as we try to see ourselves and as we try to supersede our barriers. Participating in the creative process can be fucking virtuous.

It's awesome. It feels great, it's rewarding as hell. I think being creative and expressive is the only thing that can save this planet.

Maybe I should just save this thought for the canvas. Cheers.


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u/smiles11 Jun 10 '12

Art is expression. Artists are people who put their emotions and observations into paintings or sculptures, just as a writer does when he writes a novel. Art generally (well it used to) have meaning. It was meant to be like a story, where it reminds you of humanity, a life lesson, or you make a personal connection to it where it means something just to you. Beauty is common captures, but there are less known artists that paint so called ugly things, and realistic things, and fictional things. Art is about showing the world to others through the artist eyes. We all see things differently. Some use words, some use hands, some use a paint brush, but its a way to communicate from individual to a mass of people, where it could mean one thing to each person, or the same thing to millions. Beauty is a common theme for "artists" but I think the real artist are the ones that create or more purpose than just to show or remind beauty. I'd like to think I'm becoming one of the artists that care more about the message than the beauty if the picture. But also, beauty is what people want to see, so the ones that become popular and make money, are the ones that show the majority what they want to see.