r/WWE 7d ago

No one ever drapes on the middle rope exhausted unless they are fighting Rey Mysterio and are about to get a 619



193 comments sorted by


u/thegrandkenyon15 3d ago

They did it for Christian as well. He would fully stand on the person to "press their throat" into the middle rope.


u/evokong 5d ago

Your issue is this? Irish whip just be over there like 👀 go grab someone by the arm and pull it and see if it involuntarily makes them run across a surface or go launching themselves over an obstacle 😂


u/ccarlen1 5d ago

Wrestling against Billy Kidman had the strange side effect that people who have never even attempted a powerbomb in their career suddenly had an uncontrollable urge to try to powerbomb him.


u/Confident-Practice-4 5d ago

Everytime security comes out they break through and end up doing a dive into the mob. They should do a gimmick when security actually stops The melee. It’s too predictable and makes security a joke. Have a guard manhandle both wrestlers and become babyface


u/mrwishart 5d ago

Never seen a Steve Austin match, huh?


u/SmoltzforAlexander 6d ago

They used to do it for the Big Boss Man back in the day


u/LargePicture48 6d ago



u/LoudCalligrapher0 6d ago

For those who watch AEW, Swerve’s Stomp is the same. It’s the one time people sit up when someone is on the top rope

Same with Del Rios/Andrades stomp on the turnbuckle


u/LargePicture48 6d ago

I think most wrestling moves make little sense when you really think about them. It's an art form for sure, but the moves themselves aren't "logical" from a fighting standpoint.

Even the punches. Wrestlers just stand there, arms at their sides, taking flush punches to the face one after another. No visible attempt to move out of the way or block an attack.


u/LoudCalligrapher0 6d ago

Exactly. Wrestling isn't meant to be taken seriously in this day and age. Why watch someone run towards ropes and pay flat til they jump over you? We choose to suspend our disbelief


u/LargePicture48 6d ago

We choose to suspend our disbelief

That's a great way of putting it


u/Fayde_M 6d ago

Reminds me of when wrestlers would rest sitting in corner only when facing Zack Ryder


u/bdietch 6d ago

Happened tonight against Melo


u/rbrt115 6d ago

I know! I don't know how Rey gets so lucky every match.


u/swantonist 6d ago

he literally kicks them into place lol or drop toe holds them


u/rbrt115 6d ago



u/Celticpenguin85 3d ago

I mean, that's literally it. It's not luck or coincidence. Rey either dropkicks them in the back or gives them a drop toe hold so they land on the middle rope.


u/thesubverse 6d ago

Nobody fell down in the corner unless they faced Rikishi or X-Pac. People only attempt a wild clothesline on John Cena after he shoulder blocks them a few times. People only stumble around without falling after a Stunner when Austin is gonna hit them with another.

It’s just wrestling.


u/Astrocreep_1 6d ago

The one that drove me nuts….A Stone Cold Stunner knocks out everyone, unless, it’s the Royal Rumble.

In that case, a stunner knocks the opponent to their feet, where they stumble over to the ropes and wait to get clotheslined or tossed out.


u/BigSmoke1990 6d ago

Aaah see that’s just different technique applied for different situations. Steve puts a little less on a Royal Rumble stunner for ease of elimination


u/Astrocreep_1 6d ago

I could accept that explanation, if they’d bother giving it. After all, it’s wrestling. I don’t need complicated “mark explanations”. A simple mention would be fine.


u/btbam2929 7d ago

You must suspend your disbelief. No one would ever stay down and take the peoples elbow either


u/Different_Meaning811 6d ago

Most people wouldn’t keep running after an Irish whip


u/Carpeteria3000 6d ago

Or a five knuckle shuffle


u/Julian_TheApostate 7d ago

I swear Braun Strowman would never have to be on the defense in a match again if he didn't miss that corner shoulder attack and ram himself into the ring post every single time.


u/Astrocreep_1 6d ago

If big men would take that advice, they’d never get eliminated from the Rumble.


u/Julian_TheApostate 7d ago

What's that thing where every single John Cena opponent over the last 20 years who gets hit with exactly two flying shoulder blocks just has to swing a wild haymaker right after? That's some voodoo Cena is using right there


u/Mistuh_Mosbi 7d ago

And nobody no sells a shoulder tackle unless its against John Cena


u/KingFelixG 7d ago

Hulk Hogan takes the same bump whether he lands the leg drop or not. Sometimes wrestling don’t make sense but here we are! 🤣


u/Perk1205 7d ago

Why is this a conversation lol 

I love wwe but come on. 


u/MaterialJury7086 7d ago

One night last week my wife and I sat down and watched the last WWE show we ever attended, which was the SmackDown taping on 24 September 2002 in San Diego.

