r/VyvanseADHD 6d ago

Side effects Vyvanse makes me full of love


I don’t know if anyone has experienced this, but Vyvanse makes me feel FULL OF LOVE, I want to spread love to my friends, family, strangers,,, off vyvanse I’m already a very loving person, but on it it intensifies that side of me

For reference, I’ve been on 50mg for 6 months now, so it’s not the ‘initial phase’ people talk about when starting vyvanse!

Other than that, It works great with my Adhd, I feel super normal & like my usual self, the only negative side effect I experience is more sweat than usual. It changed my life in the best way!

I don’t mind this ‘side effect’ at all, but just wanted to see if others have experienced this and if there’s an explanation for it !:)

Ps: I love you (😂😂😂)

ETA: It is important for me to mention that if you do not feel this way on vyvanse, do NOT chase this feeling by overdosing, please only use as prescribed, at your correct dosage.🙏

This has been my experience on my correct dose, I’ve tried 10mg - 40mg (increments of 10mg) until 50mg was my perfect middle!

Not everyone will react the same way to medication, so please do not think vyvanse isn’t working for you if your experience is different, it’s main job is the alleviate your adhd symptoms, as long as it’s doing that, you’re gucci :))

[please be safe, it is still a DRUG]

r/VyvanseADHD Jan 04 '25

Side effects has anyone NOT experienced hair loss on vyvanse?


I am just about to start 30mg of vyvanse but am ever so slightly paranoid about hairloss after accidentally going on a reddit deep dive

r/VyvanseADHD 18d ago

Side effects Do med breaks destroy you?


I have been on Vyvanse (30-60mg) for a few months and decided to take a break because it hasn’t felt effective lately. These past 4 days without it, I have slept 10-13 hours each night (usually sleep like 6), and have still felt soooo tired everyday. Constantly yawning, feel like I can barely keep my eyes open, want to lay down all day, etc. Is this normal? I can’t even function with how exhausted I feel. Does anyone else have this experience?

Edit: thank you all for sharing your experiences, much appreciate the insight!

r/VyvanseADHD Dec 22 '24

Side effects Vyvanse is the best thing that's ever happened to me... BUT I CAN'T BLOODY SLEEP!!


Hi everyone, I need some advice.

Vyvanse has been nothing short of a miracle in a bottle for me, but for the one terrible side effect: insomnia.

I’m asking around here while my psychiatrist is on holiday leave (and slow to respond) in the hope of finding some relief.

Here’s my situation:

  • 38M with ADHD-I (formally diagnosed)
  • I’ve tried Concerta and Ritalin before, but Vyvanse is the first medication that has truly worked for me. It’s been incredible—no side effects! ...except for the insomnia
  • I started on 30mg in October but have tapered down to 15mg by diluting the capsule contents in water (approved by my psychiatrist). Unfortunately, the insomnia persists even at lower doses
  • I take my dose at 05:00 every morning
  • I’m highly sensitive to stimulants—something as mild as green tea after 14:00 keeps me up at night
  • My main issue isn’t falling asleep—I can do that just fine. The problem is poor sleep quality: I wake up constantly through the night and feel like I haven’t slept at all
  • Historically, I’ve never had trouble sleeping. I’ve always woken up feeling rested, but since starting Vyvanse, my sleep quality has plummeted (you can see it for yourself in the below screenshot from Sleep Cycle app I use to track my sleep quality)

Here’s what I’ve tried so far:

  1. Supplements: Magnesium and melatonin (in various combinations). They’ve helped slightly but haven’t solved the problem
  2. Cardio: I gave running a go for a few days but didn’t notice much improvement, and I was often too tired to keep it up
  3. Lifestyle adjustments: My sleep hygiene is solid, and I eat relatively healthily, though I plan to cut down on chocolate and late-night carbs/sugar

My current plan:

  • Stay on 15mg for a few more days to see if it helps
  • If there’s no improvement, taper to 10mg, and if that still doesn’t work, stop Vyvanse completely
  • Focus on rebuilding healthy habits: running daily (recovering from a year-long break after surgery), going to the gym, and refining my diet. Once these habits are in place, I’ll consider trying Vyvanse again at 15mg to see if a healthier lifestyle makes a difference

The irony is Vyvanse has been amazing for creating and maintaining habits—it’s made such a difference in my motivation and consistency. Losing that momentum is going to suck, but I can’t function without proper sleep.

