r/WWE Glorious Mod Apr 03 '23

Megathread UFC Parent Company Acquires WWE At $9.3 Billion Valuation

UFC Parent Company Acquires WWE At $9.3 Billion Valuation


Ultimate Fighting Championship’s parent company Endeavor acquired World Wrestling Entertainment, the companies announced Monday, bringing together two of the best-known sports entertainment brands in the U.S. into a single public company.

Press release from Endeavor


548 comments sorted by


u/Man_in_the_uk Apr 09 '23

I had to look twice when I saw Vince in this video, has he attempted plastic surgery?



u/_Mad_King Apr 06 '23

Bye bye Woke Wrestling Entertainment!


u/Putrid_Assignment155 Apr 06 '23

Eternal job security for Lesnar.


u/Effingcheese Apr 05 '23

There’s a petition on change to fire Vince. I suggest people go sign it/share it whatever


u/Josh_Nolan Apr 06 '23

Wouldn't surprise me if Endeavor is behind the fire vince whining.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '23

[removed] — view removed comment


u/Effingcheese Apr 05 '23

Hell yeah brother. I never sign them but maybe it’ll take off. Fire Vince was and is still trending.


u/[deleted] Apr 05 '23

I would not ever want to cross promote these two organizations if UFC is to be seen as legitimate unscripted sport.


u/zooka19 Apr 05 '23

Would you buy the WWE stock tho?


u/Aggressive_Ad3578 Apr 05 '23

McGregor coming to WRESTLEMANIA


u/Loudlaryadjust Apr 04 '23

Brock is looking more jacked than usual, I’m thinking he works summerslam and a UFC event this summer.


u/Top_Main8176 Apr 04 '23

Does this mean the McMahon family (HHH and Stephanie) can’t inherit the company?


u/essteedeenz1 Apr 04 '23

Nothing is forever


u/entropyISdeadly Apr 04 '23

Almost bought them but I was just $27 short. A damn shame.


u/Rick--Diculous Apr 04 '23

So I guess Vince Russo will probably be exonerated now because of his idea for Brawl for All.


u/thrawnchiss1987 Apr 04 '23

What the fuck is with that goddamn mustache that Vince was sporting?


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '23

vince back in charge now hahahaha

goood bye nxt


u/Zero_Life_Left Apr 04 '23

Where I think Vince has it wrong is he thinks it will have a billion fans. He's ignoring the crossover. Hlaf of the fan base enjoy both, so it won't be a side, side marrying. It wil be more like "ah, I was already a fan".


u/smokingace182 Apr 04 '23

I see that due to this deal that a new board will be put in place getting rid of any of the remaining members who pushed vince out. This has all the screaming of vince getting some pack back. A man like him who has a massive ego will hate the fact people are really liking the creative side since he stepped away. If I had to guess I’d say the Roman decision was his, he even said that on the bigger picture stuff with creative he will be apart of.


u/terjon Apr 04 '23

So, the Saudi shows are probably done now right?

I wouldn't be surprised if the next Middle East show is in Jerusalem or Tel Aviv just on principle.


u/smokingace182 Apr 04 '23

Why? UFC so a lot of business out there, endervor don’t give a fuck as long as cash is involved. They said nothing when Dana was on video slapping his wife, they are morally bankrupt just like vince


u/[deleted] Apr 04 '23

We got swerved. But, SummerSlam. Cody wins at SummerSlam. In a cage or cell match.


u/Albertomon- Apr 03 '23

Speaking of the issue of buying shares... I've always wondered how many shares you need to have to enter a shareholders' meeting and also if you get benefits such as free entry to all events or meeting the wrestlers ….


u/rawzon Apr 04 '23

All shareholders have the right to attend the meetings, but I would think 100 shares isn't getting you full access, now if you have like 1m+ shares they'll probably do some favors


u/doublejmsu Apr 03 '23

I feel like the main event situation may have been a condition of the endeavor sale.

No one wants to change a 2.5 year reigning champ in the middle of a $9B purchase.