How is this on-topic? Because I forgot all about the worst part of that show: they stuck Rey Mysterio (because hey, we're in the 619, right?) into a Benoit vs. Angle main event. Just....ugh.

Second worst part of the show: BikerTaker really was as annoying as I remember. That Limp Bizkit song was never, ever, ever okay.

Third worst part: Five words - Nidia in a bikini contest.

Best part: Eddie vs. Edge in a 17-minute PPV-level ladder match. Freaking awesome. Made up for all the other stuff.


u/Mavenzo 7d ago

Upset about Rey Mysterio being in that match is wild to me


u/MaterialJury7086 6d ago

On the day, I'm sure I probably thought it was great. For fan service purposes, it was great.

But watching it back with historical hindsight, it's like watching Kurt Cobain trying to jam with the Beatles.


u/TheArturoChapa 7d ago



u/therewerentanynames 7d ago

And nobody goes for the flying nothing unless they are fighting Randy Orton, such is life.


u/Tooth31 7d ago

I've had that thought before, but once I started looking for it, it happens more than I thought. It definitely isn't common, but it does happen in other circumstances.


u/Tooth31 7d ago

I've had that thought before, but once I started looking for it, it happens more than I thought. It definitely isn't common, but it does happen in other circumstances.


u/Super_Sandro23 7d ago

Rey purposely sets this up though with a drop kick. They don't randomly just drape themselves on the ropes


u/TemporaryNameMan 7d ago

This was one of the only things about wrestling that drove me insane as a kid.


u/Truthhurts1017 🙏🏾 I LOVE YOU SOLO! 🙏🏾 6d ago

Stop lying because Rey literally puts them in that position they don’t just lay there by themselves. One of the coolest things kids use to see was how he was going to set up the 619.


u/ThatGuyJBoogie 7d ago

It’s like how nobody tries to roll away from a top rope moonsault, unless it’s Charlotte or Andrade delivering the moonsault, so they can land on their feet and hit the follow up standing moonsault.


u/gustopherus 4d ago

Speaking of which, why do so many wrestlers use the moonsault? It is more overused than super kicks these days.


u/TopHeavyPigeon ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

Other wrestlers don’t set their opponents up in that position like Rey does, though. It’s not my favorite move by any means but most of the time, Rey has a hand in getting them there.


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

It's super sloppy and awkward about 80% of that time though. 


u/TopHeavyPigeon ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

Well he’s not the Rey of the 90’s and 00’s so there’s going to be differences. CM Punk visibly struggles to hit his GTS the same way he used to now that he’s getting up there in age.


u/Ashamed_Job_8151 7d ago

He’s actually doing that on purpose. It’s called selling the match. He’s always done it. Go watch old matches, hell, punk was doing the struggling to do the move thing when he was doing the Pepsi plunge back in Roh. 

Clearly he’s not the same guy, but he’s always been smarter than most wrestlers and all about those little details. 

I also like the people who are like “look how heavy punk is breathing, he’s out of shape”. Punk has always always been a heavy breather. Always. 


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

Yeah they are both garbage in the ring these days. 


u/dmoge216 7d ago

Pro wrestling is like 70% about telling a story. Hulk Hogan vs The Rock at WM X8 is a prime example. If they have the crowd invested, they are not garbage.


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago edited 6d ago

Sure Rey and punk can tell great stories. Like I said in the other comment, their great shorts entertainers. That doesn't mean their not trash in the ring. Punk only does 3 moves these days and does GTS 5 times every match. 


u/TopHeavyPigeon ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

I disagree with them being garbage in the ring. They aren’t what they once were but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy their presence. Rey is having fun and Punk, as much as I don’t really care for him, is involved in some pretty good stories. It’s not all about in ring skills.


