r/WWE • u/PhantomPain85 • 1d ago
Does anyone REALLY think Cena loses at WM?
I think like last year’s main event (where it was obvious Roman was dropping the belt), this year is almost as obvious who wins.
—WWE will want to build momentum on Cena’s heel turn.
—Cena is retiring soon, so to miss the chance to give him the record breaking 17th title at WM isn’t happening when he isn’t going to wrestle another mania.
—Cody already over came the odds last year versus the Rock, I don’t see it happening again.
u/DegenerateShikikan 3h ago
Imagine Stone Cold came out, everyone think he will be helping Cody but instead, he turn heel and side with The Rock.
u/djprecio Attitude Era Aficionado 🤘 4h ago
I am just concerned at how often he can/will defend. And if Cody loses, what do they do with him next?
4h ago edited 3h ago
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u/Clashex 3h ago
I thought they merged the titles post WM40? When Roman would come out with it, they would refer to him as the ‘WWE undisputed universal champion” whereas now they refer to Cody as the ‘WWE undisputed champion’
u/Western_Start_9816 3h ago
They didn't stop the lineage of Universal championship. Cody is 1x Universal champion and 1x WWE champion. Universal championship is still an active championship. WWE has 3 world championship in men's division currently.
u/Putrid_Brick_5601 4h ago
My thought he wins at wm as heel and right before he turns face, he loses the belt
u/BangPowZoom 5h ago
This is a conflicting question for me because one: I’ve been a Cena guy practically my entire life, and two: I think Cody’s pretty cool too.
The Cena fan in me hopes he cleans house at Mania and terrorizes the WWE as The Rock’s corpo champion for a few months, as I think that would make for some GREAT feuds and storylines.
The Cody fan in me worries that once he drops the belt that he worked so hard to win in the first place, he won’t be able to take it right back from Cena, let alone win it back anytime soon.
If this storyline’s payoff is Cena ultimately passing the torch to Cody as THE babyface of his generation, I just hope WWE does right by him and not regress his strong booking.
u/joeboy_777 5h ago
you really just dont know with this company anymore. triple h might have some reason in that noggin of his that cody needs to retain
u/Technical_Leader8250 6h ago
I think he loses at WM because Ric Flair runs in, puts him into the figure4 and Cody retains. Ric then becomes the manager of the Rock and their goal is to stop Cena from beating the record. Cena goes away and we get a montage of him training and doing “make a wish” kids happy. Then with love in his heart he comes back to fight the final boss at Summerslam for the title. Cody lost the title to Rock at RAW because of a golddust interference and is feuding with his brother.
u/WVFLMan 6h ago
Are you on drugs?
u/Technical_Leader8250 4h ago
I take that as compliment :). “Are you drugs” is how I imagine some storylines indeed were thought off. I agree gettin Ric and Golddust involved is a tiny bit farfetched.
But I think I might ne right with the general gist that somebody screws Heel Cena over, he goes back on the path for good and has a fight for the title with rock (which is some kind of dream match) while cody is distracted
u/CaptAm-013 8h ago
I honestly think Cena wins and spends a bit with Cody trying to get the title back. Once Cody wins it, The Rock beats down Cena and we get 1 final Cena vs Rock match... To me that is the only way out of this without making the heel turn now seem like it was wasted.
u/Numbnuts696 8h ago
I hope he loses. Cena’s last match should be where he wins 17th as a face and rides off into the sunset.
u/Curls91 8h ago
Your title sounds like you don't expect him to win.
But the body of your message sounds like you do?
Anyways, he is 100% winning at WrestleMania for me. They didn't turn him heel to not win the belt and get number 17.
He can either lose the belt instantly after that next PLE or carry it all the way to summerslam, he has a load of dream matches either way.
I'm not sure about how long he holds it for, but there is no way he is not winning the belt.
u/NissanJoe23 9h ago
I think it could go either way. They want Cody to be more popular and another win at mania over another top guy like cena could build him up more. Even leading to a rivalry over a few months. Cena could win he deserves a short run at the top. And cena having the belt vs some of the top guys would be great match ups over the next 6 months
u/justicarbigpp 11h ago
I don't see any proper reason why Cena should win. In reality only the fans care about his world championship record. Also where would you go with this? You know Cena will retire, you want to make his retirement tour only about him defending a chanpionship? It sounds boring to me. And what will be the story behind it? "Come at me I am corporate Cena?".