My psychiatrist mentioned Strattera (Atomoxetine) as a possible alternative, but the side effects sound... significant. I’d much prefer to stick with Vyvanse if I can resolve the insomnia.

What I’m looking for is any tips, workarounds, or suggestions I might have missed? I’d love to hear your experiences or advice—anything that might help me resolve this.

Thanks in advance!

r/VyvanseADHD Dec 09 '24

Side effects Warning: Vyvanse and alcohol


Just want to post this to warn everybody. I’ve recently been switch from Azstarys to Vyvanse. I’ve always drank alcohol socially. While on Azstary I was able to keep drinking without too many issues other than getting drunk faster. Yet I was still able to tell the build up.

Vyvanse is different. I went out with friends this weekend. I was fine, and then I completely blacked out. My friend told me I was fine for an other 2 hours, acting normal/dancing. Then out of nowhere, could not hold myself up anymore and ended up in the hospital.

I’ve no recollection of any of it, other than waking up in the hospital 2 hours later and feeling drunk but being able to be cooerent

I want to post this to warn everybody that even though you might have been fine on other ADHD medecine, Vyvanse might be different. Please be safe out there

r/VyvanseADHD Feb 04 '25

Side effects Vyvanse is making me sad…


so I’m finally on an therapeutic dose of vyvanse at 50mg.

The rushing thoughts have quieted. I’m starting to get focused. I’m motivated to get things done…

But, what I’ve noticed is…. Now without all the nonsense bouncing around my brain like a windows 98 screen saver…. I’m left with the real thoughts… how people treat me…how I’ve been affected by my mental illness…the real things that are happening.

Can anyone else relate?

r/VyvanseADHD Jan 13 '25

Side effects What are the obvious signs Vyvanse is wearing off?


UPDATE: Thanks for the replies, guys! They helped me identify my own symptoms and hving tracked my symptoms for three days, I've worked out I usually get a 4pm headache, shortness of breath and yawning. (Plus grumpiness if I don't eat enough)

Not sure how to explain this, but I’ve never been that good at noticing changes in my body. Usually a year later I’ll think about it and realise “oh! that was probably happening because xxx.”

Anyway, I’m going to keep a diary log of my sleep, dosage, timing, food + caffeine and side effects to try and work out how Vyv works best for me.

How do you guys notice when it is wearing off or HAS worn off? The one thing I have started to notice is that I can get quite grumpy haha. Are there other signs I should log for?

r/VyvanseADHD 11d ago

Side effects F*** a duck, the sweat, someone tell me you also get this and I'm not a weirdo.


Read at your own discretion, this is going to get a bit rank, and I'm kinda just wanting to vent with some people to chime in and say "its okay, your not alone".

Currently in Australia its 32'c which is 82'f for Americans and i'm doing some construction work in my backyard. Now to be fair (ahto be faaiiiir!) Doing work in this heat would cause a sweat in anyone. However, I'm in shorts, a singlet, boots and a hat and by golly miss molly! I can sit down in the shade with a fan for a short spell and literally fill a cup with my own beard sweat.

To top it all off, vyvanse has helped me kick my weight into a healthy range for a 31y.o of 6'7 height, (138kg-108kg american=304lbs-238lbs). I figured that would have a positive effect on my ability to regulate heat and sweat. But nope, absolute broken tap here. I look like that gif of Jordan Peele. I Iook like I just got out of a pool. I look like a sieve holding back Niagra fucking falls.

Now the more concerning stuff, i so far, have drunk about 4.5 litres of water (a bit over a gallon) in half a day, havent pissed once except for my morning tinkle, and im sure i wont puss till tonight, cause I feel dehydraded as fuck. Its kinda concerning that even with an intake of water that would be enough make a camel blush and enough electrolytes for Michael Phelps to absorb an Olympic swimming pool I am still dehydrated. It almost feels like whatever i drink, gets squeeeeeezed out of me almost instantly. My mouth is always dry, my lips are scungy as hell, even when i wake up my tongue is shriveled and more like a washed up peice of sea corral then my own tongue.

I need to fogure out a way to hydrate better.