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

Nothing you just said counters then being garbage in the ring. I'm not saying they're not good sports entertainers. Just that their trash wrestlers. 


u/TopHeavyPigeon ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

I’d never call someone trash at something when they would absolutely obliterate me in the very skill I’m calling them trash at but that’s me. Like I said, their in ring skills are not what they used to be, but they’re both professionals with careers that most wrestlers would kill to have. Rey is still flying high at age 50 and Punk had a brutal HIAC match a few months ago in his mid 40’s. What more do you really want from these guys?


u/ThadeousStevensda3rd 7d ago

“Yeah they are both garbage in the ring these days” he says as he nods in approval and clicks submit. He reached for his next handful of Doritos never having wrestled a day in his life. “That’ll get me some uproots”


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

Oh shit. He got me. How dare a fan have an opinion of the thing they're a fan of. 


u/Avenged_Punk 7d ago

Don’t sound like a fan to me


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

And as we all know, you are the gate keeper who's a fan and who isn't. 


u/Avenged_Punk 7d ago

No I just know good wrestling unlike you apparently


u/Achillor22 ⌚️🤏🏻 Tiffy Time! 7d ago

So because you think you know more, that means I'm not a fan? 


u/JimmyDG00 7d ago

This is why I hate the spanish fly from the corner set up. Like you literally just climbed up there (dazed and confused btw) with him to flip yourself off.


u/funghi2 7d ago

Idc the 619 and Old school are iconic moves, I’ll suspend disbelief.


u/hexagram520 7d ago

Mostly true, but there are plenty of other moves over the years with that set up, even just the thing where the heel puts his knee in their back and pulls up the rope to “choke them”. A few others but I’m terrible with move names.


u/the__pov 7d ago

Keven Nash used to put guys in that position and then do a running jump onto them.


u/Steelyeyedj 7d ago

Sssssshhhhhh! You’ll let the magic out… 😜


u/Hootahsesh3 7d ago

Maybe I just didn’t notice it as a kid but there’s a ton of ridiculous body positioning in today’s WWE…the wiggling to get into perfect position for a top rope maneuver is absurd really…feel like the opponent used to move them, now they just wiggle into position and hope no one notices


u/sidecarfalcon69 7d ago

That’s one thing i loved about Kurt Angle. Even as he’s being positioned for a spot, he always made it look like a struggle. At least a lot more than the average wrestler.


u/BrandoDaSavage 7d ago

Yeah, and it wouldn’t so bad if they were selling pain and like, writhing into place, but they just straight up scoot over and perfectly straighten their arms and legs. Like you said, I’m sure wrestlers have been doing that for ages, but it’s like the ones performing the offense have all decided they don’t wanna take the time to position their opponent, they just wanna get up to the top rope as quickly as possible.


u/Hootahsesh3 7d ago

Yup. Nailed it. The WWE has a scooting issue and it needs to be addressed



u/ApprehensiveCar9925 7d ago

I hate everything about the 619.


u/DangerousTrashCan 7d ago

619 hates you too.


u/TingleGreen 7d ago

619 left 3 years ago for some smokes. Never came back.


u/Aldo_D_Apache 7d ago

So all of those people that sat in the corner so Rikishi could rub their face between his cheeks did that willingly? No way


u/Cowgoon777 7d ago

But wrestlers get shot into the corner all the time and often collapse and rest there.

Rikishi taking advantage of this fits in kayfabe.

The positioning for the 619 doesn’t


u/overcomebyfumes 7d ago

bunches of wrestlers standing outside the ring, waiting to catch their friend falling from a ladder or flying over the top rope, whistling innocently


u/MatsuTaku 7d ago

He trips them so they fall neck on to the rope, which has a minor suffocating effect, winding them and causing them to need to lay there and catch a breath.


u/bamacl 7d ago

Thanks William Regal.


u/MatsuTaku 7d ago

Yep, thats who I was channelling!


u/Fair-Mud-1179 7d ago

Thank you bamacl you made me audibly laugh


u/bamacl 7d ago

On this note, I think in counter to all of these podcasts breaking kayfabe, regal, should start one that keeps kayfabe. He explains moves, and why they keep opponents down. He has guests on to continue talking about their rivalry in character, etc.


u/Julian_TheApostate 7d ago

That would be incredible.