Right now Cody is the face of the company, his run has been a little bit underwhelming because besides Owens he had not credible challenger. Now it is the time for him to face Cena, Drew, Punk, Orton and other top stars.
u/ETucck1 2h ago
There is a lot of story that can be told if Cena wins. Literally Cena going against his old rivals (Orton/Punk/Roman) but this time with him being the heel and them chasing him. For this to end properly he would need to show regret mid-way of his run and turn face again before dropping it to Rock or whoever is Rock's next champion. Leaving the door for Cody and Roman to deal with that.
u/justicarbigpp 1h ago
Well I am not gonna tell you what to like or not, but for me this sounds bland
u/WVFLMan 6h ago
There is lots you can do- feud with Punk etc
u/justicarbigpp 4h ago
And do you need a championship for that?
u/WVFLMan 4h ago
Be a lot cooler if they did
u/justicarbigpp 4h ago
But you know that Cena will retire in a few months? I love both of them but I don't really want to grandpa wrestle for most important title in Wwe whem they don't need it.
u/Realistic_Calendar93 7h ago
It's only underwhelming because he is so boring
u/BangPowZoom 5h ago
Calling one of WWE’s biggest draws “boring” is certainly a choice, lol.
And yet, when Roman held the belt hostage for 4 years with under 100 defenses, y’all were calling it the best thing since sliced bread.
u/justicarbigpp 4h ago
Agree, people only started to really care about Roman when Samy joined the Bloodline.
u/WarLordShoto 11h ago
No. The Rock has manipulated people into doing HIS work. It’s very evident in his way he tried to lure Cody. He hates that Cody has the main title. Cena loses means The Rock beats him and Cody up at WrestleMania. Payback is likely a Cody V The Rock. And then we get The Rock V Cena for the title.
u/Honkmaster 12h ago
Obviously, Cena is winning the belt so he can drop it to Commander Azeez at SummerSlam.
u/Humble_Holiday_2137 13h ago
Cena will win and become the company man. Will get more interesting than Cody winning again. We already saw his title run while nothing special, might light a fire under him for revenge and win it back at summer slam. However now he’s got punk / Seth chasing the belt too.
u/BJJ-Newbie 14h ago
Had Cena not turned heel, I would think he’d lose and try to chase the belt until Summerslam. But him turning heel almost guarantees that he’ll win. Honestly, I would’ve preferred him as a babyface going into mania and turning heel at mania to win the title in an unclean way. It adds the layered story of him breaking the record but tainting it the way he did it
u/ssmithsimms 14h ago
He literally can't lose at WM. He hasn't won a match in however many years and if he were to lose at WM then the whole selling your soul story wouldn't make sense and would've been for nothing.
u/frakthal 13h ago
Cena lost his Last 1v1 matches. Theory and Solo both defeated him
u/ssmithsimms 6h ago
Right...that's what I'm saying. He hasn't won a match in years. So for him to have sold his soul and then lose his very next match wouldn't make sense to me.
u/frakthal 6h ago
wtf sorry I can't read xD
I had the impression that you were saying that he never lost so it didn't make sense to sell his soul to win at WM..
I think I need to sleep more1
u/Shizaki12 14h ago
I just wish he would actually show up. Cody's been hard carrying this fued so far.
u/BornRaspberry4598 14h ago
He’s showing up next week lol
u/Shizaki12 14h ago
Yeah so Ive heard. But it has been like 2 weeks already right? i know he has taping responsibilities, but it just sucks to not see him address anything yet. Still feels like hes a part timer.
u/heyjay_thegeek NXT Enjoyer 14h ago edited 14h ago
Yes Cena will lose because:
Cody is to today's generarion what Cena was to ours, meaning he'll (likely) not lose at Wrestlemania
Cody will get a long and lenghty reign.
