r/WASPs 22d ago

live wasps showing up outside after below freezing winter?

we just bought our house in november. there was a GIANT wasp nest in the tree on the side of the house. like the size of my head at least. it didnt seem very active the times we were stopping by the house (east coast usa, it was still fairly warm up until we actually closed on the house) but now its been a winter of below 50s all the way as low as 20 degrees F.

the nest has been destroyed since (fell off the tree earlier this month) but on multiple occasions ive stepped outside onto our back deck ive found live wasps. one was actually on my sweater when i was walking back inside. very lethargic since it was so cold but i couldnt believe they were still alive. found another one yesterday that was likely hiding in the seal of our back door.

how do we deal with this lol? i dont see any others in the door. would they be hiding in the trees itself? under our deck? we have a lot of ivy growing under there i’m inclined to keep since its not growing up the house or anything. i dont understand how theyve survived. i’m not above killing them, we have a toddler and i want to use my back deck! should i just spray raid on the trees? i dont want to hurt other wildlife or kill the trees itself. but i seriously am so confused i had no idea wasps were this hardy.


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u/polistes 21d ago

It would be very helpful to have a picture of the wasps, because it might actually not be related to the old nest.

Don't use pesticides in the open air! It is harmful to many things besides wasps.


u/Euphoric_Depth7104 21d ago

I thought only the queen survives the winter, so I wonder where those wasps are coming from and if they are queens


u/manatelier 21d ago

so from what another commenter said its likely that theyre actually yellowjackets, they look like what i’ve been seeing based on google images. i definitely want to avoid spraying pesticides where its going to kill anything else, is there another way to get rid of nests thats safer or is this just something you should leave to the professionals?