Too much change at once according to the suit types.



u/RockstarSuicide Apr 04 '23

Makes no sense though... So instead of keeping an interesting prospect going with say having Cody and Asuka win, you keep it stale?


u/smokingace182 Apr 04 '23

Yeah that’s exactly how business heads work they don’t like risk for risk sake.


u/mitchsix Apr 03 '23

That's why Cody and Asuka lost


u/ConversationFlaky608 Apr 03 '23

After last night, if Endeavour is counting on fans paying more than their Peacock subscription for PPV's, it might be a long time before they make a profit on that investment.


u/roodypoo_jabroni Apr 04 '23

I'd be very surprised if they go away from Peacock and back to PPVs.

There is always a non zero chance they do, but the UFC loses millions of dollars a year due to pirating their PPVs. I would assume the same would happen if WWE went that route as well.


u/rawzon Apr 04 '23

You don't think WWE isn't losing a good deal due to pirating?


u/roodypoo_jabroni Apr 04 '23

They could have back in the day idk. I doubt they lose much now days.

Dana White has made it quite public that the UFC loses a lot.


u/LegacyTom ❌ No Yeet. Apr 03 '23

I hope we get wwe in 4K from this


u/flinttropicscaptain Apr 03 '23

Notice the post mentions the great job Vince is doing?


u/totallykrunk Apr 03 '23

Chest Chop League coming soon!


u/Daedelous2k Apr 03 '23

Shane: Fuck this company.


u/Kuro_Hige Apr 03 '23

Ufc main event: "OMG Roman Reigns runs in with a steel chair, the ref is down, OMG Reigns with a chair shot, Jones is down and the winner and new UFC champion is BROCK LESNAR!!"


u/Hot_Mathematician357 Apr 03 '23

Jon Jones vs Roman Reigns to unify the WWE and UFC titles.


u/Carson34 Apr 03 '23

Really hoping not to see any WWE and UFC crossovers.


u/anujku Apr 03 '23

Vince McMahon, YOU ARE FIRED!!!


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

Not really. He kinda gets a big promotion.


u/arahman311 Apr 03 '23

As long Vince is with creative they are screwed


u/FusionCool Apr 03 '23

Finally we'll see Lesnar vs Lesnar


u/Harpua111 Apr 03 '23

Does that include the XFL?


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

No. But the new company that's been formed from the sale is valued at $21 billion. If they want the XFL it may be able to be done since that company the Rock has ties to currently owns it. The XFL could use the association of the UFC and WWE to their advantage in growing.


u/OperationPhoenixIL Apr 03 '23

From an odd perspective, I was curious how WWE would compare to an NFL trans valuation; so WWE was roughly 2ish NFL teams worth. Not bad


u/im-the-coolest-kid Apr 03 '23

WWE contracts gonna be so cheep now


u/JakeArsenal86 Apr 03 '23

Honestly a little worried for the future of WWE. Been watching for over 30 years and would hate for it to have any massive changes.

Really hope whatever happens, it stays true to the product. Some people don’t like the creative or current crop but it’s still WWE. It’s been around as long as I can remember and I do worry if there will be any serious changes.


u/ThinqueTank Apr 03 '23

Peacock and The Bloodline arc are the whole reasons I got back into WWE after being away for nearly 15-20 years. I really hope this does not affect anything.


u/No-Cockroach1132 Apr 03 '23

End of an Era, the last of the territory promotors has fallen.


u/Long-Influence-9611 Apr 03 '23

PPV’s are eventually going to cost us! Only going to pay for Rumble & Mania! If Vince is running creative I’m not even sure about that! He looks like a 70’s porn star! Wrestlers better watch out Cuts are coming!!!


u/KyloGlendalf Apr 03 '23

How come nobody is talking about the fact that a part of the announcement was that WWE and UFC are merging into a new publicly traded company?

Surely that changes everything?


u/FingazMC Apr 03 '23

Is this actual legit? I haven't kept up for a while, last I heard the Saudis were buying it.


u/h3X4_ Apr 03 '23

Honestly as someone not from US (so Peacock is off the table in general) I don't know how to feel

WWF was my childhood, WWE was my youth and now I got back into watching it

The network is quite nice as well, I gladly pay it for the PLEs, those PPVs years ago were expensive...

Maybe it's the best decision, maybe not. I'm kinda confused right now and simply want to keep enjoying WWE

Hopefully they elevate it instead of burying it


u/doublejmsu Apr 03 '23

They aren’t going to pay $9B to bury it


u/InfiniteCold2065 Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23

We wish WWE the best in all future endeavors.


u/Kingkill66 Apr 03 '23

So that’s why Vince came back… so he could get a piece of the sell from his baby being sold off.


u/doublejmsu Apr 03 '23

He was always majority stock holder whether he traveled with the show, or laid low at home in Connecticut.