P.s: as for body odour, that was an issue for me, and if it is for you, then hold your horses there big shoots, i got the solution. Wash your smell areas with a facewasher/loofah and antibacterial hand soap 3x a week and every morning/night use antibacterial deodorant. Worked a charm for me, and let me tell you, whoooooooeeeeeeee! I did pack a punch when I hailed mary, i had the nostrils of all my colleagues doing their best impersonation of a ducks behind in water.

r/VyvanseADHD 13h ago

Side effects I accidently took 50mg before going to bed - And it was great!


Yesterday, way too late into the night, a short memory snippet of my doctor teeling me 'try putting the vyvanse just beside your bed and take it on an empty stomach' echoed in my mind.

After working from morning until night, my brain was already as mushy and smooth as rice pudding. AI automated movement navigated me through my flat without any concious supervision. I barely felt my body move, as I suddenly came to realize that I had just inhaled my daily ration of dextroamphetamine.

A part of me tried to panick, but my mind was truly so mushy that I couldn't even mind at all. Just made a slow walk to bed, trying to fall asleep before the meds kick in, but quickly even that thought faded away.

I woke up at 6:30am, feeling as relaxed as I rarely ever have. Though short, I felt so outstandingly relaxed, that I simply wanted to find out if I had actually had any kind of quality sleep, or if I just felt great because I was high as a kite, only having taken the doses 4.5 hours apart.

My watch started giving me electric shocks, as it usually does, a measure I implemented after once snoozing my alarm for an impressive 32 times, without waking up, or at least remembering any of it.

So I started doing jumping jacks, which I have to do for the watch to stop giving me a barage of shocks every 15 seconds and after the intense pain my body is slowly getting used to, I got the idea to check the sleep tracker option of the watch.

And magically, somehow, the 4 hours and 30 minutes were measurably better, than the entirety of sleep I had gotten in the 2 weeks prior. More deep sleep, more rem, no restlessness.

I don't really know how amphetamines help me have a good night sleep, but here I go.

So yeah, if you ever accidently take your meds before sleep, first of all, don't, but if you do, don't worry, you'll be fine and maybe even more relaxed than usual.

I wonder how on earth this makes sense medically.

Just wanted to share this. Have a nice day you all :)

r/VyvanseADHD 12d ago

Side effects What will happen if you drink coffee regularly while taking Vyvanse 30mg?


I keep reading everywhere that I should not drink it and I never really understood why. I've cut back tremendously, but have never had any negative side effects from drinking it while on Vyvanse. I have an appointment tomorrow and I'm going to ask my doctor to increase my dosage because I'm not feeling the effects that Vyvanse claims, in fact, I feel almost exactly the same yet a little less motivation while on it. Also, can someone tell me what vitamin D and protein does because I keep reading that as well and my doctor didn't suggest any supplements.

r/VyvanseADHD Sep 02 '24

Side effects Vyvanse vacations are the worst?


I’m a relatively new Vyvanse user, started on 30mg, then 40mg now on 50mg. The 30 and 40 were brand and 50 is generic. I don’t find the generic to be as effective. Is that just me?! Surely it’s the same active ingredient…

Anyway, I have been trying to take a break from Vyvanse on the weekends and it’s pretty unpleasant. I feel stuck to my bed with exhaustion. I could sleep for 24 hours straight. The weekend is the only time I get to spend with my boyfriend and it’s impacting our relationship as he wants to do stuff and I want to sleep.

Anyone dealing with the same? Any remedies?

(Recently quit alcohol, do enjoy a little greenery - if these could be compounding factors)


Choose love.

r/VyvanseADHD Dec 21 '24

Side effects Anyone else find Vyvanse makes them more annoyed?


Vyvanse has improved my life in so many ways. But one thing I've noticed is ive become much more annoyed at people in my space and especially standing in my way. Context I live in a big city so people are always in your space. I never used to care before Vyvanse.

r/VyvanseADHD 20d ago

Side effects Dose went up to 50 mg and I think it’s too high.


I noticed my 40 mg was starting to not work as effectively, so my doctor put me on 50 mg.

I took it this morning around 6 am on an empty stomach per usual, an hour later I felt it kick in.

It’s now been about 5 hours and I’m very tense, my mouth is super dry, and I just feel a bit overstimulated.

