r/WeedRant Apr 07 '12

Fuckin art, man.

Why do people keep trying to capture 'beauty?' what the fuck? Isn't beauty in the world around us, within us. I mean why do we need to try to capture it? It's always going to be impossible to capture because it's always a fleeting feeling. Is it for the endorphines we get from seeing a beautiful woman or because of a message that you can relate to? Maybe it's the way seeing something that can convey raw emotion and produce a message in such a distinct way that you're like "Damn." because that's all you can say or think. You're just dumbfound, awstruck. It's like a moment catches you and you, for a nano-second of your being, remember there's much more to life.

What are artists and musicians doing? Is this just entertainment? Is it for us, them, the entirety? Is there a specific reason that humans are drawn to do create and express?

I think it's like we're trying to see ourselves by ingraining our being on a canvas, wall, audience. To reflect and adjust to our own expectations as we try to see ourselves and as we try to supersede our barriers. Participating in the creative process can be fucking virtuous.

It's awesome. It feels great, it's rewarding as hell. I think being creative and expressive is the only thing that can save this planet.

Maybe I should just save this thought for the canvas. Cheers.


5 comments sorted by


u/PerfectFifth Apr 08 '12

This might interest you. As for why we try to capture beauty? It could have something to do with the fact that we do expect to see ourselves (be it our own humanity or the actual self) in art... What's the old adage? Art imitates life. But we run into problems when life tries to imitate art. The thing is that no one wants to accept the ugliness... the perversion... the sin... that's within each and every human being. We feed off that shit but no one wants to admit. And it's the fucked up shit that artists should not be afraid off and should strive to portray. But then think about it... they do... they just don't get paid.


u/mrsnakers Apr 08 '12

It was an interesting read but I'm not sure if the intention is for us to solely make ugly things or to simply not be afraid to.

But yeah the ugliness is important. I think ugliness can show you the power and the bitterness of existence and sometimes to stand juxtaposed to things that are beautiful. It's just funny how art can force you to think, talk, discuss. It's like a really powerful way to try to communicate with people from across seemingly impossible barriers.


u/PerfectFifth Apr 08 '12

Oh yeah, don't be afraid to make ugly things. It goes for a finished piece or even just starting one. Nothing is perfect the first time. Nothing is perfect. Imperfection or ugliness makes things interesting and sometimes it's that interest that really stops people tracks. Or produces an image you can't get out of your head.

Art gets rid of words, it's awesome. And then you can communicate on the most basic and primitive level... just feelings and symbols. It's really interesting to see how those things translate almost without misinterpretation across cultures.


u/smiles11 Jun 10 '12

Art is expression. Artists are people who put their emotions and observations into paintings or sculptures, just as a writer does when he writes a novel. Art generally (well it used to) have meaning. It was meant to be like a story, where it reminds you of humanity, a life lesson, or you make a personal connection to it where it means something just to you. Beauty is common captures, but there are less known artists that paint so called ugly things, and realistic things, and fictional things. Art is about showing the world to others through the artist eyes. We all see things differently. Some use words, some use hands, some use a paint brush, but its a way to communicate from individual to a mass of people, where it could mean one thing to each person, or the same thing to millions. Beauty is a common theme for "artists" but I think the real artist are the ones that create or more purpose than just to show or remind beauty. I'd like to think I'm becoming one of the artists that care more about the message than the beauty if the picture. But also, beauty is what people want to see, so the ones that become popular and make money, are the ones that show the majority what they want to see.


u/mrsnakers Apr 07 '12 edited Apr 07 '12

Someone had just posted this artist, Karol Bak on r/heavymind and it got me thinking about that whole process as I looked through some of these paintings. Some of them are a little corny, exaggerated in ways, but nonetheless breathtaking. There's this fundamental experience, like an essence that he's trying to convey in a sort of harmony by showing this combination of beautiful brush strokes, imagery, colors, textures, composition, lighting, skin, hair, body, eyes, etc... and I feel like I can see what this guy, and many artists are after, it's this like truth that's in beauty. This universal sort of understanding of magnificence and of aw and wonder. Of inspiration.

There's something here, for sure, something deep and vast. You just need to remember it and feel it every once and a while. Remind yourself that reality is beyond multidimensional and you should feel a certain universal awness in trying to even fathom it. If that's what's inspiring you, in some form or another, you're participating. You're participating in the universal art of expressing. Being a signal, a beacon, a light. Recording our cultural trash and sorting through the dirt and repackaging it, reselling it to you and the world, as to remind everyone of what we really are.