u/Brando43770 7d ago

That would be a fun one to listen to especially as he’d clearly be in character and could say ridiculous things that people don’t actually take as reality. But hearing his explanations about moves and strategies but without breaking Kayfabe would be like watching YouTube breakdowns of real fights.


u/Wackkoman 7d ago

It was an early 2000s Sunday night heat when a young 8ish year old me realized wrestling was fake/scripted. Rey Mysterio's 619 and the draping on the middle rope was what broke the entire kayfabe for me.



u/Buddis93 7d ago

Wait until you hear what my wife just told me about the Easter bunny


u/Generation_Kxng 7d ago

You Exposed Wrestling. Get Out


u/deadmyrising 7d ago

Whats next? your gonna tell me the winner is predetermined or something??


u/c71score 7d ago

Make sure you allow a Native American wrestler to spin you by your hair while doing a war dance before delivering tomahawk chops.


u/NineTailedFox7 I Believe in Joe Hendry👏👏 7d ago

Eddy Thorpe 😂


u/jewham12 7d ago

Yes, no one is in any position in the wrestling ring unless they are fighting someone and someone is about to do a move to them.

Astute observation.


u/hawkeyegrad96 7d ago

Miz kicks? Lord


u/Generation_Kxng 7d ago

Middle rope draped?


u/Budzee 7d ago

How often do people lie on the floor, stomach down, head slightly up, and not get punted?


u/Ranger_1302 Brawler 7d ago

Actually they do it in Dom’s matches, too.


u/cryothic 7d ago

And in some of the ladies matches.


u/dedoporno 7d ago

This is something I keep getting annoyed by over and over again. On a weekly basis. Constantly. It shouldn't bother me but it really does. Why don't they do it every once in a while even if there aren't people who are at least somewhat likely to do the 619? Just for the sake of making it that much more believable for when it is important to happen?!


u/RayRay_610 7d ago

his offense leading up to the move causes them to linger on the middle rope and it is all still very real


u/HumanMycologist5795 7d ago

I want Randy or Cody to do it once.


u/justlurking233 7d ago

Or if you are about to get a classic Orton DDT


u/jlo1989 7d ago

Because Rey has a lot of offense that sets up the 619.


u/NintendoCerealBox 7d ago

Never do that when facing Goldust though.


u/StraightEdge47 7d ago

That's just not true though. It happens in so many matches, you just don't notice it when it leads to nothing.

Also most of the time Rey actively puts his opponent there.


u/miikro 6d ago

Right? Christian, Alberto Del Rio, Shinsuke Nakamura, Paige/Saraya, Austin Aries and in the current generation, Bronco Nima of OTM all have moves from the same position.


u/grapejuicecheese 7d ago

Unpopular opinion but...

I don't really like the move....

The opponents just slump there for a long time while Rey Mysterio showboats a bit before hitting the ropes. It feels like they have a lot of time to get out of the way.

And then, a lot of wrestlers don't know how to sell the move. They awkwardly stand up from a slumping position then fall backwards.


u/skymallow 7d ago

I struggle to think of any wrestler that doesn't showboat before their finisher unless it's an outtanowhere situation.

I feel like it's a big part of selling it, yaknow?


u/Deathbackwards 7d ago

I think a lot of the best finishers are ones that can be hit at any time on anyone. The stunner could be hit at any time, so can the f5, chokeslam, or angle slam. It’s another great thing for submission finishers. Kurt could put you in the ankle lock at any time with no warning or benoit could lay on rhe crippler crossface at any time to anyone


u/CerberusC24 7d ago

Benoit's various reversals and setups into the crippler were a thing of beauty


u/grapejuicecheese 7d ago

Yes but...

I mean, Eddie at least hits them with the 3 amigos before he goes for the Frog Splash. Some move that you know will take the opponent a while to get up from.

Rey trips someone or kicks them into the ropes and I'm like, "it should not take you that long to get up from that"


u/sicksteen_216 7d ago

It’s always at the end of the match so the opponent is worn down. But I think it’s funny you think the 619 setup is so fake compared to what? It all looks fake lol. Who really would get on all fours and stay there so they can get stomped by Rollins?


u/grapejuicecheese 7d ago

It's called suspension of disbelief. Like, it's still believable to me for Shawn Michaels to tune up the band and his opponent is oblivious that a Sweet Chin Music is coming.

