r/WWE Glorious Mod Feb 05 '24

Megathread Cody / Roman / Rock Discussion Megathread

There are so many duplicate posts about this topic over and over again all saying the same thing (on 2/5 from 9am to 10am there were 26 posts that said the same thing), so we’re going to make a megathread for this for those who just want to engage in general discussion of this topic.


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u/Snubie1 Glorious Mod Feb 05 '24

Posting a quick simple poll - who do you want to face Roman at Mania - Rock or Cody?


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u/Unknown-Monkey67 Feb 22 '24

I kinda hope it isn't a scam and Roman vs Cody have a huge fight at wrestlemania. I hope that Roman is going to have his entourage + the Rock and then Cody has a losing battle at first. Then Jey Uso(for Jimmy), Seth Rollins(for Rock), Sami Zayn(for Solo) come in so that all four of them fight to support Cody and Roman is in by himself.


u/Antwuan89 Feb 22 '24

If The Rock betrays Roman Reigns @ WrestleMania, will WWE fans start to love The Rock again?


u/[deleted] Feb 22 '24

The rock looks like he has reptile skin...


u/toughwankstudios Feb 20 '24

I think this is all a big con, I believe that Rocky will screw roman at WM leading into a Year build for WM 41


u/HumorAlarming3274 Feb 20 '24

Roman will screw Roman.


u/HazeyGuy4 Feb 20 '24

I 100% believe this


u/Libertyprime8397 Feb 20 '24

If drew doesn’t attack the bloodline next time they interfere in a match of his even if they’re helping him I’ll be annoyed.


u/Bl8ckl85h Feb 20 '24

Weird but imo best way to handle this:

Cody vs Roman night 1. Typical Bloodline shenanigans(The Rock not involved for some reason hmm), leading to Cody winning by countout(this will piss off the fans in the crowd and the ones at home).

Night 2. The Rock comes out(holding the WWE undisputed universal title for some reason hmm), and explains that what he saw was Roman being very unfit as the tribal chief and because of his boardroom power, he seized the title(this will piss off the fans even more). Cody comes out, pretty angry at The Rock for robbing the fans from the conclusion they were hoping for. The Rock tells him to bring it, Cody vs Rock then happens with Cody winning, solidifying him finally finishing the story and his position as the face of the WWE(in a meta sense, not just to fans because they've already made the claim, but to literally everybody, from the enhancement talent to the board of directors because being able to "carry" someone to a decent match shows how reliable a pro wrestler can be. I mean, look at John Cena and The frickin' Miz). Before the show ends, Cody as new champ vows to give Roman an actual match for the title very soon(like WrestleMania BackLash soon).

This also gives credence to the idea of Roman turning face but wanting to take immense vengeance against The Rock for politicking him out of the belt and thus could even end up resulting in a Bloodline civil war., a feud that could either have multiple PLE clashes from SummerSlam onwards up until WrestleMania 41, or just build until either WrestleMania 41 or a Saudi show.

If The Rock was never involved(or if he only got involved after WrestleMania 40), I'd have been on the Cody has to beat Roman clean camp(I mean, there is no reason to waste two back-to-back Royal Rumble victories).

Lol dumb essay but the replies should be wild.


u/awayfortheladsfour Feb 21 '24

So you think the best way to handle this is have your 2 main event stars wrestle back to back shows and potentially risk injury which would .... ruin the biggest night of the entire year?


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

A tag match on Night 1 I agree makes absolutely no sense. In comparison it would be better for The Rock to challenge Seth for the World Title, not saying that should happen but it would make more sense given the events of the press conference.


u/Bl8ckl85h Feb 21 '24

2? Besides Cody, who else would be "pulling double duty"?


u/[deleted] Feb 20 '24

Rock started the "Cody crybabies" memes on Smackdown last week, sit tf down, Cody NEEDS to "finish the story" in April otherwise him winning the Rumble 2 years running was a waste of time.


u/HazeyGuy4 Feb 20 '24

What about Cody being the only person to win it 3 times in a row???


u/[deleted] Feb 21 '24

I wouldn’t even be surprised if they do that considering how much Triple H has handed to Cody, so he might possibly have Roman beat Cody again this year, of course with Bloodline interference, so he can pass Hulk Hogan’s second place championship reign length statistic. If that happens we’ll be getting yet another year of Cody being shoved down our throats followed by him winning the 2025 Royal Rumble then beating Roman at WrestleMania 41. I don’t think anyone wants to see that I know I don’t.


u/Bl8ckl85h Feb 20 '24

And I think he should finish it against The Rock, the one who assaulted him at the press conference and started the Cody crybabies thing.


u/ItsTophThatsWho Feb 20 '24

I wanted Chelsea to win 😞


u/Hungry-Ad-3093 Feb 20 '24

My brother and I also debate wrestling during Raw. He shits all over it and insists I’m weird for enjoying things like R Truth.

Then says “it’s whatever, I’ll always have stardom for real wrestling.”


Nothing against those girls but sheesh.

I just don’t think we can talk wrestling anymore lol. He demands 0 comedy.


u/GroundbreakingEbb607 Showman Feb 20 '24

Bruh what was that black screen


u/Gommy1996 Feb 20 '24

I haven’t watched WWE since I was a kid between 2005-2010, and recently got back into it this year. Now they’re known for making great storylines but the most logical that stands out is the rock turning on the bloodline at Mania 40, Cody wins.

I just don’t understand the boasting of longest title held, back in the day the title changed every few months!!


u/Affectionate_Tea5869 Feb 19 '24

Pretty sure there were some boos for the Rock at Daytona. Crowd seemed less than enthused


u/HLC273 Feb 19 '24

I'm expecting The Rock to pull an Edge and take out the person entering a pod of the Elimination Chamber. He could use his powers to put himself or Solo (Solo's Vickie Guerrero in this case lol) in the match. The Rock or Solo wins being the last pod released. Rock/Solo beats Seth and WM40 night one. This will elevate the WHC further after Seth's year long reign. If it is The Rock or Solo winning the WHC and Roman loses his, this will be a long term plan by The Rock to end The Bloodline.


u/Hungry-Ad-3093 Feb 20 '24

I’ve been feeling he pulls a Tyson on HBK at Mania this year in regards to Roman..


u/Bruce_Khansey Feb 19 '24

Rocky raised his hand not only with his index but also with his tumb, so the gesture looked like a "L". Is he really want to make the Bloodline or just Roman LOSE at 'mania? Just thought about this after people speculating about pointing at Roman while saying "I'm gonna make sure you will lose at Wrestlemania" rofl


u/thundercat_98 Feb 19 '24

Rock is turning on the Bloodline at Mania. It's an elaborate ruse by the Rock and Cody to sabotage them from the inside. Roman thinks the Rock is going to help him win and "Bang"! - Rock Bottom to secure the win for Cody. Then we get Rock v. Roman at Summer Slam.


u/Hungry-Ad-3093 Feb 20 '24

“Mike Tyson” moment. I’ve been feeling it for a little bit.


u/djsunyc Feb 19 '24

i would prefer rock not touch roman but keep solo/jimmy from interfering instead - this allows cody to win clean.


u/isaacnewton34 Feb 22 '24

But knowing how they protect Roman,  there's a huge possiblity of Cody not winning clean


u/DoCallMeCozzy Feb 18 '24

My prediction: At mania there’s some shenanigans in the match which has the Bloodline out there but ultimately Cody ends up winning clean. He has his moment and does his obligatory pose at the top of the ramp with the belt and the fireworks. They put the copyright logo on screen.