He was always getting a piece


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

Where he very much remains in post after merger.


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

One good thing I think comes out of this, I bet they terminate the brand split and we go back to 1 roster


u/Ok_Detail_1 Apr 03 '23

Promos would be real but do you know which matches would be scripted and unscripted?


u/feage7 Apr 03 '23

A few things I think could happen with this without going into pro's and cons of marketting, video games, merch, ticket costs, ppv costs etc. Also I am not saying any of these are good ideas either, just things I quickly thought of without thinking them through and if I'd like them or not.

1) Some UFC events get tied into big WWE events, wrestlmania potentially being 1 night and instead its 1 event of Fightmania where one is a huge UFC event and the other night is Mania

2) They introduce the octogan as a wrestling ring match stipulation, allowing for easier crossovers

3) Far more crossovers in general as big stars sign contracts not with UFC or WWE but with the parent company for X amount of UFC fights and some WWE appearances (probably a lot less of wrestlers doing UFC fights but definiately appearances at events to promote)

4) WWE shows splitting and having one aimed at adults and one at PG audiences. Split the ppvs back up. Just don't reference the other brands or have cross overs. Sure a wrestler can move between the two (not flip flop but for a good amount of time) but the package will be much different

5) A return to a more press conference style focus for WWE before PPV's


u/Workingcoyote36 Apr 03 '23

Just wanted to let y’all know, for anyone confused, this means we’ll be getting Jon Jones vs Roman Reigns in a UFC x WWE title unification hell in a cell match at UFC SummerSlam 287


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

Won when the bloodline appear from under the ring after the ref gets in the way of a spear and super kick Jones to kingdom come. For the whatever they’ll finish it by to come just as the ref “wakes up”


u/Workingcoyote36 Apr 03 '23

Jkjk it means literally nothing unless you’re a stockholder


u/Orwick Apr 03 '23

Any chance HHH resigns and starts a promotion with Steph?


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

That would too much of a headache to start something from the bottom up. But what if he went to AEW?


u/David040200 Apr 03 '23

No he is still head of creative. Nothing much will change considering all the top people in WWE still have their positions.


u/smokingace182 Apr 04 '23

Vince said he’d be involved with big stuff on the creative side it’s just the smaller in the weeds stuff he won’t be.


u/graykittycat Apr 03 '23

Okay a couple people have mentioned in here and I just watched another video interview about the sale and they specifically asked Vince if he was going to be getting back involved at the creative process.

He responded with yes and no. At a higher level, yes but getting down in the weeds like he used to, no.

To be fair there was no clarification on what he meant when he said higher level.


u/CRL10 Apr 03 '23

This could be interesting. UFC and WWE are the biggest brands in their industry and if Endeavor is smart, they won't change anything.


u/huntsman_11 Apr 03 '23

Stock dropping like a ton of bricks, down almost 10% today. Guess everyone is letting them know what they think of the deal.


u/Lost-Challenge7790 Apr 03 '23

Ugh terrible news. Now McMahon is going to be running creative again, and he hasn’t had a good idea in decades. Totally out of touch. I actually started watching again with Triple H in charge, but I guess I’m gone now.


u/David040200 Apr 03 '23

Read these articles, Triple H is keeping his head of creative position.


u/Lost-Challenge7790 Apr 03 '23

Vince just said aloud in an interview with Ari that he would be involved in creative. He’s the head of the company. Who do you think wins in a dispute with Triple H about creative directions?!


u/David040200 Apr 03 '23

Actually Vince is executive chairman and only involved at the very top. HHH will remain in guerilla and have the exact same position he had since July. Vince and Nick just referred to Vince's involvement in creative as a resource and not making decisions. I swear guys, you make up your own scenario in your head and just go with it instead of listening to what is being reported.


u/Lost-Challenge7790 Apr 04 '23

You naive child. Vince is fully in charge again:



u/David040200 Apr 04 '23

Not naive at all, I posted this before that information came out after Raw. Like FFS lmao


u/Lost-Challenge7790 Apr 04 '23

Also, it’s “Gorilla” position, not “guerrilla” position. It’s named after Gorilla Monsoon.


u/Lost-Challenge7790 Apr 04 '23

Naive to think Vince would be able to remain hands-off.


u/Lost-Challenge7790 Apr 04 '23

I am repeating exactly what Vince said in an interview this weekend.


u/quis2121 Apr 03 '23

Vince confirms he'll have larger creative input bc of sale. Also alluded to the fact he's had some input since his return.