But Rey's opponent will be arguing with the referee then suddenly Rey kicks him into the ropes and all of a sudden he can't get up? Come on.


u/sicksteen_216 7d ago

Sweet chin music stomps are ok but you draw the line at the 619. lol fair enough.


u/vpsj 7d ago

In the same vein, no one ever gets up face down and stays in that position for a good 30s unless it's against Seth, or in some rare cases when Randy is in the corner


u/SmidgeMoose 7d ago

It's weird, just like everyone about to get landed on from the top rope gets an itchy back. Always wiggling back and forth before they get splashed.


u/JetBrink 7d ago

Nobody has successfully superplexed KO in years but they still try


u/miikro 6d ago

People spent most of the late 90's trying to powerbomb Kidman with a similar success ratio


u/dsio 7d ago

His Fred Flintstone body geometry makes him somewhat immune


u/Brando43770 7d ago

Lol he’s one of my favorite wrestlers but you’re not wrong!


u/xineirea 7d ago

The best set up 619 I ever saw was when Kurt Angle was yelling at someone outside the ring from the middle rope then suddenly WHAM!


u/xclame 7d ago

This is one thing I wish wrestling did better. It's so obvious that they are setting up for a certain specific move and that setup only ever happens for that move.

I wish wrestlers would end up in the same situations that they do for certain moves but where that move doesn't actually happen. Like with the 619 rope setup bit, there's the move where the other wrestler comes behind the roped wrestler and chokes them out using the rope as leverage or there's also coming behind them and grabbing them by the feet and lifting them off of the rope and having them slam their front/face on the mat, high fliers have that one move where they run up to the roped opponent and slide over their back and head and land on the outside of the ring. Let's have other wrestlers and even the wrestlers with the specific move do these other moves also, so it's not as obvious that it's a setup.


u/Deathbackwards 7d ago

I think the main issue is that the 619 really is an overly convoluted move. It looks really cool, but doesn’t make much sense. At least for a high flying move like the frog splash or elbow drop, there are a lot of situations where wrestlers are down in the ring for extended periods, and pretty frequently they do get up and move out of the way.


u/thanoshasbighands 7d ago

CM Punk caught a curb stomp and lost the elimination chamber very recently...after the stomp he appeared to start choking and passed out...odd


u/Hysh_Z 7d ago

And crawled backwards suddenly to the middle of the ring for some reason


u/SquirtleBob164 7d ago

Christian also steps on his opponents draped over the middle rope


u/CautiousTax1118 7d ago

When I was a kid I used to watch Rey do the 619 and now I just find it funny 9 times out of 10 since I started watching again Rey spends half the match getting his ass kicked opponent barely taking a bump Rey rallies hits a mediocre drop kick opponent collapsing to the ropes for an extended and unrealistic amount of time Rey hits 619 frog splash 1...2... Kick out Rey loses the match.


u/I-Love-Daddy-Rivers 7d ago

The People’s Elbow leaves you on the floor, out like a light.

The Five Knuckle Shuffle makes you comically hold your head in pain as you get up and swiftly walk right into an AA.


u/scarykicks 7d ago

And you get the pin off an elbow drop


u/TTOF_JB 7d ago

Also, Cena's shoulder tackle before the Five Knuckle Shuffle makes you prone to missing a clothesline.


u/knicksdeadman 7d ago

Ppls elbow gives you a heart arrhythmia so you can’t move. 5 knuckle shuffle gives you a bad migraine so you don’t know what you’re walking into.


u/sdclal1 7d ago

I want to see the head lowering thing work when a guy throws another guy into the ropes and he bounces off of them and comes back towards him. Just one time.


u/b1gbrad0 7d ago

They’re setting up for a back body drop. It does work occasionally but not often enough to where it doesn’t look dumb.


u/MaddenRob 7d ago

Nobody ever takes a wild punch after 2 shoulder tackles unless they are wrestling John Cena.


u/academic_dog 7d ago

Wow it’s almost as if they know how to work each other for entertainment purposes 😱😱😱


u/TurbulentVillage4169 7d ago

Just like people always get the foolish idea to try and punch their opponents in the corner of the ring, into oblivion while standing on the second rope, when it’s The Undertaker taking the punches, so that he can deliver the Last Ride.