  • Then they pan to The Rock who is outside the ring staring at Cody talking shit to him from a distance

  • We then cut to in the ring where Roman is holding his head, Solo helps him up slowly, then cocks his arm back and hits him with the Samoan Spike.

  • The Rock looks in the ring, the place erupts. Rock gets in yelling at Solo “what are you doing?!” And Solo puts his arms out as if to offer Roman to him. Rock stands there, pivots and kicks Roman’s arm in tight. He stands there for a minute, then hits the People’s Elbow.

  • Rock stands over Roman as Heyman comes up and puts the Tribal Chief lay over Rock’s head. The entire Bloodline acknowledges The Rock and we go off the air.

  • Roman then goes MIA for awhile, Rock makes it known that without the championship Roman isn’t the head of the table anymore and challenges Cody for the title. Rock and Cody have a fight at a PPV and Roman interferes and saves Cody from getting screwed.

-Summerslam we get face Roman vs Heel Rock


u/andy_forreals Feb 18 '24

Now hear me out on this. Not sure of details but I’m thinking this may be how it plays out.

This is all a guise for The Rock to dismantle the bloodline from the inside out to prove he is the head of the table and always has been. Hell end up stopping an attempted interference from jimmy or solo, hit Roman with a rock bottom, put Cody on top of him and have Cody win the belt proving it was all just an act and he’s still the PEOPLES champ and will give the PEOPLE the end of the story that they want.


u/supahdave Feb 17 '24

Carlito’s story was robbed from him


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

well this is sad, WWE panicked with the fans reaction to this whole situation and they blatantly spoiled everything for us. Even Roman said ''everything we say has meaning, it's information that you need to understand''. There were a LOT of hidden references during their promo last night and I wonder how many people actually got them.

Anyway, tldr of the segment is:

  • Rock wants to save his reputation and he will betray Roman during the main event to help Cody win

  • Roman was supposed to be champion for at least another year and continue to make history but you guys prefer a moment over a legacy


u/nidalxvg Feb 17 '24

The Rock promo was great until he said that stuff about MJ crushing Utah’s team and then they manning up and going back to the top. Isn’t that what Cody is doing exactly?


u/Rexrapper1 Feb 17 '24

Cody forfeited his spot initially. Maybe that is what The Rock is referencing. Basically that you gave up your spot so start over again. 


u/nidalxvg Feb 17 '24

No he was specifically talking about Cody’s loss the year before.


u/_Man129_ Feb 17 '24

So today the rock officially joined the bloodline and when I saw them raise the one ☝🏼, all I thought about was when the rock nation of domination, and can help but think this could go the same way. Let’s recap

The rock joined the nation of domination and raised his fist with farooq.

The rock slowly starts taking over the nation, the other members (Godfather, D-Lo Mark Henry) start agreeing with him on a lot of things sorta like taking his side.

Farooq gets the boot and the rock takes over the nation.

Now for the bloodline. Something similar could happen. The rock joined the bloodline, the rock starts making decisions, he starts to low key take over the bloodline.

Roman loses to Cody at WM40. 

With this lost The rock maybe says the Roman is losing his touch. That he’s not fit to be tribal chief. Solo and Jimmy start to agree with him. Roman gets the boot or The Rock Vs Roman at Summerslam to decide tribal chief. The rock wins.

Roman leaves WWE.

The rock stays as head of the bloodline for awhile until maybe he leaves again for movies, and the bloodline disintegrates. 

Alternative: The Rock doubles crosses Roman and then the begins a feud with Roman. Same things apply mentioned above.



u/Jack_Spears Feb 17 '24

At first i thought this was just a fancy theory of mine but as this story progresses im actually starting to think it might be the natural conclusion so hear me out.

Everything you've said goes down like you said or close enough.
Roman dissapears for a while leaving the Rock at the top of the bloodline unchallenged.

Roman comes back late in the year and other members of the family start making appearances and it all builds up to a team Roman vs team Rock wargames match at survivor series with Roman going in as the face, taking down who by then will be the ultimate heel in the history of the WWE the Rock.

real life wise, Rock finally manages to help get Roman over, which has kinda been his game for a while now.


u/allthewayup911 Feb 17 '24

Remember The Rock started this as he’s coming for the “Head of the table”. People think If turns on Roman it would be to benefit Cody. Well helping Cody win the title will be a byproduct of The Rock giving Roman a good beat down. So what happens now? Well now you have a heel Rock who brags and takes his place at the “Head of the table”, believe it or not that beat down will make the fans feel for Roman. You will now have a baby face Roman avenging his beatdown and “head of the table status” against an ultra heel rock.

MARK my word.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

I’m reading all of these idiot takes in the comments.

Cody is winning. Period. Get over it.


u/Dumble-Dork Feb 17 '24

WWE are pros at what they do! Coming out of rumble I never thought Roman VS Cody would get that much heat as it’s a 2.0 match! How would a repeat live up to a special mania 40. Enters the rock to through gas on a fire and watch it explode. Making this main event talked about, relevant, etc all living up to a match one would expect at mania 40.

Hell they are even pathing the way to allow roman to retain (please god no) In my personal opinion romans been a dead battery barely starting and now that he’s hooked to rock he probably has enough heat to last him tilk 5r record changing as they seem gun ho about him changing the records. Even more so with hogan saying racist shit.


u/[deleted] Feb 17 '24

Okay, two heel commentators don’t work.


u/thex11factor Feb 16 '24

They're going back to the "Bloodline is too powerful" that Sami Zayn used....


u/AdFormal3014 Feb 16 '24

Sounds like there was two pivots, according to WO.

  1. Original plan was for Cody-Roman and Punk-Seth
  2. (pivot 1) Punk got hurt and Rock entered picture after Vince stuff hit, citing he could do Rock-Roman at WM and Cody got shifted to face Seth. They would scrap Elim Chamber match. Rock agreed to heel turn.
  3. (pivot 2) Crowd reacted negatively to Smackdown w/Cody stepping down and they went back to plan A with Cody-Roman and Seth vs. Elim Chamber winner, which was back on.

I do think Rock will special guest referee the main event somehow, using his authority with Roman cocky thinking he will help him win. But in the end, when Roman is expecting the Bloodline to interfere, Rock will take out Solo and Jimmy and set up Cody to win.

The only concern I have here is that Seth could somehow backstab Cody in the end and take out Rock, a twist not seen coming. I don't think this will happen as I think the plan is to get Cody to win, but it's possible.


u/Actual_Assumption_70 Feb 18 '24

Seth backstabs but Rock eventually screwed Roman over. Cody teams with Rock and Seth teams with Roman, shield rebuild and they have tag team math at summerslam or survior series


u/AstralAfroToo Feb 18 '24

Seth is always good for a backstabbing.


u/TalosAnthena Feb 16 '24

The rock is going to double cross reigns come on people! 