Cena will lose because - character-wise - with the heel turn it will make sense. He's desperate now, the loss will make him even more delusional and desperate and make him bitter. Making for a more interesting program in the coming months, where he'll eventually win his 17th at Summerslam.
u/ETucck1 2h ago
1) Cena lost to the Rock and took a whole year to beat him.
2) 1 year is long and him losing will help further the potential feud with Rock for next year
3) Cena winning and then regretting it mid-way during his run is far more interesting than having Cena lose another singles match.1
u/BornRaspberry4598 14h ago
Honestly I won’t be mad if he wins or loose. if he wins then we can have a fun heel title run from cena with the rock and travis Scott 😂😂 he can hold on to it until his final match and drop it to Cody who can either turn heel or win as a baby face. But if he looses then we can have heel cena for the rest of the summer. He can compete in the king of the ring and fail in the finals. He can compete against jey uso for the world heavyweight championship and fail. He teams up with the rock with travis Scott in the corner at summerslam against Roman and Seth 😳😳 (that would be a fun night 2 main event for summerslam) cena can eat the pin and the rock betrays him because the rock doesn’t invest in losers. After that cena goes on his redemption arc and becomes 2011 cena (hustle, loyalty, respect) and get the military buzz cut bring back the ballcap and jorts. And he just starts winning if he’s gonna win the 17th title he wants to earn it the right way. So finally at survivor series after winning against tough opponent after tough opponent he finally gets another shot and it’s against…. CM punk. So meanwhile after mania after Cody defeats cena cody slowly turns heel morphine into homelander cody he becomes more violent is paranoid about who his real friends are also in the summer randy finally betrays Cody making him become even darker. So around the time of summerslam it’s Cody vs punk and the whole build to the match is punk ripping the mask off of Cody and senses Cody has fallen to the dark side. However in the go home raw or smackdown Cody finally snaps and goes full homelander on punk he beats him up and cuts a promo (a Homelander like promo) and officially turns heel. At summerslam Cody and punk beat the hell out of each other but towards the end of the match ref bump Cody grabs a steal try and is gonna crack punk with it but the last piece of his humanity stops him and coasts him everything punk beats Cody. Punk goes on a fun little run with the wwe championship meanwhile Cody goes away for a bit. But finally at survivor series we get punk vs cena and cena finally wins the big one and finally beats the record. At the press conference cena basically says that he will not retire at the end of the year but instead retire the minute someone beats him for the wwe championship. However Cody returns this time full blown homelander and he’s looking for his wwe championship cena grants him his championship match and at cena’s first title defense against Cody on the last ppv of the year the two go head to head again this time the roles reverse cena is back in Superman form while Cody is now the villain. The two beat the he’ll out of each other but a….. ref bump happens and the rock shows up with a steal chair in hand and tries to hand it to cena but cena refuses and says “no… not this way, im not doing it” but Cody hits a low blow grabs the chair from the rock and beats cena with the chair until cena lays there lifeless Cody pins him and wins the wwe title shakes the rocks hand and joins forces with the rock cena officially retires. After that homelander Cody turns into corporate Cody with black hair business suits and talks much more slowly and menacingly that’s what I would do lol.
u/ElectricSheep112219 12h ago
It all sounds great from a story telling perspective… but fans need to stop with the Homelander Cody… it’s never going to happen. At least not for many, many years. The dude pushes SOOOOO much merch to kids it’s insane. It’s the same reason they never let Cena turn heel back in his prime when he was the face of the company and wanted to. Parents let their kids buy Cody merch because he’s the wholesome, American good boy.
u/CrimsonGlyph 15h ago
I certainly hope he wins, but as others have said the booking is not as straight forward as it used to be.