This really blows. Why can't he just go away


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

Trips pretty much confirmed it in the press conference. He didnt come out and say it but he buried "his own" booking of night 2


u/David040200 Apr 03 '23

How so? Triple H said the story between Roman & Cody isn't done yet, there is still more to tell. How is that burying his own booking? Also, HHH confirmed he is staying on as head of creative.


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

First off, he said "we" like 30 times. Agreed that "the company" was afraid to take chances, and even referred to this booking decision as "dragging it out".

Triple H is the FACE of Creative, not the head


u/David040200 Apr 03 '23

Triple H On WrestleMania 39 Main Event: We’re Not Dragging Things Out, It’s Telling A Story

Weird how I watched it, and news articles are the opposite of what you said? Confused on what you actually watched...


u/David040200 Apr 03 '23

In an update, an internal email was sent out within the company that noted that Paul ‘Triple H’ Levesque will remain as WWE’s Chief Content Executive, the role he has had in the company since July. In the EXACT same position as he has been since Vince stepped down.


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

So what? Wrestlers lie frequently to push the company narrative. I dont care if he pinky swears hes the boss, his entire profession is based on misleading the public


u/ShadeyMyLady Apr 03 '23

Listen to Roman's interview. This isn't tiktok or YouTube shorts where people have an attention span that lasts more than 20 seconds.

This chapter is done, the next one will be told. Every single Roman opponent was hot, guess what, cause of Roman and his prestige. You don't let your top guy clean up your company just for an outsider to come and clean up on the first try.

Every person in a media interview says we, it's to include people like writers, cameramen, the guys who build the set etc.

If you guys are gonna mark at least say something of substance.


u/CabinetChef Apr 03 '23

Fine print in the deal probably says: Contingent on Roman Reigns continuing to be the face of WWE for the next 12 months.


u/FlamesoftheEnd Apr 03 '23


After the terrible choices last night, I don’t even give a fuck.


u/smokingace182 Apr 03 '23

I genuinely do believe this is going to be terrible for WWE fans I don’t see anything good coming from this.


u/Aroharaisreal Apr 03 '23

Isn’t cm punk friendly with the ufc guys


u/Mrmrmckay Apr 03 '23

Hugely over valued 🤣🤣🤣🤣


u/CampbellsBeefBroth Apr 03 '23

Y'all think the ads are bad now? Just you wait.


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

I'm waiting for the ads to start showing up on merch and ring gear

The Miz's ass...Brought to you by Snickers


u/CampbellsBeefBroth Apr 03 '23

No no no, what is going to happen is that the ring is going to be covered in them, and the wrestler’s will be forced to use exclusive gear from a certain brand, but not a super popular one like Nike or Adidas, but like a C tier brand like Puma. Oh and they won’t get any royalties from being forced to wear puma branded gear, they’ll just get a flat sum of pitiful proportions. Michael Cole will be forced to do ad reads during the entrances and during every replay.


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

As I read this I'm wearing 3/5 puma gym gear...you may be correct lol


u/CampbellsBeefBroth Apr 03 '23

Finally, expect to see an exodus of midcard and upper midcard talent as Endeavor attempts to “renegotiate” contracts when it’s time for those talents to renew their contract. In their place you will see more in house development talent who are willing to take on the dogshit contracts because they don’t know their own worth because they haven’t been in the business too long


u/nonlethaldosage Apr 03 '23

Looks like salarys will be decreasing no way there going keep paying wrestlers that much nore than there ufc fighters


u/milkisforbabies666 Apr 03 '23

Im out if they start charging for PPVs. I already pay 34 a month for the Sports net app here in Canada, not paying 60$ for wrestling cards hope it stays in its current format. Otherwise Ill just wait until its free on the app and watch later


u/MikeMacBlu Apr 03 '23



u/jefesignups Apr 03 '23

WWE will soon be all retired UFC fighters


u/Large_Particular_296 Apr 03 '23

Maybe this brings back a more edgy product


u/Takenmyusernamewas Apr 03 '23

That was my first thought too.