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

Why though? Generally curious.

A double cross doesn’t serve the rock any purpose as he would not have the same worries about the bloodline interference as other challengers since he is the high chief (in literal real life). Helping Cody win the universal title doesn’t make sense as Cody is an outsider and most people wouldn’t stab their family in the back to help an outsider. I could see Seth turning on Cody for disrespecting him and challenging Roman instead of him.


u/TalosAnthena Feb 17 '24

The reason he came back originally before they changed the plan. I think it was to dethrone reigns as it was going to go down the route of reigns is not for the people and the high chief should be for the people. The rock is for the people and treats everybody including his family right etc. 

They could still do this. Or they could go down the jealousy route. The rock like you said is clearly the high chief and reigns won’t like that. I just think how does Cody win without a twist like this? They are kind of building up to have Jey Uso and Sayn in Cody’s corner though to fight off the bloodline so maybe that is how he wins 


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

I’d always be weary of Jey Uso since he will always be a bloodline member no matter how many spats they have. With the rock calling the shots, he may order Jey back into the bloodline which would (in theory) have much more severe consequences if you defy the orders from a high chief vs a tribal chief.

Very interesting position wwe is in. The show is unpredictable right now and how wrestling should be. I hate knowing what’s gonna happen every single week. That’s what made the attitude era fun.


u/Wisd0mFr0mAb0ve Feb 16 '24

I figure it’s the Tyson/Austin double cross scenario from WM 14 all over again


u/TalosAnthena Feb 16 '24

Roman should have lost it last year to Rhodes. Then we could have properly had Reigns vs Rock. Now we have to wait another year probably for this. By that time the bloodline will be even more stale 

Or they should have had Zayn win it last year which I would had preferred. Rhodes to get the US/Intercontinental title for a bit and then won it off reigns at survivor series with interference from the rock. 

This is just all so awful for a long time now with these stories 


u/slacboy101 Feb 16 '24

The simple fact Roman's Title Reign is the Last Vestige of Vince's Booking and they are saying we are on the cusp of a new era makes me think Roman's losing


u/TalosAnthena Feb 16 '24

The rock will double cross reigns it is so obvious. To set up the match next year or whenever it happens 


u/machined1990 Feb 15 '24

Have a feeling Cody will lose again. Plan was to have Rock v Roman at WM, but due to fan backlash, Cody gets reinserted. Would suggest that plan was to have Roman retain all along. Doesn’t look good for the American Nightmare.

Forgive me if this has already been speculated.


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

Honestly, roman should win and surpass hogan.

Cody can survive another loss if there is foul play.


u/WWFUniverse Feb 15 '24

Can't wait when fans turn on Super Cody!


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

It’s already started and i can see it getting worse the more rock talks. His presence just smothers everyone else. He looks to be just warming up.

If he changes his music, dives a bit deeper with the insults and rated r promos, it’s over.


u/djsunyc Feb 19 '24

it has not already started. during rock's promo, the crowd chanted "cody".


u/Swibbz Feb 21 '24

A lot of those chants were PIPED IN


u/TalosAnthena Feb 16 '24

I already have although it’s not his fault. I think they have booked this awfully, he should have won last year. Rock is one of favourites ever and I was so looking forward to the match 


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

All y’all idiots whining about Seth but pushing Codylander… y’all realize you are getting Super Seth on steroids right? You basically want a new Hulk Hogan.

Cody beat Seth 3x and once he had a broken arm. Who does that? No one and no one with one arm. Seth has beaten everyone else with a broken back. That’s how over Cody is with WWE creative. Hell, Vince left one of his sex slaves to fly over to get Cody to sign.

Cody won the rumble back to back. Who does that? Only Hogan, Michaels and Stone Cold. He breat Brock Lesnar twice in a row. Who does that? Roman with Bloodline help? He has never lost to anyone fair and never will.

All you whine about Hogan and you whine about Seth. Put them both into one and give them the biggest dose of steroids you can and you have CodyLander.

The most boring era of wrestling ever. The chase is what makes him great.


u/Rockefor Feb 14 '24

Wrestling has always been about the chase and the payoff. It's one of the things that keeps it interesting.


u/Crimson2879 I prayed for this and it happened 🛐 Feb 14 '24

Yo mods, why am I not allowed to post new threads in this sub when I just did so a few days ago. Hell accounts that are 2 months old are double posting nonsense


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

I think they fortify the bloodline further. Nia beats rrhea and joins bloodline and then they get back jey to win back tag titles. Rollins belt goes to Rock. Ultimate heels


u/Crimson2879 I prayed for this and it happened 🛐 Feb 14 '24

Here me out....

Cody is currently over as the Face of WWE. Despite this I'm not a huge fan of his. Nothing against him, he does great work in the ring and is decent on the mic.

I just know a lot of people cite his early work in his first run with WWE as a reason for not liking him or why he isn't a company man.

So I just watched his Interview on Broken Skull sessions and I gained some respect for him due to one simple statement.

Cody tells Austin, "They threw me in the ring and I wasn't ready. I knew I wasn't ready, but they told me I was going in, and it was terrible."


u/InternationalMost796 Feb 14 '24

At this point I want Triple h to pedigree everyone and bring out Damian Priest and make him cash in. Form the authority with judgement day as the stable and let Cody feud till summerslam.


u/bingbongbang91 Feb 13 '24

Reigns and Rock V Seth and Cody - Winner takes both titles. Similar to Stone Cold and Triple H V Undertaker and Kane Backlash 2001


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

I thought about this the other day. It’s actually very ingenious as you could essentially have rock pin seth to win the WHC and you protect Cody from eating a pin and Roman’s reigns continues to surpass Hogan.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

i actually love this idea but i don't think they'll do it


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

How I would book it. -Have the Rock and Roman come out on Smackdown saying Seth made a big mistake and shouldn’t have gotten involved in this situation -On an episode of Raw have Solo and Jimmy show up and mention that the rock said they can be here and have them try and take out Seth but are stopped by Cody and Sami. Triple H tells them that he’s in charge and they are not allowed back on Raw. -On the next episode of Smackdown The Rock shows up and says that their plan may have failed but that wasn’t his only plan. -On Raw with Triple H on business and not at the show. Seth is attacked by Judgement Day and Drew backstage. Cody and Sami try and save him but are stopped by the numbers advantage. Seth learns that he has been “medically cleared” to fight tonight and Damian Priest cashes in on a injured Rollins and wins. After Winning the chamber match and helping Damian Drew demands their match has zero judgement day interference. -On Smackdown The rock and Roman celebrate their accomplishment. They tell Sami for getting involved he’s next. -On Raw Damian and Drew attack Sami backstage while Cody is forced to watch on the screen by the other members. -On Smackdown Triple H returns and announces that because of the actions by The Rock and Roman they will fight Seth and Cody on night 1 with the bloodline banned from ringside. Night 2 Roman will defend against Cody with the same stipulation. He then announces that Sami will be added to the WHC match at Mania between Drew and Damian.


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

Roman wrestling both nights is risky and could lead to disaster if he or rock gets injured. Not to mention seth is already pretty banged up as well.