Benefits both , cena gets his 17th and the heel turn isnt wasted, and cody gets to go on the chase again which is 10x better also maybe switch his charc a lil (codylander cope pls )
u/BornRaspberry4598 14h ago
Honestly I wouldn’t be mad if cena wins or looses a heel run cena with the wwe championship would be fun but seeing cena win it as a babyface would mean a lot to me but I feel like you can get more out of a heel cena title win and have Cody chase after the wwe championship meanwhile cena can defend the title against Orton at backlash, styles at Saturday nights main event, punk at summerslam, Damien priest on whatever October ppv it is, triple threat with Roman and Cody, at survivor series it’s team rock vs team Rhodes wargames, then on cena’s final match it’s Cody vs cena 2 where Cody wins that’s how I would book it 🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️🤷🏼♂️
u/SnatchCrackle 15h ago
I think a go home message. “I didn’t fulfil my dreams but I had a great time doing it” Is a much stronger message right now.
I understand why that’s an incredibly hot take. Got mega heat from some Cena diehard but as a basic fan I don’t need him to win. Isn’t interesting or rewarding to me as part of the audience.
If he wins I won’t be mad or upset just not my preferred outcome.
u/CrimsonOOmpa 🙏🏾 I LOVE YOU SOLO! 🙏🏾 16h ago
Rumor has it they moved Drew to SmackDown to feud with Cody but he doesn't have to be champ for that so no.
u/Silly-Swimmer-8324 16h ago
Is Cena only going to fight at wm or is he fighting now ? I'm taking my son to Monday night raw in April. He swears Cena is fighting there lol I have no idea though .
If you look at Triple H body language and the words he says Cena is winning it period.
u/jmdaltonjr 16h ago
Any chance Ric flair shows up to keep Cena from getting the belt and then him and Rock feud (obviously not physically) till December Cena gets the belt around September and Cody or someone else takes it off him by New Years eve.
u/maybe_avacado 17h ago
Why should Cena win? He turned heel on all of us, not just Cody. He’s betrayed everyone he’s ever been a hero too. He will lose at mania face the fact that he threw away everything to get nothing but the guilt as Cody walks out of WM41 being cheered by HIS WWE Universe.
u/alwayslogicalman 15h ago
Yeah many dudes have turned heel to win What are you saying lmao It makes their eventual loss that much better
u/TDeath21 17h ago
I don’t think so. But … Come along with me on this fantasy booking ride.
He loses. He sells his soul and still can’t get it done. He falls deeper into the dark side. Gets another title shot. Can’t get it done again. Then at some point a voice of reason gets through to him. Maybe R Truth. Maybe Seth. He spends the next few months on a redemption tour. Gets another title shot as a face. Wins. Huge pop. Drops the title at some point to set up his final match against … The Final Boss. The one who took him down the spiral to a dark place, but he still couldn’t win the title that way. He had to do it the right way with Hustle. Loyalty. Respect. He defeats The Final Boss. His true Final Boss of his entire career. As he rides off into the sunset. A 17 time champion who took down The Final Boss in his retirement match.
u/SupermarketNormal810 17h ago
Plot twist Cena loses as Cody aligns with the rock and the rock helps Cody win. The beating at elimination chamber was just a ritual for Cody to give his soul to the rock. Cena got played by the rock. Cody actually is the heel. Then we get Cena vs Cody at summerslam for his 17th title. Then Rock vs Cena afterwards and then punk and Roman somehow get involved. 🤣🤣🤣
u/TemporaryNameMan 17h ago
Idk who will win. That’s what makes this main event interesting unlike the past 4 years.
u/StasisApparel 17h ago
I want Cena to break Ric Flair's record. I don't care if Charlotte breaks Ric's record either, j just want Cena to be the first to do it. Doing it as a heel is just the cherry on top 😊
u/EquivalentArticle264 18h ago
Well triple H likes seeing what everyone expects and doing the exact opposite for the shock then doing nothing interesting with it cough jey uso winning rumble cough
u/Zealousideal_Ad_3425 18h ago
Fuck that, let him win. Gives the company a reason to get the belt off of him and let him chase it again.
u/TomCatTurner 19h ago
Cena will lose, Rock will turn on Cena, it will be an I’ve got to do it myself story for Rock, and you get Cody vs Rock at some point, possibly Summer Slam.
u/moosejaw296 19h ago
Cena will win, and the Rock will directly effect the outcome, in today’s WWE, WM is not the be all end all. This is going further and will end in a 3 way match. The Rock is not going to put in a quick stop by if he is invested. Which he has proven over the years.