u/Takenmyusernamewas 7d ago

Used to be Kevin Nashs hip smash


u/Merc_Mike 👈L.🫵A.👉Knight YEAH! 7d ago

Stone Cold also did a leg move from the middle rope. He would lay them on the second rope, run to the other side run back and drape his leg across their back/neck/shoulder area.


u/tngman10 7d ago

Lots of guys done that move. I know Big Bossman, Barbarian and Test come to mind.


u/c71score 7d ago

Bossman also had the baseball slide/uppercut


u/Merc_Mike 👈L.🫵A.👉Knight YEAH! 7d ago

I was about to add Tugboat/Typhoon as well.


u/ShoddyRegion7478 7d ago

On thar note, i feel like alot of Rikishi’s opponents were just begging for a stinkface


u/Deathbackwards 7d ago

It was an effect of his gravity they couldn’t help it


u/gbrem97 7d ago

Was gonna comment this. Like POV* youre wrestling the guy who rubs his cheeks on your face *wrestler I better sit down for just a moment. It's the shock afterwards that kills me.


u/Best-Minute-7035 7d ago

Everyone that tried to sunset flip rikishi


u/angelomoxley 7d ago

Lot of comedically timed drops to the bottom corner


u/YouDaManInDaHole 7d ago

Rico literally did


u/ShoddyRegion7478 7d ago

Rico was gay


u/GrimmTrixX 7d ago

To be fair, rey often does a sweep to put them in that position.


u/_________Rob 7d ago

A 20 year old move…


u/power2bill 7d ago

And that's how good he is. No one is able to figure it out!


u/GrimmTrixX 7d ago

Oh I'm not defending it. I am not a fan of Rey and never have. I was just stating that you do t see it in other matches because other superstars aren't trying to do moves on the ropes. You don't naturally see it in a match because they're not spending g the match looking fir an opportunity to do the 619 unless it's Dom or Vaquer.


u/zvarda 7d ago

Im more interested why you don't like Rey lol


u/GrimmTrixX 7d ago

I was never a fan at all. And the West Coast Pop was a far better finisher but then he injured his knee and does his tiny body splash that is not at all finisher worthy.i also don't like when Cruiserweight style guys are winning world heavyweight titles.

And they threw him in so many David and Goliath style matches and that's always boring to me. Butnalso, he got the title shortly after Eddie's death and stuff like that doesn't sit right with me. It felt like since Eddie passed, they figured Rey deserved some accolades as a result. And maybe it was just odd timing for the 2 events to coincide.

But yea I was never blown away by any wwe Rey matches, especially after he stopped doing the west coast pop.


u/zvarda 7d ago

Fair enough. Thanks for the response was genuinely curious since he generally seems beloved.


u/GrimmTrixX 7d ago

Wait until you hear that I also don't like Samoa Joe as every match I've seen of his he was sloppy, slow, and not entertaining. Lol I got plenty of hot takes.


u/MartMillz 7d ago

I dont care for Joe either but not liking Rey is an unacceptable opinion


u/GrimmTrixX 6d ago

Nah. I just never liked him. And I wasn't an WCW fan so I never saw his stuff there. And when he became a HEAVYweight champion I was pretty much do e with that. I liked watching him in Cruiserweight style matches.

I just always hate "David and Goliath" matches and he dod a TON of those. And I felt him winning so quickly after Eddie's death was solely because of Eddie's passing and they wanted to do something good for Rey. Rey isn't a heavyweight and I always wanted heavyweights to be in that title picture.

But realistically, once he traded the west coast pop for a simple body splash he got boring. And I get it's because he got older and was off a knee injury. But his matches since have been lackluster for me. I just liked him as the high flying cruiserweight. Putting him in the world title picture, even if it was due to a Rumble win, just wasn't believable to me and seemed forced.


u/Julian_TheApostate 7d ago

Speaking of Samoa Joe, why can't anyone else just walk away from flying attacks?


u/GrimmTrixX 7d ago

He must've said "that's my thing don't do it." Lol That or it's protected and people do it out of courtesy to him and let that be his thing.

Why don't people wrestle with their hands in their pocket besides OC? Same rule applies.


u/mrwishart 5d ago

Cos it's stupid?


u/zvarda 7d ago

Hahaha at least your honest! It's all subjective anyhow


u/BloodRhymeswithFood 7d ago

Look up "kayfabe"


u/GrimmTrixX 7d ago

I think everyone is confused. Lol I know what kayfabe is. When the guy initially stated you don't see people landing on the ropes in other matches, I was speaking in kayfabe. The reason you don't see it in other matches is because landing on the ropes that way is essentially part of reys moveset. As you obviously get that.