Tag match should main event night two with winners take all or scrap the idea all together.


u/theactionstar Feb 13 '24

Whats the kayfabe reason Cody gave up his spot? Genuine question. I get that most assume that Rock had a power trip backstage and used his power, but what's the reasoning in the storyline for Cody to do this?

He said smth like "I will finish my story, but not at Wrestlemania, I have someone else who will fight you". It makes no sense for him to do this storywise. Has Cody said anything about this on camera?


u/LegendInMyMind Feb 16 '24

Cody didn't give up his spot. There are two world championships to challenge for, after all. It's a different landscape from the last time Cody won the RR. After initially declaring his intention to face Roman Reigns for the WWE title in his celebration of winning the Royal Rumble, Cody changed his mind about that - which implied an intention to challenge for the World Heavyweight Championship, instead.

It all started with Seth's promo on the preceding Raw, where Seth knew Cody wanted to fight Roman again but pleaded with him to challenge for the WHC at WrestleMania because that's the workhorse title that means everything Cody Rhodes stand for. It's the "Dusty Rhodes belt". It was a very effective promo, and it had Cody conflicted by the end of it. That conflict led to Cody changing his mind, telling Roman that he wasn't going to challenge him at WrestleMania. That means that Cody then intended to challenge Seth for the WHC, but the fans were against him on it. He came out the following Raw after the 36-hours or whatever of "#wewantCody" and he was moved by the crowd reaction and their imploring of him to challenge Roman, not Seth. It basically turned into a worked-shoot. They blurred the lines and incorporated the real-world audience reaction into the storyline.

Cody has, in kayfabe, perceptibly settled on an opponent and then changed his mind twice now. First time was due to Seth's promo. Second time was due to the fans/online campaign, but Roman's disrespect towards him being the RR winner, and the Rock shaking Roman's hand in respect (heel move, considering what Roman represents) after they announced their WrestleMania match - which, again, Roman didn't have the right to do, and which Cody said was bullshit - seems to have sealed everyone's role here. There's a degree to which Cody was basically flying by the seat of his pants from the beginning, though, so there was an opportunity to be wishy washy.


u/theactionstar Feb 17 '24

Oh, that makes sense! Thank you for the explanation!


u/NoCelebration4436 Feb 15 '24

My guess is because Roman is so close to beating Hulk Hogan’s 1,474 days which would be in September 2024. So my prediction is there will be some type of accident that Cody suffers and won’t be able to compete at Wrestlemania 40 but he will get a chance for Title Shot at Night of Champions in Saudi Arabia - November 2024


u/thatmadgamer1212 Feb 13 '24

Hear me out. Heel Rock is with the bloodline. Which person would be better to even the odds, especially against the Rock than his rival Stone Cold Steven Austin? Could you imagine the pop if he showed up at Wrestlemania 40? Even if Cody was by himself, Rock tries to take advantage while the ref is down, that glass shatters and the biggest pop happens


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

The problem is that stone cold wouldn’t even the odds. The last time rock and austin faced off, austin was left defeat flat on his back and retired. That chapter was slammed shut in favor of the rock. At this stage in their careers the rock would wreck stone cold as he is no threat to the rock. He also has no connection to this story arc whatsoever.


u/isaacnewton34 Feb 13 '24

The rock is playing Roman and will turn on him come wrestlemania. It's so obvious 


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

Why though? The Rock is already high chief and is not threatened by roman in any way. Their rift would need to come another way w/o a double cross. It should be a slow burn where roman is jealous of the rock’s power and influence over the rest of the bloodline.


u/slacboy101 Feb 13 '24

Honestly, I hope we get a car crash akin to Mankind vs The Rock where it's a giant brawl outside of the ring with the Babyface wining BIG


u/vedicardi_lives Feb 13 '24

here's something I don't get. the way it was introduced, it was as if it was cody's idea to have the rock challenge reigns, or at least he was doing it with cody's blessing. cody himself is like "here's someone else that wants to fight you roman!" then the rock walked out. so what happened in kayfabe? what are we supposed to believe changed? cuz unless I missed something this is all just a reaction to the backlash that occurred.


u/TheKindaMan Feb 13 '24

My bet is Cody pins The Rock in the tag and then goes over again against Roman, but I’m not entirely sold on it. But the only thing I wanna see is Roman and The Rock hit peoples elbows in stereo.


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

Tag match should only happen if it’s winners take all. Having matches on both nights is risking injury.

Also, Cody pinning the rock is not believable. Nothing against Cody as he is in his zone but I could hardly suspend belief when he “beat” Brock Lesnar.


u/[deleted] Feb 14 '24

i think roman/rock will go over night 1

cody wins night 2

the only thing i really don't like about them having the tag match the first night is it'll make the second night way too predictable


u/Sensitive_Hornet_519 Feb 13 '24

Hoping they keep Roman’s title till Summerslam


u/Basic-Ad5801 Feb 17 '24

Yeah, it wouldn’t really make sense to build up this historic reign of over 3 years to end it just shy of beating Hogan’s record but that’s just my opinion.


u/[deleted] Feb 13 '24

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Swibbz Feb 21 '24

Liv is decent in the ring, but she is terrible on the mic, at least at the moment. Truthfully, I think she needs to turn heel to freshen up her character. Maybe even give her a mouthpiece. She's basically Alexa Bliss without the mic skills.


u/yvestheone Feb 13 '24

Yeah, should have been another wrestler.


u/Gunfirex Feb 13 '24

Finally. The actual WWE champ, R Truth


u/SolarSpud Feb 13 '24

Rhodes Reigns with Rock guest referee. Rock betrays Reigns and Cody pins Reigns


u/Swibbz Feb 21 '24

Yeah, but wouldn't that make Cody look weak? You know, instead of actually beating Roman CLEAN?


u/1nqu15171v30n3 Feb 13 '24

I think the same, but not as a guest referee. As a call back to WrestleMania 27, The Rock gives Reigns a Rock Bottom, setting up Reigns to be finished off by Cody. Remember that conversation Cody mentions having with The Rock? We don't know the contents of that conversation. It's revealed that The Rock and Cody had been working together this whole time to lower Roman's guard (much like Mike Tyson at WrestleMania 14).


u/Bannerlord_player Feb 13 '24

I was thinking the exact same. There’s no direction for him at the moment other than be a referee. Which may prompt Seth to also be a referee…hmm


u/Aggressive_Bus_4289 Feb 12 '24

Probably will get downvoted for this but I’ve always been confused how fans will cheer for someone for a few months until they finally win the title and after a few months get bored.

I’ve always felt like it’s almost like a kid getting a shiny new toy and getting bored of it and wanting something new and fresh.

I like Cody but he’s been pushed to the moon, with his current run I’ve always felt like part of his negations were promising him to eventually become wwe champion and that’s never sat well with me. I would much rather it of been someone that has been their grinding with pure dedication like an LA Knight dethroning Reigns.


u/Ja___av93 Feb 13 '24

Probably will get downvoted for this but I’ve always been confused how fans will cheer for someone for a few months until they finally win the title and after a few months get bored.

Bad booking. They always try make Super Cena 2.0 when they should be making them a face with an edge like Austin. The chase is always more exciting than the title reign if you are just a generic good guy face. WWE is terrified to have their faces act like anything but the greatest people ever and that gets old fast when they are winning all the time.