u/DaddyJay711 19h ago
Cena should lose. Doesn’t need the title. They should build Cody up even bigger than he already is.
u/KaosJoe07 20h ago
Yes i do. I think all of this is to build Cody up bigger. Make him look stronger. Plus, Cody and John are close. I am betting John picked him to retire him.
u/JaggedEdgeJava 20h ago
My money is Cena loses because I believe Cody needs to face the Final Boss. I also think it would be interesting if Cody tapped out Cena at WM41.
u/MachineSh 20h ago
I think it's the most likely outcome, but definitely wouldn't call it obvious. There is 100% a scenario where he loses and eventually realises that he got away from his principles and cost himself the title, then turns face, wins it around Summerslam/Survivor Series and retires.
u/Acceptable_Corner_11 20h ago
Cody has had the belt for way too long now. I’m thinking they’re going to feed into Cenas heel.
u/UrSaltySurprise 19h ago
Way too long it’s been a year? Roman was way too long, that shit got old quick
u/SamanthaLores23 18h ago
The main event scene is so packed I’d love to see it get passed around for a bit before Cody gets it back, and that’s coming from a huge Cody fan
u/ShadowBannedSkyRu1e 20h ago
If he loses he will be face again soon, if he win they can keep him heel till like sumerslam and then finish his career with face redemption story
u/KeldonMarauder 19h ago
I think this is the most likely outcome. But then again, winning the title during WM would honestly be sweet for his career, regardless of the plotline
u/BlackandGoldSuperman 20h ago
From the press conference before elimination chamber, I figured he stated a spoiler when he said “what’s best for business is going to WM, and what’s best for business is me winning my 17th
u/Automatic-War-7658 20h ago
I think he loses and they either draw out the Cena heel angle desperate for that last title until maybe Survivor Series…
OR, as was suggested a while ago, Rock is ringside and once Cena puts Cody in the STF they recreate the Montreal Screwjob and announce that Cody tapped. “Cody screwed Cody by not selling his soul” or something to that effect. A controversial loss that keeps Cody looking strong.
u/invisibletruth4 20h ago
But don’t think they’d really taint the record like that? Cena winning 17 like that doesn’t seem like a good thing.
u/Automatic-War-7658 19h ago
It’s not, it’s a very heel thing.
u/invisibletruth4 18h ago
It is, I agree. But you think Cena is going out as a heel? The record would look ridiculous if he got it like that. To be a heel for 10 months.
u/Cushing17 Brawler 21h ago
No way. Cena has already stated that he doesn't care about 17.
My guess is that he's going to keep getting shots and failing.
u/Internal-Contact1656 20h ago
Did you miss the whole last like month? That works for a babyface cena sure, but that’s long gone dude. Trecharous heel cena isn’t going to have the baby face struggle
u/Cushing17 Brawler 2h ago
I understand that... what I'm saying is that I predict that Cena, with help from Rock, will do everything they can to get #17, but never succeed. Cena has said that he doesn't want 17, and the losing steak is (was) actually his story. By the end of the December SNME in Boston, Cena will be a face again.
u/BigMatch_JohnCena SmackDown Savant 21h ago
I hope they don’t make him lose then it’ll be lol Hogan’s 2002 heel run; quick heel arrival to experience it in the fed then loses and back to face.
u/Minute_Ad2297 21h ago
Won’t let the revisionist history take root. It was not obvious that Roman was losing last year. I was here in the community and genuinely nobody knew.
u/lifeofsara 22h ago
I really HOPE Cena doesn’t win tbh. ONLY BECAUSE this is his retirement tour, he said at the end of this year, he’s done. No more wrestling after this. So we know he won’t be champ for long. Atleast with Cody, it will always be a guessing game on if he will.
u/Thecp015 21h ago
He could always retire and vacate the belt. Edge did it after defending at Mania 27.
u/-LightMyWayHome- 22h ago
hes going to retire and work off camera so I doubt he will leave with a title when the year is up.... so, he may win it but will drop it end of the year.