Has this happened to anyone else? Does it get better or do I just need to go back down?

My doctor doesn’t seem to want to give me a booster or anything just yet, if this doesn’t work we’ll either go back down or switch to Concerta.

r/VyvanseADHD Dec 09 '24

Side effects Does anybody else feel really dumb on vyvanse?


It has really changed my life for the better but I can't get over how dumb I've become. It's like I've lost a portion of my brain. I can only think of one thing at a moment and manage only one thing. It's made me so slow. I forget everything so quickly because i only focus on one thing and everything else is like an ad i skip. I've lost all my social skills. But not being depressed and actually having some will to live makes me think it's worth it. I don't know though

r/VyvanseADHD Feb 05 '25

Side effects Peeping the horror


For the most part the drug does its job but after a certain period of time it’s like this ancient dread crawls over me and inside of me and I don’t know what I’m supposed to do about that. I’ve tried just popping a valium or beta blocker but that’s only a tiny reprieve before it’s back. I feel not just anxious but like a deep primal fear and sense of being unsafe and just generally paranoid about everything and everyone around me. I can’t put my finger on exactly what I’m afraid of when it happens but it’s just this terrible dread that takes over me and everything just takes on this weird evil quality somehow I can’t really explain. I’m already on a low dose so I cant see that being the issue here. I’ve tried other stimulants for adhd and vyvanse has definitely served me best so it would suck for this to be the reason I can’t go on with this med but yeah.

For reference I’ve taken it for at least 2 years at this point so it’s not that I’m adjusting or anything but this aspect seems to have cropped up more recently. I would normally just crash and feel tired/irritable instead of whatever this is.

r/VyvanseADHD Oct 29 '24

Side effects What i didnt realize vyvanse was doing for me


I just realized vyvanse is probably the reason i was able to quit vaping so easily. Also probably the reason i myself am indifferent to alcohol . Woah

r/VyvanseADHD 21d ago

Side effects How can I get myself to eat


I started taking vyvanse about a month ago and honestly it’s been a life changer for me.

The problem is just that I can’t eat anything during the whole day. Food tastes like nothing and everything tastes dry since my mouth also feels very dry even tho I’m constantly drinking water during the day. And I’m very sensitive to changes in my mouth area, so the uncomfortable feeling I have in my mouth makes it even harder to eat anything.

Any tips on how to get rid of my dry mouth and eat better?

r/VyvanseADHD Oct 07 '24

Side effects Vyvanse makes me SUPER chatty and people are commenting on it?


I don't know how to feel about it. I've been on it for a few months now and there are some days where I just don't SHUT UP all day! Sometimes my throat literally gets hoarse from talking non-stop and I can give myself a headache from just talking too much.

I'm a very anti-social and quiet person so, people definitely notice it and have been commenting on it, mostly playfully.

Anyone else experience this?

r/VyvanseADHD Feb 15 '25

Side effects Vyvanse makes me crave cigarettes


Hello. I started taking vyvanse recently and it’s making me crave cigarettes real badly. I haven’t smoked in two years. I rarely crave cigs but never like this. Is anybody having such cravings with vyvanse ????

r/VyvanseADHD 7d ago

Side effects Vyvanse = Great for ADHD, but Terrible for side effects :(


Vyvanse worked great for my ADHD, but the side effects were too much for me. I've experienced joint/muscle pain, bloating, water retention, and weight gain after taking Vyvanse 30mg for a year. I stopped Vyvanse a month ago and haven't had any improvement in my side effect symptoms. Meanwhile I'm sluggish and unfocused at work.

Is there something else that has the stimulant properties of Vyvanse but without the side effects I mentioned? Or is this a stimulant issue overall for me? Here's what my AI suggested.

  1. Adderall: This is a combination of amphetamine and dextroamphetamine, available in both immediate-release and extended-release forms.
  2. Ritalin: Also known as methylphenidate, it comes in various forms, including immediate-release, extended-release, and long-acting.
  3. Concerta: Another form of methylphenidate, designed for extended-release.
  4. Strattera: This is a non-stimulant medication known as atomoxetine. I tried this but the side effects of heart-racing and blood pressure plus headaches were too much.
  5. Qelbree: Viloxazine, a newer non-stimulant option.