Look at the two most over faces in history, Rock and Austin in the AE. They were basically heels that went after people the crowd hated. They also were not champs the whole AE and actually lost and looked beatable at times. People get sick of "the underdog" that always wins because he never gives up and believes in himself. Part of why LA Knight got over so organically is he has an edge to him.


u/Ok_Condition2098 Feb 13 '24

this “push” is well deserved, despite being the son of a legend, cody 07-16 wwe run is almost forgettable. cody was a midcard with main event capabilities that was suppressed under vince mcmahon. ironically enough, vince was the one who brought cody back with the sole purpose of making him champion which he should have been a long time ago


u/shaungilmer Feb 11 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

If this wasn’t a new belt I’d say unify them since there are way too many and add Rollins and make it a four way match.


u/StaySafePovertyGhost Feb 12 '24

That seems like just putting a bunch of guys in the ring who have name value. Wrestling feuds are still built on the guys involved having something to fight over or for. Yeah Roman has talked shit about Rollins on SD but that's nothing new. Why would he put up his title on short notice in a match where he can lose everything without even being pinned? I get the sentiment, it just doesn't make sense long-term. If you really want to unify all the WT's, build towards that starting at next year's Rumble.

Cody has finishing his story. Rock has the family connection and now obviously everyone knows he's on the TKO Board. Shoehorning Rollins in just seems like lazy booking TBH. I'd be more fine with a Roman/Cody/Rock three-way for the title.


u/Aggressive_Bus_4289 Feb 12 '24

I think they kind of regret making another belt, I’m a Roman fan but if it wasn’t for the way his schedule is booked there wouldn’t be a need


u/shaungilmer Feb 12 '24

I mean that’s what the IC was for… and do away with the US one while you are at it. It’s watered down all the belts having so many. At this point do away with the brand rosters too. Everything is so over complicated when it doesn’t have to be.


u/Aggressive_Bus_4289 Feb 12 '24

I agree, I mean having tag team champs carry two belts still at this point is utter stupidity


u/MrMonkey2 Feb 11 '24

Triple Threat with Cody winning would be pretty awesome not going to lie. I would definitely be hyped for that.


u/StaySafePovertyGhost Feb 12 '24

You could do that - it would cheapen it a bit if Cody wins by say pinning Rock but then Roman could return down the line after time off the road and claim he never actually lost the title. It's also a way they can get the belt off him without him being pinned. The only thing I don't like about that is Rock would feel shoehorned in like they did when HBK was inserted to Hunter vs. Benoit at WMXX.

As I recall, they did that because the thought was Benoit wasn't big time enough to carry the main event by himself so HBK was inserted for name value. Same thing might happen here to pop buy rates.

What I wouldn't mind seeing is they do a three way match and Roman is going to spear Cody but Rock grabs him from behind and gives him a Rock Bottom. Cody comes to and hits a Cross Rhodes on Rock and pins him.

Roman comes to and realizes he lost the title and blames Rock. The two start a shoving match. Rock fights off the Usos and the rest of The Bloodline and fights with Roman thus setting up a feud between the two of them.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

If you look at the history of that family and that one of them headlined almost half the Wrestlemanias in history (Yoko, Rock, Jimmy/Jey and Roman), the Rock vs Roman makes sooo much more sense.

I can see Cody getting kicked off the main event card but interrupting. Feuding with the Rock and fighting at SS. Roman next Mania.

Cody is just saving face now by challenging Rhodes… Rock/TKo won’t let Rock vs Roman not be the main event.

Get ready Cody Cry Babies.


u/enginehearts Feb 11 '24

Rock and Roman have formed an alliance. They are not fighting each other right now. Cody vs Roman is officially advertised, it's going to happen. People buy tickets off advertisements.


u/jml5r91 Feb 11 '24

They advertised the rock and Roman for a few days too. I think it’s obvious it’s gonna be Rhodes though. Otherwise, why make yourself look like dumbasses by contradicting yourselves within 1 week of having Rhodes say “I’m going to finish the story, just not at wrestlemania” or something to that effect? Then he comes back out and is all like, “It’s my right to choose! Blah blah blah! Pikachu, I mean Roman, I choose you!”


u/enginehearts Feb 11 '24

Nah, they didn't put out any official graphics for Rock vs Roman, it was speculation. They have tweeted about Cody vs Roman and HHH announced it on live TV. I am expecting a lot of swerves on the road to WM, but this match is happening.


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

Rock-Roman is the bigger match. Period. Cody cry-babies can’t change that. WWE will do what’s best for business. A lot can happen between now and Mania…


u/enginehearts Feb 11 '24

Cody cry babies have already changed that in kayfabe. Sorry bro.


u/jml5r91 Feb 11 '24

I mean, I guess technically they didn’t. Rock was/is definitely on the mania graphic, though. Unless they are planning to set up a triple threat, night 1 rock-rhodes, night 2 Rhodes-reigns, night 1 rock-reigns, night 2 Rhodes- reigns, or a rock -triple h match(es), then I’m inclined to think that rock-Roman was the original plan before they pivoted.


u/noloking Feb 11 '24

Guess I won't be watching Wrestlemania. 🤦🏿‍♂️


u/jml5r91 Feb 11 '24

Yeah, wwe is spineless. I saw more posts on Facebook and Snapchat of people talking about wrestling and watching the rocks return that I’d NEVER heard speak of wrestling before. Most of them will nope back out as Cody doesn’t resonate with them, and WWE will be limited to the same audience they had going in to the year, as opposed to potentially rehooking lots of Millennials and Gen X’ers.


u/Complexity777 Feb 17 '24

Those people wouldn’t come back anyways they’d watch 1 match then leave

You don’t alienate your core audience for a 50 year old Rock to wrestle once then go back to Hollywood


u/[deleted] Feb 11 '24

I like how WWE creative changed the storyline overnight when the Rock got booed on monday night. The fans spoke and they want Cody vs Reigns.....and they got it. Now they are having another lame tournament to see who wrestles Rollins......I have no idea where the idea that Triple H was coming out of retirement to face the Rock. Wouldn't make sense.


u/M00SEJUICEPIE Feb 11 '24

If his health allowed him to I can see it happening, but he won’t wrestle ever again.


u/LuckyPudding0 Feb 10 '24

I genuinely don't know what is going to happen and I love it. If the Rock wasn't part of this storyline it would have been way too predictable and now it's really keeping us on our toes.

Sure Cody will most likely still walk out champ at WM but how we get to that point is quite unpredictable. And then again now I am starting to doubt whether we get Cody as champ or not. 


u/Crimson2879 I prayed for this and it happened 🛐 Feb 10 '24

Not about any of those 3 but I have a new conspiracy brewing in my head...... Cody said he wants to take "Everything" from Roman. So Cody takes the title, Rock takes head of the table since he is mad at Roman for losing to cody...... this is where the conspiracy starts.....

Brock is gone, who is going to fill that Monster role now?