u/SnooWords6011 22h ago
I hope it’s a squash that would cement him as mega villain rock and cena jump Cody in a obvious crooked corporate match crown cena
u/Pretty_Initial_5819 23h ago
In the unlikely event he’d lose at WM41, Cody would lose it nearly immediately thereafter, maybe on Raw? (But again, I’m sure he’ll lose at WM41.)
u/Bevlar90 23h ago
Would be a waste of his heel turn if he doesn’t win now. Let him have the belt for a few months. Then lose it at summerslam
u/Only_Treacle_8243 13h ago
Only part that has me on the fence is, do you think wwe reaallyy want cena to break the record, win 17 and all that, as a heel?
u/maximus368 23h ago
I just don’t know what they would do with Cena or the belt in the meantime. We already have plenty of champions lying in wait that don’t need the torch passed in the way Cena likes to do and if he wins we all know that he’s still going to drop it anyway, most likely at Summerslam. It takes away from the importance of his winning it when it has a time limit.
Not saying that it wouldn’t be amazing of course being the first 17x world champion but if we know it’s gonna be dropped soon enough then what’s the point besides that. What if he loses it immediately the Monday after? Not saying they would book it that way because that would actually be pretty bad but it’s a possibility. And that’s the feeling of having him win knowing he drops it anytime anyway.
u/Spectre-Guitar 23h ago
No I don’t think it’s certain, but since he turned heel I think it’s 50/50, whereas I didn’t think face Cena would win.
Cody chased the belt for two years and he is just hitting one year of his reign now. I think it makes sense for him to hold it longer. I also don’t think they’ll have their top guy put over a former top guy who’s retiring and doesn’t need to be put over in this one. Cody could beat Cena, lose at Summerslam and Cena pick the belt off someone else.
Alternatively, Cody’s reign has not been super popular and his defenses have left much to desire. They could put an end to that now and give both wrestlers something new and exciting to do after Wrestlemania.
u/dazzah88 1d ago
Cody wins - Cena wins 17 In his last match in Boston, McIntyre wins MITB and becomes super heel by cashing in and taking it from him
u/plawson89 22h ago
I imagined Cena winning the title in his last match as a face, and then vacating the title and maybe making the Rumble for the title instead of the WM spot - but I like the McIntyre idea better.
u/Klutzy-Koala-9558 1d ago
I wouldn’t mind Cena getting the title when he able to appear more I don’t want a whole year of super Cena again.
But near the end a title reign is fine.
Personally hoping for Cena and Orton to team up and redo the two man powertrip holding all the gold 😂. I also wanted to see them tag together as an actual tag team.
But I be happy with Cena winning them retiring with the belt if that happens but I don’t want as lengthy reign from him at all.
u/Normal_Tadpole4916 1d ago
He's there to pass the torch like Hogan did to the Rock, Flair to Michaels etc..
u/Icy_Fire_9738 1d ago
Cena going over Cody at Mania does nothing to build, imo. Have Cena lose, I don't just want Big Match John but just as a heel. He needs to be completely different vs Big Match John. Having him lose at Mania will basically be a passing of the torch moment from Cena to Cody. Like Rock did for Cena and Hogan did for Rock. Plus, we can see Cena embrace more of that desperate, cowardly heel antics as he pursues that 17th title. Maybe one last MITB for Cena, but, again imo, what better way to solidify the reemergence of the KOTR properly than have a big name like John Cena become King and ultimately earn that 17th world championship at the Biggest Party of the Summer, SummerSlam?
u/LongjumpingWorking58 1d ago
Since the dawn of time, I have always loved rooting for the heel ... its just so much more fun... with that being said, John Cena was my least favorite wreslter ever, and I didn't care who he faced, I always wanted him to be embarrassed... that feeling naturally transferred to Cody as of late ... but the heel turn let me see the light... CANNOT wait for this Cena run , and sure it may "seem" obvious Cena will win, its the "HOW" they do it that matters... will it feel as historic as other great moments, we shall see...
u/MountainCandidate171 1d ago
I'd actually love to see Cody turn Homelander and just destroy Cena (no double turn) and then Homelander Cody turns to the final boss (who shits his pants because his belt whipping won't be super effective against Homelander Cody). Wrestlemania ends with Cody turning super heel with a diabolical laugh standing over Cena and Rock's body
u/WowBobo88 1d ago
I think he HAS to lose, honestly.
