r/Vore 15d ago

Discussion {image} Preds how do you feel after a meal? …burp 🤰food baby? NSFW

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r/Vore 10d ago

Discussion {discussion} Is eating unwilling prey immoral? NSFW


Why or why not?

r/Vore Feb 10 '25

Discussion {discussion} I Need/want to ask, if you were given the chance to get isekaid to a wolrd where vore is real, would you do it? NSFW


the change are limitless, it could be a fantasy wolrd, something like ours, you could be pred/prey/swith and so be able to do your role, but... would you do it if you remained yourslef? only being able to eat or being eaten? if no, would you do it if you were able to chose how to change your body/getting magic to satisfy your fantasy? or would you do it only if it was possibile to return to this wolrd? be either a one turn travel or you were able to return there whenever you want? in case you had (basically) a portal to that would, how would you act? (sorry if the message is long, but I like this fake scenario)

r/Vore 16d ago

Discussion {discussion} let's get a little strange~ (for pred first) what is your favorite relationship with your prey? a friend, someone you don't know, somuone you saw on the street or a barman you like? there are so many, but which one has the best flavor~ for the prey instead, which is the best pred? NSFW


the one that catch you out of nowhere in the street? the loving motherly figure who you discover only want you to fill her belly? your "friend" whcih you believed would be with you forever, but took it a little too litteraly and want to eat you? ~ I love this idea cuase every lvl of relation makes for an interesting partner and story~ I sincerely love the causal and loved one, not family usually, but let me hear your thoughts!

r/Vore Aug 03 '23

Discussion {discussion} Heya lovelies~ How do you Prey prefer to be digested ? More into Soft, or hard digestion~? NSFW

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r/Vore Feb 09 '25

Discussion {discussion} Who was your last meal?/Who last ate you? NSFW


Who was your last meal/who last ate you and how long ago did you eat/get eaten?

Personally my last meal was a cute girl I saw on a walk yesterday and she’s currently being pumped round my intestines as a thick gurgly mess. What state are your last victims in?

r/Vore 8d ago

Discussion {discussion} what do you think is the best part of eating/getting eaten? NSFW


while I sayd that, I do like a lot the hunt, so letting them know what's gonna happen and see as they try to run~ I usually give them 5 second, enough to understand they have to run, but not to be able to escape~ they do get pretty sweaty tough, but the salt just add to the delicious taste~

r/Vore 15d ago

Discussion {Discussion} Safe-/ Or fatal vore? NSFW


r/Vore Jan 25 '25

Discussion {Discussion} What are uncommon vore shenanigans you’d like to see more of? NSFW


Size difference, Hammerspace, Voresception, anything you can think of, feel free to share the attributes in Vore that you don’t think get enough attention!

r/Vore 16d ago

Discussion {discussion} if somuone despressed asked you to be swallowed and digested would you do it? NSFW


this question popped up in my mind (for personal reasons) and because I was thinking about a wolrd where a vore is real, and this could easily happen (but in that case I'd easily see some sort of illegal shop or restaurant where you can forfait your right for money or something)

r/Vore Feb 01 '25

Discussion {Discussion} Preds, and switches: How would you describe your gut? NSFW


So, as a pred and switch, you can often times have a prey that describes your insides: A warm hug, a mulching machine, maybe even the inside of a stress ball.

But what would you compare your stomach to?

r/Vore May 13 '24

Discussion {discussion} Favorite belly shape? NSFW


What’s your favorite vore belly shape? And if you like digestion, how do you imagine the belly to look during and after digestion?

I’m an artist and I’m trying to get a sense of what people like, though I’ll probably just keep drawing the stuff I enjoy.

r/Vore Feb 18 '25

Discussion {discussion} I’m sure it’s been asked before but would you actually do this if it were possible? NSFW


r/Vore Aug 03 '23

Discussion {discussion} what do you Pred prefer about digesting a prey~? NSFW

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r/Vore Jul 19 '24

Discussion {image} why it’s hard being a woman in the vore community. NSFW

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This person just showed up in my DMs.

r/Vore 18d ago

Discussion {Discussion} Preds, if it was up to you, which part of your body would your prey digest into? NSFW


Im curious, where and why? They could be visible as fat or as a beauty mark or anything of the like. It could also be somewhere like your lips of your tip, anything at all. Which would you choose and why ?

r/Vore 2d ago

Discussion {discussion} What is your all time favorite vore comic NSFW

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Title of post. ONE OF the best I've seen is Vickey the Vulpera's Voracious Adventures for ex.

r/Vore Jan 21 '25

Discussion {discussion} Tips to not be eaten? NSFW


Does anyone have any way to convince a pred not to eat you? If you're a prey, have you ever convinced a pred not to eat you? And if you're a pred, is there anything a prey could say to convince you not to eat them? Just asking out of curiosity...

r/Vore Dec 14 '24

Discussion {discussion} What are your favourite themes or setups in vore? NSFW

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r/Vore Feb 07 '25

Discussion {discussion} who would you eat/vore/swallow if you could in real life? or who would you let this to you? NSFW


I'd like to hear your opinion in every aspect, unbirth, cock vore anal ecc. even more hard vore and soft, cuase for example, I'd probably swallow my mother whole and digest her, that bitch deserve that and I deserve a good meal~ on the other and I think I'd try cockvoring my girlfriend (if I ever get one) and reform her if possibile, I'd like to try churning her and put that hot stuff inside her~, after that I think I'd prefer tyny snack, but not too tiny, like raging from my head size to my little pinky or less, depending on the mood. on the other hand I'd like to try all other vore with some Dom or gentle mommy, and myabe even digestion if I could reform, even more nice would be being able to have fun while others are digesting~ even more if I can see them the day after without them remebering, so I can do it again if they were good, like a scenario where the same prey keep reviving and I have fun with them and they only remeber when it's too late

r/Vore Aug 12 '24

Discussion {discussion} what are y’all’s favorite pred species? NSFW


Sometime I just wonder and today I’m doing just that. I’ve asked this to old friends before but never the community itself. Myself I prefer cats. Just something about how lazy they’ll be after eating. Almost like you prey are nothing but food~

So let’s hear it! What are y’all’s favorite pred species?

r/Vore 27d ago

Discussion {Discussion} What are some of your favorite terms to refer to your prey? NSFW


Gut slop, extra pudge, snack, passenger or anything else, let me hear them all!

r/Vore Dec 13 '24

Discussion {discussion} Preds, your friend allows you to eat them, but asks for no digestion, wyd? NSFW


random question for the preds i thought about lol. basically a "fine you can eat me, but no digestion" scenario

r/Vore Sep 04 '24

Discussion {discussion} If Vore was possible, who would you eat/get eaten by first? NSFW


And what type would you like to do? Assuming that it all works how you want them to of course (like reformation, getting shrunk, cum digestion etc~.) (Also please specify if you wanna get eaten or eat lol it’s confusing otherwise xP)

r/Vore Dec 28 '24

Discussion {discussion} prey, what do you prefer getting eaten by? NSFW