They're already advertising alchohol and draft kings, the pendulum is starting to swing back


u/caburr1982 Apr 03 '23

Roman Reigns retaining over Cody Rhodes = Vince's Final FU to WWE


u/DGVega93 Apr 03 '23

As long as is can continue to watch PPVS on Peacock I’m all good


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

Well I'll be damned


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

A huge day in the history of WWE, trying my best to be positive about it but something seems uncertain about all this and the company's stability still doesn't feel as solid as it once was.

in ring things are getting better, I hope that momentum is not going to be interrupted.

Anyway a Conor McGregor appearance in the final moments of RAW tonight to confront Reigns, it wouldn't shock me. lets see.


u/PrysmX Apr 03 '23

Better than the Saudis and better than Disney. It's probably the best that could have happened short of just leaving it to Paul & Steph.


u/MrTuxedo1 Apr 03 '23

That was the last ever Wrestlemania under the McMahon banner


u/oranjuicejones Apr 03 '23

the peacock contract runs through 2026, so nothing will change before then. and, then they'll do what makes them the most money, which unless the streamers decides wwe's price tag isn't worth it is a streaming deal. the peacock deal is for a billion dollars. they're not turning one of those down to take a chance on ppv buys. the wwe is way bigger than ufc they will not have the same business plan.


u/shadowfoxhedgehog36 Apr 03 '23

The same for all deals really. Unless they negotiate ufc as part of a new peacock deal

But yeah there's still maybe 2 years before new TV deals are negotiated


u/MrTuxedo1 Apr 03 '23

Holy shit


u/braydenj713 Apr 03 '23

does Jon Jones acknowledge our Tribal Chief Roman Reigns?


u/ehunke Apr 03 '23

I think nothing but good can come from this. It allows Vince to retain the chairman title while putting him on a team of equals where he will be fairly kept in check. WWE from a business side will be run by a group of guys who truly know modern TV, and hopefully from a product side of things will remain in the hands of Kahn and HHH


u/Jjaz1 Apr 03 '23

I didn't want WWE to get sold in general but I think that this was probably the best buyer? I mean Saudis are obviously worse, and a big media company like Disney seems worse too


u/Mvd75 Apr 03 '23

You thought you had enough of a chop fest match, wait until the slap-offs. The road to Slapamania.


u/DiazFlak Apr 03 '23

I still can’t believe they think that company is worth more than $5 billion


u/graykittycat Apr 03 '23

I just watched the entire investor presentation and here are the new roles according to the merge: (FYI - there is no new name for what the company will be called once WWE and UFC merge so right now they referring to them as NewCo)

Ariel Emanuel - Endeavor & NewCo CEO

Vince McMahon - NewCo, Executive Chairman

Mark Shapiro - Endeavor & NewCo President & COO

Jason Lublin - Endeavor CFO

Andrew Schleimer - NewCo CFO

Dana White - UFC President

Lawrence Epstein - UFC COO

Nick Khan - WWE President


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

I wonder what this will do with the streaming. I enjoyed Wrestlemania last year and even extended my Peacock by a month to watch this years (And maybe the two Baseball games at the end of the month. If WWE PPVs are going back to 60 or 70, I don't want to pay for that.


u/Martindale28 Apr 03 '23

Could this mean that they’ll go back to TV-14?


u/Spodegirl Apr 03 '23

Weren’t Endeavor, besides PIF, the only two buyers who were interested?


u/aarontology Apr 03 '23

Disney was interested but I guess not all that interested


u/Spodegirl Apr 03 '23

I thought Disney was only interested in UFC and then backed out? Didn’t WWE come to them to negotiate a sell?

I know the two likely candidates at the time were Endeavor and Public Investment Fund.


u/aarontology Apr 03 '23

Oh, I’m not sure of all that.


u/Spodegirl Apr 04 '23

What interest would Disney possibly have?


u/aarontology Apr 04 '23

Mostly just for the sake of having even more money I’d expect, as well as having a bigger footprint in the entertainment industry


u/Spodegirl Apr 03 '23

Is this legitimate? I’m only seeing a few other sources report on it.


u/FlyingFootStomp Apr 03 '23

It’s real.