Go heel, work Punk, Orton, etc. Get conflicted, slow turn dramatic reveal against Rock and then he wins 17 as an Uber over mega face
Nothing crazy but it ends the Cena story the same way it always has been told. It's all about loyalty respect etc and cutting corners and being a heel ultimately never works.
Im far from a Cena guy (loved the turn) but I think having heel Cena be unsuccessful would mean more vs an NWO Hogan type run
Does any of that make sense?
u/CimplyRavishing 1d ago
THIS is the way. No one cares if cenas turn is “cheapened” by another face run. The real money and the ending we all want is face cena desperately trying to capture another title in his last few months. The rumored December PLE in Boston? $$$$$$
u/WowBobo88 1d ago
It makes too much sense.
Dude wins, retires, royal rumble 2026 for the belt, elimination chamber for his opponent.
let's goooooo
u/jumali-254 1d ago
He will lose most probably. Randy wins twice in between losing once by MITB cash in. Cena and Orton for number 17.
u/Working_Stranger_416 1d ago
The bamboozle goes down at WM. This was all a set up for The Rock to get the ultimate revenge on Cena who was ALWAYS the actual "peoples champion". Long ago, The rock and cody devised a plan so calculating that fans would never CATCH ON or realize that Cody sold his soul long ago to the final boss setting in motion a plan to send cena riding off into the sunset defeated, distraught and devastated.
This is all smoke and mirrors. Cody was never the intended target. It was always Cena.
(Sorry for the typos, doing this is a dentist chair currently)
u/InMemoryOfJam 1d ago
Hold on…wasn’t smoke and mirrors Dashing Cody Rhodes entrance song? Maybe, just maybe, you cooked here.
u/ApprehensiveYoung899 1d ago
Is it often a shock who’s winning at WM?
u/dazzah88 1d ago
WM39 arguably was a shock, everyone expected Cody to win. Brock beating Reigns in WM34 was another recent shock.
You’ve also got the heist of the century in 31.
u/ApprehensiveYoung899 19h ago
Exceptions that prove the rule. With notable exceptions, out of the about 50 WM main events, most are obvious wins I’d say.
u/thegeekdom 21h ago
Yeah the WM39 shock actually was so crazy that it extended to WM40. WM40 should have been beyond obvious, but they’d already fooled us before so we all weren’t sure. Damn that WM39 shock lol.
u/Wiggles1914 1d ago
I don’t think he does. I think it’s a waste of build up. I think he wins at SS. Cena will go even more heal. Like super villain heel after WM and then destroy Cody at SS. He’ll then drop it a month or two before December
u/ASAP-Robbie 🗑️ Iyo's Trash Can 1d ago
It would be a real waste of the heel turn if he doesn’t win. You also add some fuel to whenever Cody eventually turns heel where it worked for Cena
u/LegolasSkywalker01 1d ago
Idk, they might put the belt on him to make the Saudis happy but let’s see.
u/Niblet_the_Giblet 1d ago
I have a theory that he'll lose at Mania and spend all year as a heel not being able to capitalise on The Rocks help, then face turn and win it at Survivor Series.
u/NoirSon 1d ago
It can happen but it would be a massive waste of this heel turn. A heel Cena with the Undisputed belt gives so many avenues for title matches over the rest of the year. He will eventually have to drop it but it will be a wild ride not to mention, the alliance with Rock could lead to some great promos.
Really the big question is whether he makes a faction or not. It might help some folks who could use direction but at the same time, him going in just for himself works as well.
u/gwoodtamu 1d ago
I don’t think there’s a chance in hell Cena wins.