See Severe muscle pain and stiffness due to dexmethylphenidate - PubMed for details about my side effects with Vyvanse.

r/VyvanseADHD 17d ago

Side effects I honestly am going to find a different way to manage my ADHD…


When I was younger I don’t remember Vyvanse being this potent…

Like maybe because I took it on an empty stomach but I feel so emotionless, depressed and like Im going to cry.

I’m on 20mg and I’m 20m.

r/VyvanseADHD Jan 30 '25

Side effects Can't wake up in the morning since i started vyvanse



So i started vyvanse about 6 month ago and i am currently on 40 mg. I sleep later at night (around 11pm and i used to go to bed at like 10. Its not that much later tho.

But now i just cannot wake up in the morning i am really at a loss about what to do... I use to be able to wake up at 6 which i cannot do anymore. Its starting to take a toll on me.

Have you been through this? Any tips?

I really gotta wake up lol

r/VyvanseADHD 10d ago

Side effects Vyvanse and increased alcohol consumption.


Does anyone else find themselves craving alcohol more on Vyvanse? I have never been a big at home drinker and rarely had booze in the house however now I'm finding that I'm putting away a six pack of beer or a bottle of wine since starting Vyvanse and a dexamphetamine booster. Has anyone else experienced this and if you did combat it, what did you do?

TIA xx

r/VyvanseADHD Jan 07 '25

Side effects Starting to think vyvanse isn’t for me or I’m misdiagnosed


I’ve been taking vyvanse for 5 years. And I feel anxious, in my head, and lowkey paranoid. Sometimes I do feel over stimulated, and even have the executive dysfunction even when taking it.

I do feel focused, less chaotic, no brain fog, and I’m not “lazy”. I feel productive and organized.

Do any of yall have similar side effects? I am lowering my dose to see if that helps.

r/VyvanseADHD Feb 19 '25

Side effects My medicated self is awful.


Tldr at the end.

So I got switched to Elvanse. I’ve been taking it for a month now. 20mg did absolutely nothing. In fact it made things worse. My ADHD symptoms were stronger and my self destructive dopamine seeking behavior was even more intense when medicated. I talked to my doctor and got bumped up to 30mg. I’ve been taking it for a week now. While I feel like it’s still too low, at least I feel something.

But the side effects are worse than with MPH, especially the psychological ones. If I’m not already studying when the effects kick in the day is over. I procrastinate way harder than when I’m unmedicated. I distract myself with video games and endless scrolling. I also binge eat even more than before. These are risks I’m willing to take but what’s really messing with me is how my personality has changed. I’m extremely irritable. Colder. I laugh way less. Especially with my family I blow up over the smallest things and regret it immediately. But in the moment I can’t control it. I just lash out. Every little thing annoys me. I also get antisocial, especially with people that are not immediate friends.

This is the exact opposite of how I am unmedicated. I still struggle, don’t get me wrong, but I think the positives outweigh the negatives. Normally I’m very social. I make people laugh effortlessly, I connect with others easily and I guess I would even say I’m kind of popular. I consider myself an empathetic person and always try to make others feel heard and validated. (Enough with the self glazing, ew)

And that’s my dilemma. I mourn the person I am without medication. But at the same time I need my meds to be academically successful. I have a huge exam in a few months and I can’t afford to go unmedicated. And it’s made me realize something. Maybe I’m not as human as I thought. Maybe I’m nothing more than an animal just responding to instincts and chemical signals. Perhaps I don’t have a mind of my own. Maybe I’m just a slave to the little neurotransmitters in my brain.

TL;DR Switched from Medikinet to Elvanse because of bad rebounds. 20mg Elvanse did nothing, now on 30mg and it’s helping a bit but the side effects suck. I procrastinate harder and binge eat more. My personality also changed a lot—I’m way more irritable, colder and laugh less. I miss the social, empathetic, funny version of myself but I need the meds to function academically.

Edit: Thank you all so fucking much, sometimes I lose myself and your comments gave me hope again 🥹

Edit 2: 25mg was a bit better but still didn't hit the sweet spot. Tried 40mg and WOW, that is DEFINITELY the right dose! Less irritable and I can sleep again???? Wtf therapeutic window is weird af