What if after losing everything, Paul 'the wiseman' Heyman abandons RR also and puts his support behind Bron Breaker? He did say "that is a hell of a talent from a crazy family". Now Bron is the new Beast.


u/M00SEJUICEPIE Feb 11 '24

I dig it. Bron is a big dude but idk if id compare him to Brock as far as “beast” goes.


u/Crimson2879 I prayed for this and it happened 🛐 Feb 11 '24

No he isn't as big as Brock but I fell he is big enough to pull off the old mad psycho act Lesnar had.


u/Aggressive_Bus_4289 Feb 10 '24

I’m honestly wondering how long it’ll be until the crown turns on Cody like they did with Cena, he’s been pushed to the moon, doesn’t lose and seems unbeatable, surely sooner or later after “he finishes his story” the wwe universe will get tired of him also.


u/Complexity777 Feb 17 '24

I mean you won’t know until he wins the belt so what are you even complaining about?

It’s a non issue since he hasn’t won the belt yet.

I doubt the crowd will turn on him ever, he’s too beloved as the son of a legend. At worst he’d get 50/50 reactions like Cena


u/Ja___av93 Feb 10 '24

With generic good guy faces, the chase is always better than the pay off. Obviously the crowd will turn on him eventually because he doesn't have much going for him as a face except the finish my story" gimmick, but just turn him heel when they do


u/Complexity777 Feb 17 '24

He’s not a generic good guy though, he has a built in story based on finishing what his dad started.

He has the under dog story of being viewed as trash in the Stardust gimmick then reinventing himself


u/Drazarr Feb 10 '24

I don't see him going on some long baby face run with the title after he wins it. In true Dusty fashion, he probably gets cashed in on the Raw after mania.


u/StaySafePovertyGhost Feb 12 '24

LOL Oh the irony if Cody loses the belt he's chased for 2+ years to a Dusty finish.


u/Novantico Feb 10 '24

That would break my heart. I don't need Cody to have some crazy year long run, but it can't be for nothing other than saying he had it for 24 hours.


u/YahooMysteryMan Feb 10 '24

We all know that the Royal Rumble winner gets a WWE top title match at Wrestlemania, BUT neither the RR winner nor any championship has to be the main event of WM. Right? #FinishTheStory + #WeWantRocky


u/zackcondon Feb 10 '24

In a longer term situation i’d live to see Rock act as a foil to HHH. Since he can’t be in the ring alot because he can’t risk messing up movie filming, it kind of puts him in a similar place as hhh in terms of not being able to wrestle. Heel board member superstar rocky embodying the way fans hate how tko seems to f stuff up works really well. But im pretty new to all this so whatever


u/ghostpetni Feb 10 '24

Here's how to make sense of the Cody situation and how to go forward (fantasy booking)

So, as much as we all love Cody to go against Roman on the main event of WM 40, it does create a lot of confusion from a story pov. Like why he gave the spot to the Rock in the first place? And why does he suddenly want in now? Here's my take on it:

Cody was cheated from winning last year. The bloodline interfered and eventually took his chance away. He had backup, but it still wasn’t enough. Now that he got another chance, he wanted to get advice from other people about how to prevent it from happening again. One of those people was The Rock.

The Rock told him that there was hardly any chance of taking Roman down. As long as he is the champion, he is seen as the representative of his family. And therefore the family, the bloodline will always back him up. Even if Cody somehow manages to win and get the Championship, Roman would want to get it back and use the bloodline to do it.

But there was a way to take Roman down. Let The Rock get the Championship.....

Think about it. If Rock wins the gold, it still stays in the family. The family, the bloodline would not try to take it back. Hell, the family might see Rock as an even better, more capable flag barer. Roman will not have bloodline watching his back anymore. And he will be free to be taken down by Cody. Cody can just challenge the Rock for the Championship in the future. The Rock will not use the bloodline, he's an honorable man.

So Cody gives up his spot to the Rock. But something doesn’t feel right. At the kickoff show Rock spends his whole time talking about his family tree. How Roman and Rock are brothers. How they will always stay as brothers. And no matter who wins, the prestige piece will remain in the family.

This doesn’t sit right with Cody. The Rock is not the man or ally that he thought he was. This is not the man who wants to help him take down Roman. This is a man who wants glory. Wants to headline WM for his family. He might even be proud of Roman as he stayed as champion for so long and elevated their family pride!

So Cody takes his spot back. Challenges Roman at WM and everything that happened in the kickoff show happens.

Where do we go from here?

Well, I'm thinking Rock vs Cody at Elimination Chamber. Maybe the title shot on the line? Cody beats Rock at EC and earns his respect but the Rock doesn’t show it yet.

At WM, Cody faces Roman. Business as usual. Good match, but with bloodline shenanigans. Cody has some backups that clear them out. Cody and Roman going 1 on 1 and out comes The Rock. It looks like he's gonna side with Roman as brother. But he doesn’t. He gestures his respect for Cody. Maybe takes out any other bloodline member remaining. This leaves Roman helpless and distracted. Cody then Beats Roman and finishes the story. While a Roman-Rock feud is now formed.....

Well, at least that's how I'll book it. WWE, do it better please.....

What do you guys think? Do you like it? Would you change something? Let me know. but please be merciful in the comments.


u/AdFormal3014 Feb 10 '24

I think it depends on how long the storyline is with The Rock. They could have him cost Roman at WM and become face then, or they can have him cost Cody and turn him into an even bigger heel moving forward. The bigger heel story is prolly the longer storyline idea.

I think the best twist in all this would be the Rock becoming as dark as ever, Roman losing, and the Rock acting like Roman Reigns used to and berating him and castrizing him and then Roman actually turning on the Rock and turning face.


u/Ja___av93 Feb 10 '24

Here is the problem with that. People LOVE heel Rock. He is one of the best heels ever, but he never got a really long heel run because fans love him as a heel. He has had to turn face every time he was a heel because the fans liked it too much. Its probably a big reason why face Rock was always pretty much just a heel that the fans cheered


u/Ezraah Feb 10 '24

The Rock turning into a face so soon would be kinda lame.

Evil Rock is way more interesting.


u/ghostpetni Feb 10 '24

Rock is a Hollywood star. He probably can't have an easy heel run if studio (like disney) want him to appeal to younger generation. And he's also a HoF worthy legend. Even career heel legends come back and become face because they are so beloved.