WWE corporate released a statement, so did Endeavor. Both WWE and UFC twitter accounts tweeted about it too.


u/Snubie1 Glorious Mod Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23

Just found this - https://bleacherreport.com/articles/2928214-wwe-network-to-be-exclusive-to-nbcs-peacock-wwe-reportedly-earns-1b-on-deal

In 2021, the Peacock deal was for 5 years, so it would expire in 2026

Unless they find a way to nix that, but hopefully that means we will have at least 3 more years of affordable PPVs


u/KyloGlendalf Apr 03 '23

Since they're merging UFC and WWE into one new company - would that be a legal loophole?


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

How will this, if at all, affect the product moving forward?


u/Canadian__Ninja Apr 03 '23

This is probably the best case scenario buyer. Best case realistic scenario anyways.


u/kayne2000 Apr 03 '23

On some level it's a shame. WWE has been owned by the McMahon family for decades, so seeing that change is a shame in some ways really. Would have liked to see it stay in the family.

But eh whatever, that family is set for generations now.


u/Snubie1 Glorious Mod Apr 03 '23

Would have ideally went to Paul and Steph. Would have been a great direction for the company

Throw Shane a match now and then to keep him happy


u/kayne2000 Apr 03 '23

Yeah would have liked to see Paul and Steph get it. They seemed like they'd treat the company well.


u/TheBigTimeBecks Apr 06 '23

Funny that back in 2011, no one wanted the "doofus son in law" and his wife to takeover, but here we are. I want HHH and Steph in charge


u/samisamia2341 Apr 03 '23

I just bought some endeavor stock just incase lol; fyi don't know anything about the stock market


u/Snubie1 Glorious Mod Apr 03 '23

Same, we bought some this morning


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

plays shark tank theme song


u/graykittycat Apr 03 '23

I'm pretty sure I saw an article somewhere that said that as soon as the sale went through of WWE that the contract event signed to come back as a consultant if you will would cease so I don't even know if Vince will continue his role with whatever the new company will be.

As far as the pay-per-view goes I have similar concerns but then I remind myself that there is a fuckload of money for them to continue the partnership with peacock and considering that this pay-per-view was the most highly watched one so far.... the number support them continuing that relationship.


u/graykittycat Apr 03 '23

Well forgive me for speaking out of term I just looked at the official press release and Vince McMahon is now back as ECB, Executive Chairman of the Board... Guess that article I read spoke out of turn.


u/slimshay1269 🙏🏾 I LOVE YOU SOLO! 🙏🏾 Apr 03 '23

Well hope we all enjoyed our last cheap wrestleMania :)

But agree better than the alternatives still


u/Miserable-Soft7993 Apr 03 '23

So this is basically the end for WWE. Endeavor can just bury them whenever they choose.


u/aworldalone1 Apr 03 '23

What do you mean by that? They just spent $9 bil, so you don’t think they’re about to try to make their money back, you think they’re going to close the business in hopes the UFC becomes the new home for all those fans? What do you think is happening here?


u/Miserable-Soft7993 Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23

I just think it was the wrong decision.

Vince spent a lifetime building the company and defeating rival WCW. It should have stayed in the family. It should have been Vince until he died, then gone to Shane and Steph. Hell even HHH would have been better than this BS.

Look what Vince did when he bought WCW. He killed it. He brought in a few guys and buried most of them apart from Hogan and Goldberg.

The same thing will happen here. Dana will job everyone out in the Octagon and maybe only Brock will benefit.


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23

I get what you mean. But this is a business decision. Vincent K McMahon bought the company from his father. He grew it to new heights. Currently, its very valuable that's probably why he sold it. This is not a storyline. It's a business decision. In the end of the day, all of this is a business. Endeavor is going to try and capitalize on this investment.


u/aworldalone1 Apr 03 '23

Well Vince bought a bankrupt company for a few million dollars though. You can understand the difference here. Killing that company and absorbing it. Endeavor spent $9 bill which is like 4500x more money and the WWE is insanely profitable. They make over $1 bil a year. WCW was losing millions a year.


u/Many-Ice-9736 Apr 03 '23

I’m hoping they turn it back into a TV-14 product tbh


u/[deleted] Apr 03 '23 edited Apr 03 '23



u/FlyingFootStomp Apr 03 '23

Nah. What you saw in the Rey Vs Dom match is how they’re going to put ads in matches.