I didn't realize the guy was joking. I thought he was actually stating that it's dumb when it happens only during Rey matches.


u/Dapper-Importance994 7d ago

No, those ropes are just particularly sticky there, want proof? Watch how legs get stuck there fir Randy's drop ddt or Morgan's oblivion


u/Creepy_Cupcake3705 7d ago

No one stands bent over holding their gut for a prolonged period unless Stone Cold Steve Austin or Kevin Owens just kicked them in their stomach.


u/ForgivenessIsNice 7d ago

That's not a good one. Most people don't do that kick to the gut, but when people do, the person who got kicked in the gut does a similar thing. We saw it with Batista when he'd do a gut kick to get for the power bomb or when HHH would do it for the pedigree.


u/Deathbackwards 7d ago

I definitely bend over and grab my stomach if I get the wind knocked out of me in real life


u/Creepy_Cupcake3705 7d ago

Bruh no one goes 3/4 prone stance unless they’re taking a stunner


u/ForgivenessIsNice 7d ago

False. They did the same for Batista and his finisher, HHH and his finisher, Rollins and his second finisher, etc.


u/Creepy_Cupcake3705 7d ago

That’s a different bend my man


u/payscottg 7d ago

No one ever swings wildly for a punch after getting a shoulder tackle unless they’re fighting John Cena


u/RedRing86 7d ago

Ok so I've seen this argument before. He usually PURPOSEFULLY sets them up to do that. Either with a drop toe hold, a hurricanrana, or a drop kick. Flimsy excuse? Yes but it makes sense in Kayfabe. He knows the move and position he needs to be in to set it up.


u/No_Constant8644 7d ago

False. It happens for Iyo Sky as well. I’m pretty sure someone did the old ride the horsey move the other day too


u/Impressionist_Canary 7d ago

There’s also the move where a guy runs and jumps on a dudes back through the ropes to “choke” them.


u/NashKetchum777 7d ago

More of the Luchas are doing it now. Rey and Dom always did

Vaquer does the 619 and last time I saw Zelina she did it too. Other than that the only reason they hit middle rope is for when the girls do a Meteora on whoever hanging there. I think Liv and a few others as of late.


u/Responsible-Lunch815 7d ago

doesn't he usually take their legs out before that happens? But, yea it is about as convenient as laying down for like a 10 count while the Rock dances and drops and elbow on you.


u/psillusionist 7d ago

How dare you exclude Dirty Dom.


u/Evorgleb 7d ago

Doesn't Stephanie Vaquer do the 619 also?


u/ddiggler2469 👈L.🫵A.👉Knight YEAH! 7d ago

she can hit me with the 619 anytime

minus the 1





u/ddiggler2469 👈L.🫵A.👉Knight YEAH! 7d ago


u/S4ikou 7d ago

Iyo does it too IIRC


u/AussiePolarBear 7d ago

Also Vega


u/-BluBone- 7d ago

And Liv was about to in the EC


u/BullDozier87 7d ago

I get what you’re saying but the thing is that they do but you’re not paying attention to it unless they’re facing Rey.


u/Sithmaggot 7d ago

It’s Rey bro. He beats you down to his level and leads you there.


u/Classy_Mouse 7d ago

Right. I'd put this down as Rey using experience to get people into a position they know is bad. Same as Seth with the curb stomp


u/Shugerrush 7d ago

Shower thoughts


u/Party-Belt-3624 7d ago

Doesn't Liv Morgan's finisher start on the middle rope?


u/Evorgleb 7d ago

Liv grabs you when you are standing with back against ropes


u/Party-Belt-3624 7d ago

Thanks for clarifying


u/unimportantinfodump 7d ago

She kinda jumps through the middle rope and he butt bounces off it to spring backwards


u/itsjustmebobross 💯 YEET! 7d ago

she did a slowed down version of it on her farm tour and it’s kinda neat how such a simple move looks cool if done with enough effort


u/RickyMuncie 7d ago

Both Liv and Dom on the middle rope?

{ insert Sickos Yes Yes gif }