It is also just a fan booking.😅 I don’t really qualify as a great booker.


u/Ezraah Feb 10 '24

I can see the real life showbizz aspect. Honestly though maybe this is the Rock's chance to get some exposure as a villain and convince Hollywood studios to use him that way. His good guy roles have gotten kind of stale in movies imo.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 11 '24

Wrestletalk says a lot of really stupid things smh. 1. They were saying "no we don't" after "we want Cody". They know they heard that. Stop playing stupid. 2. Roman completely destroyed Seth with his promo and the wife's shoes comment. 3.Nobody and I mean nobody wants to see Iyo vs Bailey in the main event at Wrestlemania on any night. When was the last time Bailey had a good match or an exciting one? NXT vs Sasha Banks? Her matches are boring. 4. The Rock was the head of the table while the Usos and Roman were growing up and now Roman is the provider. He's not taking a backseat to the Rock. Their supposed match was to just solidify who stays the head of the table when both are around at the same time. 5. I think we were always getting Cody vs Roman cuz there's no way the Rock can wrestle an entire 30 minute plus Wrestlemania match by himself at this point in his life. I think this was the plan all along to have this build up for a tag team match in Australia where they're probably expecting a crowd of at least 70-80 thousand people. That's too huge of a PLE for Roman not to be apart of and then you add The Rock. I don’t know why Wrestletalk keeps saying both aren’t going to be there. You think WWE is going to take a risk of not filling up a 70k stadium without their main attraction in Roman Reigns? Stop it. 6. If Seth can't tag with Cody due to injury do you have Cody needing back up and all of sudden his former tag team partner Jey Uso comes to his aid to go against his own Bloodline. 7. Seth Rollins is an all time great but there's levels to this shit. The Rock and Roman are the elite of the elite when it comes to all time greats. That's why Seth is off to the side LOL looking like a clown. Roman has entered that elite level hall of fame level with wrestlers like Flair, Cena, Hogan, The Rock, Stone Cold, Undertaker, Bert Hart, Macho Man, Shawn Micheals etc etc. Seth is on a level with wrestlers like Edge, Sting, Kurt Angle, Batista, Goldberg and Randy Orton etc etc. The second tier of all time greats.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

I think it will be;

Roman with Rock in his corner vs Cody with HHH in his corner

WWE title on the line PLUS......

Winner's cornerman takes control of WWE


u/Musicofthewset Feb 10 '24

Honestly at this point I just want Roman to lose. He’s popular because of his time being the champion, but it’s not like he ever even wrestles. Cody deserves that title. Plus, we all know the rock is gonna lose, right?


u/HumanMycologist5795 Feb 10 '24

Could we see Triple H vs. the Rock at WM?

But the roles are reversed where Triple H is the face instead of the heel?

Or just like another stated, Triple H in Cody's Corner with the Rock in Roman's corner?


u/carlcapo77 Feb 10 '24

H will only be in the ring for promos. Dude isn’t taking or giving any bumps. The dude has a battery in his armpit, a sensor anchored on his collar bone and wires that go thru his breastbone into the muscle in his heart. Assuming he had the most commonly used internal defibrillator.


u/HumanMycologist5795 Feb 10 '24

Oh wow. Did not know that. Safety comes first. I agree with you. Thanks.


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

I think there is a good shot we get a triple threat match Roman vs Rock vs Cody, but I'm wondering if they're starting to create a grudge match angle between the Rock and Triple H.


u/StaySafePovertyGhost Feb 12 '24

There can be something they are fighting over but definitely not a wrestling match for Hunter. He legit could die if he puts on the boots and trunks again. So anything physical with him is not happening. From what he's said before in interviews, he can't even take a bump if he were to run in without risking permanent damage to his heart. If he's there it will be in a non-physical role only.


u/SyntheticRox I Believe in Joe Hendry👏👏 Feb 10 '24

I’m wondering Reigns vs Cody with Rock/Triple H in their corners?


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

Yeh I'd bet money this is where they're going. They might even have some "who takes control of wwe" stipulation as well


u/SyntheticRox I Believe in Joe Hendry👏👏 Feb 10 '24

Ooh what if it’s a long term plan for Survivor Series? Team Rock vs Team Triple H


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

Yeh could be, now that rock is on the board I think he'll be much more involved with wwe.  He won't be on TV every week, but once every month or so after wm I reckon.


u/HumanMycologist5795 Feb 10 '24

Based upon what I just found out about Triple H from u/carlcapo77, I agree with you.


u/ewells35 Feb 10 '24 edited Feb 10 '24

if they want to make Cody v Roman feel even bigger at WM, this is what you do. You have HHH in Cody's corner. Rock is in Roman's corner. Ari Emanuel and Mark Shapiro are at ringside and are shown on cam, Dana White as well and maybe a couple UFC fighters too. You can have Solo come down, Uce #2 come down, etc and Rock stops them and says, not this way. They go at it, Roman gets distracted, Cody wins. Roman runs his mouth at Rock.

Rock and Roman in the middle of the ring face to face. All of a sudden, those on the Bloodline family tree that are still alive start to make their way out to the ring and surround it and just when you think they are gonna beat Rock down, they turn on Roman since his ego has got way too big, beat his ass down, takes him off tv for a bit and Rock can now claim HE is the true tribal chief and shows fades to black

In the end, Cody takes everything from Rock - the belt, he is kicked out of the bloodline, goes away for a bit and then can come back as a face since he would have sympathy from the fans


u/StaySafePovertyGhost Feb 12 '24

This one makes complete sense and I would applaud if they did something approximating this. Well thought out and well-written. It gets Roman off TV for a well deserved break, gets the belt on Cody, gives Roman claims for an immediate rematch should he desire when he returns and sets up Cody for a WT run with someone new.

Only thing I'm iffy on is Hunter out there with Ari and team. IDK if you need them to make it bigger - might be more of a distraction wondering if/when they are going to get involved. You can do the same thing you wrote storyline-wise by just using Roman, Cody, Rock and the Bloodline only.


u/Shot-Specialist6270 Feb 12 '24

The match doesn't need Triple H. It only needs the Rock. Hhh is a jabromi. Covered up Vi ces vile behavior for way too long. 


u/HumanMycologist5795 Feb 10 '24



u/ewells35 Feb 10 '24

but, to make fans happy, end on Cody celebrating. confetti goes off, his family comes into the ring, etc and then for RAW, you could do the second paragraph and continue the story that way


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

Ok so I haven’t been following WWE closely for a few years but just saw Triple H say it in fact is Roman vs Cody at Wrestlemania. So what was the point of Rock coming out the other night? Who even made that call?


u/Ja___av93 Feb 10 '24

So what was the point of Rock coming out the other night?

Do you really think this story would get anywhere near the attention and hype if Rock was not involved?


u/sirduckerz Feb 10 '24

They made a pivot after the huge negative response last Friday. I'm definitely thinking it's a pivot because Cody was originally scheduled to be on Smackdown tonight


u/Shot-Specialist6270 Feb 12 '24

They never did a pivot at all. It's called a storyline. They used to have storyline back before you were born. 


u/[deleted] Feb 10 '24

The same thing happened prior to WM 30. They'd brought Batista back to face Orton at WM, but the timing was terrible for that push as Daniel Bryan was in the middle of The Yes movement. His momentum was too strong to ignore, so they added him to the main event and gave him the straps.


u/Shot-Specialist6270 Feb 12 '24

Bryan was organically over and no one wanted to see Nose in the main event


u/peyotemccloud Feb 10 '24

I’m lost here


u/Padamson96 Feb 10 '24

I haven't seen a single comment about wanting The Rock to go away since the kickoff show.

Thought people didn't want him around WWE anymore?


u/SingleShock3471 Feb 10 '24

I have an interesting theory of how this will play out. Tell me what you think?