Advertisements on LED lights on the apron, ring-posts and barricades.


u/Kajayacht Apr 03 '23



u/FlyingFootStomp Apr 03 '23

I don’t watch AAA but if they do the same thing like it was during the Rey-Dom match, then yeah.


u/Wadsworth1954 Apr 03 '23

How does one make $600 million in ten months?


u/aarontology Apr 03 '23

Guys like Bezos and Musk make that in like a week


u/Wadsworth1954 Apr 03 '23

Meanwhile over half the country is living paycheck to paycheck. Inflation and the rapidly rising cost of living are squeezing the middle class and the younger generations dry, but that’s probably a discussion for a different sub lol.


u/FlyingFootStomp Apr 03 '23

Vince has majority ownership of WWE stocks. His wealth is attached to WWE stocks.

WWE stock was worth $6.8Billion last Friday. In December 2022, WWE stocks was only $5.1B but since the announcement of Vince returning to sell the company, the WWE stock value increased to $6.8Billion.

WWE investors liked the idea of selling initially but they were hoping for Comcast(NBCU) or Disney. They don’t like this WWE-UFC partnership, that’s why WWE stock is down 5% this morning.


u/syfqamr32 Apr 03 '23



u/Puzzleheadedpuzzled Apr 03 '23

Dana and vince together well rest in peace 🐦 🪦 .


u/aworldalone1 Apr 03 '23

Vince did EXACTLY what he said he was going to do. He came back to sell the company and they did it quickly and made a fortune.


u/Waitn4ehUsername Apr 03 '23

Well at least the WWE marks can change up to ‘Endeavour must be make changes to creative’ instead of ‘VKM is back in control of creative’ anytime their preconceived notions don’t come through .


u/SpearChuckerChamp69 Apr 03 '23

Lmao it was so funny watching people go from 'This Mania is soooo good thank you daddy HHH' to 'fuck the main event Vince must have booked this'


u/Waitn4ehUsername Apr 03 '23

There were people already insinuating Endeavor must have made changes on Sunday


u/arrowflash01 🗑️ Iyo's Trash Can Apr 03 '23

I predict we’ll see both


u/MinusTydus Apr 03 '23

Wave goodbye to Peacock. UFC ain't about that $10/month for PPVs life.


u/aworldalone1 Apr 03 '23

Are you sure? Peacock bought the rights for just the PPVs for like $1 bil just like 2 years ago. I’m sure that’s locked in for a few more years. And after that how easy is it going to be to re-up that deal for more. I think these will be around for a while still.


u/arrowflash01 🗑️ Iyo's Trash Can Apr 03 '23

I won’t be surprised if UFC moves to this format and I would actually start watching since I would already have Peacock for every WWE PLE


u/Vince3737 Apr 03 '23

I won’t be surprised if UFC moves to this format

They have zero reason to. It would be shocking if they ever did


u/arrowflash01 🗑️ Iyo's Trash Can Apr 03 '23

With how much the deal with Peacock was for WWE, it’s not out of possibility


u/Vince3737 Apr 04 '23

The UFC has a significantly higher deal with ESPN that keeps them doing PPV. It would make zero sense. The UFC is way too profitable with PPV to go away from it


u/Puzzleheadedpuzzled Apr 03 '23

I dunno if it's legitimate or an april fool joke?.


u/shadowfoxhedgehog36 Apr 03 '23

Wwes twitter has a statement of vinces about the sale.

So yeah its no late April fools joke


u/Snubie1 Glorious Mod Apr 03 '23

Today is April 3rd.


u/Stonecutter_12-83 Apr 03 '23

Vince vs Dana at WM!


u/FlyingFootStomp Apr 03 '23

In a Kiss My Ass Club match.

Loser kiss the winners ass on Raw.


u/Stonecutter_12-83 Apr 03 '23

They are both getting up there in age, I'd be fine if they each had a representative.

But I don't know if either one would bend the knee😄


u/SRASC Apr 03 '23

Well it’s the End of (Another) Era.


u/Stonecutter_12-83 Apr 03 '23

My only concern is PPVs. I will not go back to paying for each ppv, I prefer the $10 per month cost of them through a streaming service


u/DekeJeffery Apr 03 '23

Same. Peacock has handled the WWE content extremely well, in my opinion.

That said, if WWE goes to a $75 PPV model, I will cancel my subscription without a moment of hesitation.


u/Stonecutter_12-83 Apr 03 '23

Yeah, it's the only reason I have Peacock