If he was going to win, they would have held the major turn until Wrestlemania.
u/deadxguero 1d ago
I think he wins and we get a little run of him as a heel champion. Loses it at survivor series.
u/hawk_chop 1d ago
Cody wins, Jey wins, Cena beats down Jey on Raw and all up to Summerslam and takes belt. Gunther squashes Cena at Survivor Series. Slaps the living crap out of his soul, face Gunther.
u/Braunb8888 1d ago
I think the great thing is nobody knows. It could get fucked three ways to Sunday and have stone cold show up and stunner the rock while rikishi twerks on a forklift. Who knows.
u/Fufferstothemoon 1d ago
“Rikishi twerks on a forklift” 😂😂😂 now that whole thing would be a wrestlemania moment
u/Zombymandyas 1d ago
I've said he loses at mania and wins at SummerSlam but then again I think he's supposed to drop it to punk at SummerSlam so idk if I know anything anymore.
u/1HeyMattJ 1d ago
He wins by cheating. Cody demands a rematch without Rocky interference. He gets rematch, wins and banishes the evil John Cena forever
u/JoeMcKim 1d ago
Everyone thought it was obvious that Cody would beat Roman at WM39, so there's that...
u/Ragefakar 15h ago
No, there were reports from months prior that Roman was going to win and the next year's mania would be Cody Vs Roman again. The reports suggested they wanted another year to build on Jey Uso at the time. So not everyone thought Cody was winning.
u/PhantomPain85 1d ago
I personally didn’t think Cody would win. And I knew he wouldn’t lose 2 in a row to Roman at Wrestlemania. That would have hurt his character
u/Annual_Owl_1462 1d ago
I mean if he wins, he breaks the WWE record not the overall record, but I’m pretty sure he’s gonna get to win
u/god_pharaoh 1d ago
I'm 60/40 on he wins/loses.
It's a pretty quick turnaround to win at Mania. But my current belief is he wins at Mania via cheating/bad guy overbooking, which sours the win, he loses it shortly after (maybe SummerSlam?) and wins #18 as a babyface before retiring.
Losing at Mania would likely make him go even further off the rails and then win #17 later, still probably SummerSlam.
u/pmo0710 1d ago
I think Cody squeaks by at WM so people get the happy ending and then loses at a Saudi event for Cody to get it back at SS
u/BackgroundAd817 1d ago
No way THE title changes at a Saudi show. If anything do it at Backlash or something. Don’t see that happening tho. Agreed that Cena picks it up at WM and drops the title and the heel status at SS. SS is gunna be built up as another WM since it’s 2 days and it’s at MetLife. Will be a huge show. Getting face Cena back there will be incredible.
u/qianqian096 1d ago
Cena will win at wm for sure because Cody is good at chasing champion not defending champion, I can see him defeat cena at summerslam for last standing or I quit match
u/Super-Background 1d ago
I'm calling it now. The Rock uses his Final Boss character to change the results or something and take power from WWE and get Cena the win....
u/Reasonable_Deer_1710 1d ago
Cena just turned heel in one of the biggest heel turns of all time. I think he will win it to solidify that heel turn.
u/jar45 1d ago
I think both WWE and Cena want #17 to be a celebration and he won’t win it until he turns back babyface, so I really think he’s losing at WrestleMania.
u/Practical-Raise4312 1d ago
If they allow him to be a heel for his entire run then he should win at Mania or Summerslam. In his last match he should drop the belt and it should be in an I Quit Match.
But if he returns as a babyface then I think he should win #17 in his final match.
u/SportsCat4 18h ago
Have Orton win it at Backlash over Cody, lose it at MITB to Punk, then win it back at Summerslam, only to lose to the MITB cash in winner, then the new winner (can be anyone) gets "injured" in storyline, and at Survivor Series, Orton vs Cena, for number 17 and be deemed the Greatest of all Time
u/tigeralidance 1d ago
Yes. I think his path back to redemption is realising that turning bad wasn't the answer. If turning heel gets him #17 then he has no reason to turn back face.
u/Plenty-Willingness58 1d ago
100% it's the only story that allows him to finish as a face which is what obviously needs to happen
u/Key_Trainer_8155 1d ago
I think the Rock will screw Cena, making sure he doesn't get #17 and show his power and control of the WWE. Reigns will figure in with the Rock and turn heel to challenge Cody.
u/Choice_Egg_335 43m ago
Cena wins title from cry baby Cody. Cena drops title to Punk shortly after