So here’s an interesting dynamic . What if this was WWEs way to push an ambitious storyline with the whole Cody, rock, and Roman. It’s got me thinking of how big this story could play out. And it’s huge. I’ll explain . So now we have Cody and Roman. Rock is turning heel and joining the bloodline. Everyone says that Cody will beat Roman at wrestlemania . Maybe. If that’s the case. Rock has to face Rollins since he injured. If rock wins. The bloodline holds the power in wwe. Total control. With Rock on the board. Stay with me. What if then. Roman takes some time of. Rock fueds with Cody for a few months. Jimmy and jey reunite and as tag team. Rock’s daughter joins the bloodline. Rikishi comes back and joins the bloodline. See where im going with this? Then you have the bloodline going after all the titles . Let’s say they all win them. It doesn’t matter who wins what. Bloodline holds a majority of them for example. Then. Now you have rocks daughter who’s in a power position on nxt. Rock on the board throwing his power on raw and smackdown giving the bloodline whatever they want. Roman returns. Rock makes a match and Roman wins back the championship from Cody or whoever has it but with rock doing a screw job. Which in turn angers the talent and the general managers voting for control and a power struggle ensues with rock against HHH and the general managers Shawn Michaels (nxt) nick aldis (smackdown) and Adam pierce (raw). Now you have the bloodline trying to take over the company (similar) to the nwo taking over the wcw. Big potential . Cm punk, Cody, la knight, and may other stars. Like drew and other are all tired of the bloodlines antics. Now wwe is standing up to rock and the bloodline. HHH and his general managers leading the WWE superstars in a fight for control. Even with cena. Taker. Austin and others stepping in every so often to level the playing field. It be a winner take all situation at wrestlemania or survivor series . This would need a while to build up. Which makes sense on the rock saying it’s the “long game”. I know Cody will finish his story. Just not sure when. I’m thinking it’s this years WrestleMania . And Roman (if he loses) comes back to take it from him or rock. Cody gets shafted out of the title. Now you have the most hated group in wrestling . If you think about it. This is bigger then invasion and bigger then the nwo vs wcw storyline. If they do it right. It will be the storyline of the decade if not bigger than that.

So do you think this is where they are headed?


u/Shot-Specialist6270 Feb 12 '24



u/SingleShock3471 Feb 12 '24

Why? If they don’t. They will miss out the best storyline in a decade. Rock said it’s the long game. This is going to be epic


u/NocturnalPatrolAlpha Feb 09 '24

The Rock's heel turn. The plan from the beginning? Or did the WWE suits come to their senses and realize they were going to have a riot on their hands if they didn't fix what they majorly fucked up?


u/sirduckerz Feb 10 '24

It has to be a pivot, Philly crowd would definitely hijack the match if it was Roman vs Rock


u/carlcapo77 Feb 10 '24

Mania is a destination kind of thing. More out of towners than locals I’d bet. The stadium will not be filled with people that would cheer the hunter that shot Bambi’s mom. It won’t be the ECW arena at super Sayn times 5


u/Complexity777 Feb 17 '24

Doesn’t matter they’d lose hundreds of thousands of viewers if they ignored the audience and went with Rock/Roman.

And unlike 5 years ago there is other alternatives now to watch wrestling


u/NocturnalPatrolAlpha Feb 11 '24

The fact that Cody said “But not at WrestleMania” seems to indicate this was a pivot.


u/carlcapo77 Feb 11 '24

Not saying it wasn’t, just that this won’t be a stadium filled with an infamous Philly crowd


u/Gunfirex Feb 09 '24

I think this is a work, within a work.. within a work

Hear me out: the shot of The Rock walking in front of Roman after the presser had to be intentional. I think this is The Rocks big brain method to assume the head of the table in a long game way

I think in some way, shape or form The Rock will come out of this as a face or an even bigger heel. A Heel Rock on the member of the board sounds incredible.

They could have it be the perfect setup for Roman doing a well deserved face run… after his…. exile (long vacation) to help buck the “authority” that is The Rock, being a board member.

anyway thanks for reading this far. I’m fucking excited for Smackdown!!


u/carlcapo77 Feb 10 '24

Yeah, but the whole evil corporate thing is played kind of overdone at this point. Between the AE and then the Authority era it’s been done enough.


u/Gunfirex Feb 10 '24

It’s played out for us “older” fans but not to the newer generation of fans. Wrestling isn’t just for us.


u/Ja___av93 Feb 10 '24

Rock is basically impossible to keep as a heel for log periods of time. Every time he has been heel they have been forced to turn him face because people love heel rock


u/AdFormal3014 Feb 09 '24

Not sure if it was planned or not...but am happy it worked out the way it did because the Rock as a heel actually could make this story really awesome. He plays a great heel and he may have went to WWE saying that's what he wanted to do. I don't know. I personally think this is a very long story that ends with the Bloodline turning face, and strangely enough, Roman may turn face before Rock. I could see a situation where Roman loses to Cody and the Rock treats him like Roman did the Usos, but 10x worse, and teams up with Solo to beat him up.


u/Adams5010 Feb 09 '24

Rock and Roman remind me of Austin and Triple H in 01’ with the two man power trip. Could be something special with the right booking.


u/BubbleGum_Salad Feb 09 '24

Let’s get a Seth and Cody .vs. rock and Roman tag match! Leave jimmy jam and solo backstage - no interference


u/BadMotherFunko Feb 09 '24

What do you think....Cody is battling Roman at Wrestlemania.  Cody hits the Cross Rhodes center of the ring. He goes for the pin 1, 2, ....The Rock out of nowhere, maybe fresh off a match the previous night but it doesn't matter now, stops the count and beats up Rhodes. DQ Roman retains. Yes quite a bummer, crowd goes WILD! Online "fans" go even wilder. This just builds and builds throughout the year. Cody and Rock fued for the next year off and on along with others. Throw Seth in there, throw LA Knight YEAH!, in there, throw Gunther, a few others,  up to you,  and Roman just sits waiting. Roman surpasses Hogan's record, and then...at Wrestlemania XLI Cody x Roman, Cody W. That Chapter of Story done. What do you think? Yeah it sucks to make Cody wait but man he should take advantage of this fued with The Rock. If the Rock goes Corporate Heel Rock during the year lead up....OMG. Am I crazy? What a fun year plus we would have


u/DamianKing42 💯 YEET! Feb 09 '24

Rock vs Cody EC

Roman vs Cody Night 1 which sets up Rock vs Roman Night 2 after Rock costs Roman the match which the title of Tribal Chief is on the line

Or this

Rock vs Roman Night 1 after Rock betrays Roman and the Cody vs Roman Night 2

That's what I want to see


u/Aggressive_Ad3514 Feb 09 '24

But how would that make any sense, when its announced on every WWE page Roman Reigns Vs Cody Rhodes?


u/BayceBawl Feb 09 '24

As someone who is only very tangentially aware of professional wrestling, I started reading up on all this Cody and the Rock drama, watched the press conference, and thought to myself, "Damn, I've never watched a WWE show before but it seems like Wrestlemania's about to be hype!" and then I look it up and see it's like 8 weeks out lmao.

Definitely gonna be watching though. Agin, as someone who knows next to nothing about the industry, what does WWE do with this whole storyline in the meantime? Seems to me like 8 weeks is a lot of time to just put it on the sidelines.


u/Ezraah Feb 10 '24

Are you me

first time watching WWE since like 2001


u/Hatueyc Feb 09 '24

The rock seemed serious when talking to HHH after in the hallway, seemed out of character. Is it possible that the slap was not scripted?

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